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Demon Aura

Page 14

by Lisa Deerwood

  The ghost’s sudden praise was not what Raelyn had been expecting.

  “I am so proud of you,” Trinity squealed. “You’re finally coming out of your shell. If I was still alive, I’d hug that man in thanks.”

  Raelyn blinked, bewildered by her friend’s reaction. “Out of everything I just told you, that’s what you found most important? That I told him that I see auras and ghosts? That I’ve just shown him how weird I am?”

  “No, not weird. Special, you’re special.” Trinity said, recalling Julian’s words of praise. “Why didn’t I ever think of saying that?”

  Baffled, Raelyn shook her head. Sometimes she just didn’t understand her friend.

  “Rae,” Trinity hovered closer, staring into her best friend’s eyes. “Don’t you see how monumental this moment is? You told him about your gifts. The only reason that you’d do that is if you’ve found someone that you think you can trust.”

  “Look at how well that worked the last time,” Raelyn scoffed, recalling her ex-boyfriend’s behavior.

  Trinity waved her hand, dismissing the retort. She had never liked Raelyn’s ex. Brady Tallen was a self-absorbed, spoiled, mama’s boy who had been unworthy of her friend. But Raelyn had fallen hard for Brady, then when she’d finally opened up to him he’d dumped her for being too weird. What a jerk! But, that didn’t matter now anyway. It’d only been two dates and Trinity could already tell that Julian was a better choice for Raelyn, in every way that mattered.

  “Rae,” Trinity whined. “Stop worrying so much. Sometimes when you meet someone, everything changes. Those changes don’t always have to be a bad thing. Look at how he reacted when you told him. He didn’t call you weird, he called you special.”

  Raelyn stared at the ghost. Her friend was right. When she’d confessed, Julian hadn’t judged her, or made fun of her, like Brady had.

  No, Julian had seen that she was upset and had tried to comfort her. His reactions last night, it was like he’d simply accepted her, for who she really was.

  Raelyn’s heart swelled with joy at the possibility. Maybe, just maybe, he was the one who was really special.

  “I don’t know what I’d ever do without you, Trey. You always manage to get me out of my own head.”

  Trinity smiled at her friend’s words of praise. “That’s what best friends are for. Now hurry up and get ready so that you can join that gorgeous man of yours for breakfast.”


  After Trinity disappeared, Raelyn undressed in the bedroom and left her clothes on the floor like she did at home. She entered the bathroom and was greeted by the soothing scent of lavender. The room was large, decorated in multiple shades of tan with white accents. Various candles were scattered throughout the room, along with clear jars filled with creams and lotions, giving the room a spa-like feel. Eager to freshen up, Raelyn stepped into the shower stall. The relaxing vibe she’d felt when she’d first walked into the room went downhill fast.

  After fighting with the controls, she’d managed to take a quick, albeit freezing cold shower. Seriously, with multiple knobs and levers, mixed in with shower heads pointing from every angle, including straight above her head, you’d think that they’d at least label everything.

  After she’d dried off and huddled underneath the heated fan to get warm, she’d wrapped herself in the plush robe she found behind the bathroom door and stepped back into the bedroom. She walked forward and noticed that the clothes she’d tossed onto the floor were missing. On the freshly made bed sat a new set of bra and underwear, a pair of socks, and the one article of clothing that she’d always refused to wear.

  A dress.

  She reached out, hesitating to touch the garment, lest she find out that she’d completely lost her mind and hallucinated everything.

  But nope, it was real. Raelyn stepped closer, studying the garment. The embroidery on the top, sleeves, and hem was gorgeous, each stitch appeared to have been sewn by hand. The V-neckline and long, flared sleeves added a touch of elegance.

  Having no other option she put on the bra and underwear, then slipped the dress over her head. The garment fell to just above her knees. She pulled on her cowgirl boots and walked over to the full length mirror in the bedroom, the fabric moving gently with each step. Staring at her reflection, the navy blue fabric was a stunning contrast against her light features. Unable to resist, she twirled in a circle. The bottom of the dress floated effortlessly in the air before dropping back down again.

