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When the Night Comes

Page 6

by Teegan Loy

  My knees trembled, my muscles burned, and with one final twist, I came all over my hand. The intensity of my orgasm drove me to my knees. Well, that and the fact that contracting my back muscles was probably not the smartest thing I’d ever done. I stayed on my knees and rinsed off before crawling out of the shower and stretching out on the floor.

  At this rate, I was going to be late for school.

  I finally rolled to my stomach, slowly pushing up to a standing position. As I was fixing my hair, I stared at my reflection. I didn’t think I looked different, but that guy in the mirror had kissed another guy and liked it.

  Admiring guys and acting on that feeling was a totally different thing. I’d always been with women, and I knew the logical progression of a relationship with a girl.

  It started with some kissing and petting over the clothing, which if you were lucky, you got your hands under her shirt and maybe even her bra. Things generally stayed above the waist, except maybe a casual slip of the fingertips, grazing across her hip. As you each got more comfortable with each other, she might initiate some of the activity, and bodies may get pressed together where friction could happen.

  Sometimes it led to a hand down the pants or lips on the bare breast. If you were lucky, it could be both, and then you could move to finger-fucking and hand jobs with the hope of a blowjob.

  Clothing may be the next casualty as things heated up in the relationship. When this happened, the main goal was to get your dick into the pussy, because that’s the whole purpose of this odd dance.

  But with Skye, it was a completely different dance. One I wasn’t sure I was capable of doing. I had too many questions, and Skye was no help at all. We’d kissed and groped. In theory the next step would be to lose the clothing, and seriously, I had no idea how guys decided who did what. Did you have a discussion with your partner as things progressed? I knew I enjoyed a good blowjob, but I’d never considered sucking off another guy.

  I really wanted to be pissed at Skye for putting all these stupid questions inside my head. But the biggest mountain of all was Skye had a girlfriend, and I was sort of dating Lindy. I didn’t want to cheat or be a part of a secret relationship.

  “Ty, we’re going to be late,” Skye shouted from the top of the stairs.

  My stomach lurched into my throat, and I felt exactly like I did when I stepped on the football field before the start of a big game.

  “Tyler,” he shouted again, coming down a few steps until we stared at each other. “Let’s go or we’re going to be late.”

  The tension was thick when I met him at the top of the stairs. He kept his mouth shut and said nothing about our late night encounter. I eyed him curiously but decided not to press the issue. I didn’t really know what to say anyway.

  “How’s your back?” he asked as he got in the car.

  “Stiff, but a little better,” I said. “Your dad told me to get a massage today.”

  “I can hook you up.” His eyes sparkled and he gave me a shy smile. “Meet me after practice.”

  “Okay, thanks.” I drew in a shaky breath and stared at the road.

  The rest of my day was spent answering panicked questions from coaches and players about my ability to play. Thomas apologized and tried to carry my books every time he spotted me. By the time the final bell rang, I wanted to punch half my team in the face.

  “Hey, Tyler,” Lindy said. She laced her fingers with mine and smiled at me. “What are you doing after school?”

  “Watching practice and going to get a massage.”

  “Are you seeing Skye’s mom? She’s one of the best in the area.”


  “She’s a massage therapist.”

  “I guess that’s what he meant by hooking me up,” I said.

  She laughed and jostled me, which made me wince.

  “Sorry,” she said.

  “Not your fault, baby. I’m just tired and sore.”

  I manufactured a smile and hugged her tightly, but she pushed for more and kissed me. Skye and a few other guys came around the corner and busted us. Several whistled and made obscene gestures. Skye frowned, but I ignored his reaction and concentrated on the girl in my arms.

  Between the whistles from the guys, I swore I could hear Skye grinding his teeth as I planted another not-so-sweet kiss on Lindy.

  “I don’t mean to break up this touching moment, but we’re going to be late. And just because you’re not suiting up doesn’t mean Coach will tolerate you being late,” Skye said.

