When the Night Comes

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When the Night Comes Page 7

by Teegan Loy

I grumbled. “It’s just Skye.”

  I found him sitting on his bed, freshly showered.

  “Do you want to stay?” he asked.

  My stomach did a weird swooping thing like I was on a rollercoaster. It also appeared I’d forgotten how to speak English when some strangled noise came out of my throat. I coughed a few times, pretending I’d swallowed wrong.

  He frowned and then looked away from me. “I can give you a ride home.”

  It was an easy way out. If I were smart, I’d take the opportunity and get the fuck away from him.

  “Ty?” His voice drew me out of my internal ranting and I looked up into soft hazel eyes.

  “Okay, I’ll stay,” I said.

  He grinned and jumped on his bed, fluffing the pillows before turning on his gaming console.

  “I’ll wipe the floor with you,” I said and grabbed a controller. We played, trying to distract each other. All Skye had to do was rub his leg against mine, and my mind would short circuit, making me die a gruesome on-screen death.

  After several rounds, he yawned and my eyes were drooping.

  “I’m done,” I said and dropped my controller.

  Skye yawned again and turned off the TV, leaving us in the dark. I thought about getting up and asking where I was supposed to sleep, but he pulled the blankets over us. I stayed perfectly still, wanting to say something but scared to initiate.

  “Ty?” Skye’s voice cut through the darkness.


  He sighed and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me to his chest and hooking his leg around mine.

  “I need time to figure all this out,” he whispered. “Can you give me that?”

  His breath washed over my shoulder. “Okay,” I said in a barely-there whisper.

  Soon Skye’s breathing evened out to a steady rhythm. I tried to stay awake, but I was so tired. I relaxed and fell asleep within minutes, wrapped around a guy I could only have when the dark of night hid us.

  Chapter Seven

  The football season continued, along with stolen kisses and secret moments. It was like being two different people. When we were alone, hidden in the dark, I felt at home.

  But the moment we stepped back into the light, I felt torn, and the guilt was starting to devour me. Ashley and Mama tried to talk to me, but I shut them out by using the excuse of missing Texas. They both called bullshit, but I wasn’t ready to talk.

  After the football game on Friday night, where we crushed our opposition and ran our record to an impressive 7-0, Mama and Mrs. Vigen took off for Minneapolis, leaving Ashley and me alone for the weekend.

  Right before they left, Mama pulled us aside and told us if we planned on doing something stupid, under no circumstances were moving vehicles to be involved. We deciphered the meaning behind her speech by having a party at our house.

  The official party wasn’t scheduled to begin for another forty-five minutes to be sure Mama was really gone. When I strolled into the kitchen, I avoided looking at Skye. He’d made it pretty clear our relationship, or whatever it was, only existed in the dark of the night, and I’d told him I couldn’t deal with cheating on Brooke and Lindy much longer. I didn’t want to be that guy. I couldn’t admit to myself that I already was that guy.

  I pulled a chair up and squished in next to Lindy. She scooted closer to me, pressing her thigh against mine. She set a shot glass in front of me filled with amber liquid and smiled wickedly.

  “What are we drinking tonight?” I asked, grimacing.

  “Fancy scotch from my mom’s private stash.” Brooke squealed and tossed a shot back. She amazed me when it came to a person who could hold her liquor. She never flinched or scowled when she took a drink.

  Skye frowned at her and told her the drink should be sipped and savored, not gulped. She rolled her eyes and refilled her glass. Skye took that moment to shove Gavin out of the way and sit next to me. The heat from his leg made my body tremble. The only thing I could do was down my scotch. I banged the glass on the table indicating I wanted a refill.

  “Sip, not gulp,” Ashley said to me.

  I ignored her and took another swallow.

  Ashley eyed me. “It’s pretty early, dear brother.”

  “I can read a clock, darling,” I snapped.

  “Just a nice reminder that I will not be the one holding your hair when you’re puking your guts out.”