  She felt sexy, flirty, and cute. Also, getting dressed had been rather easy. She didn’t have to hop around like a kangaroo while trying to get into a pair of skinny jeans. Raelyn tilted her head, surprised. Maybe there was something to wearing dresses after all. Not that she’d ever admit it to Trinity. The ghost would never let it go if she did.

  No longer able to delay, Raelyn opened the door and peeked into the hallway.

  It was empty.

  She spotted a spiral staircase at the opposite end and walked towards it, tugging at the hem of the dress. She walked down the stairs slowly, taking the time to study her surroundings. Early rays of daylight illuminated a lavish living space that was bigger than the house that she’d grown up in. Plush furnishings, damask patterned wallpaper, and lavish accent pieces radiated wealth, elegance, and sophistication.

  Raelyn was halfway down the stairs when Julian walked into the room. Her heart stuttered at the sight. He was shirtless, sporting a pair of black jogger pants tied low on his waist and a towel hanging loose around his neck. His muscles glistened with a layer of sweat. He obviously worked out hard to maintain that stunning body.

  It could have been a scene from a movie. The lead walked into the room and sent hearts fluttering with his sweaty shirtless scene. Her heart swooned when his eyes locked onto hers and his face lit up in greeting.

  “Hey, you’re up,” Julian said, wiping sweat from his face. The muscles of his bare chest flexed with the movement.

  Man, he was gorgeous.

  Desire shot through her core. She licked her lips at the thought of tracing a path along that well-defined chest.

  Raelyn’s boot missed the next step and she yelped in surprise. Her hand grabbed for the railing, and missed. Panicked, her arms and hands shot out, desperately seeking for a way to stop her impending downward descent.

  Julian’s face shifted from delight to alarm. He rushed forward, calling out for his—assistant?

  A pair of strong arms caught her before she could tumble down the stairs and face plant onto the floor.

  “Thanks.” Raelyn looked up into the disapproving gaze of Julian’s personal assistant.

  She blinked, confused.

  How had he managed to catch her?

  “I know he’s delicious, but you should really watch your step,” Hineker chastised.

  Her face burned with embarrassment. Hineker carried her down to the first floor and gently helped her to stand on her own.

  “You alright?” Julian asked, his hands running up and down her arms, searching for any injuries.

  “Yeah, I’m fine.” She didn’t know how she had missed Hineker’s presence nearby, but she was grateful for his quick reflexes.

  Julian pulled her in close and pressed a gentle kiss to her lips.

  “I’m glad you’re ok,” he whispered.

  Her heart melted a little bit. Her hand reached up with the need to run her fingers along that tantalizing chest. She almost whined when Julian stepped out of range with an apologetic look on his face.

  “I’m going to go grab a quick shower. Hineker will serve you breakfast in the kitchen.”

  Hineker inclined his head in acknowledgement and walked out of the room.


  Seated on a stool, Raelyn’s legs dangled from her perch. She swung her feet back and forth, a childish move that was one of the few advantages to being really short. She couldn’t see what Hineker was preparing, but it certainly smelled delicious. Despite having already eaten a cinnamon bun, her
stomach growled in agreement. She took a sip of her coffee, struggling to think about something to say to break the uneasy silence in the room.

  She studied the assistant’s profile as he moved efficiently around the large, state-of-the-art kitchen. He wore what Raelyn had concluded was his daily uniform, a dark navy blue suit and matching tie, along with a light blue shirt. The formal outfit paired with his sharp chiseled features and salt and pepper hair gave Hineker an air of otherworldly elegance and grace. He seemed out of place for someone who worked as a personal assistant.

  She searched for his aura and came up empty. Yet another thing about Hineker that brought up more questions than answers.

