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Mastered by the Zandians: Alien Warrior Reverse Harem Romance

Page 5

by Rose, Renee

Lanz catches my bound wrists and pulls me up against his sculpted chest. Domm stands behind me, his hand still covering my ass. I let out a shocked breath. Yesterday I was a fighter commanding a craft. Today, I’m cuffed and getting spanked by a muscular alien. Luckily, the hallway is empty except for us.

  Domm spanks me again, then strokes my skin, close to my inner thighs, and I stifle a moan. My whole body is alive, every nerve ending vibrating. My buttocks and thighs quiver and there’s a craving in my core that makes me catch my breath.

  I’ve never known pleasure at a male’s hands, but in this moment, I see the possibility. It’s like I know there’s something better coming, and I want it. Right now.

  I suck in my breath and let out a small moan. What in the stars is happening?

  Domm strokes me again and again until I push up into his hand, not even aware that I’m doing it.

  “Veck, I think she likes that,” murmurs Lanz, squeezing one nipple between his knuckles.

  “She more than likes it,” agrees Domm. “Beautiful.” He leans over and brushes his mouth across my shoulder. “Mirelle.” He turns me around and cups my chin. He doesn’t look angry or mean, and I’m not scared of him. His purple eyes glint in the light like precious gems. “I need you to listen. If you wish to leave here with us, you need to be respectful to our king. Otherwise, you may end up in the dungeon. I am trying to help you.”

  “S-spanking me is helping?” It wasn’t really a spanking. It was...something much more delicious. But I’m flustered by the way their threat aroused me, and my voice is soft.

  “Discipline can help, if you trust the source.” He gives a feral grin as if he’s dreaming up a million wicked ways to punish me at this precise moment.

  “Trust.” Can I trust these males? I can’t stop looking at his face. His lips.

  He pulls me closer. “If we had more time, we’d show you now. Punishment” —his hand slides between my legs, brushing my sex— “and reward.”

  My heart starts pounding out of my chest. “I don’t…”

  “We’ll both help you acclimate to Zandian life.” Lanz sandwiches my back. “I promise, you don’t need to fear us.” He tugs my hair gently. “At least, not much.”

  He strokes my tingling ass. I mewl at the touch, consider pulling away. But it feels good to have him touch me, and he’s so close now that I feel the heat of his body. His breath on my neck. And I like it. More tingles start in my body, this time in my nipples, and a feeling so sweet and yearning deep in my belly that I can’t help but moan once again.

  “Veck, I think she’s ready to...,” says Lanz, and then adds something in Zandian. He sounds pleased.

  I don’t know what he means, exactly, but whatever it is, it sounds like something I want. my body is eager for...something. I’ve touched myself sometimes, alone in my room, but right now my whole body is feeling something unusual and new.

  “We don’t have time now.” Domm checks his comm.

  “On the contrary, I think we should make the time.” Lanz smiles. “Think how compliant and obedient she’ll be after a punishment and reward.”

  “Excellent point.”

  “It would put her in a more submissive frame of mind to speak to our King,” Lanz suggests.

  “Very well, then.” And suddenly Domm grabs me up into his arms, tossing me over his shoulder.

  “Put me down!” I shout, and kick at him with my legs.

  “Silence,” he says, almost casually, then slaps my ass. “Your job is to listen and obey. And our job is to spank you, and then to make you experience the greatest pleasure you’ve ever had in your life. Does that sound fair to you?”

  “No!” I shout, and kick again. “Wait. What?”

  He laughs. “Unless you just want the punishment. Then, by all means, continue battering me with your small human feet.”

  “Rrrrr!” I’m so angry I could combust, but in my current position, I’m helpless. It’s driving me mad to know that I have all the powers a human body can possess, to know that I took one of these warriors down once— but to be currently trapped in his arms. Which are, I notice, quite muscular and powerful. And which smell of his sweat, a scent which is male and decidedly doing something to my body, because waves of need surge through me.

