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Demon Aura

Page 25

by Lisa Deerwood

  Raelyn scowled at the demon’s patronizing tone.

  Sometimes Hineker acted like such a jerk.


  Silently approaching the building, Raelyn’s boots slipped on the uneven ground. She windmilled her arms, struggling to regain her balance. The trek across the field from the house to the barn had been a lot harder than it looked. Overgrown weeds and thorny bushes ripped at her clothes and snagged in her hair, slowing down her progress. Barely able to see under the moon’s dim light, she found herself tripping more than once over fallen tree limbs and hidden ditches.

  What she wouldn’t give to have a flashlight right now.

  Raelyn stumbled on a large rock and bit back a curse. The last thing she needed was to fall flat on her face outside the entrance to the old barn.

  Laughter from inside the run-down building carried to her ears. It was a deep, cruel sound that made her shiver.

  It had to belong to the demon.

  Many slats of the wooden walls of the barn were broken or missing. She moved slowly, searching for a way to look inside, but still remain hidden from sight.

  A prickling feeling crawled along her skin. Raelyn felt vulnerable and anxious, as if she was being watched.

  What are you waiting for? Go inside.

  Raelyn slapped a hand over her mouth, barely smothering her yelp of surprise at the sudden presence of Hineker’s voice inside her head.

  Keeping one hand firmly on her mouth, she mentally thought back.

  A little warning would’ve been nice.

  Hineker’s reply was immediate.

  This is the best way to tell a scout what to do.

  Frustrated by the implied claim of ownership, Raelyn lashed out.

  I am not your pet.

  Pets are too easily disposable. You are far more valuable than that.

  Raelyn shook her head, continuing to verbally spar with the demon would not help rescue Julian.

  How does he put up with Hineker talking inside his head?

  He doesn’t. There’s no need for us to communicate in that way. Raelyn gasped at Hineker’s reply. She hadn’t realized that she’d broadcasted her thoughts.

  Are you always going to know what I’m thinking?


  She could have sworn she heard the demon mentally sigh.

  As I’ve already told you, the connection between a demon and master is different than a demon and scout. A demon must follow their master’s commands, which are given by spoken words. Scouts help gather information, and the fastest and most direct way for me to receive information from you is mentally.

  Raelyn let out a deep breath, relieved that Hineker wasn’t permanently stuck inside her head. She continued to move slowly towards the barn.

  You’re wasting time. The demon chastised.

  I’m searching for a way in.

  Front doors usually work best. Hineker replied snidely.

  I can’t just go barging in through the front door. Then they’re going to know that I’m here.

  It doesn’t matter how you enter. Your job is to gather information. Go. Hineker demanded.


  Raelyn stomped towards the entrance. If the enforcer demon wasn’t going to be concerned about her lack of stealth, then she wouldn’t be either.

  “Tell me demon master, how’s the burn?”

  The mocking male voice added fuel to Raelyn’s already bubbling anger. Whatever was happening to Julian right now, it couldn’t be good. She pushed open the decrepit door and the old wood collided into the nearby wall with a bang.

  Three pairs of eyes looked up at Raelyn’s dramatic entrance. The sight made Raelyn’s anger climb even higher.

  Julian. Hineker’s voice growled inside her head, the demon’s anger at the scene mixing with her own.

  Julian sat tied with rope to a wooden chair, shirtless, with a young woman holding a knife sitting on his lap. His aura glowed a dark, dull mustard yellow color with brown on the edges, the energy confirming the look of agony on his downturned face. A puddle of blood had pooled under the chair. Demonic energy covered him from head to toe like a blanket, with a darker portion centered near his head and face. The dark tendrils of plum and gray looked almost like a noose wrapped around his neck. Behind Julian stood a tall, muscular man dressed in a leather biker’s outfit. The man’s aura was a potent blend of wickedness, cruelty, and amusement.

  “Nice entrance,” he said with a grin.

  He’s the demon. Hineker informed Raelyn telepathically.

  If he’s the demon then…

  She’s the demon master. Hineker confirmed.

