For Rowdy Christians Everywhere
Page 101
His Image
What happens when we gain knowledge of the Savior?
Do we instantly become as righteous as God?
Gain angels’ courage and speak with the prophets’ voice?
Do we automatically acquire innocence,
Or find our hearts enlarged with superhuman love?
Yes and no. We seek such things, but we don’t have them yet.
Hence the critics’ charge: we talk up Jesus and yet
Fail to display the perfection of our Savior.
Fighting them over issues doesn’t feel like love,
Nor can our answers approach the wisdom of God.
Are we hypocrites to fall short of innocence?
Yes and no. We don’t speak with, but we hear God’s voice.
If they condemn us for failing to share God’s voice,
They miss the point: we don’t claim to be like Him yet.
We are not innocent, but we love innocence;
We are not Jesus, but exalt Him as Savior.
If they look at us, should they expect to see God?
Yes and no. We should strive to represent His love.
But they need to keep their eyes on His perfect love.
They should read the Gospels to hear His holy voice.
Our words cannot compare to the mysteries of God,
Christ’s sinless life, and rising from the dead. And yet,
Ought we not manifest in the flesh our Savior?
Yes and no. We should imitate His innocence.
Not just for our own sake: closing on innocence
Makes us better witnesses. Showing gentle love
Impresses skeptics more than preaching the Savior.
They will not believe ’til we make them hear His voice.
Can we act in His name, though we’re not worthy yet?
Yes and no. Like salvation, our witness comes from God.
It is our duty then, to draw closer to God;
To shine like lights by displaying Christ’s innocence;
To make Jesus known to a world that does not yet
Believe; to prove Jesus’ truth by showing His love.
Do we miss the point, if we fail to be God’s voice?
No, and yes. Christ saves. But we show them the Savior.
The doubters need to keep their eyes on God, and yet,
We need to keep ours on innocence. Only in love
And grace can we speak with the voice of the Savior.