When the Night Comes

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When the Night Comes Page 8

by Teegan Loy

  We only had a couple of weeks to prepare for the final game of the football season. We’d managed to go unbeaten and were now in the state championship. I thought the entire population of Middleton Lake was traveling to Minneapolis to attend the game. It was the first time in the history of Middleton Lake High that the team was competing for a state title.

  Most people credited our success to Skye and me, but I reminded them it was the whole team. Skye and I couldn’t carry an entire football team. If we didn’t have a solid defensive core or a steady offensive line to protect me, we wouldn’t be here.

  With all the commotion from the breakups, it was good to have something to concentrate on. To get ready for the upcoming game, we needed to get some homework done. Skye and I were hanging in his room and I was reading over my biology notes while he scribbled in that stupid notebook he carried.

  “What are you writing?” I asked.

  He ignored me until I tried to snag the book.

  “Nothing.” He snorted and slid it out of my reach.

  “If it’s nothing, then why can’t I see it?”

  He shrugged. “It’s just my thoughts. Nothing important.” He stuffed the book into his backpack.

  “So it’s your diary?”

  I laughed and he narrowed his eyes. He lunged at me, grabbing me around my waist and tackling me to the floor.

  “Oof, get off me you fucking asshole,” I roared.

  Take it back, Tyler. My journal is not funny.” He pinned my hands over my head, and I tried to buck him off me. He grunted and my eyes widened when I felt his erection press into my thigh.

  Noise from the hallway made him leap to his feet. I rolled to my stomach, crushing my dick. I managed to stifle a groan just as his mom walked into the room.

  “Oh,” she said. “I didn’t know you had company.” Her face was pinched and her lips turned down.

  I shut my book and jammed everything into my backpack. “I need to get going anyway,” I said.

  She nodded at me but didn’t say anything. I quickly scurried out of the room, barely making it to the front door before the shouting started.

  My phone buzzed as I was getting out of the car at my house.


  “Uh, sorry about my mom.”

  “Not a big deal, unless you want to talk about it?”

  “No, but thanks,” he said. “I wish —⁠”

  “Me too,” I interrupted before the conversation got too deep.

  I changed topics to the game and we spent a long time talking football.

  A few days before the big game, Skye came barreling down the hall shouting my name.

  “Tyler! Wait up.”

  I skidded to a stop and Skye shouldered me into a row of lockers. We almost knocked over our science teacher. He told us to cool it. We apologized and resisted the urge to flip the guy off.

  “What’s got you so fired up?” I asked.

  “My dad just called. Everything is set. We’re heading to The Cities early.

  “Lucky you,” I said sarcastically.

  “No. No. You don’t get it. We’re both going.” He sort of squealed.

  I banged him into the lockers and pretended to pat him down. “Are you holding out on me? Obviously you’re toasted. Mama would never let me miss school for no reason.”

  “My dad cleared it with your mom. I’m not sure what he told her, but who the hell cares. Tomorrow after practice, we’re out of here.”

  I eyed him, not really believing his words, but he looked like a kid who was ‘pee in your pants, going to Disney World’ excited.”

  “C’mon, let’s get to practice. I don’t want to be late,” I said.

  We ran down the hall as Skye chattered excitedly all the way to the gym. I wasn’t going to get hyped up until I knew for sure this was a real thing.

  Practice was tough, and Skye disappeared before I could ask more questions. I knew he had a ton of homework to finish before we left, so I wasn’t concerned. I rode home with Gavin and told him about Skye’s plans.

  “You lucky bastard,” he said.

  “I don’t know if it’s true. For all I know, Skye’s full of shit.”

  Gavin cackled and shoved me out of his truck. Ashley punched me as she climbed into the cab. They squealed off, leaving me standing in a pile of frostbitten leaves.

  Mama confirmed the trip when I walked in the door. Only I couldn’t decide if it was a good thing.

  “Tyler, what’s going on with you?” Mama asked.

  My entire body tensed. “I broke up with Lindy a few days ago.”

