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The Book of the Magi

Page 10

by Billy Spencer

  “None of my business? I’m your friend Luc! Your friend, not some stranger, not some asshole on the street. I am your friend and I am just worried about you…,” Jessica said to Lucuris as tears began to swell her face. She was trying to keep her tears back, but the things that Lucuris was saying to her hurt her, deep down it felt like knives being pierced in and out of someone’s stomach slowly. Her heart was breaking, and it hurt to even look him in the eyes.

  “yea I get it you’re my friend, and so is Oracle, but you’re not my fucking keeper, so just drop it...know what better yet, leave me the fuck alone,” Lucuris said to Jessica raising his voice higher and higher by every word. He could feel his blood boil within his body, he didn’t know what was going on and couldn't control it. But he knew that he messed up. The people around him were starting to stare at them. Lucuris also saw Oracle rushing back to them in horror. Lucuris didn’t want to have to face both of them and just decided to turn around and run off towards the bookstore.

  Oracle saw Lucuris run off and didn’t know what was going on, but he saw Jessica in tears and just didn’t understand. “What the heck happened? I mean you two were fine just a few minutes ago,” Oracle said to Jessica as he wrapped his arms around her trying to calm her down.

  But Jessica wouldn’t calm down she just began to whale, to just let all her tears out. “I don’t know what I did wrong, I just wanted to know what was bothering him and he just snapped...he just snapped,” Jessica said to Oracle over and over again. Her tears kept on coming out and her face began to hurt from crying so much. It felt like she was standing there in the same position with Oracle for what seemed to be forever.

  The mall was crowded and full of teenagers, families, and single moms. Lucuris slipped away in the groups of people just shopping and enjoying their lives. He was just waiting in the bookstore trying to figure out what was happening to him. He never snapped like that to anyone in his life, like the anger overwhelmed him and he couldn’t control it. It felt like a presence was guiding him, egging him on to do it, to let loose. “Man, I can’t believe that happened. I fucked up so bad,” Lucuris said to himself in a small whisper as he buried his face into his knees.

  An old man noticed Lucuris and saw something was bothering him. The old man wore a black top hat, and a long-sleeved jacket covering most of his body. The man spoke into a small whisper, as he lowered his head down to Lucuris’s level. “My young lad. What has happened to you my boy? Lady Problems I assume?” The old man said to Lucuris as he started to nudge him slightly with a cane he held in his hand.

  “It’s...nothing, trust me. Just normal crap, it’s always my fault. I feel like a failure,” Lucuris said to the man as he lifted his head up eyeing him up and down. He couldn’t quite put his finger on this man, he seemed pretty mysterious to him.

  “Oh, dear sorry. I know what it feels like to feel young and restless, the birds and the one ever told you sometimes the bees sting?” The old man said with a smile as he offered his hand to Lucuris, his hands were covered in black leather gloves.

  Lucuris grabbed the man’s hand firmly and got himself up, he understood what the man was saying to him when it came to certain women. But this wasn’t your typical woman, actually she was more unique to Lucuris, and he cared for Jessica a lot. He was just afraid to tell her, to ruin what they have, or had. “Thanks for helping me up...must have looked weird walking into a store seeing me in a corner huh? My name is Lucuris Peterson, what is your name sir?” Lucuris said to the old man as he was patting down the back of his body trying to get off any excess dust or dirt.

  “Lucuris Peterson...Luuuuuc...ah, what a unique and fun name. Not plain at all my son. Well I have gone by many names in my past,” The old man said with a smile, giving out a light chuckle. “You may call me Matius.I am not from around here honestly, just came into town visiting some...unique places,” Matius said to Lucuris.

