The Book of the Magi

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The Book of the Magi Page 7

by Billy Spencer

  “You don’t understand. She did not leave you at all. She never wanted to let you go, she had no choice,” Joey said as he went closer to Lucuris and handed him a ring.

  “What, what is this? It has an emblem of a griffin's head,” Lucuris said as he fumbled with the ring, feeling the texture and the ends of the emblem, massaging the griffins head.

  Joey looked at Lucuris with a smile, and then he chuckled a little. “Ah you may call that being a griffin, but in my world, we call them by another name. They are the protectors of our world. They sustain order and lead the way for people to live in a world without war. We tried for years to make it true, but one cannot stray away from one’s own greed. That ring belonged to your father; he was one of our finest Mages. He himself was a white mage, those who aid in battle, but he also was a warrior,” Joey said walking back towards Abigail.

  Abigail had her arms crossed and had an angry look on her face as she stared at Joey.

  “What are you saying to my brother?” She asked grabbing Joeys shirt and throwing him to the floor.

  Joey landed on the ground hard, and had Zee next to him, growling and puffing out smoke from his nostrils. “I was telling him what he needed to know...what he is meant to know to be in order to stop this madness,” Joey said as he began to get up from the ground and then wiping his jeans off. “There is more at work here than just demons. I had to come here earlier not just to watch your brother, but to also transport the people of this town somewhere safe,”

  “Wait you mean the people in this town are not dead?” Abigail asked as she became more curious of Joey, and his motives.

  “No, the people in this town I put under a sleeping spell, and transported them to the closest forest, and shielded them,” Joey said as he was examining Zee.

  Nick, Jessica, and Oracle all went close to Abigail and Joey with their familiars at their side, because they wanted answers also. “What else is going on? The demon's numbers were far above the normal number,” Nick asked petting Amaterasu.

  “The demons were commanded by another being, by another demon. I don’t know who this demon is, but we have to stop them because this world of yours is about to be shrouded in darkness. In the coming months another will arrive to your planets and seeing the magic that has been going on will pinpoint them here, because they are after Lucuris,” Joey said as he turned from the group and saw Lucuris fumbling with the ring still keeping quiet.

  “What do they want with Lucuris?” Jessica said while biting her thumb and thinking of only Lucuris. She feared for him as soon as he became part of their group. He was not someone who fought with violence, because he was not like them.

  “I don’t know who is after him yet, but I can tell that they want him for something. It doesn’t make sense to me either since he has not outputted that much magic abilities, but it seems that whoever is sending these demons have been watching Lucuris closely. Someone must know who Lucuris’s Origins truly are. Where he comes from, and the potential of who he can become,” Joey said trying to explain to everyone what he was trying to tell Lucuris.

  Lucuris did not know what to think about everything that has been happening. He had a mother, and a father who were from a different planet. His father a white mage, and they lived on a world filled with magic. “I wish I knew you mom and dad...So many questions left unanswered. Why did you put me on this planet,” He said softly to himself, and at that moment felt a hand on his back. He turned and saw Oracle standing behind him, and smiling.

  “I never really thought you were much of a fighter, but what you did back there, for me...Well thanks man, it means a lot to me,” Oracle said as he lifted his hand off Lucuris and started to head back to where Nick and the rest of the group was.

  The sky was still dark from all the chaos that was happening in the town. Thankfully the people were safe and sound, but there still was something dark. Something lingering that was hiding in the shadows. Noone could feel the presence, but the creature was there, waiting for the right moment to show itself.

  Lucuris walked back to the whole group and interrupted Joey who was talking to Abigail, and Nick. “Look I need to know what is happening. If something is coming, I need to be ready,” Lucuris said as he stood in front of Joey with his fist closed and held to each side of his body.

  “Well then...guess we better start training,” Joey said with a smirk, and then started to hold out his staff in front of him while beginning to cast something. “You are needed in this world, and ours Lucuris. The training will be hard, but I believe in you. If we’re going to beat this being, whoever it is then we have to train you in the arts of Magic. You will become a Black mage,” Joey said raising his voice for everyone to hear. His staff emitting a dark glow around the tip where the crystal was held in place.

  Light and dark started to flow around Joey, as the wind began to increase, feeling as if the wind would take him away, but it wasn’t. It was clearing all the fire from the houses, trees, cars, anywhere it touched. It continued to spin around the town, as it looked like it was rebuilding the areas like new, but it wasn’t. The spell that joey was casting was reversing time, the time of the objects that were in destruction and making it seem like nothing ever happened.

  Lucuris and his friends looked at joey in awe. Lucuris himself could not believe how powerful Joey was. He could see in Joey’s eyes the determination, the grace of his stance as he held his staff out front. “Man... This is Amazing,” Lucuris said while keeping his eye on Joey.

  Abigail looked at Nick and could tell he was a bit uncomfortable. He was quiet and did not seem to want to be bothered. But he also looked at Joey, he clenched one hand and had a frown on his face. “What’s the matter Nick? Since we got here you seemed distant.” Abigail said as she reached for his hand.

