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The Liberation Trilogy Box Set

Page 92

by Rick Atkinson

Kennedy, David M. “Victory at Sea.” Atlantic Monthly (March 1999): 51+.

  Kenner, Albert W. “Medical Service in the North African Campaign.” Military Review 12, no. 11 (Feb. 1944): 5+.

  Kerr, B. H. “Tunisia’s Burma Road.” Field Artillery Journal 33, no. 10 (Oct. 1943): 785+.

  Kirkpatrick, Charles E. “Joint Planning for Operation TORCH.” Parameters (summer 1991): 73+.

  Kleinman, Forrest K. “The Bizarre Battle for Casablanca.” Army 47, no. 8 (Aug. 1997): 38+.

  Knight, Ridgeway B. “General Clark’s Secret Mission to Algeria on Oct. 21, 1942.” American Service Journal (March 1943): 122+.

  Kuter, Laurence S. “Goddammit, Georgie!” Air Force Magazine 56, no. 2 (Feb. 1973): 51+.

  Laffin, John. “The Battle of Takrouna.” After the Battle 12 (1976): 48+.

  Lange, Herman W. W. “Rommel at Thala.” Military Review 41 (September 1961): 72+.

  Larkey, Kenneth. “The Effect of Time Shell.” Field Artillery Journal (March–April 1940): 145+.

  Larson, William B. “Hill 223.” Infantry Journal 55 (Sept. 1944): 23+.

  Lehman, Milton. “The Rangers Fought Ahead of Everybody.” Saturday Evening Post (15 June 1946): 28+.

  ———. “Red Oak Hasn’t Forgotten.” Saturday Evening Post 219, no. 7 (17 Aug. 1946): 14+.

  Levi, Julian. “The Psychiatric Toll of Warfare.” Fortune 28, no. 6 (Dec. 1943): 140+.

  Liddell Hart, Basil. “Operation TORCH.” History of the Second World War 3 (1966): 1205+.

  Liebling, A. J. “Find ’Em, Fix ’Em, and Fight ’Em.” New Yorker 19, no. 10 (24 April 1943): 221+, and no. 11 (1 May 1943): 24+.

  Lindley, Ernest K., and Edward Weintal. “How We Dealt with Spain.” Harper’s (Dec. 1944): 22+.

  Livingston, Richard. “Mark Clark’s Secret Landing.” History of the Second World War 3 (1966): 1199+.

  “Lone U.S. Tank Slugs It Out with the Nazis.” Cavalry Journal 52, no. 2 (March–April 1943): 12+.

  Lunn-Rockliffe, W. P. “The Tunisian Campaign.” Army Quarterly and Defence Journal 98 (April–May 1969): 109+, and (June–July 1969): 228+.

  MacLean, French L. “German General Officer Casualties in World War II.” Military Review 70, no. 4 (April 1990): 45+.

  Martin, O. W. “Armored Artillery at Sened Station.” Field Artillery Journal 33, no. 8 (Aug. 1943): 569+.

  McBride, Lauren E. “The Battle of Sened Station.” Infantry Journal (April 1945): 30+.

  McFetridge, Charles D. “In Pursuit: Montgomery After El Alamein.” Military Review 74, no. 6 (June 1994): 54–69.

  McKenney, Janice. “More Bang for the Buck in the Interwar Army: The 105-mm. Howitzer.” Military Affairs (April 1978): 80.

  McNair, Lesley J. “The Struggle Is for Survival.” Vital Speeches of the Day 9, no. 4 (Dec. 1942): 111+.

  “McNair, Trainer of the Troops.” Time 40, no. 26 (28 Dec 1942): 37+.

  Meyer, Sam. “The Strange Fame of Thomas Stone.” Naval History (summer 1988): 46+.

  Middleton, Drew. “The Battle Saga of a Tough Outfit.” New York Times Magazine (8 April 1945): 8+.

  ———. “‘We’ll Take ’Em Apart and Then Get Home.’” New York Times Magazine (18 July 1943): 8+.

  Muller, F. M. “2nd Armored Division Combat Loading, Morocco.” Armored Cavalry Journal 56 (July–Aug. 1947): 2+.

  “Nothing Stopped the Timberwolves.” Saturday Evening Post (17 Aug. 1946): 20+.

  Oliver, Lunsford E. “In the Mud and Blood of Tunisia.” Collier’s (17 April 1943): 10+.