  Lucuris and Matius walked around the bookstore for a few minutes looking around different sections Fantasy, Graphic Novels, Manga, and a bit of the movies section in the back of the store. Lucuris thought the man was quite interesting hearing his stories of different places of the world he visited, Europe, Japan, going to different cities attending all sorts of musicals. Lucuris thought that was pretty awesome. “Man, one day I wish I could travel like you do. Just to be able to one day go to SDCC, just one day. Oh man I would love to meet some of my favorite writers and creators there. Jim Lee, Scott Snyder, Frank Miller. Oh, and would definitely love to meet the cast of Buffy and Angel, hell yea,” Lucuris said to Matius smiling at him, then quickly shutting up as he saw that the old man was puzzled. “Actually, umm tell me more about yourself,” Lucuris said to Matius as he looked through the new graphic novels.

  “Well I always felt pretty interested in works of art. Paintings, music, and movies always fascinated me. Especially horror films, my oh my. How do the creators of slasher films or exorcism films get those devilish good ideas? Then again, we all have a bit of darkness within us,” Matius said to Lucuris as he turned to him and stared into his eyes.

  Lucuris got what the man was saying he felt like he was totally right he didn’t know why though he just felt like he was very wise. “You know that is true...Sometimes I feel it is easier just to take shortcuts in life. I see these people who are the same age as me that have tons of money and rolling in the dough, and I learn some of them sell drugs, become webcam models, offer themselves for sexual services. I even read about what guys do just to get into acting and a course there is no real evidence what happens in terms to make it, but man...sometimes it feels easier just to take the easy way,” Lucuris said to Matius as they began to walk to a different section in the bookstore.

  Matius grabbed Lucuris hand and held it firmly in his. He looked at Lucuris in the eyes and did not blink not once. “I can show you what it takes young lad...You have potential. I mean, I took the shortcuts, and look at me. A life full of travels. Stories that I can tell and live over and over again when retelling them and doing whatever I want really,” Matius said as he smiled at Lucuris

  Lucuris felt a bit uneasy, he noticed the man’s voice tone began to change when he was speaking and for some reason it freaked him out a bit. But as soon as Lucuris could reply back to him he heard two voices calling out to him. He could hear Jessica and turned his head to see where they were. “Guys, how did you find me? Oh hey I got someone you should meet,” Lucuris said as he started to turn back to Matius but as soon as he turned his head back he noticed that the old man was no longer next to him, and in his hand held a card with a phone number on it, with the letter “M” on it.

  “Lucuris, what guy?” Oracle said to Lucuris trying to look around and seeing if his friend was just seeing things.

  Jessica grabbed Lucuris’s hand and held it up to her face. “I’m sorry Luc, sorry for poking around in your business. I was just really worried about you, and don’t like to see you suffer in silence,” Jessica said to Lucuris trying not to cry again.

  “Looks like you guys need some alone time,” Oracle said to Lucuris as he smiled, and then turned around and walked out of the bookstore to go back to his window shopping.

  “Jessica you don’t have to be sorry. I overreacted and wanted to be alone at the time...but I am glad you are here. I am glad you came back for me,” Lucuris said as he held Jessica’s hand and both of them just started browsing the bookstore together. But Lucuris could not stop feeling strange after meeting Matius. Lucuris wondered what Matius wanted with him.

  Chapter 13

  Far away on the other side of town there is a small apartment. It is secluded from the rest of the city, hiding within the shadows. No one really went to that side of town due to the crime that goes on at night, not to mention the tons of drugs going in and out of that side. But one person found it just the most exquisite of places to be in. The man felt that the town was starting to be ripped for the taking that these people were lost sheep, and he was going to be thei
r shepherd. Going inside the apartment the man put his coat on a hanger to put it inside a closet nearest to the door, along with his top hat, and cane. “My, oh my what a,” Matius said to himself as he started to take off his gloves and revealing that there was nothing beneath them but rotting flesh and little gateways around his hands that insects could come in and out of.

  Matius was no fool when it came to blending in with the likes of meats. He called them meats because they were no concern of his, just fuel for his minions to keep going. Although he did enjoy the taste of plump meat bags from time-to-time. “I must contact the master’s minion, tell him that I have made some progress,” Matius said to himself as he headed to his bedroom and started to look underneath his bed.