  “And your reason?”

  “I just need time to sort things out,” I said. “I felt like I was suffocating.”

  “You can come to me with anything.” She swatted me with the spatula she was holding. “Dinner is ready.”

  “Great. I’m starving.”

  Mama didn’t ask any more questions about Lindy. We discussed school and the upcoming game.

  “You’re my golden boy,” she said. “I’m so proud of you.”

  I sighed. “I’m feeling rather tarnished at the moment.”

  She chuckled and gave me a hug. “I’m always here for you. Dr. Olsen called me. Do you want to go or do I give you a way out?”

  I took a deep breath. “I’d like to go.”

  “Okay.” She then launched into the standard “don’t do anything stupid” lecture.

  The team gave us a hard time for leaving early and not riding the bus with them. Gavin stepped in and said we needed a little downtime before the big game. He said we were both feeling the pressure.

  Ashley also tried to get me to talk, but I shut her down. She watched us load the car from the porch with a frown on her face and her arms folded across her chest. She wasn’t going to let me get away with not talking for much longer.

  Mama warned Skye and me to behave. Dr. Olsen promised to keep us in line. Skye chuckled under his breath and elbowed me.

  “I’ll see you on Saturday,” Mama said. “Have a good time, but remember you’re representing Middleton Lake. And if you do anything stupid, I will come and get you.”

  The miles passed and soon we were in the big city, heading for our hotel. It was already quite late when we parked. Skye’s phone kept vibrating, and I noticed it was Brooke’s name that popped up. He never answered. I thought about asking him, but I didn’t feel like pressing the issue. Dr. Olsen handed us our key and told us to meet him downstairs for an early breakfast.

  My nerves ratcheted up when the door closed and we were alone. We moved around each other in silence as we readied for bed. Things heated up dramatically when he took a shower, and I gathered up all my courage to join him.

  When it came time to actually get in bed, I hesitated because there were two beds in the room. In the end, Skye pulled me into his bed and pulled the blanket over us.

  He snuggled against me and I sighed. “Can I ask you a question?”

  “Sure,” he whispered.

  “I thought your mom was coming with.”

  “She was, but things aren’t good between her and my dad right now, and I sort of add to the problem.”

  “I’m sorry,” I said.

  “I don’t want to talk about them anymore.”

  I wanted to point out that we hadn’t talked about them at all, but talking about serious issues didn’t seem to be our thing.

  It was a long time before I fell asleep, only to wake in the middle of the night, disoriented and very hot. It wasn’t until I realized it was Skye plastered against my back and breathing hotly on my neck that I relaxed.

  The things I felt for Skye made me crazy. Life would be so much easier if it was Lindy instead of him.

  Skye shifted, mumbling something in his sleep. His arm rested on my stomach, his fingers locked with mine. He mumbled again and tightened his grip, pulling me closer.

  “Ty,” he said in a sleepy voice.


  He nuzzled into my neck and nipped a
t my earlobe, making me shudder as his breath washed over me. I turned toward him so we were nose-to-nose. He moaned when I licked his bottom lip and slid my leg in between his. I had to hold back grinding my already stiff dick into his thigh.

  He slid his hand down my side, the heat from his palm burning into my hip. My breathing grew rougher as he kissed my jaw, slowly dragging his lips to my mouth. The kiss only lasted a fleeting moment. Skye rose above me and slowly slid down my body until he was stretched out on top of me. He eased my legs apart with his knees and settled between them. I closed my eyes and thrust my hardening dick against him. We both moaned so loud, I thought the people next door might hear us.

  He released my wrists and flattened his hands, running them down my arms, across my chest as he tugged my shirt over my head. The moment he touched skin, I threaded my fingers into his hair and pressed my tongue into his mouth.

  He devoured my kisses, assaulting my mouth and tangling his tongue with mine as we fought for dominance. He snapped the waistband of my pajamas, and I realized he was just as nervous as me. I slapped his hands away and undressed.