  I sneered at her and whispered a venomous “Shut up.” She ignored my warning and this time, she launched into the story of the infamous whiskey incident. I’d woken up hanging on the edge of the toilet, covered in vomit. Ashley had cleaned the bathroom and me before Mama busted us. The hangover had lasted for three days, but Ashley was mad for a month. Everyone burst out laughing.

  I flipped them off and settled down, drinking at a more leisurely pace. Skye stayed next to me with Lindy on the other side, pressed as close as she could get. Where Skye touched, my body burned, while Lindy just felt like a random body sitting too close. It was very unsettling, and the guilt swam through my head.

  Soon the house was overflowing with kids, drinking and partying. Ashley ran around, trying to be a good hostess, trying to keep the house in one piece. I managed to keep things pretty calm between Lindy and me, but eventually she cornered me and kissed the shit out of me, rubbing against my body like she was in heat. I tried to fake interest, but I was doing a crappy imitation of a guy whose girlfriend was acting like she wanted to fuck.

  Someone nearby snorted. I opened my eyes and came face-to-face with Skye’s wild stare. Before I could say anything, he disappeared into the living room.

  “Ty,” Lindy whined, trying to kiss me again.

  An awful noise came from the living room and I cringed.

  “Someone’s got my guitar,” I said. “I don’t share well.”

  “It’s probably Jersey something or other. He thinks he’s going to be a guitar god. Or maybe it’s Skye. I heard he’s learning to play.”

  I let go of her and stormed down the hall. “It sounds like he’s committing murder. I need to save my baby.”

  “But Ty.” She grabbed my arm and looked at me with big, golden eyes. I suddenly felt like a total shithead.

  “It’s early, honey, let’s go save my guitar, and I’ll play you a song,” I said.

  “Weren’t you enjoying yourself?”

  “Yeah, sure darlin’, but the place is packed right now, and I’m not into giving a free show.”

  She grumbled, waved me away, and headed into the kitchen. I veered into the living room where Gavin spotted me and tossed me a beer.

  “Ashley said you play,” he said, grimacing as the kid who had my guitar hit another rotten note.

  “Better than that.”

  Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Skye watching me. Brooke was latched onto his neck, but he wasn’t paying any attention to her.

  Gavin snatched the guitar from Jersey and handed it to me. I shooed a couple people off the couch and sat down, strumming a few times to make sure the guitar was in tune. Skye wiggled and almost dumped Brooke off his lap. She glared at him and stomped out of the room.

  “Requests?” I asked.

  Everybody shouted several song titles at the same time, so I picked one that seemed to fit the situation perfectly. The lyrics expressed what I was feeling at the moment. I wanted someone to push me, to dare me, so I could show what was hidden inside my heart. It scared the shit out of me, but sometimes when I thought about him and me, we seemed so right.

  As I continued my set, more and more kids wandered into the living room to listen. Lindy and Brooke stumbled in and leaned against the wall. Lindy stared at me, so I conjured a smile for her. She whispered something to Brooke and they both glanced at Skye, who was staring intensely at me as I sang. It was hard to concentrate.

  Finally after several songs, I excused myself to get another drink and take a well-deserved break. Jersey grinned at me and told me I was great.

  “Thanks, kid,” I said and p
atted him on the back. When I dropped my hand, my fingers brushed against his and he flushed a violent red. My eyebrows shot up and I quickly looked away from him, dismissing it as my drunken imagination.

  Skye was still watching me, but now he gave Jersey a hard stare. I rolled my eyes and saw Brooke saunter over to Skye, leaving Lindy to slide down the wall. Brooke tried to climb into Skye’s lap, but he whispered something to her that made her scowl. She turned and pulled a very drunk Lindy to her feet. Against my better judgment, I decided to see what was going on.

  Lindy’s face lit up when she saw me. “Hey, baby. You’re so good. But I bet you already knew that.” Her words were slurred and she tripped, almost falling. Brooke caught her and helped her regain her balance. Lindy tried to grab my crotch, but I snagged her hand and stopped her.

  “I’m going to take her to my house,” Brooke said. “Her mom would kill her if she caught her.”

  “Isn’t your dad a cop?” I asked.