  This must be what it feels like to desire another being. I’ve read about it, but thought it was exaggerated for literary effect. Because the one time back on Jesel that I was forced to—

  “What’s wrong?” Domm sets me down inside a room he entered. “You stiffened up.” He runs a hand over my back and stops short of my shoulder. “Veck. You’re not healed enough. I shouldn’t have —”

  I take a deep breath and step away from him. “The shoulder is stable. It was a memory.”

  “Of us?” Domm looks at me intently.

  “Something from a long time ago.”

  I don’t know why I’m even telling him this. It hardly matters. But I instinctively want to, for the first time in my life, trust a stranger. Another being besides my family. Even if he currently has me cuffed.

  “If any being hurt you, I’ll vecking tear him apart,” mutters Lanz.

  This makes me laugh a little. “You’re going to be busy, then. Because I get around. Got around,” I amend wryly. “But most of the ones who hurt me, I’ve already dealt with, believe me.”

  “Oh, I do.” Lanz raises a brow.

  “Mirelle, I don’t know if you can tell from the way we carry ourselves,” Domm says, carefully. “Zandians honor their mates. By choosing you, we’re offering a life-long bond of caring and protection. Our goal is not to terrify or hurt you, do you understand?”

  I tilt my head, because no, I don’t. Not really.

  “We may discipline you, but it won’t be harsh, and it will never damage you. And you will be always rewarded with pleasure, because really, that’s the best way to build a bond.”

  “I’ve, ah, never…” I trail off, biting my lip. My face gets hot. “With another being…”

  “Never?” Domm sounds incredulous.

  “I’m sorry,” I snap, goaded into a reaction. “But when you live your life on a, oh, what did you call it? Barren lawless outpost fit for nothing but outlaws, you don’t have a lot of time for extracurricular enjoyment. You know, when you’re busy struggling to stay alive and save others.” I glower at him. “Learning to fight. Want me to give you some lessons?”

  I half expect him to snarl at me, yell. But instead he bursts into laughter, his enjoyment so obvious that I can’t resist smiling as well.

  “Oh, little human,” he chuckles, shaking his head, when he finally gains control. “You’re going to regret your mouthiness.” He raises his eyebrows. “In just a few moments, we’ll have you begging forgiveness and speaking so prettily that you’ll amaze yourself.”

  “I will not. Absolutely never.”

  “We’ll see.”

  Domm sits down on a hovering seat of some kind and suddenly tugs me to him so I’m between his parted thighs, so close to his body that we’re nearly touching.

  “So no being has ever made you cry out in pleasure?” he whispers, his voice low and teasing.

  Wordless, I shake my head.

  “Or taken you to task by spanking your delectable ass?”

  I flush so hard I can feel the red. “I don’t want you to do that part.”

  “Ah, but I’m so looking forward to it,” he murmurs, and puts both hands on my waist, holding, firm.

  “As am I.” Lanz comes up behind me. Puts one hand on my neck, the other on my shoulder, the strong one. His fingers splay out across my throat, holding softly, but I feel the power behind his touch.

  “Your pulse is rapid,” he whispers, his lips barely brushing my ear. “Why is that, do you suppose?”

  By way of reply, I make a sort of a whimper. A breathy little sound. It’s like nothing I’ve ever uttered before. Of course, I’ve never felt like this in my entire life.

  “I…” My eyelids flutter, and then I gasp, b
ecause Domm’s hands are on my breasts, squeezing my nipples, and the sensation is so glorious that I can’t speak.

  “Maybe it’s because I’m doing this?” He pinches my nipple now, harder than before, and the bite of pain has me on my toes, almost trying to get away. But then he slides his hand up under my loose-flowing smock and cups my breast, bare skin on skin, teasing that same nipple with his fingertips. It’s so delicate and teasing, ticklish in a way that makes me want more, that I don’t even realize that I’m saying, “Yes, yes, please,” until the words are out.

  “Ah, she says please,” Domm says, and pinches me again. “So sweet.”

  Lanz slides one hand up my thigh. “As we knew she would,” he says. “Spread, Mirelle.” He taps my inner thigh with his palm, not a spank, but a firm motion full of domination.

  When I don’t do it immediately, he does it again, harder. “Mirelle.” His voice is firm. “You are to obey my commands, is that clear?”