  Ormerod, C. B. “British Tank Attack at Fondouk Pass.” Cavalry Journal 52, no. 3 (July–Aug. 1943).

  Page, Douglas J. “El Guettar: March 25–April 8, 1943.” Field Artillery Journal 33, no. 9 (Sept. 1943): 645+.

  Painton, Frederick C. “Secret Mission to North Africa.” Reader’s Digest (May 1943): 1+.

  Pallud, Jean-Paul. “The French Navy at Toulon.” After the Battle 76 (1992): 1+.

  Palmer, Fitzhugh L., Jr. “The Old Indispensables.” U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings (Aug. 1976): 61+.

  Perry, George Sessions. “Why Don’t They Write About Hewitt?” Saturday Evening Post (16 Dec. 1944): 22+.

  Petracarro, Domenico. “The Italian Army in Africa 1940–1943: An Attempt at Historical Perspective.” War and Society 9, no. 2 (Oct. 1991): 103+.

  Philipsborn, Martin, Jr., and Milton Lehman. “The Untold Story of Kasserine Pass.” Saturday Evening Post (14 Feb 1948): 23+.

  Rance, A. J. “Corps Artillery—How It Was Employed.” Field Artillery Journal 33, no. 12 (Dec. 1943): 886+.

  Raymond, Edward A. “France Fights Again.” Field Artillery Journal 33, no. 5 (May 1943): 381+.

  ———. “Long Toms in Action.” Field Artillery Journal 33, no. 11 (Nov. 1943): 803+.

  ———. “Slugging It Out.” Field Artillery Journal 34, no. 1 (Jan. 1944): 14+.

  ———. “Some Battle Lessons.” Field Artillery Journal 34, no. 2 (Feb. 1944): 104+.

  “Red Oak, Iowa, Has 23 Boys Missing in Action in North Africa.” Life 14, no. 18 (3 May 1943): 26+.

  Sadkovich, James J. “Of Myths and Men: Rommel and the Italians in North Africa, 1940–1942.” International History Review 13, no. 2 (May 1991): 284+.

  Sahlin, Arvid W. “A Hell of a Place for a Farm Boy.” Naval History 6, no. 4 (winter 1992): 57+.

  “Sedjenane-Bizerte: April 8–May 7, 1943.” Field Artillery Journal 33, no. 10 (Oct. 1943): 783+.

  Semmes, Harry H. “General George S. Patton, Jr.’s Psychology of Leadership.” Armor 64, no. 1 (Jan.–Feb. 1955): 1+.

  Slocum, A. N., Jr. “The Armored Division in Exploitation.” Military Review 24, no. 10 (Jan. 1945): 49+.

  Smith, Howard A., Jr. “Among Those Baptized.” Field Artillery Journal 34, no. 4 (April 1944): 214+.

  Smith, Kingsbury. “Unrevealed Facts About Robert Murphy.” American Mercury 59, no. 251 (Nov. 1944): 528+.

  Smith, Mickey C., and Dennis Worthen. “Soldiers on the Production Line.” Pharmacy in History 37 (1995): 183+.

  Stephens, F. “Collapse in Tunisia.” Military Review 25, no. 1 (April 1945): 69+.

  Stewart, Richard W. “The ‘Red Bull’ Division: The Training and Initial Engagements of the 34th Infantry Division, 1941–43.” Army History, no. 25 (winter 1993): 1+.

  Strong, C. L. “Allo, Moroc.” Bell Telephone Magazine (Sept. 1943).

  Strong, Evert E. “Thala Engagement.” Field Artillery Journal 33, no. 8 (Aug. 1943): 573+.

  Thompson, P.W. “Close Support in Tunisia.” Field Artillery Journal 33, no. 7 (July 1943): 489+.

  Thornton, Milton M., and R. G. Emery. “Try the Reverse Slope.” Infantry Journal (Feb. 1944): 8+.

  Tunley, Roul. “A Frenchman Returns.” Sea Power 5, no. 1 (Jan. 1945): 13+.

  Van Urk, J. Blan. “Norfolk—Our Worst War Town.” American Mercury 56, no. 230 (Feb. 1943): 144+.

  “W.R.P.” “Mission to Morocco.” Navy 1, no. 7 (Nov. 1958): 7+.