  Raelyn stared at the young woman sitting in the lap of her man and realized that she was the jealous type. She wanted to walk across the room and pull the young blonde by the hair away from Julian. Ignoring Raelyn’s heated stare, the young woman slid off of the prisoner’s lap and stood next to the demon, a big smile on her pretty face. Her aura moved almost faster than Raelyn could follow, a mixture of pleasure and spitefulness.

  Raelyn blinked at the unusual duo as her mind rushed to put together the words she’d just overheard with the scene in front of her.

  “Tell me demon master, how’s the burn?”

  Anger bubbled in Raelyn’s blood. Hineker’s demon mark was on Julian’s back. A mark that turned into a source of intense pain in the presence of demonic magic.

  They’d been torturing Julian by using his own demon mark against him.

  What a sick and twisted pair these two were.

  “Get away from him.” Raelyn growled, her voice sounding nothing like her own. She clenched her hands into fists, her blue eyes filled with hate towards the black hearted pair.

  “Well isn’t this a nice surprise. The girlfriend’s here, ready to attempt a daring rescue,” the young woman said derisively.

  The young woman’s rapidly changing aura made Raelyn dizzy. She’d never seen a person’s moods change that fast before.

  “I want to play with her.” The young woman looked over at the demon. “Can I, Ajani, please?”

  “She’s all yours, Victoria.” The demon grinned wickedly at Raelyn as he backed away from the prisoner in the chair.

  “Look who stopped by for a visit,” Victoria lifted Julian’s face up by the chin. His eyes went wide at the sight of Raelyn. “I think she wants to rescue you.”

  She released Julian’s chin and ran her fingers along his bare chest.

  “I can’t say that I blame you,” she said, never breaking eye contact with Raelyn as she traced Julian’s muscles with her fingers. “He really is one fine looking man.”

  Victoria lean in closer to Julian and whispered loud enough to be overheard.

  “I wouldn’t want to give you up either.”

  Victoria brushed her lips against the prisoner’s ear. A muscle in Julian’s jaw twitched and he opened his mouth to speak. The energy around his neck pulsed and his body jerked in pain.

  Raelyn’s heart skipped a beat, horrified at what she saw.

  The demonic energy was strangling him!

  “Julian,” Raelyn rushed forward.

  “Not so fast, hero girl.” Victoria’s aura shifted from lust to rage.

  The sharp blade she held up against Julian’s throat made Raelyn freeze.

  This chick was one hundred percent crazy. There was no guessing what she would do.

  “No, please don’t,” Raelyn begged.

  “But he’s in so much pain already.” Victoria moved the flat edge of the knife towards Julian’s shoulder. The young woman’s aura shimmered to one of sympathy.

  “When you find a creature caught in a trap, isn’t it more humane to simply put the injured animal out of its misery?”

  “Please, don’t hurt him,” Raelyn pleaded, slowly raising her hands in the air in a placating gesture.

  Victoria’s aura changed again and she tilted her head.

  “Why not?” she asked, confused.

  Victoria’s aura reminded Raelyn of a
pinball machine. Intense flashes of colors and emotions that changed from one minute to the next. She was the most emotionally unstable person Raelyn had ever met.

  Victoria’s aura shifted to orange with yellow flashes.

  Warmth and happiness.

  Raelyn’s blood ran cold.

  The young woman was enjoying this.

  “Did you want to go first?” Victoria smiled, warming up to the idea in her twisted mind. “Two lovers in eternal slumber.” The young woman sighed. “It’s going to be so beautiful. Just like Romeo and Juliet.”

  Raelyn’s panic morphed to hatred. She had to get this young woman away from Julian.

  A look of mischief crossed Victoria’s face. She dragged the sharp edge of the knife along Julian’s exposed skin, drawing blood.

  “Oops,” she said in a sing-song voice.

  Raelyn’s vision went red. Julian was hers. Hers! How dare she hurt him! Raelyn lunged forward, ready to rip the other woman apart with her bare hands if she had to.

  Victoria grinned and jumped forward, eager for a fight. The demon whistled from the sidelines, amused by the catfight developing in front of him.

