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Esoteric Astrology

Page 43

by Alice A Bailey

  I. A downflow of energy from an emanating centre. This leads to

  1. Its merging with the energy of a centre of reception and its consequent qualification. [461]

  2. Its transmission to and its evocative effect upon a second point or focal point of reception.

  Note: This leaves one side of the triangle as yet uncompleted.

  3. The three types of energy (or rather one energy and two forces) proceed then with the following activities:

  a. Evocative energising of a secondary triangle.

  b. Pouring down one side of this reflected triangle into the evoked expression on the physical plane.

  c. Producing manifestation, quality and activity.

  d. Forming a reservoir of descending and balancing energies.

  Some light on this most abstruse subject can be gained if the student will attempt to realise that the above diagram and subsequent statement describes his own involutionary and evolutionary history. It depicts the interplay of his monadic life, soul energy and personality force, as these three focus on the physical plane, producing manifestation and appearance.

  II. A return flow of this qualified energy to its emanating source or the highest point of the major triangle. This produces:

  1. The completion of the two triangles—the Real and the unreal. The building of the antahkarana is an aspect of this completion. This concerns the final building of the later stages of the antahkarana by the initiate. [462]

  2. The transmission of force from the reflected or secondary triangle in the three worlds of human endeavour (or in the five worlds in the case of the evolution of members of the Hierarchy) is into the same focal point on the base line of the higher triangle which received the original emanating energy.

  3. There are consequently two points of major importance in the higher triangle:

  a. The emanating point of positive conditioning energy.

  b. The point which receives into itself both the higher energy and the lower forces. This point is called the soul aspect of the triangle and is always the registering agent of consciousness. It is, therefore, the producer of crises, because the point where several energies meet is the source of crisis in the outer life.

  c. These crises are crises of initiation and this is true of men as individuals, of nations and of humanity as a whole.

  d. The overshadowing triangle is the factor which produces by its flow into and out of the secondary triangle the “moments in time and the events in space which lead to those episodes in the life of the soul wherein force becomes energy and energy becomes life.”

  Such a momentous event or crisis is now taking place in the life of humanity today.

  More along this line I may not here dictate. The subject is too vast, abstruse and complicated. I have, however, [463] indicated enough to throw some light upon this intricate science. Summarising what I have said:

  1. Emanating, evocative and magnetic energies are the three types of energy, flowing from the “superior triangle.”

  2. Receptive, distributing and critical force are the three types of energy distributed by the “inferior or reflected triangle.”

  3. Two points of energy are shared by both triangles along the base line. When the work is completed, the base line is formed by two blended streams of energy, which embody the energies of both triangles.

  4. One point of energy (the magnetic point) produces involution and outgoing during the process of forming the lower triangle. In a later stage it—as a blend of energies—induces return of all the energies to the emanating source.

  At the same time, students must bear in mind that—owing to the Great Illusion—it may appear to them that the triangles are incomplete during the evolutionary process. The fact, however, is that in the Eternal Now all three sides of the triangles eternally exist and persist. The problem is found only in the consciousness of the subject but not in the Reality.

  5. It must be noted by the student that:

  a. The masses of men express down-pouring energy from the magnetic centre. Their rightful trend is at present downward into physical manifestation and experience. [464]

  b. Aspirants and probationers express responsiveness to the pull of the evocative centre. Their urge is towards the path of return.

  c. Accepted disciples and initiates express the interplay along the base line between the evocative and magnetic points.

  d. Higher initiates and Masters utilise and express the energy blended in the magnetic centre. They are returning or responding to the emanating centre.

  Thus the sixfold triangle—objective and subjective—is completed.

  It will be of course obvious to you that it will not be possible to deal with all the various triangles of energy which are effective on our Earth, and which, incidentally, affect humanity exhaustively. Their name is legion. But certain triangular relationships can be tentatively considered and their place in the planetary or in the individual horoscope can then be later worked out. In the new astrology which will be that of the soul, the paramount consideration of the twelve houses (which are now of such importance) will be less emphasised and the consideration of the three Crosses will emerge in their place. These three Crosses make together twelve arms and it is the energy flowing through the twelve arms and their place in the soul horoscope which will assume the major importance. This I will enlarge upon when we take up the theme of the three Crosses. The twelve houses concern the personality. The four arms of the three Crosses concern the soul and it is these twelve and their appearance in the horoscope or their failure to appear which will govern the horoscope of the soul. All the four influences of the three [465] Crosses will be found present in the chart of a Master. Therefore an indication of which constellations are primarily related to the unfoldment of consciousness and to the evolution of spiritual understanding is of significant use here.

  The major cosmic Triangle works primarily through six constellations at this time and—again at this time—the cosmic constellation and the two zodiacal energies focus through a particular planet, using it as a transmitting agency to the Earth. You have therefore:

  These six influences aid greatly in the development of self-consciousness and later of the spiritual consciousness in the man who has succeeded in reaching the point of re-orientation upon the Great Wheel. I deal not here with the personality influences, inclinations and determinations as they appear in the chart of the ordinary man. I deal with the influences and with those determining energies which pour upon the man who is on the Path of Return to the centre of his life and, therefore, with the final three stages upon the Path of evolution.

