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Esoteric Astrology

Page 65

by Alice A Bailey



  first, 44

  second, 41-42, 44

  Feeling, cultivation, 466


  by friction–

  function, 444

  life and goal, 58

  electric, 57, 95

  energy, 586-587


  Aries, 95, 293, 304

  higher initiations, 316

  Leo, 293

  Sagittarius, 293

  ordeal and accolade, 447

  passage through triangles, 88-89

  purificatory, 287

  relation to water, 287-288

  solar, life and goal, 57-58

  triplicity, 415


  blending, 89

  expressing man, 57-58

  of God from Leo, 293

  of initiation, 100

  Fishes, symbolism, 116, 179


  centres, latent germs, 42

  flowing through planets, importance, 16

  four types affecting personality of Earth, 24

  three streams, 80


  affecting planet and individual, 411

  focussing, production, 473

  planetary, affecting personality, 411


  control, 11-12, 340, 511

  Cross of, 554, 557

  destruction, 596-597

  divine, building, 49

  energising by new types today, 519

  exaltation and destruction, 400

  expression, interplay of opposite signs, 337-338, 339

  insensitivity, 322

  knowledge of, before revelation of meaning, 291-292

  liberation from, 199


  rulership, 188

  sensitivity of incarnated soul to, 337

  value, 323

  meanings, 508

  nature, influence, 510

  tests, 210

  of man, 48

  side of life, withdrawal from, 192

  Forms, vitalisation, 42-43

  Four-dimensional consciousness, 370


  in consciousness of polar opposites, 347-348

  theme of Crosses, 563



  activity today, 161-163, 491

  aspect in life of Jesus, 564

  at individualisation, 64, 537

  cause-initiating nature, 344

  comparison with Virgo, 252

  conditioning of solar life, 352

  connection with Heart of Sun, 351


  leading to growth in forms, 351

  of duality, 145

  control of heart of solar system, 351

  cosmic line of force to and from Sagittarius, 356

  crisis of soul, 472, 473, 474

  decanates, 369-370

  discipleship, 61

  duality, 56, 145, 152, 165, 257, 258, 272, 314, 346, 362

  effect on–

  disciples, 162, 390

  etheric body, 357

  man, 475

  moon, 352

  physical form, 366-367

  reversed Wheel, 120

  effects, subjective, 389


  conflict and interplay with Mercury, 359

  effect on world today, 360, 362

  from Sirius, 349

  esoteric ruler, 86, 361

  establishment of relationship, 320

  exaltation or fall absent, 368

  experience, preparation for in Taurus, 401

  expression of opposites, 494

  fluidity, result, 390

  force, consummating glory, 388

  functions, 152

  hierarchical relationship, 50, 272, 356

  importance, 346, 348, 350

  individual response to, three types, 332


  forecast, 328

  in development of mind, 52

  on all signs, 348

  today, 161-163, 491

  initiation, secret, 388

  Jupiter influence, 365

  keynotes and keywords, 370

  light, 329

  love of God, 348

  mind, 52, 354


  effects of Fixed Cross, 119-120, 122

  on Mutable Cross, 119-121, 182, 344, 345, 363-364

  on two Wheels, 152

  sensitivity to whole Cross, 564

  versatility, 364

  Paths of Evolution and Discipleship, 166

  presentation, 562

  rays governing and influencing, 86, 126, 328, 346, 348, 364, 590

  references in Secret Doctrine, 677

  relation to–

  Aquarius, 493

  Aries, 358-359, 360, 390

  Capricorn, 391

  Creative Hierarchy, 34, 272

  dualities of evolutionary concern, 549

  Earth and Venus, 361

  etheric body, 352-353

  Great Bear, 348

  high and low in human life, 320, 344

  Libra, 247, 391

  London, 360-361

  Masonry, 346, 350

  Mercury, 353-355, 358-359

  Pisces, 423

