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Esoteric Astrology

Page 32

by Alice A Bailey

  4. Cancer-Capricorn.—The urge to incarnate leads to the densest incarnation and immersion in form. The pull of form life and the processes of concretisation control. The man arrives after many incarnations at a point of crystallisation.

  5. Leo-Aquarius.—The individual seeks full expression and arrives finally at the point where he uses his environment for purely individual ends. He dominates his fellowmen for entirely personality objectives. The isolated individual becomes the group ruler or dictator.

  6. Virgo-Pisces.—Virgin matter attracts the soul and the divine Mother becomes more important than the son. The life of the soul is hidden.


  (Aries to Pisces, via Taurus)

  The Disciple and Initiate.

  1. Libra-Aries.—The achieved equilibrium, at the point of rest, provides the mental impetus for soul control. Passion is transmuted into love and the initial desire of Aries becomes the full expression of love-wisdom. Desire to manifest becomes the aspiration to be.

  2. Scorpio-Taurus.—The final victory of soul over form. Death and darkness demonstrate as life and light as the result of this energy relationship. The dark night of the soul becomes radiant sun. [339]

  3. Sagittarius-Gemini.—The result of this related pair of opposites is that there is one-pointed soul effort, spiritually directed activity and a demonstrated readiness for initiation. There is the waning of the power of form and the waxing of the life of the soul.

  4. Capricorn-Cancer.—The initiate now chooses to incarnate and passes freely and at will through both doors. The pull of matter is superseded by the free choice of the soul. Form life becomes a conscious method of expression for service.

  5. Aquarius-Leo.—Personality interests as an expression of the individual are submerged in the good of the whole. Selfish individual man becomes the world server. Heights of noted service are then reached in both signs.

  6. Pisces-Virgo.—The form reveals and releases the indwelling soul. The Saviour of the world appears and nurtures the hidden souls in Virgo.

  You will, therefore, note that when the pull of the energies pouring into and through the signs of the zodiac is in the direction of form expression that the result of the interplay between the opposite signs leads to some aspect of definite personality manifestation, this being largely determined by the ray of the personality. When the life tendency is being withdrawn from form and the soul is in process of revelation then there is soul or egoic emphasis, and this again is determined, as to quality, by the nature of the egoic ray. Here again will appear the necessity for a knowledge of the point in evolution of the individual whose horoscope is under consideration. I would indicate at this point that in studying any of the signs it will be wise to study at the same time its opposite or consummating sign. Much that I could, for instance, say in connection with the sign, Cancer, has already [340] been said in connection with its opposite, Capricorn, and the same will be true of all the signs which we are now going to study.

  It will now be clear to you why the Moon and Neptune, transmitting the energies of the psychic nature and of form, plus the tendency to achieve through the medium of conflict, rule Cancer so potently, both directly and indirectly. They control the form and the lower psychic nature and produce the battle ground (later to be transmuted into the burning ground) whereon these two “face in the final conflict” their higher correspondence, the soul and spirit, for matter is spirit at its lowest point and spirit is matter at its highest. In these words you have the true clue to the Cancer-Capricorn relationship. When to these potent influences is added the force of the seventh ray (producing a synthesis of expression upon the physical plane) and of the third ray (producing intense activity in matter) you will note how in this sign all the energies concerned tend to bring about the incarnation of the soul in the three worlds of experience and human expression. The power of Venus in this sign tends to make the mind the servant of the personality and this is aided by the forces of the third Ray of Active Intelligence. Thus the stage is set for the appearance of the soul in form. You would find it an interesting study to compare the effects of these ray potencies as they find expression in Cancer upon:

  1. The unevolved man as he demonstrates form control.

  2. The evolved man, initiate and Saviour as he demonstrates soul control. The forces which controlled the soul whilst dominated by form become the instruments of world service.

  [341] As these results are studied, you will eventually arrive at an insight into the relationships we touched upon earlier when we discussed the rulers of this sign—exoteric and esoteric—which brought the Cancer subject into contact with Virgo, Aquarius and Scorpio. From one point of view, you have the imprisonment of the soul and the glorification of the personality demonstrated, ending with death in Scorpio; in the other you have the revelation of the Christ within the form, the revelation of the serving individual and the revelation of the final victory over death. When to the above recognitions you add the place which the planets hold in this sign, you have a most remarkable and at the same time rather abstruse situation indicated and—because this is the final cross of initiation—one which will only become really clear when the final stages of the path are trodden. Therefore, only a few hints are possible. Two planets are exalted in this sign, Jupiter and Neptune. As this is the sign of rebirth, these two planets indicate the successful development and eventual use of the form aspect and the development of psychic sensitivity both in the higher and the lower senses.