  Raelyn bit her bottom lip. The problem with being a natural introvert was that she often struggled to talk to strangers. When she finally did, her nervousness usually caused her to say the first thing that popped into her head.

  “What’s the grossest food you’ve ever made?”

  She winced, reaching for her coffee. She really hated when her nerves made her sound like an idiot.

  “Not this,” Hineker replied with amusement in his tone. He placed a plate filled with food in front of Raelyn. For today’s breakfast Hineker had prepared scrambled eggs with collard greens, tomatoes, and crumbled sausage, paired with biscuits and gravy. A mixed fruit cup and a glass of orange juice completed the hearty meal.

  Raelyn picked up a fork and began to eat, trying to sneak glances at Julian’s assistant between bites.

  “That wasn’t your real question,” Hineker said.

  Raelyn startled and looked up, her eyes wide. He moved closer and she could have sworn that Hineker’s eyes flashed red for a moment. It felt like she was in the sights of a predator, and she was the prey.

  “Ask me what you really want to know,” he demanded, a hint of impatience in his tone. Hineker stared at her, his gaze unwavering. It was the look of someone who was used to getting what they wanted. Raelyn’s heartbeat sped up and her hands began to sweat. She caved under the pressure of his intense gaze, the fork slipping out of her grip.

  “Where’s your aura?” she blurted out. Her eyes widened at her boldness. What was she doing? She didn’t normally talk about her gifts with others. Yet now, she’d told not only Julian, but also Hineker about her unique abilities.

  “Hidden,” he answered. The corner of his mouth lifted up in a smirk, as if he knew something that she didn’t.

  She waited for him to elaborate.

  He didn’t.

  Okay, that was one hundred percent not helpful, Raelyn mused sarcastically to herself. She picked up the fork again, debating what to do now that she had Hineker’s full attention.

  “Is that all you’ve got?” he prompted.

  Not wanting to keep talking about auras or her abilities, she picked another topic.

  “How long have you worked for Julian?”

  “Ages,” he replied with a dismissive shrug.

  “What do you do for him?”

  “Everything he tells me to,” Hineker leaned forward, amusement dancing in his eyes, “and plenty that he wishes I didn’t.”

  Raelyn frowned. He was answering all of her questions, but she wasn’t actually learning anything. It felt like they were playing a game, rather than having an actual conversation.

  Undeterred, she tried again.

  “Do you have any skills that people would find strange and unusual?”

  Barely restrained humor danced in Hineker’s expression. “Many.”

  Raelyn glared at him.

  What the hell kind of answer was that?

  Clearly Hineker had a talent for being evasive. If she wasn’t so aggravated, she’d be impressed. Raelyn vented a breath, frustrated. It felt like he was having a great time, at her expense. She searched her mind for the most unusual question she could think of.

  “Do you believe in supernatural creatures?”

  His lips curled up into a full blown, wicked smile. “Of course. They’re the most charming creatures in existence.”

  Raelyn could’ve sworn Hineker’s chest puffed up with pride at the declaration. Maybe she was finally getting somewhere.

  “If you could be one, what would you be?”

  “Myself.” Hineker’s eyes glinted with mischief.

  Raelyn wanted to lunge across the counter and throttle Julian’s assistant for his curt replies. There had to be some topic that would get Hineker talking, instead of bantering back and forth with her.

  “Teleportation or flying?”


  Raelyn shook her head. “You can only pick one.”



  “It doesn’t wrinkle my suit.”

  “You act like you know from experience.”

  Hineker replied with a shrug of his shoulders, a smug grin on his face.

  Raelyn pressed her lips together and raised her eyebrows. Seriously? He expected her to believe him?

  She shook her head, confused. What was with his evasive answers? Determined to get at least one factual answer from this infuriating attempt at a conversation, she switched topics yet again, this time picking something simple.

  “Where are you from?” she asked, crossing her arms in front of her chest. It was a basic question, there’s no way he could be vague when he answered this one.


