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Esoteric Astrology

Page 10

by Alice A Bailey

  You will note that the rays which are related to or expressing themselves through Aries are curiously balanced, Rays 1 and 7 are the highest and the lowest, and therefore demand a point of balance upon the wheel which is provided in Libra. Rays 6 and 4 bring to this balancing process the energy of the second ray, the major building ray which enables the man to build anew and provide himself with a spiritual body of manifestation.

  I would also call your attention to the fact that through Uranus, Aries is related to Aquarius. The vague beginnings [102] in Aries, the faint emergence of the latent embodied ideas have—after the turning of the wheel in two directions—brought release in Capricorn and produced the world server in Aquarius, who voluntarily stays upon the great wheel (using the Cardinal Cross as his conditioning signs) and thus staying within the sphere of influence in order to help humanity to find liberation from the Fixed Cross.

  In the sweep of the zodiac there are four signs which are signs of birth, of beginning and of renewed cyclic realisation.

  1. Aries, the “birthplace of divine Ideas,” whether these ideas are souls brought into incarnation and controlled by Mars until they reach the point of reorientation and become sensitive to the influence of Mercury, or whether they are the birth of the ideas of God in the form of the hierarchical plans to which the initiate becomes sensitive.

  2. Cancer, the “birthplace into the life of form,” the door into physical incarnation. This is the sign in which humanity, as a whole integrated unit, is born, the scene of the emergence of the fourth kingdom in nature. Humanity has “emerged from rock and water and brings its habitation with it” (as the Old Commentary expresses it) and mass instinctual consciousness comes into being. Note that phrase.

  3. Leo, the “birthplace of the individual,” the coming into form of individual self-conscious man who emerges out of the mass and herd in Cancer, substituting, for instinctual consciousness, self-awareness and a sense of responsibility of an individual kind.

  4. Capricorn, the “birthplace of the Christ,” the place of the “second birth” and the scene for the emergence of [103] the fifth kingdom in nature when the right time comes. In this sign, the initiate comes into a spiritual awareness which demonstrates later in Aquarius and in Pisces as man, the world worker, and man, the world saviour—both of them with a universal mission.

  It is from hints such as these that the astrologer of the future will determine the type of horoscope which should be cast. Two questions will then arise, requiring reasoned answers:

  1. Is the subject a personality, progressing around and around the wheel, perfecting self-consciousness and developing a rounded out personality through experience and the working of the Law of Karma, subject to the Great Illusion and arriving eventually at the height of personality ambition in Capricorn?

  2. Or, is this person beginning to manifest as a soul, pouring light through dense fogs of illusion, and preparing for the major tests in Scorpio, to be followed by initiation in Capricorn?

  Subsidiary questions would, for instance be: For which death is the man preparing? Is there an imminent crisis at hand which indicates a birth into some new state of consciousness? The crucial question, however, to be determined in every case, is the direction in which the man is progressing around the wheel of life. The orthodox horoscope concerns the personality life and the form is bound upon the “wheel of life as it turns from right to left” (from Aries to Taurus via Pisces). But the soul is bound to the wheel as it turns from left to right, going from Aries to Pisces, via Taurus. It is this antagonistic movement of the wheel “turning upon itself” (as it is expressed in the Bible) [104] which leads to the conflict carried on in the individual life, in the life of humanity and in the life of the planet. In the early stages of evolution and upon the Mutable Cross, the consciousness is entirely identified with life in form and with the life of self-consciousness, self-preservation and self-enrichment. Then comes an interlude wherein the consciousness begins to shift into that of the group and becomes identified with the soul and with soul purpose. The experience of the Fixed Cross covers this period. It might here be noted that the experience of the three crosses has a Masonic significance and can be connected with the Blue Lodge:

  1. The Common Cross . . . The E .·. A .·. Degree

  2. The Fixed Cross . . . . . . The F .·. C .·. Degree

  3. The Cardinal Cross . . . . The M .·. M .·. Degree

  Much will come to light in Masonry when its astrological implications are studied and understood. Much also will be revealed anent individual life and purpose when the fate of certain planets (when in the various zodiacal signs) is properly investigated and grasped and their symbolic significances interpreted. For instance, it is well known theoretically and mathematically that,

  1. The Sun is exalted in Aries. Here the Sun stands for the life of the spirit which comes to full expression as the result of the great evolutionary process, initiated in Aries. The life of God which in this sign is “swung into activity” eventually achieves consummation. Latency becomes potency and midnight merges into midday. God, the Father, rules.

  2. The power of Venus is lessened in this sign. It is a detrimental sign to Venus. The reason for this is that when the Sun is exalted and blazes forth in all its glory, [105] the other lesser luminaries fade out. Just as the personality is lost sight of in the light of the soul, the solar Angel, so the soul itself disappears and its power and radiance fade out when the Presence, which it has hitherto veiled, appears and dominates the scene at the end of the greater world cycle. We are told that the incarnating Minds, human beings, the solar Angels, came originally from Venus, but they in turn give place to the monad, the One. Mind gives place to intuition and reason to pure perception.

