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Esoteric Astrology

Page 47

by Alice A Bailey

  The Sun, the transmitter of the energy of the second [509] ray, rules the fifth house or mansion of the soul, the causal body in this case; the force of Leo is also involved, the force of the self-conscious soul. The spiritual man, aware of his identity says in this house: "I am the eternal cause of all relation. I am and I exist." The dualism of the second ray is first realised in the fifth house by man, the embodied fifth principle.

  Pluto, transmitting first ray energy, rules Scorpio, the sign of discipleship, of the man ready for the fusion brought about through the influence of the sacred planets, and governs the house of major separations and of death. "The arrow of God pierces the heart and death takes place." But in this connection it must be remembered that death is definitely brought about by the soul. It is the soul which shoots the arrow of death. (The upward pointing arrow is the astrological symbol of Pluto.)

  It is only in the present cycle that the Sun and Moon "veil" certain planets and are the exoteric symbols for certain esoteric forces. As evolution proceeds, the planets will not be veiled. Their influences will not be so remote. At present the mechanism of the majority of the human family is not tuned to the reception of the rays from Vulcan, Uranus or Neptune whilst Pluto at present only evokes response from groups or from those disciples who are enough evolved rightly to respond. The three veiled planets—Vulcan, Uranus and Neptune are all sacred planets, embodying first, seventh and sixth ray energies. Vulcan is never an exoteric ruler and only comes into real activity when a man is on the Path, whilst Uranus and Neptune are rulers of the eleventh and twelfth houses, and govern Aquarius and Pisces. The implications will be clear to you.

  It is not my intention to deal with the houses in detail. Modern astrologers have worked this out relatively satisfactorily, [510] for the houses concern the prison of the soul and its limitations and with these there is a widespread familiarity. As you know, I am concerned with the astrology of the soul and with the influences of the esoteric planets.

  Three suggestions I will however make:

  1. If the investigating astrologer will substitute the esoteric planets for the orthodox exoteric planets (and I have indicated these in connection with the signs of the zodiac) he will get much instructive information, and (if he perseveres) the verification of my ideas.

  2. If he will distinguish between the effects of the sacred planets and the non-sacred he will find the sacred planets endeavour to fuse the personality and make it the instrument of the soul and the non-sacred planets influence more specifically the form nature; much light on the pull between the pairs of opposites may then pour in.

  3. If he will study the "fluid area" where the planets, veiled by the Sun and Moon, come into play and will realise that he must decide (from a study of the chart of the subject and any knowledge he may have) what is the point in evolution reached and which of the three veiled planets is the ruler, he will get much intuitive understanding. He will find himself able to throw much light upon the problem of the probationary disciple when considering the exoteric rulers and upon the problems of disciples when dealing with the esoteric rulers.

  If the astrologer will consider these three points and will be willing to experiment with them, a great stride forward into the unveiling of the astrology of the soul will take place. He will find it useful also to work out the higher correspondences to the material realities for which the houses stand. For instance, I will give you some idea of [511] these correspondences in connection with the first two houses:

  First House:

  Physical body or form.—The causal body of the soul.

  Appearance or manifestation.—The emergence of the soul.

  The head. Brain.—The head centre.

  Personal activity.—Soul expression.

  Mannerisms, etc.—Ray types and qualities.

  Second House:

  Finances. Monetary interchange.—Prana.

  Expenditures.—Use of energy.

  Possessions.—Control of the form.

  Losses.—Withdrawal from matter.

  Gains.—Acquisition of spiritual powers.

  The other ten houses you can work out for yourselves. It is interesting to note, for instance, in connection with the second house (and the same idea can be applied to all of them) that Taurus, the mother of illumination, and Venus, the endower of mind plus the embodied soul, are related and active in this house. The light of matter and the light of the soul are both involved in the use of energy and in the problem of what is desired, what is regarded as loss, and what shall be the gained objective. It is, therefore, the house of values—material or spiritual.

  1. The Centres, the Rays and the Signs.

  We come now to a consideration—brief and inadequate but I hope suggestive—of the centres as they are related to [512] the planets, viewing these planets as expressions of and transmitters of ray influences. You will realise that I am only dealing with the interplay between the planets and the centres where man is concerned and only in a broad and general sense because that interplay is dependent upon—

  1. The point of evolution.

  2. Whether the focus of the life is

  a. Below the diaphragm.

  b. Above the diaphragm.

  c. In process of transference from the lower to the higher.