  Before Raelyn could attack, Hineker appeared and knocked the weapon out of the young woman’s hand. The knife flew up into the air and a burst of demonic magic slammed into the enforcer demon’s chest.

  “Hineker!” Raelyn cried out as the enforcer demon was tossed through the wall of the barn like a rag doll.

  “Ajani, kill him!” Victoria yelled, her aura filled with rage.

  The demon smirked and jumped through the hole in the wall after the enforcer demon. The sound of metal striking the broken cement floor regained Raelyn’s attention as the knife slid out of reach.

  The two women dove for the weapon at the same time. Raelyn’s fingers brushed up against the blade first, but before her fingers could close around the handle, she was yanked backwards by her hair.

  “That’s mine,” Victoria yelled, jumping onto Raelyn’s back. The two women rolled around on the floor, each seeking the upper hand. Teeth bit down into Raelyn’s shoulder and she cried out in pain.

  Raelyn flipped over, knocking the younger woman off of her back. Victoria grabbed the knife and quickly sat down on Raelyn’s hips, trying to pin the older woman in place with her body weight.

  The two women were equally matched in height and weight, but thankfully not strength. All those years working with heavy dead bodies had built up Raelyn’s upper body strength. She grabbed Victoria’s wrist and forcefully shoved the woman’s arm away before she could plunge the sharp blade into her chest. Raelyn rolled over while trying to pull the knife out of Victoria’s hand. The two women rolled again and again, each seeking the advantage. Finally Raelyn managed to get on top as Victoria went limp.

  Raelyn’s body stiffened at the sight of the woman under her legs.

  The knife stuck out of Victoria’s chest, the spot of blood on her shirt grew quickly, staining the material crimson.

  Raelyn rose to her feet, her eyes wide in shock.

  Victoria was dying.


  The fist to the face hit him with enough force to shatter bones. Hineker’s head snapped backwards, giving him whiplash. The enforcer demon blinked, stunned.

  That was a mistake.

  He failed to block the roundhouse kick that came next. The kick that followed broke at least a few of his ribs. Hineker fell to the ground on all fours, struggling to catch his breath.

  His foe was powerful and fast.

  Hineker breathed in, then instantly regretted it as he coughed and wheezed in pain. An unsettling realization crawled along his skin.

  This demon was stronger than him.

  Frustrated at his own weakness, he lashed out wildly with his demonic magic and missed the creature completely.

  Ajani grabbed Hineker by the throat and tossed the enforcer demon up into the air. With a wave of his hand, his demonic magic stopped Hineker’s downward descent. Dark tendrils of plum and gray wrapped around the enforcer demon’s wrists and ankles. Ajani directed his magic to pull Hineker’s limbs outward, until the enforcer demon was positioned spread eagle in mid-air.

  Ajani lifted himself off of the ground until he was eye level with the enforcer demon. The punches to Hineker’s face and chest came hard and fast, punctuated by Ajani’s words as the two demons floated in the air.

  “You enforcers always think that you’re better than the rest of us.”


  “Stronger than us.”


  “Faster than us.”


  “Smarter than the rest of us.”


  “But you’re not.”


  Hineker struggled to free himself from the creature’s hold, his own magic pushing back with all the strength of a wet kitten.

  For the first time in his five hundred and twenty-six years as an enforcer demon, Hineker found himself on the losing end of a fight.

  A frightening realization washed over him.

  He was in trouble.

  Big trouble.

  “You’re not worthy of your rank,” Ajani said with a look of disgust on his face, punching Hineker again.

  “You thought you were smarter than me, didn’t you?” he sneered, grabbing the enforcer demon by the throat. “But you couldn’t find your own master, could you? No, you couldn’t.”

  Hineker pulled at the hand wrapped around his neck in vain. He had to do something, fast.

  “How did you find me?” Ajani squeezed harder. “Answer me,” he demanded.

  Hineker remained silent. He’d be damned before he’d tell this creature anything.

  “You will tell me.” Ajani waved his hand and black flames danced along Hineker’s skin, burning him from the outside in.