  “Go,” Lindy whispered as she dragged her lips down my throat. “I’ll talk to you later.”

  “Chill out, Skye,” several guys said.

  “You lucky dog, Rask. She’s one hot little minx,” Lance said as he pounded me on the back.

  I tried not to flinch as he apologized for touching me. I gave him shit for using the word minx.

  Practice for me was boring. Practice for the team was a disaster. Without me in the lineup, the plays had to be changed to fit the second string quarterback’s strengths, which were so far hidden. Skye shouted continuously, the coach seemed to be sprouting gray hair, and Gavin looked like he wanted to bury the entire team in the end zone.

  “I’ll be fine in a couple of days,” I repeated several times to reassure the coach.

  After practice, Skye hustled me to his car and drove me to his house where his mother met us and gave me a massage that relaxed me so much I almost fell asleep on her table.

  The only odd part of the entire session was her questions about how Brooke and Skye were doing. I told her I didn’t know Brooke all that well. I figured it was better than telling her Brooke was a bitch and I wanted her son.

  While I was getting dressed, I overheard bits and pieces of tense conversation between Skye and his mother. She seemed to really like Brooke and thought Skye wasn’t treating her well.

  It didn’t take long for my back to heal, and I was able to return to practice and full contact. We won our first game when I hooked up with Skye on a thirty-five-yard pass. He ran the last twenty yards, juking and sprinting before crossing the goal line.

  Even though this wasn’t Texas, it was great to be back on the field. My back felt good and everything seemed normal again. I still caught myself watching Skye. He was hard to avoid. Lindy and I were having a great time hanging out, and Skye seemed to be caught up in Brooke again.

  “That was awesome.” Skye pounded on my helmet. “Fucking sweet pass. I can’t believe you avoided that lineman.”

  “I knew you’d get open but I had to buy you some time.”

  Skye flashed me a smile. “I fucking love playing with you.”

  I took my helmet off and jogged next to him. “We make a good team.”

  “My mom said you should probably come over for a massage. Just to make sure your muscles don’t tighten up again.”


  He shrugged his shoulders. “Yeah, but we could wait.”

  “Isn’t there a party or something?”

  “I was going to skip it. I’m tired. It’s been a long week.”

  Gavin charged over to us, yelling about how awesome that pass had been. He shouldered me and almost knocked me over.

  “Christ, Gav, it’s just one game,” I said as I righted my pads.

  “It’s going to be like this the rest of the season. Oh, and sorry about that missed block at the end of the game. Crow managed to trip me,” he grumbled.

  “It happens,” I said. “Just don’t make it a habit.”

  “You guys heading over to the party?”

  Skye glanced at me, silently pleading with me to say no to Gavin.

  “Haven’t decided yet. I have a massage scheduled. I’ll see how I feel after.”

  “Take care of that back,” he said. “I better get moving or Ashley will march in here and yell about me being too slow.”

  Gavin was whistling as he left the locker room.

  “Hey, asshole,” I shouted. “You behave with my siste

  Gavin seemed a little too happy for my comfort.

  “You know it doesn’t matter what you say to him. He’s in love with her,” Skye said.

  “Shut up, Skye.” I tried to sound pissed off. “Well, I guess she could do worse; she could be dating you.”

  Several guys snickered, so Skye flipped them off. “She should be so lucky.”

  I shook my head. “Let’s go.”

  Skye made a quick phone call while I called Lindy and told her I needed a massage and that I’d talk to her tomorrow. She wasn’t going to the party either. She had some huge test next week that was giving her fits.

  It took forever to get through the parking lot to Skye’s car. Half the student body offered congratulations and the other half wanted to discuss the game. You’d think this town had never won a football game. This was old hat for me. It was news when my old team lost a game, not when we won.

  “Jesus Christ,” Skye mumbled. “You attract a goddamn crowd.”

  “Not my fault,” I said. “Apparently you guys don’t win very often.”

  He chuckled and rolled his eyes. “You do realize we just beat last year’s state champion.”