  “I can’t believe I got so lucky running into that young boy...oh he will be someone special, if he makes it,” Matius said to himself as he started to laugh by his own devilish words. Matius found what he was looking for. It was some sort of orb that glowed a bright purple. “Let those who suffers masters might, let them know fear by night,” Matius said whispering into the orb as he placed his rotten hand on top of it, concentrating on trying to contact his people.

  “What news do you have Matius? You know only to contact us when you have completed your task,” A loud voice said to him, which was coming from the purple glowing orb.

  “Oh yes, yes...I have made some interesting revelations while being in this world,” Matius said to the orb, with a smile on his face.

  The purple orb began to spin out of control, and Matius could barely keep a grip on it. Then the lights of his apartments went out completely and the room was nothing but pitch black. The orb started to pulse purple, then black constantly and then a figure showed up on the orb like some sort of television screen revealing the person Matius was speaking to. “Tell me now, what did you discover that was so important, or so help me you demon slave I will come to end you,” The voice said within the orb.

  “Ye-Yes sir. Right away sir, please don’t punish me. I found the boy, the boy you have been searching for. He has been on this small, disgusting planet and hiding among the meats,” Matius said as he started to growl a bit with each word being spoken.

  At that moment the orb started to reveal the person or thing behind the voice. But all that was shown was the blood red eyes and face being covered by a veil. Nothing more, and nothing less. “So, it was true, they tried to hide him. Sly as ever, old friend. But nevertheless, they could not outsmart no. No one can outsmart me Lucidian,” Lucidian said to Matius as his shadow started to pace from left to right on the orb.

  “What will you be doing Lucidian? I mean Surely you are going to come slaughter this boy and his friends, yes?” Matius said as he looked at the Orb and talking to it.

  “No, not yet. I will not be visiting this boy yet. But Matius, do not tell your master what you have found, remember that me and you have a deal. That no one but me will deal with Lucuris,” Lucidian said to Matius. “I do have an idea though Matius, why don’t you get close to the boy...friend him a bit. Maybe you can put some doubt, and despair in the boy. Have a little fun, sometimes even dogs need a bone every once in a while,” Lucidian said as he started to chuckle and then laugh maniacally.

  The orb then turned off and the purple glow disappeared completely, and Matius’s apartment went from darkness to light again. “Every dog needs a bone. That little shit. That tool, how he dares talk to me like that,” Matius said to himself as he started to pound his fist into the ground. With every hit to the floor chunks of his flesh started to peel off and reveal bone. He knew his time would come, he just had to wait.

  Chapter 14

  Lucuris went with Abigail and Nick to the cave, to be able to talk to them and see if they knew anything more when it came to this evil that has been plaguing their town. “Sis, I don’t get this at all, demons spewing out of their forsaken wells at night like it’s nothing, this hasn't happened before, why now?” Lucuris said as he was checking the books inside the cave. He was more frustrated by every minute of not knowing what was going on. Why demons wanted him so bad, why his transformation has been making him act irrational. He felt like the darkness was taunting him, but he couldn’t tell anyone, by telling them it would break the trust between him and joey, and possibly hurt the ones around him. To know he was suffering, that he had doubt in himself. It was all making him feel heavy with every step.

  Abigail looked at Nick while sitting on the floor and then back at Lucuris, feeling confused herself. “I don’t know... demons use to just came out every once and awhile, usually once a month. For some reason their activities have been more frequent,” Abigail said to Lucuris while handing Nick some books to carry.

  “Yea man, this is some insane shit going on. I mean before you came into our group, man we didn’t really do much. I mean yea we were a team of misfits, but all we did mostly was just chill around here,” Nick said to Lucuris while starting to walk out of the cave and towards Abigail’s vehicle.