  Things were so intense, I could barely think. My skin burned where he touched, and when he took my dick into his mouth, I gripped the bedding so I wouldn’t jab my cock down his throat.

  “Slower,” I pleaded.

  He obliged by gradually sliding his lips down my shaft, making my eyes cross. I touched his hair and felt him moan around my dick. He cupped my balls, rolling them in his fingers as he sucked harder. His fingers drifted from my sac to my hole. I flinched when he pressed against me. No one had ever touched me there, and panic flooded my body. This was a huge step in our sex life.

  He paused and looked at me, grinning around my dick like some evil little devil. I shivered and knew I was doomed. My dick fell from his mouth when he reached for something on the nightstand. I heard a soft click, and then his fingers were back and very slick with lube. He rubbed harder against my hole, pressing in further with each pass. He took my dick deep into his mouth again and pushed his finger into me at the same time. Everything went totally white.

  “Oh god,” I shouted, and my muscles tightened from the initial shock of the intrusion. Skye moved his finger and set off fireworks behind my eyelids and made me come so fast and hard, I thought I went blind for a few seconds.

  “Holy fuck,” I gasped.

  Skye chuckled, and when I was finally able to focus on him, he was sitting up, stroking his dick. It was one of the hottest things I’d ever seen in my fucking life. He let his head fall back as he jacked himself harder. With a twist of his wrist and a swipe of his fingers over the head, he shuddered and came all over his hand and my thigh.

  I grabbed his hand, flicked my tongue out, and tasted some of his come. He sucked in a quick breath and tugged my hair, bringing me to his mouth. Frantic at first, he slowed down, becoming tender, and my stomach lurched when he whispered my name.

  We fell back onto the pillows, but Skye didn’t let go of me until he reached on the floor for a towel. We wiped off and he immediately covered us with a blanket. My stomach fluttered again when he wrapped his arm around me and settled down.

  The feelings I was experiencing were not a high from great sex, but from having him near me, holding me. Maybe this was what falling in love felt like. I resisted the urge to leap away from him because I couldn’t fall in love with him. It would only lead to my heartbreak.

  Chapter Nine

  The morning started off with a bang for Skye when I went down on him before he was fully awake. Thankfully he returned the favor, because who wants to have breakfast when you’re sporting a stiffy?

  We managed to get dressed and ready for breakfast before Dr. Olsen came to our room. I messed up the other bed, so he wouldn’t ask questions.

  He felt guilty that we’d have to spend the day alone, but we assured him we’d be just fine. We promised not to do anything dumb and tried not to gulp our breakfast while we waited for the moment we’d be free from parental supervision.

  He finally gave us the go-ahead, and Skye shot out of his seat with me hot on his heels like our chairs were on fire. We were only a few blocks away from the professional football stadium where we’d be playing the championship game, so we hightailed it over there and wandered around for a little while. The place was locked tight, so we decided to head over to the University of Minnesota and check out the campus. Skye had been there many times, but I’d never been to the city before.

  It was fun kicking back and enjoying the nice fall day with him. He sweet-talked our way into the college football stadium. After that tour, we ended up watching a little bit of hockey practice along with some guys practicing tennis. It was weird to see a hockey arena hooked onto a tennis facility.

  While watching tennis, I had the sudden urge to drag him behind the stands and have my way with him. I wondered what the fine was for indecent exposure. It might be worth the cash.

  “So, what should we do tonight?” Skye asked.

  “I don’t know? You’re the one who knows the city. You have any ideas?”

  “Maybe.” He smiled slyly, making my stomach flip.

  “You want to share or do I have to guess?”

  I thought maybe we’d go out.” He grinned like he was bat-shit crazy, so I knew he had something up his fucking sleeve.


  “There’s a place not too far from here that I think we should check out.”

  “What sort of place?”

  “A bar.” Skye was almost bouncing in his seat.

  “We’ll never get in,” I said.

  “You have little faith in me.”

  “If we get busted —⁠”

  “Not gonna happen.”

  I narrowed my eyes.