  [466] We might consequently state that the forces of:

  1. Cancer—Capricorn—Saturn (which are an expression of Sirian energy) enable the aspirant to tread the Path of Purification, of Probation. These energies focus and qualify the energy of the Great Lodge of the Most High in that distant Sun. They pour through the Hierarchy upon the mass of men and enable the unit in that mass to “isolate himself and turn his back upon the past and find his way on to that section of the Path wherein he learns to feel.”

  2. Gemini—Sagittarius—Mercury (which are an expression of the Pleiades) enable the Probationary Disciple to pass on to the Path of Accepted Discipleship. He is then becoming increasingly intuitive and entirely one-pointed whilst the nature of the pairs of opposites is clearer to him. The relation of the Mother-aspect (as embodied in the Pleiades) and of the Christ-child, hidden within the form of the personality, is realised and the inner, spiritual man institutes the process of initial identification with the spiritual entity on its own plane; the little self begins to react consciously and with increasing frequency to the higher Self. The man “presses forward on that Path wherein he learns to see.”

  3. Aries—Libra—The Sun (which are an expression of the Great Bear) bring about that focussing of energy in the life of the disciple which makes it possible for him to function consciously and with intention upon the Path of Initiation. He enter
s the realm of the formless worlds because Aries, the sign of beginnings makes this possible; through the potency of Libra, he has succeeded in achieving that point of balance which makes the final escape from the pairs of opposites possible. He now [467] knows, through transcended feeling and from identification with the seen Vision, the true meaning of being.

  This threefold process can also be covered by the three words: Sensitivity, Illumination and Inspiration.

  Another group of energies can be touched upon though any true elucidation is not possible. They concern the focussed energies of the seven solar systems of which ours is one. These energies (six in number) reach our solar system, via the constellations Taurus and Scorpio and the planet Mars.

  Their peculiar nature, objective in evolution and basic purpose is only revealed to initiates above the fifth initiation. They are concerned with the problem of desire (which is to humanity a problem but not in its higher octaves) and with its transmutation into spiritual will and divine purpose. They are the originators of conflict, are closely connected with the fourth Ray of Harmony through Conflict and are, therefore, in a peculiar relation to the fourth Creative Hierarchy, the human, and to our Earth in this fourth round.

  In these eight constellations are to be found the influences which are mainly concerned with the evolution of the soul—in the solar system, in the planet Earth and in man. They are the “eight potencies of the Christ”; they govern the psychic unfoldment of the life in all forms. They are of the utmost significance to the aspirant.

  [468] Four constellations have been omitted from this list:

  Leo . . . . . . . . . . . . . Virgo . . . . . . . . . . Aquarius . . . . . . . . Pisces

  Self-consciousness. Christ consciousness . . . Group consciousness . . . . Universal consciousness

  They are basically concerned with the expression of consciousness on the outer external planes of expression or with the fusion of soul and form in order to demonstrate fully a state of awareness. These facts will become apparent if the four esoteric planets connected with these four constellations are considered and related:

  The Sun . . . . . . The Moon . . . . . Jupiter . . . . . . . . . . . . Pluto

  The Soul . . . . . . The Form . . . . . Beneficent Life . . . . . Death

  It will also be apparent to the astrologer of the future along which lines the chart of the soul must be drawn; the major triangles and the three cosmic Crosses will control his deductions as to the unfoldment of consciousness. The triangles indicate possibility; the Crosses indicate process and points of crisis.

  There is, as I have said, no way of handling this Science of Triangles at length or exhaustively, for it is the science of the universal geometrical blueprint underlying the phenomenal worlds and is also closely related to Karma. It concerns the first precipitation of the interaction and the effect of the duality of manifestation, of spirit-matter, as they constitute one substance. But, in its relation to esoteric astrology, it is possible to indicate certain fundamental interpretations of this relation which will enable the astrologer to work out eventually the astrology of the soul, to outline the horoscope of the ego and to draw up the new types of charts which will demonstrate soul purpose on its own plane and group relations also on the physical plane and [469] so be of aid to the intelligent, dedicated personality. Ponder on this.

  There is one triad of cosmic energy that is of supreme importance upon our planet and it is the united influence of its three constellations which will eventually bring about the initiation of the planetary Logos; this will warrant any future planetary expression of His life to be termed a “sacred planet.” At present our Earth is not regarded as a sacred planet. Later, when these three energies have produced adequate effect and the needed planetary changes have been produced, the term “sacred” will be deemed correct and appropriate. This statement of course means little to any student at this time. When, however, he is able factually to realise two things, the case will be different. These are:

  First, that the threefold energies which lie back of the activity of the centre at Shamballa concern the planetary Logos; humanity is slowly becoming sensitive to that influence, but only in mass formation and not individually. Only theoretically can a disciple take note of this fact.