  These are important developments for the soul who has chosen to incarnate. The building of adequate forms and the use and control of form are essential if there is to be wise and right cooperation with the Plan of God. Jupiter guarantees this in Cancer from the very initial stage of birth. Love as relationship to divinity and wisdom as relationship to form lie behind the soul's intent. In space and time, for long aeons, form controls and hides the soul. This is equally true in regard to the fluid psychic nature. These (the form aspect and the psychic nature) reach an eventual concrete perfection in Capricorn to become again in Cancer the perfect [342] instrument of service which the initiate wields as he seeks to render mass service instead of being involved and lost in the mass. The power of Saturn in this sign furthers the ends and purposes of the governing energies or rays of harmony through conflicts (the Moon and Mercury) and of Neptune, for in this sign Saturn is in the home of its detriment and thus produces those difficult conditions and situations which will lead to the needed struggle. This makes Cancer a place of symbolic imprisonment and emphasises the pains and penalties of wrong orientation. It is the conflict of the soul with its environment—consciously or unconsciously carried on—which leads to the penalties of incarnation and which provides those conditions of suffering which the soul has willingly undertaken when—with open eyes and clear vision—the soul chose the path of earth life with all its consequent sacrifices and pains, in order to salvage the lives with which it had an affinity.

  Curiously it is Sepharial who places the rulers of the decanates more accurately than does Leo. Usually this is reversed and Leo is the more correct of the two astrologers. Sepharial gives us Venus, Mercury and the Moon whereas Leo apportions the Moon, Mars and Jupiter to these decanates. The mind, the uses of conflict and form life are the contributing factors, leading the soul along the way of incarnation. The instrument of release is, in the last analysis, the right use and control of the organ of illumination which is the mind. Hence the necessary emphasis ever laid upon meditation when the aspirant awakens to spiritual opportunity. The strength which comes through conflict and constant struggle builds up steadily that reserve of strength and power which enables the aspirant to take the final tests of discipleship in Scorpio and to brave in Capricorn the [343] trials of initiation and the breaking of all the bonds which the processes of incarnation have forged.

  In the Words given for this sign, the Word of the soul indicates the objective of the Cancer experience and the purpose for
which incarnation has been taken: “I build a lighted house and therein dwell.” The temporary method of the personality is also clearly given when we are told that the Word proclaimed by the soul as it takes incarnation is “Let isolation be the rule and yet—the crowd exists.”

  This sign can carry deep meaning to all. You are in process of incarnation; you are following your chosen way. Is the house you are building yet lit? Is it a lighted house, or is it a dark prison? If it is a lighted house, you will attract to its light and warmth all who are around you and the magnetic pull of your soul, whose nature is light and love, will save many. If you are still an isolated soul, you will have to pass through the horrors of a more complete isolation and loneliness, treading alone the dark way of the soul. Yet this isolation, this loneliness and this separation in the dark night are all part of the Great Illusion. It is, however, an illusion into which the whole of humanity is now precipitated in preparation for unity, freedom and release. Some are lost in the illusion and know not what is reality and truth. Others walk free in the world of illusion for the purposes of saving and lifting their brothers, and if you cannot do this, you will have to learn so to walk.


  In the consideration of the remaining signs there will be relatively less to say than before, because I have already pointed out many facts and points when dealing with their polar opposites. Much, therefore, that can be said about [344] the sign Gemini has been dealt with under Sagittarius; Virgo and Pisces have also been considered in relation to this sign, because all these four signs form together the Mutable Cross. A certain amount of repetition is necessary and often helpful; it serves to clarify and reinforce when one is teaching, but I would like now to be more general and—in dealing with these three signs which indicate the subjective realities which incite the form-taking in Cancer—to consider pre-disposing causes more than detailed and more easily ascertained facts.

  In this world cycle, Gemini, Taurus and Aries are three subjective energies or the three conditioning signs which lie behind manifestation. They lie behind the form-taking experience in Cancer and they also lie behind manifestation in Pisces. Pisces is the sign with which the modern world (and by that I refer to an immense long period of time) is primarily concerned, for Pisces is the starting point on the clockwise wheel at this time for the greater zodiacal round of approximately 25,000 years—the date of which beginning is not yet revealed to the modern astrologer or subject to revelation through his science. As we study Gemini and Taurus (Aries we have already considered) let us bear in mind their cause-initiating nature and the fact that they have a more specifically psychic effect and subjective influence than their strictly phenomenal and physical effects would lead one to imagine.

  You will find, I think, that it is these hints and suggestions which are of the most importance in launching and in utilising the new esoteric astrology. Students would do well to isolate first of all the broad general statements anent the zodiacal signs and influence before they take up the intensive study of the detailed and new informative suggestions which I may have given. A grasp of the universals, [345] prior to a study of the particulars, is ever a wise occult procedure.

  In each of the Crosses of the Heavens there is one sign and influence which, in any world cycle, dominates the other three. Such dominating effects necessarily change when a world cycle changes, but for the present cycle, Gemini determines the paramount influence within the fourfold influence of the Mutable Cross. The main objective of these four energies is to produce that constant flux and periodic change in time and space which will provide a field of adequate experience for the unfoldment of the Christ life and consciousness. This is the case cosmically speaking, and also from the standpoint of a solar system, of a planet and of a human being. The field of development for the lower three kingdoms is dependent upon the status and energy-distributing power of humanity as a whole. We might, therefore, recognise the following facts anent the Mutable Cross:

  Gemini.—This is the force which produces the changes needed for the evolution of the Christ consciousness at any particular point in time and space. It is always compatible to the requirement.