  The pain was excruciating. Still the enforcer demon refused to speak.

  Ajani increased his magic until bubbles formed underneath Hineker’s skin.

  Hineker remained silent. He refused to give this demon the satisfaction of hearing him scream.

  “Answer me and the pain will stop.”

  Hineker’s skin blistered until the bubbles cracked. Liquid the color of dark plums oozed from the broken skin. His soul screamed in agony as the demon began to eat him alive.

  “Tell me,” Ajani snarled at the enforcer demon.

  “Magic,” Hineker said weakly.

  The answer made the demon smirk.

  “Stubborn, aren’t you,” Ajani withdrew his magic and watched the enforcer’s body fall. He moved to stand over the demon curled up on the ground.

  “Not that it matters.”

  He nudged the body with his foot until Hineker lay on his back.

  “Maybe after I’ve killed you and eaten your pathetic master’s soul, I’ll keep that pretty little scout of yours for myself.”

  Ajani smiled, displaying a row of perfect white teeth. “I’ve always wanted a pet.”

  The demon’s magic coalesced into a thick cloud in the air. He placed his foot down hard on Hineker’s chest.

  Before he could press down, his foot began to disappear.

  The demon sighed in disappointment.

  “Looks like my darling Victoria went and got herself killed.”

  He lifted his foot off Hineker’s chest, watching the limb fade away.

  “What a pity.”

  Hineker slowly rose to his feet. With his master now dead, Ajani’s body continued to disappear as the demon was forcibly returned to the underworld.

  “I’ll see you again soon, enforcer.”


  “Thank goodness,” Raelyn said with relief to the empty barn.

  Julian was unconscious, but at least the demonic energy that had been wrapped around his neck was gone.

  She tugged on the ropes that kept Julian tied to the chair but they didn’t budge. She walked around the chair, searching for a knot to untie him.

  Nothing. />
  “Well isn’t that just great,” she mumbled to herself and yanked on the ropes again.

  If she wanted to get him out of here, she had to get him free first.

  Raelyn happened to glance up at the second Hineker stumbled into the old barn. Her mouth opened to speak, but nothing came out. The demon looked like a mess. His suit jacket was missing, his shirt was torn in half, and his pants looked like they had been dragged through the dirt. His right eye was swollen shut, while his lower lip had split open, oozing the same dark plum liquid that covered his skin and clothes.

  Raelyn blinked at the enforcer demon.

  Was purple the color of a demon’s blood?

  Raelyn wisely kept the question to herself. Hineker’s violently swirling aura was a clear signal that now was not the time to ask him anything.

  The enforcer demon ignored Raelyn and limped towards the dead body on the floor. He pulled the knife out of Victoria’s chest and used the bloody blade to cut his master free. He lifted his unconscious master into a fireman’s carry and limped back towards the exit.

  “Come,” he barked at Raelyn.

  She hurried to catch up to the enforcer demon.

  “What do we do now?” she asked.

  “We go back to the hotel.”

  “What about the dead body? We can’t just leave it here.”

  Hineker stopped walking. He turned around to face the old barn. His eyes glowed red and he pushed his demonic magic at the old building with a wave of his hand. The old wood caught fire fast and it wasn’t long before the barn was engulfed in flames.

  He promptly turned back around and continued on towards the SUV.

  Raelyn paused for a moment and looked over her shoulder at the burning building. Smoke spiraled up into the night sky, fogging up the area. The crisp night air filled with the smell of dust and smoke.

  Even in his injured state, the enforcer demon moved fast. As she jogged to catch up with him, Raelyn couldn’t help but wonder, how many fires were the result of enforcer demons cleaning up after themselves?

  Chapter 30 - Julian

  Julian woke up on his stomach. His shoulders were sore and aching, his back filled with a throbbing pain that went down to the bone. His wrists tingled and burned where the skin had been ripped away and bled. He shifted slightly to find Raelyn sitting on the bed, his left hand in her lap. She appeared pensive as she slowly wrapped his wrist with delicate, tender care.


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