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Chemical Reaction

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by Shara Azod




  Shara Azod

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews. This is a work of fiction. All references to real places, people, or events are coincidental, and if not coincidental, are used fictitiously. All trademarks, service marks, registered trademarks, and registered service marks are the property of their respective owners and are used herein for identification purposes only. eBooks are NOT transferable. Re-selling, sharing or giving eBooks is a copyright infringement.

  Copyright© 2009 Shara Azod

  Cover Artist: Shara Azod

  Editor: Novellette Whyte

  ~Chemical Attraction ~

  Being the Assistant Dean for the College of Biology at forty-five was pretty damned impressive. Dr. Ezekiel “Zeke” Soren had dedicated his entire life to the pursuit of higher learning and excellence in his field. As one of the top microbiologists in the world; he was invited to be a guest lecturer at the world’s top universities; his textbooks had been translated into five different languages; and he’d been featured on PBS, The Discovery Channel, and The National Geographic Channel. Although he no longer had to, he was still the course director for Advanced Microbiology at the university, effectively doubling his workload. He thrived on the challenge, and he’d become a true success—a regular scientific celebrity. Yet here he sat, scared shitless.

  Zeke had spent the majority of his adult life studying, researching and perfecting his craft. He’d never had time for personal relationships—he had never had a real relationship at all. Sex came in abundance; it was simply amazing how many hot women were really into brainiacs. No woman wanted to play second fiddle to microorganisms, however. He had always lived a solitary existence, his lab being his second home, the halls of learning his comfort zone.

  The attraction he felt for his department administrator threw him completely off his axis. From the moment she’d waltzed into the conference room for her first interview, he’d been smitten. He’d battled to hire Ms. Shana Wilkins although she didn’t have a background in science, but she didn’t really need it for this job. She was one hell of a manager, and that was what he needed. Her references were brilliant, even if the others on the hiring committee thought her former boss referring to her as a general a little scary. There was something about her, some indescribable magnetism that pulled him in and kept his interest, something no other human being could ever boast to have done. Not to him. He was known as a machine, a man devoid of emotions, untouchable. But Ms. Wilkins touched him, all right. Her mere presence touched him, stroked him, drowned him in foreign emotions he was completely unprepared to handle.

  On an intellectual level, he understood that the hardening of his dick whenever he saw Ms. Wilkins was psychosomatic. Not in the sense it was a mental disorder, but that it was simply a combination of the body and mind being stimulated at the same time. While her lush curves undoubtedly would rouse any red-blooded heterosexual man, she was also intelligent, which added to her already abundant physical attributes. She might not have been able to tell the difference between a microbe and a piece of lint under the telescope, but she was a font of information concerning things he’d never thought of before. She seemed to go out of her way to make him feel…human.

  In the two years she’d been working for him, he’d essentially become completely reliant on her. More than that, his attraction had grown by leaps and bounds. No longer content to merely watch her from afar, he found it increasingly hard not to reach out and touch her. He wanted the fire he saw banked in her eyes to burn him alive. He wanted to see those curves free of the formfitting clothing she wore. And he wasn't the only one.

  Students and professors alike were in awe of the bewitching Ms. Wilkins, yet she appeared totally unaware of the effect she had on the men who hovered around her. Zeke was all too aware of the way eyes followed her swaying hips as she strolled down the halls. He knew too well how men waited near her office in the morning to see what new tantalizing ensemble she would be wearing that day. It wasn't exactly her fault the skirts seemed to cling to her hips, cup her ass, and hug her thighs. Surely she was not to blame because her blouses seemed to lovingly clasp her breasts. It wasn't like she wore anything inappropriate; it was simply everything she wore became alluring, seductive, daring a man to peel it off.

  He was supposed to be heading to her office now. It wasn't a particularly onerous task seeing as her office was right next door to his own. All he needed to do was get off his ass and place one foot in front of the other. Yet he couldn’t make a move. Not because he was afraid of her so much as he was afraid of himself.

  It was getting harder and harder not to touch her. He found he couldn’t be in an office alone with her without visualizing her bent over the desk, her juicy ass in the air…

  Juicy ass? Ezekiel Soren didn’t use phrases like “juicy ass”. Just thinking about the woman brought out a base side he didn’t really understand. Something primal rose to the forefront and threatened to overwhelm his reason. He didn’t trust himself to be alone with her anymore.

  He really didn’t need to be alone with her. The long-standing Friday afternoon meeting he’d instigated when she began working for him had merely been an excuse to have private, quiet time between them. A boneheaded move if ever he made one. Now he was trapped; he had to spend the next thirty minutes to an hour pretending to listen to her reports about departmental progress on the latest projects and research. He wouldn’t be able to focus, sitting there in front of her desk, his cock rock hard and ready, and suffering. He would have to read it over the weekend in the outline she always sent after the debriefing.

  It occurred to him it was odd to give her the position of power by coming to her office and sitting in front of her when he was the boss. He’d done it consciously, wanting the staff to respect her as they respected him, and it had worked. They might look, but they never touched, never made inappropriate comments. He’d accomplished something, at least. Now, if only he could control himself, things would be perfect.