  Wallace, Robert. “Africa, We Took It and Liked It.” Saturday Evening Post 215, no. 29 (16 Jan. 1943): 20+, and no. 30 (23 Jan. 1943): 16+.

  Wanke, Paul. “American Military Psychiatry and Its Role Among Ground Forces in World War II.” Journal of Military History 63, no. 1 (Jan. 1999): 127+.

  “The War in Gibraltar.” After the Battle 21 (1978): 1+.

  Welker, Robert H. “GI Jargon: Its Perils and Pitfalls.” Saturday Review of Literature (Oct. 1944): 7+.

  Wesbrook, Stephen D. “The Railey Report and Army Morale, 1941: Anatomy of a Crisis.” Military Review 60, no. 6 (June 1980): 11+.

  Young, Leilyn M. “Rangers in a Night Operation.” Military Review 24, no. 4 (July 1944): 64+.


  “37 in Company Missing in Africa.” Red Oak (Iowa) Express, 11 March 1943: 1.

  Alexander, Field Marshal the Viscount. “The African Campaign from El Alamein to Tunis.” London Gazette, 3 Feb. 1948.

  “An American Story: The Life and Times of a Midlands Family.” Omaha (Neb.) World
-Herald, 9 Nov. 1997: 1.

  Blair, William M. “Non-Stop Air Armada of Allies Flew 1,400 Miles to North Africa.” New York Times, 10 Jan. 1943: 1.

  Bracker, Milton. “Rangers Toughen but Are Still Boys.” New York Times, 6 March 1943.

  Buttry, Stephen. “An American Story.” Omaha (Neb.) Sunday World-Herald, 9 Nov. 1997: 1.

  Clifton, C. C. “How Iowans Fought in Africa.” Des Moines Sunday Register, 18 July 1943: 1.

  De Luce, Daniel. “All the Fight Knocked Out of Germans.” Washington Post, 13 May 1943: 1.

  Frye, William. “‘Terrible Terry’ of the 1st Division Is Getting Tougher as He Goes Along.” Kansas City Star, 17 June 1943.

  “Gen. Marshall Smashing Army’s Caste System in Quest for Best Leaders.” St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 19 Dec. 1940: C1.

  “German Tanks Trapped.” Times of London, 5 May 1943: 1

  “How Major Allen Beat Cowboy Champ in 300-Mile Race.” Brooklyn Daily Eagle, 31 Dec. 1922.

  Howe, Marvine. “In Marrakesh.” New York Times, 3 March 2002.

  Kluckhorn, Frank L. “Tunisian Resistance Ends in Rout of Germans.” New York Times, 12 May 1943: 1.

  Middleton, Drew. “The Battle Saga of a Tough Outfit.” New York Times Magazine, 8 April 1945: 8+.

  Munday, William. “Prison Ship Escapes.” Tunis Telegraph. 10 May 1943: 1.

  Norgaard, Noland. “Major Moore Escapes from Nazi Lines.” Red Oak (Iowa) Express, 22 Feb. 1943: 1.

  Petroski, William. “50 Years Later, Defeat by Rommel Still Clear.” Des Moines Sunday Register, 21 March 1993: 1B.

  Thompson, John H. “Kasserine Fiasco Laid to British.” Chicago Tribune, Feb. 1948.

  Vogel, Steve. “The Battle of Arlington: How the Pentagon Got Built.” Washington Post, 26 Apr 1999: 1.

  Wilson, Richard. “The Gallant Fight of the 34th Division in the North African Campaign.” Des Moines Register and Tribune, 1943.

  I also draw extensively on issues of the following Iowa newspapers from February through March 1941: Clarinda Herald-Journal; Council Bluffs Nonpareil; Red Oak Express; Sioux City Journal; Villisca Review.


  “18th Infantry Draft Regimental Wartime History.” MRC FDM.

  “701st Tank Destroyer Battalion: North African Campaign Diary.” MHI.

  “The Administrative History of the Eighth Fleet.” N.d., NHC, World War II Command File, Fleets.

  Anderson, K.A.N. “Operations in North West Africa, 8 November 1942 to 13 May 1943.” 1946. London Gazette.

  Anderson, Roland. “The Operations of the 135th Infantry Regiment in the Vicinity of Fondouk el Okbi.” 1948. Fort Benning, Ga. Infantry School.