  3. Saturn “falls” in Aries. This has two meanings, for this is a dual sign. First: Saturn is the Lord of Karma, the imposer of retribution and the one who demands full payment of all debts and who therefore condemns us to the struggle for existence, both from the form side and from the soul side. Saturn, therefore, “fell” when man fell into generation. He “followed the sons of men down into their low place.” Second: Saturn's power is completely ended and his work accomplished when man (the spiritual man) has freed himself from Karma and from the power of the two Crosses—the Common and the Fixed. Esoterically, Saturn cannot follow man on to the Cardinal Cross.

  There is much that could be elaborated along this line but the above will give a hint as to the esoteric significance of these three happenings within every sign. They can also indicate much concerning the man whose horoscope is under consideration.

  The decanates can also be dealt with in two ways, according to the direction in which man is travelling upon the wheel and therefore entering the sign, speaking in symbols. [106] If he enters Aries when on the Common Cross he will come under the influence of Mars, the Sun and Jupiter, according to Sepharial. This means conflict, revelation and the successful satisfaction of desire and ambition as the aeons pass away. When he reorients himself and mounts the Fixed Cross, he comes under the influence of Jupiter, the Sun and Mars, for the initiate and the disciple culminates his career in any of the signs with a final and dominant struggle and fight. I would remark here that Alan Leo had a glimpse of the inner significance of the decanates when he assigned Mars, the Sun and Venus to the three decanates. He touched the truth of the inner subjective reversal upon the wheel which brings in other energies and influences when he substituted Venus for Jupiter. Mind and heart must be coordinated and brought into play when the great reversal takes place.

  We have seen that Aries is the sign of beginnings—the beginning of the creative process, the first step of the soul (the microcosm of the already initiated Macrocosm) towards incarnation, the beginning of recurring and constant cycles of experience, the beginning of the period wherein the soul changes its direction, its purpose and its method, and finally enters upon that definitely defined process which we call spiritual regeneration and initiation. There are four words
of vital importance upon which we shall ring the changes, as we study the path of evolution, or the progress of the soul around the great wheel, both as a personality and as a disciple, headed towards the final liberating process. These four words express the subjective impulses and motives and, in reality, introduce four different cycles of progress upon the Path in its various stages of individualisation to initiation. They are: [107]

  1. Re-creation in which the influence of Cancer, combined with that of Aries, produces the pull into incarnation upon the physical plane.

  2. Regeneration in which the growing influence of the Fixed Cross, playing upon the Mutable Cross, produces those interior changes which eventually lead to

  3. Reorientation or the great cycle of repolarisation which takes place through the influence of Libra (the Cardinal Cross) and the “swerving of the Bull in mid-career,” as it is called in the ancient books. This process of reorientation leads to a passage around the wheel in which, steadily and persistently, the inner subjective man comes into outer manifested expression and the personality recedes into the background. Finally, there come twelve lives wherein the final stage of

  4. Renunciation is experienced and the disciple or initiate renounces all for the love of humanity and its service, and lays himself upon the altar of sacrifice. He achieves, as a result, the final liberation.

  This liberation is, in reality, twelve-fold in nature, for liberation, victory and triumph have to be experienced in every sign, just as captivity, defeat and failure have been experienced in all the signs of the zodiac, whilst the man is functioning as a personality. It is these four words and their significance which will underlie all that I have to say to you anent the dual experience upon the great wheel of life. I would ask you to bear this definitely in mind.

  Going through the great cycle from Aries to Taurus, the man reenters the sign Aries again under the potent impression of Taurus, which at this stage of development feeds his ardent desire for the many material advantages of physical incarnation and of constant worldly undertakings; thus [108] after a period of re-creation, he passes out into incarnation in Pisces and begins again the great round of manifested life, for Pisces is the ocean wherein he is “the fish,” controlled by the laws of substance or material existence. In the second great stage, he passes from Aries to Taurus, because desire has at last been transmuted into aspiration. After proving his steadfastness to the ideal of the spiritual life in the intervening signs, he passes again into Pisces, from the opposite direction to his usual procedure, having earned the right to mount the Cardinal Cross of the Heavens, the power to take a final planetary initiation and the privilege of passing on to one of the seven paths to which I have made reference in my other books; these eventually give him “the freedom of the seven solar systems,” as it is called in contradistinction to “the freedom of the seven planetary spheres,” which the experience of initiation has guaranteed him, after a process of intensive training in one or other of the planetary schools (according to his ray type) and the path of service chosen.

  You will see, therefore, the significance of the two keywords of the sign Aries:

  1. “And the Word said: Let form again be sought”

  The Man

  2. “I come forth and from the plane of mind, I rule”

  The Initiate

  Experience leads to rulership and in this sign the man who is embodied first ray force develops the power of organisation, of control over forces, particularly over the energy of death, over the power of destruction applied with love, of dominance over multitudes, of cooperation with the plan and the practice of the Will in rightly and correctly guiding and directing planetary affairs.