  Shit! Running his hand through his hair, Zeke winced as the expletive screamed through his own head. Great! Now he was cursing. If he went into her office now, he would do something he would regret, he knew that. She’d never given him any indication she saw him as anything more than a science geek, her boss. As badly as he wanted her, he couldn’t be sure she wanted him at all.

  “It’s a good thing I came to you. Looks like you’re too deep in thought to remember out appointment!”

  Think of the devil…

  Does he even know how sexy he is? Shana sincerely doubted it. Dr. Ezekiel Soren was concerned about a great many things, none of which, she was convinced, was his appearance. He had no clue the reason his classes were generally sixty percent female had nothing to do with his strong support of women in the sciences and his crusade to see more. Those female students could give a damn about that, evidenced by him lamenting how the grades weren’t up to his damn near impossible standards. A lot of the young women in his classes had not the slightest interest in science.

  Zeke, as his colleagues referred to him, was gorgeous—the best kind, the kind that didn’t preen for hours in front of a mirror. He didn’t even realize the students on the waiting list for office hours only wanted to stare into his startling grayish-green eyes and imagine it was their hands running through those glossy black curls as he was doing this very second.

  Shana herself wanted to; although in her mind’s eyes, they were both buck naked on his desk while she was doing it…or in the back supply room…or in an empty lecture hall…or one of the labs. Hell, she had daydr
eamed doing him six ways from Sunday just about everywhere. And he didn’t have a freaking clue.

  Letting out a deep, soundless sigh, she just had to shake her head. He was a male, after all; therefore, he was clueless by his very nature. Oblivious to not only the students panting after him, he never noticed the females around the building with their tongues hanging out of their heads every time he happened to be in the vicinity. Professors, guest lecturers, support staff—all lusting after a man with genomes on his mind and little else.

  Okay, that wasn’t exactly fair. He was a veritable encyclopedia about a little bit of everything. It was sometimes downright freaky how much knowledge was stored in that gorgeous head of his. That anyone could be so damn scholarly and yet so obtuse was indeed one of life’s great mysteries. Shana wasn’t about to inform him of all the things he failed to see, though. What would be the point in that? She might have to watch some attractive-looking female steal “her” man.

  While Zeke was unaware of his effect on the opposite sex, he was all hers. He depended on her for damn near everything. He’d even started talking to her like she knew microbiology backwards and forwards. She didn’t, rarely had she understood a damn word, but she nodded at the right times, hopefully, and gave encouraging murmurs just to keeping him talking. The man never took the time to actually talk to many people, so the conversations he struck up with her were priceless to Shana. And people noticed. She was afforded a great deal of respect simply from the way he treated her, and she appreciated that to no end. All too often support staff was seen as lesser, no matter that most of them had a great deal more common sense than a majority of the professors could claim.

  If only he would take her like a wild man, her life would be complete. But that just wasn't going to happen. Dr. Soren sprang from a long line of doctors who didn’t marry outside their profession. Shana harbored no secret desires to be a PhD, MD, or anything else along those lines. She was a coordinator, and organizer, and she was damn good at it. She made a decent living and she loved her job—almost as much as she lusted after her boss.

  “Well, Mohammed, the mountain has come to you,” she announced a little too loudly. She needed the sound to break her out of her own helpless meanderings. They would get her nowhere. What she needed to do was to go out this weekend and get laid. Maybe that would take her mind off the good doctor - for a little while, anyway. Probably not. She knew she couldn’t. She talked a good game in her head, but she didn’t doubt she’d be spending the weekend alone in her condo, masturbating to images of him.

  Damn him to hell and back!

  “Oh, yes, Shana, I was just about to come, er, go see you.” He was acting strange, but that was nothing unusual. Zeke was pretty strange. It was one of the things that made him so damn cute.

  “Well, I got tired of waiting, so here I am.” She forced a bright smile and softly closed the door. He’d stood when she walked in, and now she had a chance to look her fill while she made her way to the chair in front of the desk. He really was one serious hunk. He had a swimmer’s build, lean but with well-defined muscles clearly visible under those god-awful nerdy clothes. The man wore a tweed blazer with one of those short sleeved white linen shirts that just begged for a pocket protector. Who wore tweed blazers anymore? And geez, those shirts were so damn thin she could see the undershirt underneath clear as day. Poor man really needed someone to take care of him.

  Not bothering to wait for him to sit, Shana launched into the week’s progress reports. He would sit when he remembered. There were times when he would stand throughout the entire Friday report, only sitting down after he finished asking questions and not listening to her answers. It often gave her excellent opportunities to check out his package. A surprisingly large package it was, too, even while soft. Well, she guessed it was soft, unless he got a hard-on from the Friday reports.

  The idea of having a meeting to review reports was weird; after all, he knew everything that went on in his department. Sometimes it was more than a little disconcerting how he seemed to know all things pertaining to experiments, grants and such. But the meetings seemed to make him happy, so, what the hell? She enjoyed the time alone with him, knowing people would walk past the closed door and wonder. She loved shrugging when females asked what they discussed. She never told them, the truth was just too sad, but being in his confidence was delicious…s were the envious looks of those who worked with them, male and female.