  “If they card us, we’ll just leave,” he said. “Oh, and it’s not a regular bar.”

  “What’s that mean?”

  “No one would care if I kissed you,” he whispered.

  My face heated and I had to look at my shoes to keep from jumping on him.

  “I really want to go, Ty. I want to see what it’s like.”

  I suddenly found myself wondering if it was a good idea to get a taste of what it could be like. Our weird relationship was already fucking with my head, but I was a glutton for punishment.

  “What time are we going out?” I asked.

  “Around nine.”

  “You’re pretty sure of yourself.” I poked him in the side. “What if I would’ve said no.”

  He rolled his eyes and bit his lip. “Let’s go back to the hotel.”

  “Okay.” I stood and stretched, cracking my lower back and rolling my shoulders.

  We headed back and watched a movie, ate some snacks, and fell asleep curled together. The maid came in, apologizing for being so late, and startled the shit out of us. I’d never seen Skye move so fast unless he was on the football field.

  “Thanks for stopping by, but we don’t need the room cleaned,” Skye said with a shaky voice. “We would like a couple more towels though.”

  She nodded and backed out of the room. I immediately wondered what would happen if one of our friends busted us sleeping on top of each other. What the hell would Ashley say to me? And I didn’t even want to think about the rest of the school. Mama might be okay with it, but I wasn’t ready to take the chance.

  After she left, Skye gathered his clothes and disappeared into the bathroom to get ready for our night out. I had no idea what he’d told his dad to keep him away from our room. I dug through my bag, trying to figure out what to wear. I’d never been in a bar, much less a gay bar.

  I finally settled on a pair of black jeans and a long sleeved black shirt. My outfit was pretty nondescript. I suddenly realized I’d spent the last thirty minutes obsessing over clothing.

  Skye was dressed in skintight dark jeans and a white shirt. I couldn’t stop my gasp. He was hot as fuck, and when he gave me a crooked grin, I melted.

  He finally told me his d
ad was at a gala event and wouldn’t be bothering us for the rest of the evening. Skye had agreed to check in with him just before he sat down for dinner, which was the same time we were standing outside waiting for the cab.

  I was glad we weren’t eating with him. I was a nervous wreck, and I felt like everyone could tell I was going to a gay bar and was underage. If we got caught, it would be the end of our football season. Our team and the town would hate us. There would be no last game, and we’d end up in jail.

  “Are you ready to go?” Skye asked.

  “Yes,” I said with a very shaky voice.

  “We’ll be fine.” He moved closer to me and breathed against my neck. “Just give me tonight. I want to know what it’s like.”

  “What it’s like?”

  “To feel what it would be like to have you all the time.”

  He said it so quietly I wasn’t sure I heard him correctly. It made my heart pound and my head swim. He placed his cheek against mine for a few fleeting moments. It was tender and so intimate that I never wanted it to end.

  “You ready?” He bumped my shoulder.

  “I think so.”

  “Everything will be fine. We’re not going to get caught.” He said it with such conviction it was hard not to believe him.

  I ignored the little voice in my head and climbed into the cab. To steady my nerves, I decided not to think of myself as Tyler Rask, high school student. Instead, I was a twenty-one-year-old guy who was going out for a drink with his lover.

  But when the cab came to a stop, I was still nervous. Skye paid the driver and walked down the block toward a nondescript building. A big dude standing in front of the door stared at us. Skye clutched my hand, which I immediately tried to yank away from him because we were outside and he didn’t do shit like that. He nudged me and whispered something about relaxing.

  I watched as the master went to work. In two minutes, Skye had the guy chatting about football. He never asked for our IDs, but I think I heard him ask for Skye’s phone number.

  I figured Skye had a ton of practice putting on different facades. On the football field, he could be cold and intense, ruthless and hard. When he was with Brooke, he turned into an asshole, who seemed rude and uncaring. Around his parents, especially his mother, he deflated, acting as if he were a dutiful child, born only to please them. Around me, he was different all the time.


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