The Book of the Magi

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The Book of the Magi Page 8

by Billy Spencer

  Diana looked a little confused, she wondered why he got all nervous all of a sudden, and who was he looking out for. “You ok Lucuris? You seem to have something bothering you,” Diana said as she reached out her hand and placed it on top of his very slightly.

  “So-sorry, just get a bit uneasy when talking about myself. Kind of hard to get used to talking to people, when you were bullied all your life, for being different. But yea I love comics and games, and all that,” Lucuris said while smiling at Diana.

  “Oh awesome, I use to play them as a kid, don’t really do much gaming now, but I do love watching a good Horror movie when I can,” Diana said as she started to gather her stuff along with Lucuris.

  They both did not know what to really do next, just walk around the campus before something interesting happens. Lucuris and Diana walked around the school, and inside, looking at the different art works from students of their campus, and joked about how silly some of them were.

  “Man, it’s going to suck tomorrow when we have to go to class with the awkward situation we left,” Lucuris said as he walked beside Diana.

  Diana did not really understand what Lucuris meant by awkwardness. She thought they left in a good manner, well unusually, but still. “What do you mean awkwardness? Not like we were both going to rob a bank,” Diana said with a small chuckle, nudging the side of Lucuris with her arm.

  “Oh no, not anything like that, ya know, they probably thought we were going out or something,” Lucuris said as he started to chuckle a bit.

  Diana’s cheeks began to turn red and she started to get more nervous. “Oh no, no no. They are going to think we hooked up or something, aw man I never thought of it that way,” Diana said as she started to feel embarrassed but also felt happy, but having all these mixed emotions in her at once, she was at least glad Lucuris was with her.

  Before Lucuris and Diana could continue to talk, they ran into Jessica and Oracle. Both parties seemed surprised to see one another, but Lucuris was glad that he ran into them in the hallway.

  Lucuris wrapped his arms around both Oracle and Jessica and squeezed them hard and held them close to him. “Guys it’s awesome to see you’ll both, what are you two doing here,” Lucuris asked Oracle and Jessica slowly losing his grip on the both of them hearing them let out a small gasp as they were trying to catch their breath.

  “Oh yea, awesome to see you too man, nothing much we were just going over some notes for our next test in Biology,” Oracle said as he reached in his backpack to take out his laptop.

  “Yea just studying Lucuris, and who is this girl that is with you?” Jessica asked Lucuris while trying to look for something in her backpack.

  Lucuris felt kind of stupid, forgetting to introduce Diana, but he did not need to introduce her, since she was pretty outspoken and seemed glad to see Lucuris’s friend.

  “My names Diana, I and Lucuris have a class together, we were just skipping,” Diana said with a smile as she was shaking both Oracle and Jessica's hands.

  Jessica felt pretty relieved to see Lucuris and Oracle smiling and just feeling normal if only for a minute. She knew the night before was pretty rough for everyone, and probably traumatic for Lucuris the most. She wanted to talk to him in private but did not want to take him away from his new friend. “Uh, it was nice meeting you Diana but me and Oracle should probably get going, we have a test that we really have to study for. Mrs. Anderson is pretty much a grade A Jerk Face when it comes to test,” Jessica said smiling to Diana and Lucuris. She then grabbed Oracle from his backpack and dragged him off to the library while waving good-bye to Lucuris.

  “Nice girlfriend you have there Lucuris,” Diana said as she smirked at Lucuris, poking him teasingly.

  Lucuris could tell something bothered Jessica, he did not know what, but she seemed to be in a rush to leave him and Diana. He also knew that he should probably get back to the classroom and see what Joey was up to. “You know Diana, this was pretty fun...but I got to get back to the classroom. I have to talk to the sub about something,” Lucuris said as he smiled at Diana then turned around without another word and slowly walked away.

