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The Liberation Trilogy Box Set

Page 215

by Rick Atkinson

  Toffey, Lt. Col, John J. “Jack” III

  Toffey, John IV

  Tompkins, Peter


  Torrente Saraceni (Dead Man’s Gulch)

  Tosca (opera)

  “total war”

  Trafalgar, battle of


  Tregaskis, Richard

  trench foot

  Trevelyan, Lt. Raleigh

  TRIDENT conference



  Truman, Harry S.

  Truscott, Maj. Gen. Lucian K., Jr.

  aftermath of Italian campaign and

  background of

  Cisterna and

  death of Toffey and

  DIADEM and

  HUSKY and

  Italian winter campaign and

  liberation of Rome and

  Memorial Day 1945 speech by

  Rapido assault and

  replaces Lucas to command VI Corps, at Anzio


  succeeds Clark to command Fifth Army

  Truscott, Sarah Randolph

  Tucker, Col. Reuben H.

  Tuker, Maj. Gen. Francis

  Tunis, battle of


  FDR meets with Ike at

  Tunisian campaign

  TURTLE, Operation



  Uganda, H.M.S.

  Ultra intercepts


  Umberto, Crown Prince of Italy

  Unicorn, H.M.S.

  Union Army, Civil War

  United Nations

  United States

  FDR’s vision of role of

  postwar world and

  war supplies provided to Britain

  U.S. 1st Armored Division “Old Ironsides”

  U.S. 1st Infantry Division “Big Red One”

  U.S. 1st Ranger Battalion

  U.S. 1st Special Service Force (SSF)

  U.S. II Corps

  U.S. 2nd Armored Division

  U.S. 2nd Cavalry Division

  U.S. 3rd Infantry Division

  U.S. Third Army

  U.S. IV Corps

  U.S. Fifth Army

  Anzio and

  assessment of Italian campaign and


  Cassino and

  Clark appointed to command

  Clark’s frictions with officers in

  DIADEM and

  liberation of Rome and

  Naples I&I and

  Operations Instructions No. 24

  Rapido and


  Truscott replaces Clark as commander of

  Winter Line and

  U.S. 6th Armored Infantry Regiment

  U.S. VI Corps

  Field Order No. 20

  U.S. Seventh Army

  U.S. 7th Infantry Regiment

  U.S. Eighth Air Force

  U.S. 9th Infantry Division

  U.S. 10th Mountain Division

  U.S. 12th Weather Squadron

  U.S. 13th Field Artillery Brigade

  U.S. Fifteenth Air Force

  U.S. 15th Infantry Regiment

  U.S. 16th Infantry

  U.S. 17th Bomber Group

  U.S. 17th Field Artillery

  U.S. 18th Infantry

  U.S. 19th Combat Engineers

  U.S. 26th Infantry Regiment

  U.S. 30th Infantry Regiment

  U.S. 34th Infantry Division

  U.S. 36th Division

  U.S. 39th Infantry Regiment

  U.S. 45th Infantry Division (Thunderbirds)

  U.S. 60th Infantry

  U.S. 81st Armored Reconnaissance Battalion

  U.S. 82nd Airborne Division

  U.S. 83rd Chemical Mortar Battalion

  U.S. 85th Division

  U.S. 88th Division

  U.S. 92nd Infantry Division

  U.S. 93rd Infantry Division

  U.S. 99th Fighter Squadron (Separate, Tuskeegee airmen)

