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A Dom and a Sub to Love

Page 2

by Eileen Green

  Breaking the kiss, Todd kissed his way down Victor’s jaw, to his neck, and then, as Todd bent over, Todd kissed down to Victor’s left nipple. He laved it several times before Victor felt his lips pucker and close over the small protruding disc. Todd sucked hard, creating tendrils of delight that shot down to Victor’s already thick, aching dick.

  Victor ran his hand down Todd’s back until he reached the waistband of the man’s slacks and pulled his button-down shirt free. His hand skimmed Todd’s warm skin and Victor felt a slight tremor course through Todd’s body.

  Todd’s hand wrapped around Victor’s cock, and Victor had to tell himself not to come. The rule was, he couldn’t come until his Master gave his permission, or there would be punishment. Only a handful of times had that happened in the time they had been together, but then of course, the punishment was fantastic.

  The suction on his nipple was heavenly. He had always been sensitive there, something Bobby loved about him, and now Todd. Sharp pain stabbed his brain at the sudden thought, but he kept quiet for he wasn’t going to disrupt what was occurring. He could only hope the lovemaking would overrule the past trying to push through.

  He tried hard not to be disappointed when Todd released his nipple with a resounding pop, but it was short-lived because Todd trailed his lips and tongue across Victor’s pecs to the other nipple and then circled the small nub. Todd’s teeth grazed the hard disc, drawing a hiss from Victor before he sucked it into his hot mouth.

  “Ahh,” Victor whispered as he fought hard to stand.

  Down below, Todd’s hand was now playing with Victor’s balls, rolling them roughly in his skilled hands. With Todd being a surgeon and performing delicate intricate surgery in a brain, he protected his hands in the day-to-day routines, but he was also a master with them when he was providing his man with pleasure.

  After a minute more of pleasure, Todd lifted his head and looked up at Victor. Desire filled Todd’s usually dark brown eyes, which were now nearly black. “Assume the position,” ordered Todd in a ragged breath as he removed his hand from Victor’s cock.

  Victor sank down to his hands and knees, his ass facing Todd. Thankful for the thick area rug they kept in the foyer of their nice house, Victor curled his fingers into the fabric. He heard clothing being tossed to the floor, and then the sound of a condom package ripping reached Victor’s ears and he waited with bated breath for what was to come.

  His cock throbbed with his racing heartbeat as precum dampened the head, most likely dripping slowly onto the rug. His balls ached due to their fullness. He needed his Master. He needed his lover.

  Cold lube being applied to his ass was a shock even though he mentally prepared himself for it as it always did. Todd began to thrust his fingers through the tight muscles, helping to loosen them for his long thick cock.

  Small groans were emanating from Victor as he thrust his hips back towards Todd. Todd’s fingers speared his ass repeatedly as Victor threw his head back, a smile on his lips. He couldn’t contain himself. He was there to please his Master, his man, and in return, he was shown love as well.

  Todd removed his fingers to Victor’s disappointment, but then he remembered there was more to come. As the thought barely finished, the covered cock of his lover was pressing against his dark hole. Anticipation coursed through him just moments before Todd pierced his ass, filling Victor until Victor could feel Todd’s balls against his ass cheeks.

  Besides feeling full of the thick cock that threatened to split his backside, Victor was full of love for Todd, not just because he had rescued him, but because in Victor’s heart and mind, he knew Todd loved him just as much.

  Slowly, Todd began to pull out of Victor, his dick sliding until just the plump head remained inside. Then, Todd slammed back in, scraping across his prostrate. Victor groaned loudly.

  “You like that, don’t you, boy?” Todd asked, his voice gravelly.

  “Yes, Sir.” Victor’s response was a whisper for that was all he was able to get out. Zings of electricity filled Victor’s ass as Todd began to shuttle in and out of him, each pass heightening Victor’s impending orgasm.

  Todd wrapped his right arm around Victor’s hip and grasped hold of Victor’s pulsing needy cock. When he slid his hand up Victor’s dick, Todd proceeded to curve over the sensitive mushroomed tip before sliding his hand back down to pump back down.