  3. The rays of the personality and the soul.

  4. The condition of the centres and whether they are awakened, awakening or as yet undisturbed.

  Only these generalisations are possible, owing to the vastness of the subject and the immensity of detail in the world of effects. Another complication lies in the fact that though there are seven major centres, there are twelve planets which—in time and space—condition the centres. It is the centres of initiates which are ruled only by the seven sacred planets; among average men, some of the sacred planets dominate and some of the non-sacred. In undeveloped man, the five non-sacred planets control, with the head and the heart centres under the rule of two sacred planets, which planets being determined by the rays of the soul and of the personality. As the ray type does not emerge until there is some measure of advanced development, it will be obvious to you that the theme is thereby complicated still further; that dogmatic assertions are [513] not possible until such time as the astrologer is sure of the two major rays of the subject.

  Certain basic assertions can nevertheless be made:

  1. All the centres are governed by one or other of the rays.

  2. The rays use the planets as transmitting agencies and we know which rays—in this world cycle—are related to the different planets. As given earlier, they are as follows:

  Sacred Planets Non-Sacred Planets

  1. Vulcan . . . . . . . . . 1st ray 1. Mars . . . . . . . . . . 6th ray

  2. Mercury . . . . . . . . 4th ray 2. The Earth . . . . . . 3rd ray

  3. Venus . . . . . . . . . . 5th ray 3. Pluto . . . . . . . . . . 1st ray

  4. Jupiter . . . . . . . . . . 2nd ray 4. The Moon . . . . . . 4th ray

  5. Saturn . . . . . . . . . . 3rd ray (veiling a hidden planet)

  6. Neptune . . . . . . . . 6th ray 5. The Sun . . . . . . . 2nd ray

  7. Uranus . . . . . . . . . 7th ray

  3. Ordinary humanity is ruled by the exoteric planets; advanced humanity, disciples and initiates by the esoteric planets.

  4. The Sun sign—with the exoteric planetary rulers—rules the personality, indicates inheritance and equipment and is a summation of that which has been, thus providing the background.

  5. The rising sign, with the esoteric planetary rulers, indicates soul purpose and points the way to the future, offering opportunity.

  6. The horoscope, built around the Sun sign, is adequate for ordinary humanity. The exoteric planets rule and the man lives within the limitations of the twelve houses.

  7. The horoscope built up around the rising sign, with the esoteric planets ruling, will convey the destiny of the [514] disciple. As I told you, the disciple will later be responding to the influences of the twelve
arms of the three Crosses as they pour their influences through the esoteric planetary rulers via the twelve houses.

  8. The Sun sign, governed by the ruling esoteric planets and the rising sign governed also by the esoteric planets, can both be used in casting the horoscope of the initiate; when superimposed upon each other, the outer life of the initiate in the three worlds and the inner life of subjective realisation will appear. This mode of super-imposition will be a feature of the new astrology.

  9. When the Sun sign, with the exoteric rulers, is worked out in a chart, the rising sign with the esoteric rulers is also worked out and the two are superimposed upon each other, the problem of the disciple in any one incarnation will appear.

  If these statements are added to the three I earlier gave you, you will have twelve suggestions as to the lines along which new astrological investigation can run, providing proof of the accuracy of astrological deduction and the guarantee of the truth of what I tell you.

  It is just as impossible to determine which of the planetary influences are conditioning the centres in the fourth kingdom in nature or in the Earth (viewing it as the vehicle of the planetary Logos) as it is in man, the individual, unless the point in evolution is known and it can be determined upon which stage of the Path of Return the Dweller in the form—macrocosmic and microcosmic—is standing. The whole subject is constantly shifting and changing, just as the individual human being is constantly changing his focus or is to be found working first in one area [515] of his "body of force" (the three substantial bodies) and then in another.

  Each changing personality sees a different ray force enter and each ray governs or transmits its forces through one or other of the seven centres; the Sun sign in each incarnation will be different, leading necessarily to a different rising sign and therefore to a complete new set of planetary influences. Thus the centres in the vital body come under varying pressures and stimulation. In one life, the stimulation applied may tend to vivify the solar plexus or to drive its energies upward into its higher point of transference, the heart centre. In another, it may be seen to be focussed in the throat centre, and by indirect activity affecting the sacral centre and—under the major Law of Attraction—producing a raising of the force to the higher creative focus.