  Pleiades, 348

  Sagittarius, 338, 356, 466

  Saturn 164, 369

  Scorpio, 359, 361, 474

  Sirius, 349

  Sun, 351

  Taurus 390, 391

  United States, 360-361

  Venus, 391

  Virgo, 271, 272, 360, 423

  relationships, establishment, 320

  revelations, 354

  rulers, 181, 184, 353-363, 590

  significance, 55-56, 61, 157, 230, 242, 257, 344, 351, 368

  six forces, 364

  start of greater round of Zodiac, 352

  symbol, 64, 364

  tendency to harmony, 364-365

  tendency to struggle, causes, 364-365

  transmission of will 622, 626, 627

  understanding, 367

  vital entities, 92

  will, 359

  Gemini-Aries potencies via Mercury, 358-359

  Gemini-Aries-Mercury triangle 358

  Gemini-Great Bear-Pleiades triangle, 348

  Gemini-Libra-Aquarius triangle, 493

  Gemini-Sagittarius interplay, 338

  Gemini-Sagittarius-Mercury triangle, 466

  Gemini-Sagittarius-Pisces triangle, 347

  Gemini-Saturn opposition for revolution, 369

  Gemini-Scorpio-Virgo triangle, 423

  Geneva centre, service, and rays, 457-459, 521-522

  German “shells,” 544

  Germans, negativity, 585


  paganism, 545-546

  release, 544

  response to ray energies, 449

  war leaders, 544, 545-546


  dissipation, 383-384, 388

  of non-resistance, 444

  release from, 180

  world, distortion of ideal, 377

  Gland, thyroid 397


  of humanity, 23

  spiritual, individual, indication, 17


  symbolism, 153, 154, 156, 158

  See also Capricorn.


  awareness, vehicle, 296

  love, channel 348

  the Father, Cross 91-92, 558-559

  the Holy Spirit, Cross, 558

  the Son, Cross, 558

  three Mysteries, 156


  definition, 295

  sensitivity, 295

  Gold, connection with Taurus, 378-379


  forecast, 520

  men and women of 520, 584, 586

  Great Bear–

  activity in solar system, 595-596

  astrological relationships 33, 39, 50, 85-86, 99, 270, 348

  energies from, 3
76-377, 415-416, 421, 427-428, 466-467

  expression, 504

  influence, 14, 29-30, 112, 194, 195-197, 201, 269, 270

  Pointer. See Pointer.

  seven stars, references, 655-657

  sources of seven Rays, 422, 589

  See also Ursa Major.

  Great Bear-Aries-Pluto triangle, 416, 417

  Great Bear-Little Bear-Pleiades triangle, 202

  Great Bear-Pleiades-Sirius triangle, 421, 441, 481

  Great Illusion–

  emergence from, result, 20-21

  examples, 4, 6, 20, 52, 58, 134, 343, 359, 596-597

  See also Illusion.

  Great White Lodge on Earth; prototype, 350

  Green ray, activity, 164



  Aquarius, 61, 145, 293, 573

  at third initiation, 620

  definition, 312

  development, 219

  establishment, 274

  evolution, 306

  forecast, 6

  in Aquarian Age, 448

  on Mutable Cross, 104, 122

  today, 311-312, 518

  cyclic impulse, 326-327

  life, benefits and distortion, 377

  rebirth, 325

  relations, planet governing, 538

  responses of initiate, 268

  spirit, heart centre, 367

  use of Shamballa force, 581, 586, 587


  astrology of, 327

  major reincarnating, 327

  reincarnating, comprehension, 327

  Guardians of the Four Secrets, 164-165


  Harmony through conflict, ray of. See Ray IV.

  Head centre. See Centre (human) head.


  forecast, 353

  mental, 366

  Heart centre, awakening, 367

  Hearts of Fiery Love, 46

  Heavenly Man–

  body of manifestation, 682, 692

  definition, 21, 44

  initiation, 681

  life expression, 21

  will aspect, 22

  zodiacal influences, 21, 22

  Heavenly Men, first fall, 44


  legends, 144, 260

  Mutable Cross, 315

  strength, 487

  victory, 204, 217

  world server, 243

  Hierarchical initiation on Atlantis, 160

  Hierarchies, Creative. See Creative Hierarchies.