  “There has to be a reason why the demons are coming for us so much. I mean what would demons want with any of us anyways? It’s not like we are that much of a threat,” Lucuris said to Abigail as his gaze went from the book he was flipping thru to Abigail. He couldn’t quite put his finger on it, but he knew he needed more answers.

  Both of them didn’t know what else to think of when it came to the current situation. Lucuris looked through many books containing different demons and what their abilities possessed, but never a reason on how they keep entering their world, especially so easily.

  Then it hit him as he thought of it more. It hit him like a ton of bricks he could feel it just slam him down into the ground. “That’s it...that is how they are coming in so much. They had a disguise allowing them to get in, and blend in,” Lucuris said to Abigail as his eyes widened.

  Abigail looked at Lucuris and chuckled a bit. “You’re silly bro. Hah me and Nick would definitely notice if a demon came into our plane. I mean have you seen how hideous those things are? You think the underlings are ugly just imagine how their higher ups look like Luc,” Abigail said to Lucuris as she nudged his side a bit.

  “No Abigail, you don’t get it. It’s right under our noses. What if that demon who came from their world into ours, what if that demon was able to disguise themselves? What if we ran into them? What if…,” Lucuris said but stopped very abruptly as it all came clear to him. That there was only one person that came into their lives that they ran into recently who seemed odd, and different. “That son of a bitch!” Lucuris said as he slammed his fist into the hard ground as blood started to trickle out of his fist and staining the dirt with red.

  “What the flying fuck Luc? What the hell is wrong with you?” Abigail said as she got up from the ground and came to Lucuris checking out his hand making sure he didn’t damage it badly.

  Lucuris was furious he started throwing books against the walls, thinking how stupid he has been. That it all made sense to him now. Everything that has been happening to his sister, Nick, Jessica, and oracle. Everything was his fault and Lucuris wanted to confront him, to take his head and slam it on a curb. “Fucking Joey! That piece of shit is going to get it sis. He is the demon’s way in our plane, he is the reason this is all happening. He tricked me that one night...Saying I had to go thru a transformation, bullshit he wanted to sap me of life, and have those demons to come and eat me. But he knew I wouldn’t give up, so he tried to fight with me, oh he is not getting away with this. I thought he was my friend, our ally, that damn liar!” Lucuris said to Abigail and then started to charge out of the cave with nothing but fury within his hands.

  Abigail grabbed a few books she felt were important, grabbed her keys and chased after her brother. She didn’t know what happened to Lucuris to make him act this way and what happened to him and joey the other night. All she knew was that Lucuris was angry. Not the kind of angry you can brush off after a few minutes, he was angry in the kind that someone can really
get hurt or die by the flames blazing within his eyes.

  Abigail drove Nick and Lucuris to their school where Joey was busy trying to grow accustomed to their culture. He was with Jessica and oracle and the three of them were playing a game of basketball. The sun was starting to go down, and all Lucuris could feel was just full outrage for hurting Joey.

  “Yo, Luc don’t do anything stupid dude. Come on I’m sure Joey can explain,” Nick said as he put a hand on Lucuris shoulder as a sign of brotherly support.

  “I don’t give a shit what Joey has to say, or even if Joey is really his fucking name. I’m going to beat the shit out of him, and then get my answers,” Lucuris said to Nick with anger coursing thru his voice, his face completely red as he could feel himself boiling over.

  Abigail stopped the car next to a tree a few yards away and couldn’t speak at all, her body started to tremble. Tears were starting to leave her eyes. “Ugh, fucking. Why am I crying, don’t do this Luc,” Abigail said as she tried to reach for Lucuris’s shoulder. But before she could grab him, Lucuris bolted out of the vehicle.

  Joey saw that Lucuris and the rest of the gang came. He was pretty excited and thought they would want to play a game of Basketball. “Hey Luc brother, come play a game with us!” Joey said out loud for everyone to hear while waving to Lucuris to come play with them.


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