  “He’s working tonight, and dear old Mother is off on some retreat to get her head together,” she said.

  “Can you drive?” I asked.

  “I’m fine,” Brooke said. “I haven’t had anything since we did those shots.”

  “Ty,” Lindy whined and slid her fingers around the waistband of my jeans. “Take me to your room.”

  “Not tonight, babe, you’re drunk.” I gave her a quick kiss on the cheek.

  She tried to put her hands on her hips, but she ended up falling into the wall.

  “You’re no fun, Tyler Rask. Most guys would jump at the chance if I offered. What the hell is the matter with you? Is your dick broken or something?”

  “Brooke, get her out of here before I say something I regret,” I said.

  Skye placed his hand on my arm.

  Lindy snarled. “And what the fuck is the matter with you, Skye? Brooke says you’ve been a frigid asshole lately.”

  “Lindy, shut up,” Brooke said through clenched teeth.

  An audience started to gather, so Brooke put her hand over Lindy’s mouth. I shook my head and went to get another beer. I cracked it and sat down at the kitchen table.

  “What the hell was that all about?” Ashley asked.

  “I have no idea. Can we end this party?”

  “Yeah, it’s getting too crazy, and I don’t want to deal with the cops.”

  It took Ashley and Gavin about six minutes to clear out the house, leaving me surrounded by quiet. I wasn’t sure if Ashley left with Gavin or they went up to her room, and I wasn’t interested in looking for them. I was happy for her, but her happiness reminded me of the disaster that was my life.

  Brooke shot me a text, telling me she and Lindy were safe. The guilt settled in my gut and swirled around like acid. I should’ve taken care of Lindy, not Brooke. She was supposed to be my girlfriend.

  I cleared the last of the cans and bottles away, stuffed them into a giant plastic bag, and carried it to the alley to put in the neighbor’s garbage can.

  The jog back to the house took no time. The fight with Lindy had drained me and ruined my buzz. I found my guitar and headed downstairs. Before I could flip on the light switch, a voice came from the darkness.

  “Lindy was right when she said that you’re a good musician.”

  “Skye? I thought you went home.”

  He was sitting on the end of my bed, nervously fiddling with the collar of his shirt. His hazel eyes smoldered in the low light, and I wanted to tackle him to the bed and have my way with him.

  “Do you want me to go home?” he whispered.

  It would’ve been smart to say no, to tell him I was too drunk and too tired, but the logical side of my brain had left the building.


  I slowly shook my head, and he let out a breath. I knelt down in front of him, resting my hands on his thighs.

  “What do you want from me?” I asked.

  “Anything you’ll give me,” he said.

  I let my head fall back and groaned. He was going to be my undoing. “We can’t keep doing this.”

  He slid off the bed so he was kneeling in front of me. “Can I touch you, Tyler?”

  “Yes,” I said with no hesitation.

  The moment he cupped my groin and touched his lips to mine, things turned frantic. He went to work on my belt, tugging until he was growling in frustration.

  “I need you,” he panted.

  I yanked on his T-shirt, trying to get it over his head. We finally stood and he let me take off his shirt as he undid my belt. He immediately pulled down my pants, taking my boxers with them. It shocked me when the cool air hit my overheated cock. Before I knew what was going on, Skye pushed me on the bed and crawled across my body, settling between my legs.

  “Holy shit, Skye,” I croaked out.

  “Mmmm,” he hummed as he kissed my stomach, circling my belly button with his tongue. I squeaked when he dipped his tongue in for a quick taste. He chuckled as my eyes rolled to the back of my head.

  “Tell me if you want me to stop,” he said.

  Stopping was the last thing on my mind, especially when he wrapped his fingers around the base, then touched the tip of my dick with his tongue. I arched off the bed and I may have shouted once or twice. His mouth was hot, and watching him swallowing around me almost made me come on the spot.

  He slid his tongue around the tip and through my slit, teasing me with light pressure from his fingers at the base. I whimpered, begging him to suck me harder. He followed my command and my balls tingled.