  Chapter 9

  The school day was half over for Lucuris, and he could see students were starting to go home, since most classes were done for the day. He was hoping to run into Joey before heading home. Turning the corner, he saw Joey in the professor’s classroom sitting down at the desk concentrating. Lucuris could feel that Joey was waiting for him, and he slowly headed towards him feeling his heart throb fast feeling a bit uneasy the closer he got.

  “I’m surprised to see you back here so soon Mr. Peterson,” Joeys said as he got up from the desk looking at Lucuris narrowing his eyebrows with a hard stern look on his face.

  Lucuris could tell Joey was mad at him, he could feel it in his bones. “I just thought you wanted to see me, and to talk about last night,” Lucuris said as he walked to the window next to the teacher’s desk and looked out seeing students heading out of the school to their vehicles.

  Joey then closed the classroom door to keep their conversation private. He could not believe how childish this person was. Seeing the way Lucuris just up and went randomly without even excusing himself properly. All Joey saw was a little pup, without a purpose or place.

  “I don’t know why you are here Joey. Coming to my school and pretending to be a teacher, how silly can that be,” Lucuris said as he started to laugh at the thought of Joey being a teacher.

  “You really are a stupid child,” Joey said turning and rushing towards Lucuris, grabbing him with both of his hands. He then tossed Lucuris across the room with all his might. Lucuris fell into the chairs and tables tossing them over as he crashed, and had a look of shock on his face as he tried to get up, but could feel his body bruised.

  “What the hell was that for? That hurt like hell man,” Lucuris said as he wiped his mouth, which had been dripping blood. He could hardly move his body from that fall and was trying to get up on his two feet when he felt pressure on his back as Joey pressed his foot down.

  “Oh no, you’re not getting up you trash. You think this is all a game? What happened last night was real. I saw how pathetic you were, you couldn’t even hold your own against a grade of demons who are considered roaches to our order. You couldn’t even defeat the easiest of them alone,” Joey said to Lucuris mocking him, and looking at him in disgust.

  Joey could feel his anger increase, his blood boil, talking to Lucuris, but he knew he had to get this out. To get out how he truly felt about this boy. “You taint your father’s name. The power and potential you have is so great, yet you cannot even see can you. You do not even trust yourself. The evil will come for you, the blood Mage will seek you out Lucuris. He will not hesitate to kill you on the spot and yet all you can think about is running off with some girl from your class. I mean are you joking kid? Because if you are not serious and rather just wait and die, then be my guest,” Joey said as he lifted his foot off of Lucuris’s back. He then grabbed Lucuris’s shirt and pulled him up and tossed him in a chair close to the teacher’s desk.

  “I’m new to all of this. I don’t have powers like you or everyone else, I barely learned how to use that stupid fire technique,” Lucuris said looking into Joey’s eyes with fury as tears rushing down his face feeling useless to everyone around him. He felt he was doing his best, but apparently not, and he was angry that Joey could not see it.

  “Look I’m sorry. I overreacted, and I know you are just starting out. It wasn’t your fault you were raised here and know nothing of your people. I’m going to go now Lucuris, but if you want to save this planet, and help our people then find me where your friends meet up at. If not, that is ok, I won’t hold it against you, we all have something we fear, just be careful,” Joey said as he patted Lucuris shoulder and headed out of the classroom.

  As soon as Joey left Lucuris, Abigail and Nick came into the room. The look of confusion and shock spread to their faces as they saw the chairs and tab
les tossed around as if a tornado passed by in the classroom.

  “What the hell happened Luc? Did Joey do this to you, and why is he here in our school…I’m gonna kick his ass,” Abigail said as anger filled her body, but she was more worried at how injured her brother looked.

  “It was nothing really just a misunderstanding don’t worry about it sis,” Lucuris said as he tried to push her hand away from his face. He still felt bad for what he did. He could not forget what Joey said to him, it made him feel useless, like dirt on the ground that people just pass by and has no real threat or purpose to anyone that steps on it.