  “I think she’s overwhelmed,” says Domm. He slides his other hand under my smock and plays with both of my breasts, pinching and stroking in turn, the mixture of sensations making my whole body light up with sensation. “But of course, it’s still important that she please us.”

  It’s infuriating to be spoken about like this, and the warrior in me starts planning my moves to break free, but my body has no interest in fighting. No, shamefully, part of me likes this. Loves it.

  “Perhaps she needs a little taste of what happens when she does not comply,” suggests Lanz.

  “Indeed.” Domm moves fast. One second I’m cuffed with his hands under my smock; the next, he’s unlocked me and stripped me of the garment, so I stand before them in just a pair of panties, my hands free.

  Lanz puts his mouth to my ear. “Next we’ll take off these pretty panties so we can see your ass before we smack it.”

  I immediately raise my hands to cover my breasts, even though I liked the way Domm touched them, then reach one back to cover my buttocks.

  “No.” Domm takes my hands in his, interlaces our fingers. “Don’t hide from us. You’re completely lovely. Let us see.”

  And although it’s a command, or could easily be one—they have all the power, he’s not forcing me. He’s waiting. Asking.

  I look at his face, and the color of his eyes deepens into a richer purple. His horns are turgid, and I sense this has something to do with his arousal. The expression on his face—one of wonder, approval, and a gentleness that is at odds with his fierce physique—disarms me.

  “You’re lovely,” I blurt out, then flush. But the look in his eye makes me glad I said it, because a softer expression appears on his hard features.

  He smiles. “I’ve not been called that before, I admit. But I do like it. Your approval.”

  He squeezes my hands. “Will you let us admire you?”

  I bite my lip and nod, and slowly lower my hands, my face hot.

  “Veck, human, you’re the most delectable creature in the universe,” swears Domm. There’s a hard ridge in his pants and I suck in my breath, because that is a very large appendage. And Lanz’ is even larger, if possible. I can see the outline through the fabric and the way their bodies strain at the cloth tells me that they want me. Badly.

  “And if you take your punishment well, we will reward you,” says Lanz. “Do you not agree that you have some misdeeds for which you need to atone?” He raises a brow.

  “If you mean freeing the humans—” I swear my heart is skipping a beat, and it’s hard to focus on his words, with these sensations surging through my body.

  “Stealing our property,” corrects Domm, crossing his arms and frowning,

  “Then no.” I cross my arms, too. “I will never apologize for helping human females escape terror.”

  “They do not face terror here. We already assisted their escape from mistreatment. And they were not yours to take.”

  “Nor yours.” I glower.

  “Archer paid the price.”

  “It appears that I am now the one paying the price.” I intend to make my words a mockery, a joke of sorts, but they come out fierce, forlorn. And the mood, which had veered from serious to something lighter, is definitely melancholy.

  “Yet some things are beyond cost, are they not?” Lanz tugs me back into his arms and strokes down my body, his strong hands gentle.

  I don’t reply, but I relax as he continues to touch me. Powerful, yet firm.

  “We are not asking you to apologize for your passion, or your goals. Which are admirable.”

  His hands glide around my breasts, my hips. I catch my breath. It’s hard to concentrate on his words with my body blooming under his touch.

  “Merely to admit that you were wrong to steal from us. And to acknowledge that it was the theft of yours which embroiled all of us in a deadly altercation with the Ocretion ship.”

  “Which battle,” adds Domm, “cost us damage to our ship, most certainly set our new humans backwards in terms of recovery, and worst of all—we almost lost you.”

  “I’m sure I’m not a great factor in this cosmic equation.” My voice quivers. “Had I not stolen from you, I wouldn’t be your captive at all.”

  “True, and that would be a shame.” Domm’s hands also stroke, over and over. “So perhaps this should be more reward than punishment.”

  I feel soft and melty, like resin in the sun. Pliant. And the driving need is back in my core, urging me to push my buttocks back into Lanz’ body.

  Lanz’ cock is iron-hard, pressing into my back. I grind against him without shame, so curious about his body, unable to resist my motions. I need more.

  This time when he taps my thighs, I spread my legs wider, and tilt my hips forward instinctively. His fingers slide upward, little by little, and then he finds my clit. His touch is soft, like air, but I’m so primed that I cry out, new pleasure rolling over me.