  Over and over Todd fucked Victor’s ass while he pumped his cock. The familiar feeling began in his lower back, a feeling Victor savored. However, he knew he couldn’t give in to it until he was given permission. Going over his to-do list in his head, Victor tried to hold back what he wanted to do most at the moment.

  Beads of perspiration dripped onto Victor’s back as Todd grunted over him with each thrust. Todd pumped in and out as he moved his hand up and down on Victor’s cock, driving Victor into a frenzy. Each time Todd rushed in, Victor slammed his hips back, meeting Todd’s hips with an audible slap that sounded through the large foyer. Victor loved loud messy sex for it heightened the sensations.

  Todd pumped into Victor twice more before he ground out, “Come now!” and then held himself still against Victor. Heat pulsed into Victor’s ass as Victor spewed his own load all over Todd’s hand. Jets of jism shot from Victor as he felt the same within his bottom, until both men collapsed onto the rug in a heap. Now, Victor would have one more thing to add to his to-do list. Clean the rug.

  Expended of energy, Victor felt himself begin to doze. He wasn’t sure how long he had slept, but he woke when Todd moved against him. Todd slapped Victor’s hip gently as he struggled to get up from the floor. Once Todd stood up, he held his left hand out to help Victor to his feet. Being the attentive man and lover he was, besides being the doctor who had fixed Victor up all those years ago, Victor knew Todd was aware of the difficulty Victor would have getting up off the floor.

  Victor accepted the help, his battered body needing a second to adjust once he was back on his feet. The two of them made their way upstairs to their bathroom where they showered and dressed in sweats and T-shirts for a relaxing evening at home. It had been a while since they had been to the club, and Victor missed it, but he was content to be home.

  Dinner had been in the slow cooker all day, so they ate the pot roast, potatoes, and salad and then the peach cobbler Victor had made for dessert before they both cleaned up the kitchen. They made their way into the living room with coffee and settled in to watch TV where they could both unwind.

  Todd slumped against Victor within twenty minutes and Victor let him sleep. Todd’s job was demanding, not only time-consuming, but also mentally taxing, so when he rested, it pleased Victor to let him do so.

  The news came on at eleven which Victor would have turned off and sent his Master up to bed. However, one of the leading segments was going to be about a woman who had won a major court case in Colorado. There was a picture that was basically a flash before another different one appeared that caught Victor’s eye. He was going to watch the segment to get a better look at one of the people because his head began to hurt as thoughts flashed through his head.

  It took several minutes before the big screen filled with a beautiful platinum-blonde woman with sky-blue eyes and a killer body in a business skirt and blazer. A dazzling smile was on her kissable lips, lips Victor remembered kissing and having wrapped around his cock.

  “We’re happy at the outcome of this case,” she said in a sexy voice that spoke to his dick, and his heart. “Mr. Renton could have a better outcome for himself and his children if he hadn’t taken the course of action he did. Everyone is entitled to have a private life, but I am here to fight for those people who are backed up against the wall and railroaded out of it. Mrs. Renton will get full custody of her children, and she will be free to live her life the way she wishes, as all people should.”

  “The court case was a precedent one due to the nature of lifestyles the Rentons lived, one that many people in the world don’t understand or even approv
e of. Mrs. Renton decided to let the subject be brought up in court for she felt like many women get railroaded into losing their children because they are afraid to speak up about the fact that both marriage partners are in this special lifestyle but the husband makes it look like the wife is unfaithful to him. Husbands, or even wives, also make it appear the other is abusing them when they aren’t. This has been a big win for the NTSF, and I expect more cases like this in the future filling up our courthouses.” The man on the screen in the blue suit and tie smiled. “I’m Wade Pierce, reporting from the courthouse in Denver.”

  Pain was relentless in Victor’s head as various scenes flashed there. He knew the lawyer woman well, but it would take a bit to remember how important she was to him. He knew he had sex with her, and it had been good. He also knew he needed her in his life.