  As you well know theoretically, the Science of Occultism is the Science of Energies and of the forces upon which they make their impact; this, when concerning man, the individual, and the centres within the human vehicle (major and minor) leads to the Science of Laya Yoga or of the force centres. These again, according to astrological deduction, come under the influence of certain planetary rulers. These relate them in turn to certain great Triangles of Force, formed of three major conditioning constellations. Therefore, the emphasis laid upon the Science of Triangles and its including Science of Esoteric Astrology; this must inevitably take shape in terms of energy, received, transferred and used, and throw light upon the abstruse factors which condition the centres and thus make man what he is at any one time. It is a statement of fact that the world of the occultist is the world of energy, of forces, of their origin, their point of impact and the methods of their assimilation [516] and transference or elimination. Unless, however, there is some scientific method of comprehension, some mode of adapting the life to these factors and some process of experimentation in order to prove the fact, the statement remains relatively useless to the intelligent human being; it remains in the form of an hypothesis, to be proved or disproved. The man who is attempting to master his lower nature and has the goal of expressing his innate divinity requires a golden thread whereby he can find his way out of the caverns of bewilderment and the areas of speculation and enquiry. This process of investigation, deduction and proof, the Science of Esoteric Astrology and its subsidiary sciences will eventually provide. The foundation is already laid. What I here give can provide another step forward and further light. It might here be stated that until the antahkarana (the bridge of light between the higher and the lower minds, between the Spiritual Triad and the three-fold personality) is being definitely constructed, these sciences will remain obscure to the average intellect. Once, however, the intuition can come into action, via the antahkarana, light will gradually begin to pour in. The world must begin to accept and give weight to the conclusions of its intuitives; they have ever taken the first needed steps in the unfoldment of the human consciousness. It is the complexity of detail which primarily is responsible for the confusion. The intuition (as the philosopher understands it) is the ability to arrive at knowledge through the activity of some innate sense, apart from the reasoning or logical processes. It comes into activity when the resources of the lower mind have been used, explored and exhausted. Then, and then only, the true intuition begins to function. It is the sense of synthesis, the ability to think in wholes, and to touch the world of causes. When this becomes possible, the [517] investigating astrologer will find that the complexities of the problem will disappear and the details fall into obvious position and in such a manner that the sum total will appear in a blinding light of surety. At present students cannot see the wood for the trees, as the proverb says, and that proverb is right. These sciences are mutually interpreting.

  During the life cycle of humanity through which we are now passing, in the relation between the centres and the rays and, therefore, between the centres and the planets, it will be found that the centres are governed by the following rays:


  1. Head Centre . . . . . . . . . . . first ray . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pluto

  2. Ajna Centre . . . . . . . . . . . fifth ray . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Venus

  3. Throat Centre . . . . . . . . . . third ray . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Earth

  4. Heart Centre . . . . . . . . . . . second ray . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sun

  5. Solar plexus Centre . . . . . . sixth ray . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mars

  6. Sacral Centre . . . . . . . . . . . seventh ray . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Uranus

  7. Base of Spine . . . . . . . . . . . first ray . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pluto


  1. Head Centre . . . . . . . . . . . first ray . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vulcan

  2. Ajna Centre . . . . . . . . . . . . fifth ray . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Venus

  3. Throat Centre . . . . . . . . . . third ray . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Saturn

  4. Heart Centre . . . . . . . . . . . second ray . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jupiter

  5. Solar plexus Centre . . . . . . sixth ray . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Neptune

  6. Sacral Centre . . . . . . . . . . . seventh ray . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Uranus

  7. Base of Spine . . . . . . . . . . . first ray . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pluto

  To these rays must be added (in both groups of human beings) the fourth ray which governs humanity itself as a centre in the body of the planetary Logos, thus bringing all the ray influences into a sevenfold stream of energy, playing upon the lower self in the three worlds or upon those who are entering into or are a part of the fifth kingdom in nature. Intensifying the problem for humanity as a whole is the problem of the individual within that whole. To the influences to which he is subjected as an individual through his [518] past and his own peculiar horoscope and to those in which he shares as a part of the fourth kingdom in nature must be added the effects of his two major rays (personal and egoic). These indicate his type of mechanism and his soul quality. It must not be forgotten either that his seven centres are in close relation to the planetary centres and that he is conditioned not only by the centres in his own nature and their rays but also by the centres found within the human kingdom and also by the planetary centres. With these we will now proceed to deal.

  2. The Races, the Rays and the Signs.

  The theme we will now consider is one which is of general interest
but not of individual moment. Arguing as one ever must from the universal to the particular, it is essential that humanity relates its own mechanism to the greater mechanism through which the planetary Life functions and views his soul as an infinitesimal part of the world soul. It is necessary for him, therefore, to relate his Sun sign to his rising sign and his soul to his personality, viewing both as aspects and integral parts of the human family. This will be increasingly the case. This process is beginning to demonstrate in the steadily expanding group, national and racial consciousness which humanity is today demonstrating—a consciousness which shows as a spiritual inclusiveness or as an abnormal and wicked attempt (from the standpoint of the soul) to fuse and blend all nations into a world order, based on material issues and dominated by a material vision. There was nothing spiritual in the vision of the leaders of the powers which were called the Axis powers. But the spiritual intent of mankind is slowly growing and the great Law of Contrasts will eventually bring illumination.

  [519] I make these references to the present world situation because unless what I have to say is practical in value during this century of destiny, I might as well work at other modes and methods of raising the human consciousness. But there are those who see the issues clearly and will make due application of the imparted truths and for them I write.

  Our theme concerns the planetary centres, the rays and the signs which govern and control them. I would first of all call your attention to the following facts which will bear repetition:


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