  “She’s so sensitive. Veck.” Lanz’ voice is hushed. “I’ve never before…” He strokes me with the tip of his index finger, and I tremble, my knees weak.

  Lanz scoops me up into his arms and sits down beside Domm on the bench. “It won’t take much, but first I need to taste her.”

  “I’ll hold her open.” I don’t know what he means, but a second later it’s clear. Domm grabs my panties and rips, tearing them from my body. Then he tugs me onto his lap, spreads his thighs, and places my legs over his, so my back is pressing into his chest, and my pussy is wide open.

  “What?” I exclaim, wriggling over his lap.

  “Shhh, you’re going to like this.” Lanz kneels. “Domm’s going to touch you while I use my tongue. I promise you’ve never felt anything like it.”

  He puts one strong hand on each of my thighs, as if to keep them open, and while he does, Domm reaches around and begins to tug my nipples. Bites my neck. Licks, kisses it.

  And then I nearly levitate out of their strong hands, because Lanz puts his tongue to my clit and licks, and I combust.

  “Mother Earth!” It’s too much sensation, and I tug at their hands, not sure what I need: More, less.

  He chuckles and I feel the vibration in my belly. “Lie back. It only gets better from here.” I do, because I like this—a lot.

  I’m still trembling when he ducks his head back down, his horns tickling my thighs as he moves, and when he puts his tongue back to my clit, I whimper and close my eyes, leaning back into Domm’s embrace.

  The feeling grows and swells, and I toss my head back, hard, into Domm’s shoulder. Almost a battle move, although not as fierce. When he puts his hand to my mouth, I bite it, not caring how hard, and his roar of pain and appreciation is music to my ears.

  “Vecking little vipn,” he growls, and squeezes my nipples hard. I moan and bite him again—he’s left his hand there, almost like he wants my aggression, and he grabs my neck. Squeezes. “Do it again,” he orders, so I do, exultation flooding me. “Yes, I love it when you get wild,” he growls.

  Lanz feels the shift in energy; bit
es my inner thigh hard enough to make me gasp; then again. Again.

  I love the bites of pain in the pleasure. Each pop of pain is like a step, taking me higher and higher, allowing me even better appreciation of this amazing sensation in my clit. All I know is that I need to get it, give it, be it.

  “I think it’s time to punish her now,” Lanz says suddenly, taking his head from between my thighs.

  “No…” I moan, irritated beyond belief at this course change. “You put your head right back and do...the thing you were doing. Now.” I glower at him.

  He laughs. “It’s so cute that you think you’re in control here.”

  He stands up. “Stand, Mirelle.”

  Domm assists me to make it happen, or possibly is entirely the reason I find myself on my feet, panting, his hands supporting me from behind around my waist. “Say, yes, Master,” he growls, “when one of us gives you a command.”

  “Lie over Domm’s lap,” orders Lanz, “and spread your thighs, and ask him very nicely to spank your ass red for causing so much trouble.” He presses a finger to my body, dipping it into my pussy. Stroking.

  “It’s the only way you get my tongue back where you want it,” murmurs Lanz. “If you submit to us, we reward you. Every vecking time. And I promise you’ll like what we do.”

  A mere ten minutes ago, this would have made me want to kill him. In this moment, learning how pleasure and pain combine so well in my body, I’m more inclined to submit. And truly, I sense that he isn’t going to hurt me. He’s going to use this insane mixture of pain and pleasure to make me even more satisfied. I don’t know what kind of magic these Zandians have learned to tweak the human female body, but it works.

  “Yes, Master,” I breathe, telling myself I’m only acting, saying what they require of me until I escape. The truth is I don’t care how abased I sound. Because if I do what he wants, it means he’s going to put his tongue back where I need it.

  As if in a dream, I move forward, and clamber up onto Domm’s lap. I can’t believe this is me, doing this. But I have no desire to be anywhere but here.

  “Good,” he says, and taps my ass once with his palm.

  I flinch at the touch, and he strokes my thighs until I relax into his body, letting myself drape over him without clenching muscles.


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