  Bailey, Leslie W. “The Operations of the 3rd Battalion, 135th Infantry at Algiers, North Africa, 7 November–10 November, 1942.” 1948. Fort Benning, Ga. Infantry School.

  “Battle Analysis of the Battle of Sidi bou Zid, 14 February 1943.” 1984. CSI.

  Baumgartner, John W., et al. “History of the 16th Infantry, 1798–1946.”

  Bielakowski, Alexander M. “Calmer Heads Will Prevail: The Interwar U.S. Cavalry and the Issue of Mechanization.” Paper delivered before the Society for Military History, April 2000.

  Blumenson, Martin, et al. “Airborne Operations.” 1964. CMH.

  Boehm, Edward. “My Autobiography During World War II.” 1997.

  Brandt, Arnold N. “The Operations of the 1st Battalion, 135th Infantry at Hills 609 and 531.” 1948. Fort Benning, Ga. Infantry School.

  “British Commandos.” 1942. War Department, Military Intelligence Service.

  Buchholz, Ulrich. “Supply by Air of the Enlarged Bridgehead of Tunis.” 1947. U.S. Army European Command. FMS D-071.

  Bürker, Ulrich. “Commitment of the 10th Panzer Division in Tunisia.” 1947. U.S. Army European Command. FMS, D-174.

  ———. “Einsatz der 10. Panzer-Division in Tunesien.” Part II. 1947. U.S. Army European Command. FMS, D-310.

  Cairns, Bogardus S. “Employment of Armor in the Invasion of Oran.” 1946. Fort Leavenworth, Kan. CARL N-2253.26.

  Cameron, Robert S. “Americanizing the Tank: U.S. Army Administration and Mechanized Development Within the Army, 1917–1943.” Ph.D diss., Temple University, 1994.

  Camp, T. J., ed. “Tankers in Tunisia.” 1943. Fort Knox, Ky. Armored Replacement Training Center.

  Carter, Sam. “The Operations of the 1st Battalion, 18th Infantry at El Guettar.” 1948. Fort Benning, Ga.: Infantry School.

  Carter, William A. “Carter’s War.” 1983. CEOH.

  Cochran, Alexander S. “Chickens or Eggs? Operations TORCH and HUSKY and U.S. Army Amphibious Doctrine.” Paper for Fourteenth Naval History Symposium, Sept. 1999.

  ———. “Constructing a Military Coalition from Materials at Hand: The Case of Allied Force Headquarters.” Paper delivered before the Society for Military History Conference, 1999.

  ———. “Crisis at AFHG: Ike, Kasserine, and Coalition Command.” Comments presented at Society for Military History annual meeting, Apr. 2002.

  Craven, Virgil. “The Operations of Company I, 133rd Infantry, in the Attack at Fondouk Gap.” 1950. Fort Benning, Ga. Infantry School.

  Daniel, Derrill M. “Landings at Oran, Gela and Omaha Beaches.” 1947. Norfolk, Va. Armed Forces Staff College.

  Daubin, Freeland A., Jr. “The Battle of Happy Valley.” 1948. Fort Knox, Ky. Armored School. MHI.

  Davidson, Garrison H. “Grandpa Gar: The Saga of One Soldier as Told to His Grandchildren.” 1979. USMA Arch.

  Davison, Donald. “Aviation Engineers in the Battle of Tunisia.” 1943. Orlando, Fla. Army Air Forces School of Applied Tactics. MHI.

  Deichmann, Paul. “Mission of OB Süd with the Auxiliary Battle Command in North Africa.” N.d. U.S. Army European Command. FMS, D-067.

  Dickson, Benjamin A. “G-2 Journal: Algiers to the Elbe.” Unpublished memoir, N.d. MHI. (A version of this material may also be found in USMA Arch.)

  Dray, Dennis B. “Regimental Commander of the 168th Infantry, Colonel Thomas Davidson Drake: Battle of Sened and Sidi bou Zid, Tunisia.” 1977. Iowa GSM.

  Drea, Edward J. “Unit Reconstitution: A Historical Perspective.” 1983. CSI.

  Durno, George E. “Flight to Africa: A Chronicle of the Casablanca Conference Between President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill in January, 1943.” N.d. FDR Lib.

  Eckhard, Christian. “Considerations at Supreme Headquarters Concerning the Overall Conduct of the War in North Africa After the Allied Landing.” 1947. U.S. Army European Command. FMS, D-145.