  U.S. 111th Medical Battalion

  U.S. 132nd Field Artillery Battalion

  U.S. 133rd Infantry Regiment

  U.S. 135th Infantry Regiment

  U.S. 141st Infantry Regiment

  U.S. 142nd Infantry Regiment

  U.S. 143rd Infantry Regiment

  U.S. 151st Field Artillery

  U.S. 157th Infantry Regiment

  U.S. 158th Field Artillery Battalion

  U.S. 168th Infantry Regiment

  U.S. 179th Infantry Regiment

  U.S. 180th Infantry Regiment

  U.S. 189th Field Artillery Battalion

  U.S. 191st Tank Battalion

  U.S. 351st Infantry Regiment

  U.S. 504th Parachute Infantry

  U.S. 505th Parachute Infantry Regiment

  U.S. 753rd Tank Battalion

  U.S. 760th Tank Battalion

  U.S. 6615th Ranger Force

  U.S. 6681st Signal Pigeon Company

  U.S. Army Air Forces

  Tuskeegee airmen and

  U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

  U.S. Army Medical Forms

  U.S. Army Signal Corps

  U.S. Congress

  U.S. Force X

  U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff

  U.S. JOSS Force

  U.S. Marine Corps

  U.S. National Guard

  U.S. Naval Institute

  U.S. Navy

  U.S. Ranger battalions

  urban warfare




  Van Doren, Carl


  Vaughan-Thomas, Wynford



  venereal disease

  Vera Cruz, assault of 1857

  Verdala Palace



  eruption of

  Via Anziate

  Via Rasella ambush

  Vichy French

  Victor Emmanuel III, King of Italy

  Vietinghoff, Gen. Heinrich von


  Vita, Sgt. John


  Vokes, Maj. Gen. Christopher

  Volturno River

  Vulcan, H.M.S.

  Walker, Maj. Gen. Fred L.

  Wallace, Henry A.

  Walpole, Horace

  Walters, Vernon A.

  War and Peace (Tolstoy)

  War Department

  segregation of armed forces and

  Warlimont, Gen. Walter

  War Manpower Commission

  war production



  War Production Board

  Warspite, H.M.S.

  Washington, D.C.

  Washington Daily News

  Washington Post

  Washington Times-Herald

  Waskow, Capt. Henry T.

  Watson, Pa

  Waugh, Evelyn

  WEBFOOT exercise

  Welker, Robert H.

  Welles, Orson

  Wellington, Duke of

  Wentzell, Maj. Gen. Fritz

  West, Sgt. Horace T.

  Western Front, WW I

  Western Front, WW II

  Westmoreland, Lt. Col. William C.

  Westphal, Gen. Siegfried

  What to Do Aboard the Transport

  Whitehead, Don

  Whittier, John Greenleaf

  Wilbur, Brig. Gen. William H.

  Wilbur, Richard

  Wild Palms, The (Faulkner)

  Wilhelm, John M.

  Wilhelm II, Kaiser of Germany

  Wilhelmina, Queen of the Netherlands

  William D. Porter, U.S.S.

  William the Bad

  William the Good

  Wilson, Field Marshal Henry Maitland “Jumbo”

  Winter Line

  Wolfe, Gen. James

  Women’s Home Companion

  Woodpecker (German army code)

  World War I

World War II. See also specific campaigns, operations, and places

  blacks in U.S. Army and

  brutality of total war grows

  end of, foreseen by Churchill in Carthage

  lessons of

  maps of campaigns, and job and time needed to win

  Wright, John G.

  Wyatt, Lt. Col. Aaron A., Jr.

  Yamamoto, Adm. Isokoru

  Yellow Line




  Zetland, H.M.S.

  Zuckerman, Solly

  Zuehlke, Mark

  Henry Holt and Company, LLC

  Publishers since 1866

  175 Fifth Avenue

  New York, New York 10010

  Henry Holt ® and ® are registered trademarks of Henry Holt and Company, LLC.

  Copyright © 2007 by Rick Atkinson

  All rights reserved.

  Distributed in Canada by H. B. Fenn and Company Ltd.

  Library of Congress Cataloguing-in-Publication Data

  Atkinson, Rick.

  The day of battle: the war in Sicily and Italy, 1943–1944 / Rick Atkinson.—1st ed.

  p. cm.—(The liberation trilogy; v. 2)

  Includes bibliographical references and index.