  “Hmm, guess that explains all the excitement.”

  Skye cranked the tunes and we sang and shot the shit as we drove to his house. I felt a slight twinge in my back and was actually looking forward to the massage. I didn’t want to chance another back spasm episode.

  Just as we were getting out of the car, Skye’s phone rang.

  “He’s right here,” Skye said and handed me the phone.

  “Hello? Oh, hi, Mrs. Olsen. Right . . . Ellie. Okay, thanks for calling.”

  I handed the phone back to Skye and kicked at the leaves littering the driveway. Skye’s mom wasn’t going to make our session because a friend was having some sort of personal crisis.

  “I can take you home or I can give you the massage,” Skye said. “My mom taught me all of her tricks. I promise I won’t hurt you. You can trust me.”

  My eyes widened and I tried to stay calm, but I felt light headed and hot.

  “Tyler?” he whispered, sounding unsure.

  “No problem. My back is a little stiff.”

  I clenched my teeth and followed Skye into the house. We hadn’t discussed anything, and I didn’t know what to expect. Right now I was just going to write it off as a teenage experiment or something. It was nothing to get excited about.

  We walked through the house and into his mom’s office where the table was already set up. I watched as Skye turned the water on and pumped the soap. He rubbed his hands together, lacing his fingers and spreading the soap everywhere until he was satisfied they were clean. His movements were deliberate, and thinking about his hands on me was intoxicating. If I didn’t look away, I was going to get hard.

  I stepped into the dressing room, pulled the door closed, and groaned as I sat down on the bench. I closed my eyes and slowly disrobed, hanging my jacket on the hook and folding my jeans and shirt, then slipping on the white robe provided. At the last minute, I wrapped a towel around my hips.

  I eased the door open and spotted Skye standing near the window with his back to me. I tried not to stare, but he really was a sight to behold. He ran his hand through his hair, messing some of the artfully tussled locks. He sighed softly, drawing my gaze to the rise and fall of his chest. The white T-shirt he wore showed off his upper body. He shifted his arm, making the sleeve pull taut over his well-defined bicep. He pulled on a string and the window shade dropped, shutting off the outside world.

  I swallowed and cleared my throat. He immediately turned, and I was met with smoldering, hazel eyes.

  “You ready, Tyler?”

  The guy scared the shit out of me because he could draw reactions from my body without doing anything. Somehow I scrambled onto the table and lay face down. A loud pop came from behind me and the sound of him slicking his hands filled the air.

  I had to bite my lip to stop a moan when he slid his hands across my back and over my shoulders.

  “Relax,” he whispered. “You’re really wound tightly.”

  How could I relax when all I wanted to do was bolt out of this tiny room and escape him?

  “Maybe this will help,” Skye said, stepping away from me. He rattled around until soft music filled the room. He fiddled with it for a few minutes before he was happy with what was coming out of the speakers.

  “Relax,” he whispered again. I jumped when he nuzzled his nose against my ear. At least I think it happened. He moved away so fast and started with the oil again that I began to think I was imagining things.

  Slowly he worked out the knots in my muscles. I almost thought he was better at this than his mom. I tried not to imagine what his fingers looked like, slicked up and sliding across my back.

  He moved lower, all the while kneading and pressing into my knotted muscles.

  “Is this helping?” he asked.

  I grunted when he pushed hard on a sensitive spot.

  “You all right?” he asked.

  “Yeah, fine. It’s a little sore there.”

  “I’ll be gentle. I promise.” He spoke so quietly, I barely heard him. He was still touching my back but instead of pushing hard, his kneading had turned to soft caresses. This wasn’t part of Ellie’s normal routine, but fuck, it felt good.

  I felt a light kiss glide across my neck, making all the hairs stand up on my body.

  “I can’t stop thinking about you,” he said, his breath ghosting across my skin. I shivered and squirmed, because I could definitely feel stirrings in my groin. He kissed my neck again, and I closed my eyes. This was coming down to two choices: stay or leave.