  [109] Before we take up the remaining eleven signs of the zodiac, and in order to give you a clear framework upon which to build the new astrology by means of which you can grasp the dual procedure of the soul around the great wheel, I would point out that what I have given you on Aries will be dealt with also as we consider the other signs. You will find that I have indicated significances and pointed out some of the truths which can be found in connection with:

  1. The keynote of the signs. These express the underlying effect upon the man as he progresses in one of two directions.

  2. The Nature of the Cross upon which the man is crucified at any one time.

  3. The influence of the planetary Rulers—orthodox or esoteric.

  4. The Rays which primarily express themselves through a particular sign; the clue to which sign it may be is found in the orthodox planetary ruler where the personality ray is concerned and the esoteric planetary ruler where the soul is concerned.

  5. The Qualities of the sign and of the man who has come forth in a particular sign.

  6. The interplay between a sign and its polar opposite.

  7. The planets which are exalted, in detriment, or which fall in any particular sign, for a study of these will indicate the three phases of the Path—with its involutionary cycle of becoming increasingly involved in matter, or life upon the Mutable Cross, the interlude of readjustment or struggle for liberation which leads to the mounting of the Fixed Cross, and the period of liberation with the final mounting of the Cardinal Cross. [110]

  8. The significance of the key words for the modes of progress through the signs.

  9. The underlying theme of any specific zodiacal sign, covered by the ideas of re-creation, regeneration, reorientation and renunciation.

  Before taking up these matters in connection with Pisces, there are one or two points upon which I would like to touch. I have to take up certain problems as they may arise in the consciousness of the enquirers and the students, because it is impossible to handle them all at once in the introductory remarks. The confusion would then be well nigh insuperable in the mind of the enquirer. Little by little, we will deal with the various debatable points, and if you will have patience and hold back partisan conclusions, the picture of the new astrology will begin to emerge more clearly in your minds. At present, the readjustment of your ideas leads to inevitable temporary bewilderment.

  One of the questions which normally arises might be expressed as follows, and was so expressed by an interested astrological student. It involved the following inquiry: Granted the inevitability of a man eventually reversing the mode of his passage through the twelve signs, at what time and in which sign does the Sun reverse? At what point in the swing of the zodiac can this reversal in the Sun itself be seen taking place?

  Unless you have some grasp of the nature of the great illusion of the constitution of the Sun, it will be hard for you to understand the significance of my reply. The sun to which you are referring is the physical Sun and its apparent path in the heavens. This “appearance” will not outwardly change and—here is the statement of importance—the real Sun under which our planetary life will eventually function [111] and to which response will be made is the Heart of the Sun. When that is controlling, the spiritual man will then live a dual life simultaneously (which is ever the problem of the man who is illumined by the soul as well as by the light of day) and this dual life will consist of our apparent experience and situations and our inner spiritual soul awareness. The personality will still respond to influences coming to it from the physical Sun but the motivated life activity and the subjective experience of the inner man will be conditioned by energies coming to him from the “Heart of the Sun.” I would here recall to your minds the teaching of the Ageless Wisdom as given in The Secret Doctrine and elaborated by me in my later books, that the Sun has to be discovered and known in its triple nature which is threefold as is the Trinity. The tabulation below may serve to make this idea somewhat clearer:

  1. Physical Sun . . . . . . . Form . . . . Personality. . Influencing Mutable Cross.

  2. Heart of the Sun . . . . Soul Consciousness. . . . Influencing Fixed Cross.

  3. Central spiritual Sun . Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Influencing Cardinal Cross.

  By the word “influencing” I here refer to t
he energies pouring from these three aspects of the Sun through the three Crosses to our planet. Ponder on this and remember also that our Sun is travelling through space (carrying our solar system along in its sphere of influence) around our own central and conditioning star which it has been rightly presumed exists in the constellation Taurus, the Bull, being found in the Pleiades. At the same time it appears, from the standpoint of our planet, to be passing through the twelve signs of the zodiac; this is a symbol macrocosmically considered, of the dramatic centralised point of view of the individual human being, the microcosm. It is interesting to [112] compare the symbolism and the underlying truth connected with the lesser and the greater zodiacs and with their twelve month and their 25,000 year cycles. They bear out much that I have given you anent the soul, influenced by the esoteric planets eventually, and the personality, influenced by the orthodox planets. The greater zodiac is symbolic of the soul and the lesser of the personality. In the personality cycle, the lesser zodiac conditions the personality career and the twelve planetary houses are of dominant importance. Later the influence of the twelve signs supersedes the influence of the planets.

  I would like also to emphasise—perhaps unnecessarily—that Sirius, the Great Bear and the Pleiades work through the medium of the twelve constellations, pouring their influences through nine of them in particular, but that these major constellations are not part of the zodiac with which we are concerned. They, with the seven solar systems of which ours is one, are the ten constellations connected with a still greater zodiac which is not conditioned by the numerical significance of the number twelve. Hence ten is regarded as the number of perfection. There is confusion in the minds of some of the less learned students (astrologically considered) on this point.


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