  ———. “OKW Reaction to the Allied Landing in North Africa.” 1947. U.S. Army European Command. FMS, D-145.

  ———. “Study of the Situation in the High Command of the Wehrmacht.” 1947. U.S. Army European Command. FMS, D-066.

  Edwards, Harry W. “A Different War: Marines in Europe and North Africa.” 1994. Marines in World War II Commemorative Series.

  Erbes, John. “Hell on Wheels Surgeon.” N.d. John Erbes Collection, USMA Arch.

  Feige, Richard. “Relationship Between Operations and Supply in Africa.” 1947. U.S. Army European Command. FMS, D-125.

  “The First Phase of the Engagements in Tunisia.” Part I. N.d. U.S. Army European Command. FMS, D-086.

  Fosdick, Roger Barry. “A Call to Arms: The American Enlisted Soldier in World War II.” Ph.D. diss., Claremont Graduate School, 1985.

  Fountain, Ray C. “Notes on the Movement and Actions of the 133rd Infantry.” N.d. Iowa GSM.

  Friedman, Abraham. “Operation TORCH: The Dispatch of Aircraft from the United Kingdom by Eighth Air Force.” 1944. U.S. Strategic Air Forces in Europe, Historical Section.

  Frierson, William C. “The Pentagon.” 1944. CMH.

  ———. “Preparations for ‘TORCH.’” 2 vols. 1945. CMH.

  Gabel, Christopher R. “Seek, Strike, and Destroy: U.S. Army Tank Destroyer Doctrine in World War II.” 1985. CSI.

  Gardiner, Henry E. “Tank Commander.” Unpublished memoir. 1956. Paul M. Robin
ett Papers. GCM Lib. (A version of this material may also be found in USMA Arch.)

  Gause, Alfred. “Army Group Africa.” 1953. U.S. Army European Command. FMS, D-385.

  Gugeler, Russell A. Unpublished biography of Orlando Ward. N.d. Orlando Ward Papers. MHI.

  Haggerty, Jerome Joseph. “A History of the Ranger Battalions in World War II.” Ph.D. diss., Fordham University, 1982.

  Hayes, Harold G. “Operations on Signal Intelligence Gained from North African Theater of Operations.” 1943. NARA, NSA SRH-409.

  Hazen, David W. “Role of the Field Artillery in the Battle of Kasserine Pass.” Master’s thesis, U.S. Army Command and General Staff College, 1973.

  Hendricks, Charles. “A Time of Testing: U.S. Army Engineers in the Tunisia Campaign of World War II.” Colloquium on Military Fortifications and Infrastructure in Tunisia. 1999. CMH.

  Hewitt, H. Kent. “Reminiscences of a World War II Admiral.” N.d. NHC.

  “History of Allied Force Headquarters.” 3 vols. 1945. MTOUSA Historical Section.

  “History of Planning Division, Army Service Forces.” 1946. CMH.

  “History of the 26th Infantry in the Present Struggle” N.d. MRC FDM.

  House, Jonathan M. “Toward Combined Arms Warfare: A Survey of 20th-Century Tactics, Doctrine, and Organization.” 1984. CSI.

  Howe, George F. “Allied and Axis Command in the Mediterranean.” Delivered to American Historical Society meeting, Chicago, Dec. 1950.

  ———. “American Signal Intelligence in Northwest Africa and Western Europe.” 1980. United States Cryptologic History, World War II, vol. 1. NSA.

  Howze, Hamilton H. “Tank Action,” 1943. OW, MHI.

  Hudel, Major, and Paul McD. Robinett. “The Tank Battle at Sidi bou Zid.” MHI.

  Husinpiller, Herschel H. “Armored Infantry in Africa.” N.d. Fort Benning, Ga. Infantry School. MHI.

  Huston, James A. “Airborne Operations.” 1955. CMH.

  Jarrett, G. B. “Ordnance: The Theme Song of Military History.” N.d. MHI.

  “Kasserine Pass Battles.” 7 vols. N.d. CMH.

  Kern, W.B. “Account of French near Fondouk El Okbi on January 16, 1943.” N.d. PMR, GCM Lib.

  ———. “Account of the Battle Between U.S. and German Forces near El Bathan,” 1950. PMR, LOC.

  Kesselring, Albert. “Concluding Remarks on the Mediterranean Campaign.” N.d. U.S. Army European Command. FMS, C-104.


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