  ISBN: 978-0-8050-6289-2

  1. World War, 1939–1945—Campaigns—Italy. 2. Italy—History, Military—1914–1945.

  I. Title.

  D763.I8A85 2007



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  Maps by Gene Thorp

  The Guns at Last Light



  Rick Atkinson

  To those who knew neither thee nor me, yet suffered for us anyway

  But pardon, gentles all,

  The flat unraisèd spirits that hath dared

  On this unworthy scaffold to bring forth

  So great an object. Can this cockpit hold

  The vasty fields of France?

  Shakespeare, Henry V, Prologue


  1. Mediterranean and European Theaters in World War II

  2. Assault on Normandy, June 1944

  3. Final OVERLORD Plan, June 6, 1944

  4. Omaha Beach, June 6, 1944

  5. The Advance Inland, June 6–30, 1944

  6. Operation GOODWOOD, July 18–20, 1944

  7. Operation COBRA Breakthrough, July 24–27, 1944

  8. German Attack at Mortain, August 7, 1944

  9. The Falaise Pocket, August 16–21, 1944

  10. The Liberation of Paris, August 23–25, 1944

  11. Operation DRAGOON, August 1944

  12. Pursuit Up the Rhône, August 29–September 14, 1944

  13. Pursuit to the German Border, August 26–September 11, 1944

  14. Operation MARKET GARDEN, September 17–26, 1944

  15. Battle for Aachen, October 7–21, 1944

  16. Fight in the Hürtgen Forest, November 2–9, 1944

  17. Third Army at Metz, November 8–December 2, 1944

  18. Capture of Strasbourg and Stalemate in Alsace, November 26, 1944

  19. The Siegfried Line Campaign, September 11–December 15, 1944

  20. The Bulge: Sixth Panzer Army Attack, December 16–21, 1944

  21. The Bulge: Fifth Panzer Army Attack, December 16–19, 1944

  22. Bastogne, December 21–26, 1944

  23. The Western Front, January 3, 1945

  24. The Colmar Pocket, January 20–February 5, 1945

  25. Over the Roer: Operations VERITABLE and GRENADE, February–March 1945

  26. Crossing the Rhine, March 1945

  27. Operation VARSITY PLUNDER, March 24–28, 1945

  28. Encircling the Ruhr, March 28–April 14, 1945

  29. Victory in Europe, May 8, 1945


  A KILLING frost struck England in the middle of May 1944, stunting the plum trees and the berry crops. Stranger still was a persistent drought. Hotels posted admonitions above their bathtubs: “The Eighth Army crossed the desert on a pint a day. Three inches only, please.” British newspapers reported that even the king kept “quite clean with one bath a week in a tub filled only to a line which he had painted on it.” Gale winds from the north grounded most Allied bombers flying from East Anglia and the Midlands, although occasional fleets of Flying Fortresses still could be seen sweeping toward the Continent, their contrails spreading like ostrich plumes.

  Nearly five years of war had left British cities as “bedraggled, unkempt and neglected as rotten teeth,” according to an American visitor, who found that “people referred to ‘before the war’ as if it were a place, not a time.” The country was steeped in heavy smells, of old smoke and cheap coal and fatigue. Wildflowers took root in bombed-out lots from Birmingham to Plymouth—sow-whistle, Oxford ragwort, and rosebay willow herb, a tall flower with purple petals that seemed partial to catastrophe. Less bucolic were the millions of rats swarming through three thousand miles of London sewers; exterminators scattered sixty tons of sausage poisoned with zinc phosphate, and stale bread dipped in barium carbonate.

  Privation lay on the land like another odor. British men could buy a new shirt every twenty months. Housewives twisted pipe cleaners into hair clips. Iron railings and grillwork had long been scrapped for the war effort; even cemeteries stood unfenced. Few shoppers could find a fountain pen or a wedding ring, or bedsheets, vegetable peelers, shoelaces. Posters discouraged profligacy with depictions of the “Squander Bug,” a cartoon rodent with swastika pockmarks. Classified advertisements included pleas in the Times of London for “unwanted artificial teeth” and cash donations to help wounded Russian war horses. An ad for Chez-Vous household services promised “bombed upholstery and carpets cleaned.”