  “I couldn’t stop those demons by myself. I couldn’t even do that, but this guy who we don’t even know was able to take care of them like it was nothing,” Nick said as he looked at Abigail as he could feel his voice raising, his throat beginning to feel swollen, and the anger growing within him.

  “You did Amazing with Amaterasu, you helped Zee, Jessica, and Odin. You are strong Nick, but you have us also. You don’t need to do everything by yourself,” Abigail said as she turned to Zee and smiled at him.

  Joey was done casting his, spell and started to sway back and forth as he had used most of his energy but kept his balance. “Lucuris, we start your training tomorrow, don’t worry I will find you...And if any of your friends want to join, they are more than welcomed,” Joey said as he started to walk away from everyone.

  “Wait, where are you going? I have so many questions Joey, and you are tired just rest at our place,” Lucuris yelled as he started to run towards Joey.

  Joey stopped and turned to Lucuris. “In due time you will know everything, but for now enjoy the rest of your night. Don’t worry about me, I have some affairs to attend to,” Joey said as he turned and disappeared into the trees.

  Jessica walked towards Lucuris, with Odin by her side, and threw her arms around him. “I’m so glad nothing happened to you…,” Jessica said as she held onto Lucuris tightly. She knew that they just met, but she did not want their friendship to disappear, and to her Lucuris was a great person, with a huge heart.

  “I... I had help from Oracle,” Lucuris said as he started to laugh, and reached for Oracle, and dragged him in for a hug.

  Abigail looked at her brother, and just smiled. She could feel that he was starting to feel like he belonged. Her heart began to melt as she saw he was smiling and truly enjoying the ones around him that alone would stay in her memories forever. She knew they had a long journey together but was glad to be able to enjoy this moment if only for a short time. “I wonder what Joey has in store for him,” Abigail said as she looked Nick in the eyes.

  “Whatever it is, whatever it is coming is going to be big. Joey is a Black Mage, ancient exorcist, the very first exorcist. If he is here, then whatever is after your brother mus
t be just as powerful, but don’t worry Abigail, we won’t let anything happen to Lucuris, we stick together, always,” Nick said as he started to smile a tiny bit, and reassuring Abigail.

  Abigail just starred in front of her just looking at Lucuris, hoping nothing bad happens to him. She would give her own life in exchange for him and wanted to always protect him. “I will become stronger Nick, we will become stronger, and the one person to help us is Joey. Like it or not, he is our best chance at defending our friends,” Abigail said gripping Nicks hand hard. Feeling ready for anything that comes their way.

  Chapter 7

  The day had started, Lucuris and Abigail were heading inside their college. Rushing to try and not to be late due to oversleeping from what happened the night before.

  Lucuris did not want to be late at all, going inside the class and having people stare as he entered. He always hated the feeling of being watched. “Oh man why did all that have to happen yesterday? I can’t believe we slept so late. I mean I’m glad the town is not on fire, and everyone was safe, but geez feeling the wrath of Mr. Johns just sucks,” Lucuris said to himself, holding his books in one arm, and gulping down his breakfast in the other hand.

  Lucuris tried avoiding people down the hall, he never understood why people always just stopped in the middle of the hallway to chat with friends. He was in a hurry and did not want to bump into anybody, but also did not want to be late to class. “Crap, crap, crap. I just cannot get a break,” Lucuris said out loud trying to maneuver around people as he was running to class.

  The people in the college were enjoying themselves. Talking to one another about plans for their future, going out for lunch, or just the latest thing in entertainment that was happening in the world. Lucuris was a bit jealous of them. His friends were only those he saw in a cave, and the ones who were so amazing to him with their abilities he wished he could tell anyone. He had no one really to hang out with at college. Sure, Abigail went to the same college as him, but in different classes, and at different times they hardly saw each other.

  Lucuris finally made it to the small hall in the second building of the college, seeing that the door was closed already to his classroom. “Dammit, maybe he will still let me in class. I really hope so,” Lucuris said as he rushed to the classroom door and began to open it.

  The teacher then turned, dressed in a blue suit, with black hair, and glasses. “You’re late Mr. Peterson,”

  Lucuris was closing the door slowly having his back towards the teacher. “So-sorry Professor, I overslept,” Lucuris said as he was beginning to turn and face the teacher. Then he saw that it was not the professor who usually taught his class, he knew the voice seemed a bit off.

  “I am subbing for your professor, Lucuris. Now please have a seat,” The man said to Lucuris motioning him over to the other students who were seated.

  Lucuris was confused as to what Joey was doing in his college, and how did he know where he was going to be at this time. Lucuris did not get why Joey was here, but he was.

  Joey looked at the class with a small smile, and then grabbed his briefcase to open it, and then started searching for something. “Now this is a creative writing class. I want to know what makes a person a villain and a hero to you.” Joey said to the class waiting for someone to speak up.

  “A hero is someone who strives to do the right thing, I think. That person you know who makes the hard decisions, but also does the right thing to do. While a villain is someone who is out to do evil, and wants to see someone suffer,” A girl behind Lucuris said as she was speaking excitedly.