  Second, these influences are playing upon that aspect of human life which we call the Monad; they will, therefore, have a steadily increasing effect upon the Path of Initiation.

  These three constellations are Leo—Virgo—Pisces. They are spoken of esoterically as “the Producers of that which knows, the Informers of that which is awakened and the Constructors of the modes of fusing Wisdom. They produce a unity; They shatter that which They have produced only again to produce it in greater beauty and in wider fullness.” These words are clear. This triangle is, at this [470] time, an inverted one with the Leo energies in the closest contact with our planetary life. The following triangle will show this more clearly.

  These three are connected definitely and increasingly with the unfoldment of human consciousness in three main aspects.

  There is the development of self-consciousness to be fostered and this is the major effect—as well you know—of the force of Leo. The influence of this constellation aids in the manifestation of individual will, individual love, and individual intelligence; it fosters the “ahamkara” or egoistic principle; it produces the emphasis upon the “I am” attitude which is so necessary a stage before the individual can merge himself as a conscious Self-respecting unit in the Whole. But behind this influence and pressing through into manifestation is the force of Virgo (the mother or custodian of the Christ-consciousness) which shatters eventually the synthesis and the lower unity already produced by the Leo energy; it stimulates the soul within the form as well as the soul within each atom in the form, because the genius and uniqueness of Virgo is that it produces the form as well as stimulates the life within that form and, therefore, nourishes and energises two lives simultaneously. It is a powerful dual energy, a potent expression of the anima mundi or the soul of the world. It was the recognition of [471] this which made the ancient astrologers merge Virgo-Leo into one sign. Then as the dualism of the human spirit (spirit-matter) became a fact in the consciousness of man, the sign was divided into two signs and the war of the pairs of opposites became a “war with purpose” and is, incidentally, reaching its climax today. This fact will be obvious to all true esotericists.

  Another stream of energy is also pushing through and producing effects upon those in the human family who not only respond to the Leo force and are consequently individuals in their own consciousness but are responding also to the steadily expanding Christ-consciousness; of this they are becoming increasingly aware in their own individual experience. This is the higher aspect of the energy of Pisces; it is awareness of the group, of the whole and of the universe. It is the energy of buddhi, the higher aspect of the lower psychic nature; it is the aspect of the mediator in contradistinction to the medium. It is intuitional control instead of the intellectual overlordship of Leo and the limitations of Virgo.

  These three energies are today playing potently on humanity, producing:

  1. The self-consciousness of man, as he emerges out of the mass.

  2. The recognition of the Christ life and nature, as the aspirant for the first initiation emerges out of the group of world individuals.

  3. The awareness, universal in nature, of the initiate, as he emerges out of the ranks of the world disciples.

  All this is, therefore, brought about at this time by the steady inflow of the energies of Leo-Pisces-Virgo and these lie behind the very rapid unfoldment of the three types of [472] consciousness to be found in varying degrees in humanity today.

  There are, as I pointed out earlier, seven great crises in connection with the human being upon the path of evolution; they cover the earlier, the later and the final stages of his growth. These it should be borne in mind are precipitated through the conditioning influences of seven great constellatio
ns. Let us consider them for a moment. They are:


  Crisis Quality Constellation Cross

  1. Crisis of Incarnation . . . . . . Individualisation . . Cancer . . . . . Cardinal

  2. Crisis of Orientation . . . . . . Reversal . . . . . . . . . Aries . . . . . . . Cardinal

  3. Crisis of Initiation . . . . . . . . Expansion . . . . . . . Capricorn . . . Cardinal

  4. Crisis of Renunciation . . . . . Crucifixion . . . . . . Gemini . . . . . Mutable

  5. Crisis of the Battlefield . . . . Conflict . . . . . . . . . Scorpio . . . . . Fixed

  6. Crisis of the Birthplace . . . . Initiation . . . . . . . . Virgo . . . . . . Mutable

  7. Crisis of Burning ground . . . Liberation . . . . . . . Leo . . . . . . . . Fixed

  You will note that two of the constellations which we have just been considering—Leo and Virgo—are to be found in this list. Five constellations are not so intimately concerned with the mass human crises but are more definitely and specifically related to the unfoldment of the individual disciple. These are: Sagittarius, Libra, Taurus, Pisces and Aquarius. Pisces has, however, at this time a unique relation to the seven constellations which produce the great human crises; it also completes the final united effort of the Triangle: Leo, Virgo, Pisces. It has been the steady impact of Piscean force which has at long last brought humanity, the world disciple, to the very door of initiation. For over two thousand years, Piscean influence has been playing upon mankind; it has brought about the demand for world adjustment; it has developed the international spirit and has led to the formation of groups in every department [473] of human living and so laid the foundation for the future synthesis in Aquarius. The influence of this triangle finds symbolic expression in the life of the self-conscious individual who reaches self-awareness in Leo; in the culturing care of Virgo and the final self-release in Pisces.


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