  Other government placards advised, “Food is a munition. Don’t waste it.” Rationing had begun in June 1940 and would not end completely until 1954. The monthly cheese allowance now stood at two ounces per citizen. Many children had never seen a lemon; vitamin C came from “turnip water.” The Ministry of Food promoted “austerity bread,” with a whisper of sawdust, and “victory coffee,” brewed from acorns. “Woolton pie,” a concoction of carrots, potatoes, onions, and flour, was said to lie “like cement upon the chest.” For those with strong palates, no ration limits applied to sheep’s head, or to eels caught in local reservoirs, or to roast cormorant, a stringy substitute for poultry.

  More than fifty thousand British civilians had died in German air raids since 1940, including many in the resurgent “Baby Blitz” begun in January 1944 and just now petering out. Luftwaffe spotter planes illuminated their targets with clusters of parachute flares, bathing buildings and low clouds in rusty light before the bombs fell. A diarist on May 10 noted “the great steady swords of searchlights” probing for enemy aircraft as flak fragments spattered across rooftops like hailstones. Even the Wimbledon tennis club had been assaulted in a recent raid that pitted center court; a groundskeeper patched the shredded nets with string. Tens of thousands sheltered at night in the Tube, and the cots standing in tiers along the platforms of seventy-nine designated stations were so fetid that the sculptor Henry Moore likened wartime life in these underground rookeries to “the hold of a slave ship.” It was said that some young children—perhaps those also unacquainted with lemon—had never spent a night in their own beds.

  Even during these short summer nights, the mandatory blackout, which in London in mid-May lasted from 10:30 P.M. to 5:22 A.M., was so intense that one writer found the city “profoundly dark, like a mental condition.” Darkness also cloaked an end-of-days concupiscence, fueled by some 3.5 million soldiers now crammed into a country smaller than Oregon. Hyde and Green Parks at dusk were said by a Canadian soldier to resemble “a
vast battlefield of sex.” A chaplain reported that GIs and streetwalkers often copulated standing up after wrapping themselves in a trench coat, a position known as “Marble Arch style.” “Piccadilly Circus is a madhouse after dark,” an American lieutenant wrote his mother, “and a man can’t walk without being attacked by dozens of women.” Prostitutes—“Piccadilly Commandos”—sidled up to men in the blackout and felt for their rank insignia on shoulders and sleeves before tendering a price: ten shillings (two dollars) for enlisted men, a pound for officers. Or so it was said.

  Proud Britain soldiered on, a bastion of civilization even amid war’s indignities. A hurdy-gurdy outside the Cumberland Hotel played “You Would Not Dare Insult Me, Sir, If Jack Were Only Here,” as large crowds in Oxford Street sang along with gusto. London’s West End cinemas this month screened For Whom the Bell Tolls, starring Gary Cooper and Ingrid Bergman, and Destination Tokyo, with Cary Grant. Theater patrons could see John Gielgud play Hamlet, or Noël Coward’s Blithe Spirit, now in its third year at the Duchess. At Ascot on Sunday, May 14, thousands pedaled their bicycles to the track to watch Kingsway, “a colt of the first class,” gallop past Merchant Navy and Gone. Apropos of the current cold snap, the Royal Geographical Society sponsored a lecture on “the formation of ice in lakes and rivers.”

  Yet nothing brightened the drab wartime landscape more than the brilliant uniforms now seen in every pub and on every street corner, the exotic military plumage of Norwegians and Indians, Belgians and Czechs, Yorkshiremen and Welshmen and more Yanks than lived in all of Nebraska. One observer in London described the panoply:

  French sailors with their red pompoms and striped shirts, Dutch police in black uniforms and grey-silver braid, the dragoon-like mortar boards of Polish officers, the smart grey of nursing units from Canada, the cerise berets and sky-blue trimmings of the new parachute regiments … gaily colored field caps of all the other regiments, the scarlet linings of our own nurses’ cloaks, the electric blue of Dominion air forces, sand bush hats and lion-colored turbans, the prevalent Royal Air Force blue, a few greenish-tinted Russian uniforms.


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