  Nick knew Lucuris was hiding something, but he did not want to press him on what happened. He could see that Lucuris was having a pretty rough time. “Hey man, come with me and your sister, and the rest of the gang, were going to the mall later. Would be nice to try and forget what happened recently, hell maybe we could go see a movie,” Nick said as he rubbed the top of Lucuris’s head smiling at him and Abigail.

  “Sorry man, I have to get some stuff done for class. Thanks for the offer though. I know you are worried sis but don’t be. I can handle myself, and well Joey he is no harm to us, just some stuff I have to do,” Lucuris said as he was trying to crack a smile to Nick and Abigail. His arms felt like they were throbbing and just sore. He wished Joey did not leave so soon, there was so much he wanted to say, and to ask. Thinking about last night did scare him, he kept thinking of what happened.

  Lucuris just wanted to head home and forget about everything that had happened recently. He wished Diana was still with him so they could run off together. But he also thought maybe he shouldn’t hang out with her and get to close. The life he knew for years was pretty much over, and he knew it himself, no matter how much Nick and Abigail tried to make it normal. What happened last night, and everything being revealed about demons, exorcism, and now Mages? Lucuris could feel his world spinning out of control and he did not know which side was up, or down.

  Lucuris was starting to leave the classroom, when he stopped dead in his tracks and let out a sigh. “Thanks for everything guys, all of you. I just need a little time to myself, but I know where to find you all. I’m sorry for all the trouble I have been causing you Abigail, and Nick...You make sure you keep her safe, or else,” Lucuris said as he turned to face Nick with a smile, and with that he walked out of the classroom leaving his sister and his friends more confused than ever.

  “What was that about, is he going somewhere? I mean what he said…,” Abigail said to Nick with her lip trembling feeling worried as to why her brother would say something like that.

  Nick held Abigail’s hand tightly, letting her know he would not let her go. “I don’t know Abigail, but I think your brother just needs space to gather his thoughts. I mean he did see demons and magic, something that could crush a normal person’s mind the first time seeing that sort of stuff. Let’s just give him time,” Nick said as he walked with Abigail, leaving the classroom for maybe the last time.

  Chapter 10

  Lucuris knew what he had to do. He did not want to admit it, but he was curious as to what Joey wanted to see him for. He saw the empty cave and saw that no one was inside, he could feel the cold wind brushing against his body, as the hairs on his arms began to jump up. “Man, I cannot believe I thought Joey would show up, maybe he was just shitting me,” Lucuris said to himself in a small whisper, as he grabbed his backpack from Abigail’s vehicle. He hoped she would not be too pissed at him for taking it without her knowing.

  “well well, you decided to show up,” Joey said to Lucuris as he leaped from the top of the cave and landed in front of Lucuris with his staff in hand.

  Lucuris was taken back a bit by seeing Joey there suddenly, he wasn’t expecting such a dramatic entrance. “Yea, I came just me, no one else followed me here. Now tell me everything,” Lucuris said as his eyes narrowed on Joey, pointing at his new ally, demanding answers to what has been happening, and what this strange person knows.

  “I see, demanding answers. Well you grew a backbone quick, but I’m afraid that is all you have grown,” Joey said as he charged Lucuris slamming the butt of his staff into the person he felt was undeserving of the powers of a Magi.

  The force of the attack threw Lucuris off his feet, he could hardly believe it. He laid on the floor for what seemed like a lifetime just in complete shock of how powerful Joey was with just one hit, one attack. How could someone be that powerful? Is what he thought to himself? “Ugh...ow, that really hurt. Why did you do that to me Joey? I thought we worked out our issues. Well your issues,” Lucuris said slowly getting up with a smirk on his face, while rubbing his chest trying to relieve some of the pain.

  “You really want to die, don’t you? Are you so arrogant, so blind that you would happily throw your life away? I mean be my guest leave your friends and family and have them feel a void as big as an ocean because you couldn’t learn how to listen,” Joey said while pushing Lucuris to the side.