  He ran his hands over every bit of exposed skin, the massage long since forgotten. My body was on fire, and the decision came fast and hard. I flipped over, grabbed Skye, and smashed my mouth to his. Our teeth clicked together. Nothing about this was sweet or tender, but I didn’t fucking care anymore. When he opened his mouth, I shoved my tongue inside, exploring and tasting him. I tugged on his hair, dragging him closer to me.

  And then I came to my senses and shoved him off me. I clutched the towel, making sure it was wrapped tightly around my waist. He looked dazed and as confused as I felt.

  “Do you think I could take a quick shower?” I asked.

  “Yeah, sure,” he said.

  He raked his hand through his hair and stared at the ground, avoiding any eye contact with me. He finally turned and left, so I followed and jogged up the stairs behind him. If my back wasn’t all greasy, I would’ve walked home.

  He tossed a towel in my face. “Body wash and shampoo are in the shower.”


  The awkwardness in the room was so thick, I felt like I was drowning in it. Just as I was about to close the bathroom door, Skye caught my eye and I paused. He let out a low, throaty growl, stalked toward me, and pinned me against the shower door. He raised my arms above my head and leaned into me, panting hard against my neck. My dick immediately got back into the game.

  “Tell me to stop,” he said as he pressed his hips against mine.

  When all I did was moan, he licked my throat before latching on and sucking hard. I was going to have a gigantic hickey if he didn’t ease up. I struggled a little and he moved his lips up my jaw until he kissed me. I opened to him and he slipped his tongue into my mouth. I completely forgot about the hickey when his tongue touched mine, and he bucked against my leg.

  “Fuck, Ty,” Skye gasped, taking in a huge gulp of air.

  The sound of my name brought me to life. I wiggled until he released his hold on my wrists. With my hands free, I explored his chest, tweaked his nipples, and felt the softness of his skin.

  Skye caressed my throat, running his hands over my shoulders and down my arms until his hands rested on my hips. He pressed against me and our cocks brushed together, making me feel like I was going to pass out.

  His thrusting became frantic, and I was read
y to lose my mind if I didn’t come. He moved his hand between us and traced the outline of my dick. I’d never wanted someone to shove their hand down my underwear more than I did at that moment. I wanted to feel the warmth of his hand wrapped around my cock.

  My mind shifted gears, and suddenly I was lost in the passion of his kisses and touch. I took control and popped the buttons on his jeans and reached into his underwear to draw out his rock-hard dick.

  It was an odd sensation to touch another man’s cock, yet strangely arousing, especially with Skye panting in my ear. My heart was pounding and I was getting close to release. Skye was fucking the hell out of my hand, so I gave his dick a squeeze. He swore and let out a strangled cry, filling my hand with his spunk.

  One more thrust into his hand and I was arching my back, coming into my fucking shorts. If Skye hadn’t been leaning against me, I would’ve slid to the floor. He’d turned me into a pile of mush.

  “Holy fuck,” Skye said.

  “Yeah,” I whispered.

  “You should . . . I’ll just let you . . . I’m going to the other bathroom.”

  His face turned a bright shade of crimson as he backed away from me. His ears looked like they were on fire.

  I shook my head and turned on the shower. That was definitely a massage I would never forget, but now, instead of talking like grown men, he’d left me standing in the bathroom. Maybe I could’ve stopped him from leaving, but I needed a moment to gather my thoughts.

  The water cleaned away all the evidence of our madness, except for the bite marks he’d left on my neck.

  I dried off, and instead of my jeans and shirt sitting on the vanity, there was a clean pair of sweats, a T-shirt, and a fresh pair of boxer briefs. Wearing Skye’s clothing was going to be a new level of torture and meant that I’d have to face him before I could leave.

  I towel dried my hair and took a glance in the mirror as I ran a comb through my unruly locks. I dressed and figured I was running out of things to do, which meant I needed to face him and what just happened.


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