  and humanity, fusion, forecast, 624

  approach to humanity, 64, 440

  approach to Shamballa, 440, 593-594

  aspect, 156

  attainment, 157

  distributing agency, 199

  efforts today, 374

  entrance through Scorpio, 98

  goal, 593

  influence, response to, 451

  integration into, 574

  life, participation, 168

  logoic centre, 452, 455

  mediating transmitter, 445

  members, triangle, 439-441

  planetary, Cross, 558

  problems today, 217

  reception and transmission of energies, 427-428

  relation to Shamballa, 587

  star, 198

  task, 574

  History, future, forecast, 327


  explanation, 585-586

  work, 285-286

  Holy Spirit–

  Cross of, 558

  relationships, 194

  Horns of animals, symbolism, 154-156, 400


  aid to personality, 15-16

  casting, esoteric and exoteric planets, 513-514

  considerations, 4, 6, 9-32, 91, 222-223

  esoteric, of disciple, 21, 59-60, 103, 347

  esoteric, of initiate, 347

  future, type, 103, 247

  ignoring in esoteric astrology, 6, 9


  form and of Christ-principle, 262

  human family, study, 59

  initiate, 514

  initiation, 298

  macrocosm, 6

  planet, study, 32, 59

  soul, casting, 91, 480

  orthodox, 103

  study by Teachers, 58-59


  future, 318

  of three levels, distortion, 216

  Horse, meanings, 175-177, 214


  first, correspondences, 511

  of death, dissolution, and detachment, 538

  second, correspondences, 511

  seventh, of enemies and unions, 538


  higher correspondences, 510-511

  ruled by non-sacred planets, 507, 508

  ruled by sacred planets, 508

  superseding, 480


  factor of sacredness or non-sacredness of planet, 506-512

  limitation, 508

  opportunity, 508

  study, 506-511


  cycle, Cross, 558

  life, highest and lowest expressions, signs, 320

  understanding, growth, 495-496


  approach to Hierarchy, 440

  aspect, 156

  consciousness, forecast, 357-358

  cooperation with One, 617

  Cross of, 561

  distribution of energies, 201

  experience through Pisces, 97-98

  first initiation, 447

  first ray experience, 166

  goal of evolution, 23

  initiation, 542

  integration into, 574

  leading to discipleship and initiation, 483

  logoic centre, 452, 454, 455

  major influences, 14-15

  mass transfer from Mutable Cross, 573

  mental development, problem, 493

  Messenger, 200

  nine-fold energy impact, 14-15


  horoscope, 513

  planets ruling, 513

  triangle, 435-437

  progress, prediction, 579

  ray, 454

  reception and transmission of energies, 427-428

  self-consciousness, 541-542

  star governing, 198


  Christianity, 215

  disciple, status, 570

  economic conflict, 378

  effect of Earth becoming sacred, 519

  effects of crisis in life of planetary Logos, 519

  entrance into Aquarian Age, 172, 238, 249, 374-375

  equilibrium, 544

  freedom, curtailment, 377, 378

  glamour, 377

  illusion, 343

  influence of Saturn, 249

  influence of Taurus, 374, 376, 378

  influences of Triangles, 376, 416, 435, 449, 450-452, 463, 485, 486, 537-539

  need for Sirius-Leo-Uranus combination, 447

  New Age tendencies, 223, 224, 249, 311-312, 371-373, 378, 386-387, 518, 519, 539, 541, 547, 570

  on Probationary Path, 249

  point of crisis, 232, 233, 283

  psychic powers, 216

  ray activities, 215, 218, 447, 538

  reversal upon Wheel, 413-414

  spirit and materiality, 160-161, 238-239, 285

  status, 162-163, 264, 570

  strain, cause, 413

  tests, 203, 233

  unification, 482

  See also Man.

  Hydra, nine-headed, 204


  Idea, definition, 600


  definition, 177

  ray. See Ray VI

  Ideas, birthplace, 92, 102

  Identification with real Self, 496


  definition, 494

  from Shamballa, 377-378

  of Taurus, 393, 565-566

  on probationary P
ath, 180-181

  See also Light.


  astrological, 4

  creation, 63

  destruction, 276

  of space-time concept, 324

  See also Great Illusion.

  Imagination, creative, 246


  donors, 41

  significance, guide to, 596


  cause and purpose, 342

  process, 92

  through Cancer, 83, 92, 93, 102, 220, 336, 342


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