  “Fuck, Skye, stop.” I tried to shove him off and warn him, but he kept on working me. I lost it, emptying into his mouth. He didn’t even gag as he swallowed. I felt like I was floating around the room, having some sort of out-of-body experience.

  It took a few minutes before I came back down to earth, but I suddenly noticed how hard Skye was and I wanted to know how he tasted. I squirmed out from under him and pushed him to his back. I licked his neck, kissed his collarbone, and sucked on his nipples until he was writhing with pleasure. I tasted every part of his chest, ribs, and finally his hipbones.

  “Feels so good, Ty . . . Oh . . .”

  I got him out of his pants and boxers, releasing his dick. He was slick with pre-come, so I swiped my tongue across the head. He whimpered my name. I grinned and rested my head on his hipbone.

  “Um, Skye,” I said.

  “Yeah?” he rasped.

  “I’ve never done this before, so let me know if I do something wrong.” I smiled shyly and slid my tongue down his shaft.

  “Just like that,” he murmured and threaded his fingers through my hair, guiding the speed. I sucked harder until his grip in my hair tightened and he tried to get me to stop. I shook my head and held his hips.

  His release came quick and hard, hitting the back of my throat. I swallowed as fast as I could but some dribbled down my chin.

  “Fuck,” Skye shouted and collapsed on the bed.

  I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand and started laughing. He rolled over and pinned me to the bed.

  “Get off me. I’m a goddamn mess,” I said, still laughing.

  Skye smirked, jumped out of bed, and then ran to the bathroom.

  He returned carrying a couple of wet washcloths and a towel. We quickly cleaned up. I didn’t know what to expect from him, but when he climbed into my bed, I followed.

  I flipped the light off and settled down, falling asleep sated and happy. After all, it was nighttime, and when it was night, he was mine and I was his.

  Chapter Eight

  When I woke in the morning, Skye was still in my bed. But with the sun shining, he seemed a little uptight. His anxiety went through the roof when his phone rang. He disappeared into the bathroom, and I could hear his voice rising and falling.

  “I have to go. I broke up with Brooke again.” He sat down next to me and leaned into my side. “I need some time to figure this out.”

  “Yeah, sure,” I said.

  His phon
e rang again and he paled.

  “Great,” he mumbled. “Mom must know.” He rubbed his temples, stuffed his phone in his pocket, and stood. “I’ll talk to you later.”


  He stumbled up the stairs as I collapsed back on my bed. I heard Mama say something, and then the front door closed.

  I tried to go back to sleep, but knowing Mama was home made me nervous. It was always like this after I’d done something I knew she wouldn’t approve of.

  I crawled out of bed, went upstairs, and found Ashley in the kitchen filling a glass of water.

  “Mama knows about the party,” she said.

  “Are we in trouble?”

  She shrugged. “Are you okay?”

  “I don’t know?” I replied honestly.

  “You know, you can tell me anything.”

  I nodded but stayed silent. She squeezed my shoulder and sat down, leaning against me.

  “Everything will work out,” she whispered.

  “It was easier in Texas.”

  “Want to talk about it?”

  “Not really.”


  I stared at her because she’d never let me off the hook in my entire life.

  “Talk to Lindy. It’s not fair to her,” she said.

  I hung my head, waiting for her to shout at me. Instead, she stood and left me sitting in the kitchen surrounded by guilt and the fear of being outed.

  On Monday, the news of Skye and Brooke breaking up had spread like wildfire. I was surprised it wasn’t on the front page of the newspaper because it was everywhere on social media and the halls of the school were filled with gossip.

  Middleton Lake High seemed to be divided into three sections: those with Brooke, those with Skye, and those who didn’t give a shit.

  Lindy and I had a quiet discussion that was blown out of proportion by one of the biggest gossips in town. By the time I made it to the locker room to change for football practice, everyone in the entire school knew my business.

  The guys didn’t know who to stare at when Skye wandered into the room. Gavin threatened everyone to let it be. I was past the point of caring. Football was my main concern right now, so I shut everything out and worked hard in practice.


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