  Virgo.—This is the nurturing force of substance itself, subject to the nine cyclic changes of the cosmic gestation period; it fosters and protects the embryonic Christ life, preparing for manifestation or a divine incarnation.

  Sagittarius.—Is the energetic activity of the life force, demonstrating at the sixth month, when—esoterically speaking—the three aspects of the form nature and the three aspects of the soul are integrated and functioning. It is this integration which sometimes makes the sixth month of physical human gestation so critical.

  Pisces.—This is the life expression and active appearance [346] of the Christ consciousness in form; it is also the energetic appearance (symbolically speaking) of a world saviour.

  This Mutable Cross is, therefore, peculiarly a Christian symbol and significantly connected with the Christ life and with the unfoldment of a world saviour and is particularly potent during the anti-clockwise turning of the Great Wheel. This fact will emerge more clearly when astrologers are able to determine accurately the point of development and the spiritual status of the subject whose horoscope is under consideration. The formless nature of the influences of Gemini is strikingly borne out if the significance of Masonry is studied. This world-wide institution was—as I have earlier told you—organised under the influence and impulse of this sign and is governed by it in a most unusual manner. The format or exoteric symbolism of Masonry has frequently been changed during the millenia of years through which it has been active. Its present Jewish colouring is relatively modern and not necessarily enduring, but its significance and its history of unfoldment are the history of the indwelling Christ consciousness and of that inner light, and this must unalterably be continued. That which has entered through the two pillars of Hercules, the disciples (Jachin and Boaz), and through the sign Gemini, has entered to stay.

  Apart from the importance of the influences of Gemini as the dominant power in the Mutable Cross, it is one of the paramount zodiacal signs in that it is the major symbol of duality in the zodiac. It is the constellation Gemini and its inherent second ray influence which control every one of the pairs of opposites in the Great Wheel. Gemini, therefore, forms with each of the pairs of opposites in the Zodiac a third factor, powerfully influencing the other two constellations, [347] and thus forms, with them, certain great zodiacal triangles. These only become of importance when considering the horoscopes of advanced human beings or esoteric groups, but eventually—when casting the horoscope of a disciple or an initiate—the esoteric astrologer will have to consider their potency. For instance, in the case of an initiate whose Sun is in Leo, the triangle of constellation energies determining the interpretation of the horoscope would be Leo-Aquarius-Gemini. When dealing with a subject whose Sun is in Gemini itself, the conditioning triangle would be Gemini-Sagittarius and Pisces—the latter forming a part of this triangle because it marks both the end and the beginning and is, for this great cycle of the zodiac, the Alpha and the Omega. These points I will endeavour to elucidate in greater detail when taking up with you the basic astrological Science of Triangles. The generalisations and the hints in connection with the twelve signs of the zodiac which have formed the subject matter of our past instructions have been primarily intended to lay the ground and to prepare your minds for the later section upon triangles; this will be far the most important aspect of the teaching on esoteric astrology and the one which will be the first to be grasped by modern astrology.

  This sign is sometimes called the “constellation of the resolution of duality into a fluid synthesis.” Governing as it does all the pairs of opposites in the zodiac, it preserves the magnetic interplay between them, keeping them fluid in their relations, in order eventually to facilitate their transmutation into unity, for the two must finally become the One. It should be remembered that—from the angle of the final deve
lopment of the twelve zodiacal potencies—the twelve opposites must become the blended six, and this is brought about by the fusion in consciousness of the polar [348] opposites. Pause and consider this phrasing. The opposites eternally remain from the point of view of human reason, but to the initiate whose intuition is functioning they constitute but six great potencies, because he has achieved “the freedom of the two,” as it is sometimes called. For instance, the Leo subject who has an initiated consciousness preserves the individuality, developed in Leo, as well as the universality of Aquarius; he can function, if he so chooses, as a fully self-identified individual, yet possesses simultaneously a fully awakened universal awareness; the same thing can be said of balanced activity and consequent fusion in all the signs. This analysis constitutes in itself an interesting and far-reaching field of speculation.

  Gemini is, therefore, one of the most important of the twelve signs and its influence lies behind everyone of them—a fact but little realised as yet by astrologers. This will be more fully understood when the triangle of Gemini and two opposing signs is studied. Because the Ray of Love-Wisdom, the second ray, pours through Gemini it becomes apparent how true is the occult teaching that love underlies the entire universe. God is love, we are assured, and this statement is both an exoteric and an esoteric truth. This underlying love of Deity reaches our solar system primarily through Gemini, which forms, with the constellation of the Great Bear and the Pleiades, a cosmic triangle. This is the triangle of the cosmic Christ and is the esoteric symbol lying behind the cosmic Cross. There is ever the eternal triangle to be found behind the fourfold phenomenal appearance. Speaking symbolically and in the words of the Old Commentary:


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