  “What’s wrong?” Todd asked, his voice groggy, as he sat up.

  Victor couldn’t find any words as he continued to stare at the TV screen. When the images began to rewind and play again, he feared he was having some kind of episode, but when the segment ended again, the TV was turned off.

  “Does she look familiar?” inquired Todd, his voice a bit sad.

  All Victor could manage was a brief nod as he was afraid to move his aching head. He didn’t want to, but he knew he was going to have to take something for the pain.

  “We’ll find her. I promise.” Todd spoke adamantly and confidently.

  “No. I don’t want to find her.” Victor thought about how he would be hurting the man he had loved for six years. How could he betray him?

  Chapter Two

  Techno music pulsed loudly from the speakers that were hidden strategically throughout the main floor of the Tiger’s Lair, providing a steady beat that whip throwers and floggers could use when working with their bottoms. People in all manners of dress, and undress, were wandering around looking for a scene to watch, or they were already crowded around some of the scene spaces. The newer whip area was full as a man who specialized in a six-foot bullwhip had been brought in to teach several classes in the following two weeks.

  Skirting around a group that was watching a scene in the police interrogation space, Eliza headed for the “garage” space which was an actual working garage during the day for any of the patrons who needed to work on their vehicles. She had been told that Alex, better known as Tiger, was there performing a scene with his wife and their other partner, Trevor.

  Being a detective with the Denver police department, Trevor Campbell didn’t get to participate in club activities as much as he wanted to. It wasn’t because he was afraid his fellow police officers or supervisors would disapprove of his choices, but because of the work load he had been carrying of late that kept him away from home a lot.

  As soon as she made her way through the door, Eliza could see Tiger had raised the floor lift and Trevor was tied up to one of the rails. Trevor’s skin gleamed in the low light from his exertion, no clothing to obscure the single-tail whip Tiger was using on him. The man’s cock was full and standing at attention, indicating Trevor’s arousal from the whipping.

  Eliza stopped at the edge of the crowd, waiting for the moment she could give her boss and friend a message. The phones weren’t answered during the hours the club was open. Emma, Alex’s and Trevor’s wife, was the secretary during the weekdays, and then voicemail would pick up any calls in the evening hours. If there was an emergency, callers were given a different number to call which went to the security office and then a message would be passed on to whoever it was meant to be given to.

  With Eliza teaching classes several nights a week, calls did go to the cell phone she kept with her in her desk in the class. Tonight, a call had come in during a break, the students were in their own breakroom so as not to disturb anyone. The call was from Shane Owens, the head of the Tiger’s Lair security team, who knew who to call when needed. He provided a cryptic message that needed to get to Alex which Eliza said she would get to him right away.

  Of course, while someone was conducting a scene, you couldn’t interrupt them for fear they might injure the person they were working on. The scene Alex and Trevor were in was definitely one she couldn’t intrude on. Red streaks marred Trevor’s body. However, there was no blood. Alex was becoming an expert with the single-tail, and Eliza knew he wanted to learn to throw some of the other whips, hence the visiting whip expert.

  Needing to get back to her class, Eliza spotted Jackson, the assistant manager of the Tiger’s Lair, who was standing near a rack of tires. She made her way over to him, careful not to brush up against anything that could possibly get her skirt or blouse dirty, or even her stilettos.

  Jackson looked over as she approached. She stepped up to him as close as possible to whisper the message in his ear, and then she retreated out of the room and returned to the classroom.

  The class she had this session consisted of eight people, five men and three women. Usually when she began a class, she would lose several students in the first night. They would realize the lifestyle wasn’t for them, and they would disappear during the breaks. However, this time around, she hadn’t lost anyone.

  All eight students filed into the classroom, the men eyeing her over, something she was used to. She ignored the stares as she wasn’t interested in getting involved with anyone. There were times she topped someone at the club, whether it be a man or a woman. When she topped them, it didn’t mean she had sex with them. It just gave a bottom someone to top them for an evening.