  “Did you lock the door?” Dr. Soren asked suddenly right in the middle of her sentence about a terribly exciting research project by the undergrad Genetics Lab course. Why would she lock the door? She never locked the door. But then, he was usually the one to come to her. Did he lock her office door when he came in every Friday? The idea of all the things she could’ve been doing to him left her mouth slightly agape, a far too familiar tingle radiating from her core, making her wet and ready.

  He didn’t answer her. He stalked over to his door in determined strides, turned the lock, and stalked back to where she was sitting. What in the world was going on with him?

  ~Chemical Reaction~

  Shana had looked as his dick. Zeke had seen her do it. He’d suspected she did every Friday, but he’d never been sure. This time, he saw it clearly. She’d looked straight at his crotch and licked her lips. That meant she thought about him sexually, didn’t it? Hell, he really didn’t know. He was swimming blind here. He would simply have to ask and pray to every god known that she wouldn’t be offended.

  Just as he cleared his throat to speak, she did it again—looked dead at his crotch and licked her lips. He wanted to lick her lips too. His cock jumped right in front of her eyes. Her eyes widened and her breath caught. Damn if she didn’t lick her lips again. That was good, right?

  “Ms. Wilkins, I am sexually attracted to you,” he began, unable to look at her. Instead he concentrated on the closed blinds of his window. There was silence so he figured that didn’t bother her too much. Taking heart, he proceeded. “I may be mistaken, but I believe the attraction is not one sided. If this hypothesis is indeed correct, I would very much like to proceed with the experiment to see if our collective chemistry is as good as I believe it could be.”

  There! He said it. Not exactly the way he’d planned, but it surely got the point across. He looked down at where she sat and frowned. No, this was not the reaction he’d hoped to have. Her mouth was open even wider. It brought to mind a particular sexual act; but judging by the shock displayed all over her face, he didn’t think now would be a good time to mention that. Oh, dear. Had he mucked it all up?

  “Can you repeat that, please?” she asked so politely it made his teeth hurt. “All of it, if you will.”

  Ms. Wilkins didn’t speak like that, in a precise, clipped language. Yet, her gaze flickered to his erection again. So he dived in. In for a penny…

  “Stand up.” He was slightly shocked when she did exactly that, the report slipping from her limp fingers to the floor. Walking right up to her he grasped her by the back of the neck, and allowed his lips to cover hers, softly at first, his tongue tracing the seam of her closed lips. He worked his mouth with gentle persuasion until she opened for him on a sigh. He took the invitation to delve deeper, his tongue slipping inside to discover delights he’d spent hours obsessing over.

  It was better than he’d imagined. She tasted of fresh spring fruit and smelled like summer. Her body melted into his larger frame, falling completely into his arms. He refused to lift from the kiss until his lungs burned with need for oxygen.

  “That, Ms. Wilkins, is what I said.”

  Shana knew she had to be dreaming. Dr. Soren did not just kiss her until she was a quivering mass of putty in his large hands. Those hands were not wrapped around her, one pulling her against an erection that shouldn’t belong to a nerd, no matter how damn handsome he was. He most definitely did not have his other hand buried in her hair, tugging ever so slightly. Men like Dr. Soren didn’t kiss like that, all aggressive, as if they knew
what they were doing. Where the hell did he get the practice? She would rip the bitch’s heart out.

  “Um, yeah…” She struggled for some kind of reply, but she was coming up empty. Her panties were soaked, and her nipples so hard they hurt. He’d gotten downright cocky there at the end; and damn his hide, he’d had every right to be. And to think in all of her fantasies, she was the agressor. She was beginning to suspect Ezekiel Soren wasn’t quite as hopeless as she’d assumed.

  “Yeah, as in you agree?” His voice deepened, becoming all slow and lazy. It was sexy as hell, way too sexy for a PhD only concerned with his research. That hand on her behind was working her flesh through her clothes, kneading with firm, steady pressure that had her squirming. He dipped his head, pulling hers towards him to gently nibble on her neck, causing her to moan instead of talk as she wanted to. He was good… too good. “Will you let me have you?”

  “Yes.” Like she could give any other answer. Not when his mouth was working magic on her fevered skin, exploring every visible inch of it. The word was barely out of mouth before she found herself pushed back against the desk, his fingers deftly undoing the buttons on her blouse. Praise the Lord and shame the devil; she’d worn especially sexy undies today, as she did every Friday. The demi bra beneath her blouse barely contained her breasts. If his hiss were any indication, he liked what he saw.

  “Beautiful,” he murmured right before covering her nipple with his hot, insistent mouth. He sucked right through the lace of her bra, pulling on the puckered skin with sharp suction. Her thighs fell open, allowing him to come in closer.

  The professor Shana had believed devoid of basic human needs like touch or lust growled at her, jerking her body until it mashed against his, her skirt riding up to her waist. He yanked down the cups of her bra to free both her mounds while the contraption pushed them up in offering. His fingers had found her weeping pussy, sliding the skimpy thong to the side and beginning a torturous exploration.


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