  Raelyn threw her hands up in the air. She was so aggravated, she could have screamed. This discussion was going nowhere. Seriously, did all Hineker know how to do was give short, confusing answers? How did Julian put up with him?

  Chapter 17 - Julian

  Julian walked into the kitchen to find Hineker staring at Raelyn with an amused glint in his eyes, like a cat playing with a mouse. The demon master scowled, disappointed with himself. The demon’s playful nature rarely did anything besides cause trouble. He should’ve known better than to leave Raelyn alone with him.

  “Hineker, stop playing around,” he ordered.

  “Of course, Master,” the demon smirked and backed away to begin preparing Julian’s breakfast.

  “I apologize. Sometimes he forgets his place,” Julian said, exasperated, taking a seat next to Raelyn.

  “No, it’s fine.” She traced her finger along the rim of her mug, giving Julian a weak smile.

  She was cute when she was nervous.

  Hineker placed the plate of food in front of Julian.

  “Is there anything else that you need, Master?”

  “No Hineker, that’ll be all.”

  The demon nodded and quietly exited the kitchen. The two waited for the demon to leave before continuing the conversation.

  “I’m sorry, you were saying,” Julian offered.

  “I wanted to thank you, for last night. For letting me stay, and for listening.” Raelyn gestured to her outfit. “For the dress. For breakfast. For everything.”

  “You’re welcome.” He covered her hand with his own, stilling her nervous tracing.

  She tensed under his touch, anxious.

  He didn’t like it.

  “What’s wrong?”

  She bit her bottom lip, refusing to look at him. Julian gently grabbed her chin, and guided her face back to his.

  “What’s wrong?” he repeated, insistent.

  “It’s just,” she hesitated. He caught a glimpse of her pretty pink tongue as she licked her lips. “After everything I told you last night, I’m a little embarrassed. You must think I’m the strangest woman that you’ve ever met.”

  Julian couldn’t believe his luck. She’d just given him the perfect opportunity to convince her to work with him. He had to take it.

  “I want you to listen to me very closely. I think you’re special, very special. I’m honored that you told me about your gift, and I’d like to help you with it, if that’s ok?”

  She tried to pull away again. This time he let her. Emotions flitted across her face faster than he could interpret them.

  Julian held his breath. H
e wasn’t sure if he’d just scared her off or if she would accept his offer to help.

  She pushed back her stool, placing some distance between them.

  A retreat then.

  His heart sank at the implication. He knew what it was like to be different. To be given a responsibility that at first seemed almost too large for one mere person to handle.

  He’d always had someone in his life to help him. His father had drilled the roles and responsibilities of a demon master into him at an early age. When his time had come to take over for his father, his Great Aunt Rosemary had helped him with the transition. Even Hineker had guided him.

  Raelyn never had the same type of support system.

  But now she had him.

  Her soft voice broke the silence.

  “You want to help me?” she whispered, her skepticism evident. “How?”

  “I have an idea, I just need to find the right setting first.”

  “I’m just an outcast, a freak. No man has ever offered to work with me before,” Raelyn shook her head in disbelief.

  Julian felt a sudden urge to protect her. He wanted to punish the guy who’d planted those seeds of doubt inside Raelyn’s head. He leaned forward and grasped her hands in his.

  “Forget what you’ve been told in the past. It doesn’t matter. I’ve seen how much you struggle because of your gifts, Raelyn. I can help you. But, I’ll need you to trust me. Can you do that?”


  She rushed forward, catching him completely off guard. He barely managed to keep himself from falling backwards as her body collided into his. She wrapped her arms around him, hugging him tightly.

  “I know I keep saying this, but thank you.” She pressed a kiss to his cheek. Then another to his lips. She nuzzled against his chest, tightening her grip.

  Enjoying the feel of her warm body pressed up against his, he kissed the top of her head. She sighed, relaxing her small body into him. He didn’t need to see auras to feel the relief rolling off of her in waves.


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