  Lucuris thought what she said was pretty spot on, he knew who she was. Her name was Diana, she was someone Lucuris adored from a distant. He had a few classes with her, and always thought she was pretty cool, and down to earth. She had short black hair, and always loved wearing shirts with cartoon characters on it.

  “Fantastic Diana, you know most people think of them like that. It is a great concept in writing because you need your main character to go through some trials, to add more depth to their character,” Joey said with a smile. He then looked at Lucuris and pointed at him. “What about you Lucuris, what do you think makes a hero, a hero, and a bad guy, a baddie?” Joey said as he walked in front of the class.

  Lucuris was surprised, he was not expecting to be called on. He did not know what to really say, it was all of a sudden. “We-well I don’t think they are different that much...Sure you have one that is good, and the other that is bad. But to me they are striving for different forms of good they think will come. I think a hero can become a villain easily, and a villain could become a hero,” Lucuris said as he was looking at Joey and feeling nervous speaking out loud.

  “Holy crap, that was amazing man,” Diana said in Lucuris’s ear in a faint whisper.

  Joey knew Lucuris had something special, he could not quite put his finger on it. “Great, great Mr. Peterson! My, that is some critical thinking,” Joey said as he went to his briefcase and picked up a book.

  “That was really great Lucuris, you must read or write a lot of stuff,” Diana said as she was whispering into Lucuris’s ear.

  Lucuris could feel his heart warm up a bit, and his lips drying up, at first, he could not speak any words, but he finally was able to bring them out. “Yea… I really love reading books, and comics, especially super humans,” Lucuris said as he whispered back to Diana trying to catch her face with the corner of his eye.

  “Oh man that is pretty awesome. I love Superheroes too, Especially Batman, Wonder Woman, and a lot of the X mutants,” Diana said as her voice raised with excitement. She was glad that Lucuris was talking to her, he was always so quiet in class and never really spoke to anyone.

  “Umm, do you too want to take your conversation outside, or are you two ready to learn?” Joey said as he looked up from his book and staring at Lucuris and Diana.

  Diana got up from her seat, looked around the classroom, and then Lucuris. She smiled at him and grabbed his hand. “Yes teach, we’ll go outside,” Diana said smiling at Joey and pulling Lucuris as they both walked off hand in hand out of the classroom.

  “Well, this could be interesting,” Joey said as he stared at the open door, to the classroom.

  Chapter 8

  Diana had Lucuris’s handheld tight in hers, she did not know what she was doing, but she had this urge to just up and leave. She then wondered, why she dragged Lucuris with her. Diana thought he must be angry with her or must think that she was a total creep.

  “Oh, so sorry Lucuris, did not mean to take you away from the classroom. I just didn’t think,” Diana said to Lucuris as she turned and stared at him, as they started to walk down the hall together, both holding their backpacks.

  Lucuris just smiled at Diana, he did not mind it at all. He was glad she took him with her, since it would have been an awkward class with Joey there. “Hey, don’t worry about it, never got to really talk to you, well anyone in our class really,” Lucuris said while fumbling with his phone trying to search his messages, or emails just to look like he wasn’t nervous.

  The both of them walked thru the hallways passing by other students until they arrived at the cafeteria. Both of them were a bit hungry, and the cafeteria had some pretty good food. Being in college had its perks Lucuris thought to himself, lots of selections of food to choose from. “Oh, I wonder what I should eat...Pizza? Cheeseburger? Tacos? Oh, it all looks so good,” Lucuris said while standing next to Diana in the line to get food. He then decided, well since they all look so good maybe he should take a bit of each. Lucuris grabbed a plate of each food he thought looked good, he was excited by the smell of each tasty, greasy, and cheesy food he did not notice Diana’s expression. “Uh, everything ok Diana? I’m just pretty hungry,” Lucuris said as he walked to the cashier with tons of food on his plate. With a great big smile at the delightfulness of being able to eat with a new friend.

  “Oh, it’s nothing at all, just did not think you could eat so much Lucuris,”
Diana said as she started to laugh a bit, only grabbing a few slices of pizza for herself, and then walking with Lucuris to the nearest seats in the cafeteria.

  Diana looked at Lucuris and saw how he was stuffing his face with all the food he could fit in his mouth. She could see how pretty relaxed and down to earth he was. Usually people are more uptight she thought. But Lucuris, was just happy and plain nice, but still seemed shy. “So Lucuris, what do you do for fun, well enjoy doing in your spare time,” Diana said as she was taking small bites of her pizza.

  “Mmm wrgn yrgn sftt,” He started to muffle out his mouth, until he noticed even, he couldn’t understand what he was saying, with all the food in his mouth. He could see that Diana was smiling and even giggled a bit, which made him crack a smile too. “Well I enjoy a lot of geeky stuff. But I try to hide it from the public…,” Lucuris said as his voice started to become a small whisper as he looked in front of him and behind him to make sure no one was listening.


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