  Once class was over, she headed down to the locker room and changed into a ruby corset that she could hook up down the front herself, along with a pair of black boy shorts, and then a put her black stilettos on her bare feet. She hated wearing stockings even though she loved the fishnet ones.

  She made her way out to the main room and was trying to figure out where she was wanting to go to watch a scene. Several people looked her way in anticipation of watching her. However, no one approached her.

  There was a different vibe in the club than there was earlier. Alex and Jackson stood near the stage with their spouses and lovers. Her friend and former student, Carrie, sat with her two men, one of them being the house dungeon monitor.

  Eliza began to wonder what was going on with everyone looking at her. It wasn’t her birthday, and it wasn’t the anniversary of her coming to the Tiger’s Lair. What the hell was going on?

  Everyone around her had large eyes, intent on observing her. Carrie stood and took a couple of steps towards her, the black and emerald-green teddy she wore sedate for an evening of play. Carrie stopped when Eliza heard a voice from her past that she never expected to hear ever again.

  “Hello, Eliza.”

  Her breath caught in her throat as tears filled her eyes. She couldn’t believe what she had heard as anger overtook her. He had left her when she was at her lowest point, when she needed the one person left in the world she could turn to.

  Turning slowly, she laid eyes on the man who was on his knees. She took in the marred features that didn’t detract from the handsome man she remembered but weren’t there before, and she had so many questions.

  Her lungs wouldn’t work even when she tried to draw in a breath. Dark spots began to swim within her vision until she could no longer see. Everything turned black as she felt her body sink to the floor.

  * * * *

  Victor and Todd lunged for Eliza before she could hit the floor, as did many others. Victor could tell Eliza was well liked here.

  Todd caught the woman and then stood again while he held on to Eliza. He glanced around and spotted something and headed towards an obvious aftercare area. He sat on a white leather couch, cuddling Eliza which touched Victor’s heart.

  Clumsily, Victor stood and made his way over to the aftercare area and sat on one of the chairs to the right of Todd. He looked at the paleness of Eliza, and he was afraid that he had hurt her. As much as he hadn’t wanted to hurt Todd by looking for Eliza after they had seen the news st
ory about her, he hadn’t wanted to hurt Eliza either. He didn’t remember very much about her, except he knew he had loved her. Todd had insisted they come to find out more about who Victor was and his past despite Victor’s objections, and now that they were here, Victor could see how affected Eliza was upon seeing him. He must have hurt her badly.

  Eliza stirred in Todd’s arms, and when she looked up at him, she extracted herself quickly from his hold and sat on the couch next to him. Victor watched as she looked around at everything and everyone around them, but she avoided him. He could only imagine the questions running through her head, for he had plenty of them himself.

  Shifting on the couch, Todd turned towards Eliza. He settled two fingers on the inner part of her left wrist to take her pulse as he looked into her eyes intently. A nod was given after about a minute when he released her arm. All the while Eliza looked at Todd as if he was crazy.

  A beautiful woman, about five and a half feet tall with a banging voluptuous body, rushed into the peaceful setting and straight over to Eliza. She sat next to her and immediately picked up Eliza’s right hand and began taking her pulse. The woman had some meat on her bones, and she had a generous set of tits on her that were now puffed up over the top of the black and red corset she wore. She had long blonde hair pulled back in a ponytail and had stunning crystal-blue eyes. Her feet were bare which revealed her to be a submissive.

  “Someone said you fainted,” the woman said quietly. “Are you all right?”

  Eliza was staring at Todd as if she hadn’t heard the other woman speak. Todd smiled at Eliza and said, “My name is Todd Weston. I’m a doctor in Washington D.C. I’m assuming by your response that you know Victor.”

  A puzzled expression crossed Eliza’s face before she finally turned towards Victor. Her sky-blue eyes grew large and a gasp escaped her. She swallowed hard as her brow creased. “You left me,” she whispered.


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