  “Look man I’m just trying to get past this year in college, hell the whole demon and magic stuff kind of is something I would rather forget about...but I can’t, and I won’t. It is why I came here Joey, the reason why I lied to my friends, my sister just so I can meet you in private,” Lucuris said heading closer to Joey, trying to keep his calm and not let his anger get the best of him.

  Joey held his staff in front of him and began chanting magical words. Words that Lucuris could not understand, as the air started to grow hotter and fiercer, as leaves started to spin around. Joey held the staff tighter and tighter until a black mist started to form in front of his staff. “Put your hand through the mist Lucuris…,” Joey said to Lucuris.

  “Uh, I’m not putting my hand into that. How about you tell me what is inside it first,” Lucuris said looking into the mist, seeing nothing but darkness. He did not know what could be in it, but he was scared as to what the outcome would be.

  “Your future, past, and everything that you wanted answered about your true life,” Joey said to Lucuris trying to convince him that he must do this.

  The order was something of a mystery still to Lucuris, he was curious about Mages, and Magic. Maybe it had to do with his dreams, imagination. The thought of Superheroes and Villains kind of excited him. But the thought of losing his friends and only family put a fear deep inside his body that all he could feel was nervous. The fear dripped inside his body slowly dripping down to his arms, his toes, and stomach. But Lucuris knew in order to fly and soar in the sky sometimes you must leap and learn, learn to fly.

  “Let’s do this, now or never,” Lucuris said as he placed his left hand into the dark mist, and as soon as he did it sent a shock through his body. Memories started to flash through his eyes, of a land he never knew but felt familiar. It felt like someone was jamming information at lightning speed into his mind, it was overwhelming for him. “Ugh, no, no. Why does it hurt so much, why,” Lucuris screamed and wailed. The pain was so much for his mind, he felt like his head was going to split in two. “I can’t take it. It’s too much, my skull is cracking. It burns please someone help me,” Lucuris said trying to reach his other hand towards Joey, begging and pleading to him.

  “You have to fight Lucuris, you must be strong, the pain may seem like an eternity, but this is the only way,” Joey said as he walked over to Abigail’s car and sat down on the hood.

  Lucuris could feel the insides of his body thudding against each other, the burning increasing, and all he could do was yell, curse, and cry in pain. He didn’t get it; the pain was so excruciating. But then he began to see the memories of his people, his mother and father. Was it the pain of them? Was this pain he was feeling, was it something that he had to feel and know to truly understand. What his father fought for, what his people prayed for, and what his friends on earth and sister are worried for. Worried about the thought of lost, yearning to want to protect their loved ones but not being able to. He understood why now.

  “Sorry you have to go thru th
is Lucuris, but you have to know it all, think of it as crash course learning. Hopefully your brain doesn’t go into information overload,” Said Joey as he stared at Lucuris, looking at this young man on the ground crying and tossing trying to put out the pain. He wanted to help Lucuris, to just ease the pain, but he knew he could not interfere.

  Minutes, hours passed by and Lucuris was still on the ground. He was crying a bit less and was starting to whimper, his once dark hair, now having white streaks within it from all the stress and fear he was enduring for what seemed like forever. The sun started to set, as day became night. “Seems your transformation is going well; white streaks are kind of better than your normal hair. Still got a few hours to go though, please hang in there. I know it may be hard, and you probably feel nothing, but just hang in there Lucuris. You are a Mage, and this is the way we have to do it. For you to learn the abilities, the ways of our people. We had to rush this, for evil is approaching,” Joey said as he kneeled down next to Lucuris.

  Lucuris felt numb throughout his body, he could still feel pain and it was surging through him, but he just couldn’t move anymore, he just didn’t have the energy. “So tired, just so tired. Please Abigail, help me…,” Lucuris said as he tried to reach out his hand and try to tug at the stars to pull him up.


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