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The Third Wife

Page 7

by Silver, Jordan

  "You know we could've bought one of those home things."

  "No, I want to be one hundred percent sure." He's so cute. He had his hand around my neck and was kissing my hair or my temple by turns.

  Grandpa Moses finally called us back into his office to give us the news. Knocked way the hell up, and from the looks of things it happened on our honeymoon which means I'm already two months along. Somewhere between the doctor telling us the good news and returning to the car Cody lost his damn mind.

  "No more long walks off to nowhere by yourself Alana. And I have to look into this soap thing. I'm not sure you're supposed to be around that stuff right now."

  "Uh huh." I was barely listening to him I was too busy reading the little pamphlets the doc had sent us home with. Well me anyway, Cody had done this before.

  "I don't want to tell anyone yet, please."

  "That's your choice babe but we have to tell mom and dad soon and I'm sure your parents would want to know."

  "I know, I just want to keep it our secret from everyone else a little while longer." Read between the lines babe.

  "If that's what you want then that's what we'll do." He got it. He kissed my hand, which he had yet to let go of, before going on and on about what was safe and what wasn't. When he started on my lattes, I just gave him a look. See, he lost his mind. Fruits and vegetables and vitamins this and that, he sounded like a textbook.

  When we finally got home my car was there. Cruella and her sidekick were giving us questioning looks but we just acted like nothing was going on. I had all the doctor's handouts stuffed into the bottom of my bag. I snuck upstairs to call my mom who squealed and carried on. I had to talk her out of coming out here.

  "Mom, mom, mom, the baby isn't due for another seven months. What do you plan on doing?" She was cracking me up. See, her reaction made me feel ten times better. There were no recriminations, no it's too soon, none of that, just real genuine joy.

  "We have to plan babes. The nursery, maternity clothes all that good stuff. Oh my word, I have to go shopping. They have the cutest baby things now. When I had you, they didn't have half the things to choose from that they do now. You have to have a Bugaboo Chameleon."

  "A what?" I think mom went off the deep end.

  "It's a top of the line stroller. I wonder if it's a boy or a girl. I hope it's a boy, those two witches would be green with envy and Cody would be kissing your feet. No matter what men say they always want a boy?"

  "Hey dad only has me!"

  "And he loves you to pieces you know that. But if we could've had a boy too, he would've been over the moon."

  "Well get on it mom, you're still young."

  "It just never happened, in all these years it just never happened for us again." She sounded sad.

  "Mom, I don't want this to make you sad."

  "Are you bent? Of course this doesn't make me sad, I'm over the moon. Wait until I tell your father, all I can say is that's going to be one spoilt kid. Did you tell Margo and Jonathan yet?"

  Yeah so you could have a hissy fit that you weren't the first?

  "No grandma, you are the first." She liked that like I knew she would.

  "Don't tell anyone yet, wait until at least after the third month. Oh I can't wait, I know we're not waiting the whole seven months before coming out. Maybe I'll time it so I'll be there when you break it to the others. How does that sound?"

  "Perfect." After we hung up I laid back on the bed rubbing my tummy. For the first time that day I think it was finally beginning to sink in. There was a baby in there. Cody's and mine. Wow.

  Chapter 12


  Alana has been coming along great. It's been two months since we found out. She's four months and not showing much at all, except for her breast which if I might say so myself are amazing. I spend lots of time playing with my new toys. Her parents are arriving later today. She's decided to tell everyone the good news. It wasn't easy keeping it from Sharon and Arlene, though I'm not sure that they didn't already suspect. What with the way I hovered over her of late. I don't know what it is about her pregnancy, not that I wasn't attentive with the others. But she just brings out this protective instinct in me that's almost scary.

  I worry about her when I'm gone to work. I also had to put my foot down about the soap-making thing. From the research I did, not to mention what the doc had to say, lye was too caustic. She wanted to buy a mask ad try anyway but I told her no way. I think it was one of our first fights, non-related to our lifestyle that is. I did go ahead and have the place made ready for her use. And after our baby was born it would be ready for her, she had to be satisfied with that.

  Things seemed to be smoothing out between her and the others though they were still a few rough spots. She needed me more now than usual and the other two found that hard to accept since we weren't sharing the reasons why. I'm hoping after we break the news they'd understand and back off. But there was no way I was leaving her to face morning sickness alone, especially since I knew she wouldn't turn to them for help.

  So if I spent the night with Sharon or Arlene I had to leave early in the morning to get to her. Or most times I didn't even spend the night, this caused a lot of drama but it couldn't be helped. I made it up to them in other ways. In my experience with pregnancy, I'd seen mood swings and a disinterest in sex maybe among other things.

  Not my wildflower, she literally blossomed. Her hair was getting longer and it had this added shine to it now. This fullness that hadn't been there before and it had already been beautiful. Her skin was healthy and though her body hadn't changed much I could feel the difference.

  The biggest change though was her sex drive. My couch at the office was getting a workout and poor Constance never had to go on so many out of the way errands in all the time she's worked for me. But I was tired of trying to quiet Alana's screams so when she showed up, which was usually unannounced I had to move quick.

  I had put that ass Curtis Sykes in his place by not giving him the business he needed from me. Instead I gave the contract to build the new office center in the city to his competition. That'll teach him to ogle my wife. That one mistake had cost him millions.


  "Hmmm?" She stretched awake beside me. She's lying on her stomach beside me. She can still do hat since she doesn't have a tummy as yet. Her nightshirt, my tee shirt really, had ridden up around her hips. My mouth literally watered at the sight of her ass and the little bit of her core that can be seen between her legs. I pulled down my pajama bottoms and mounted her from behind.

  She's still wet from our loving in the night. She raised her ass a little so I could slip deeper inside her. I kept my weight on my arms as I stroked in and out of her slowly.

  "Hmm, that feels so good baby, harder." She lifted her ass up higher trying to force me even deeper. I obliged though I don't go any faster. I like to tease her in the mornings it's our playful time.

  I reached beneath her to play with her nipple with one hand. Her breasts are ultra sensitive now. She clenched down around me, hard, as she cums for the first time today. The first of what I know will be many, until her folks get here at least.

  "Stop teasing and fuck me harder." She pushed back as she clenched around me in a milking fashion. Okay, she means business. I sped up my strokes as I lift her hips into my hands. "Like this?"

  "Yes, just like that, so good, I love it, love you."

  "I love you too." I'm lost as I pound into her just the way I know she wants.

  This was our morning routine once morning sickness has stopped plaguing her. At least twice in the mornings before I go to work. But on off days it can turn into an all day marathon. I had to remember to save some time for the rest of my family. The last thing I needed was to alienate them any more than they already were. I want to kiss my girl so I turned her over and continued to love her. I feed from her mouth. I can't believe how much I love this human being, and now with my child inside her, the feelings are multiplied tenfold. />
  Everyone's here finally. Alana has a spread that she made with the help of Mrs. Brewster of all people. Her and the elderly lady had grown quite close in the last few months for which I'm grateful. They spend most of their time together baking and she was teaching Alana how to knit, which I guess would come in handy now.

  Our parents were here as well as my wives and my daughters, along with Mrs. Brewster, whom Alana seems to have adopted as her surrogate grandmother. We had decided to make the announcement after dinner and since that was almost at an end, I leaned over from my place at the head of the table to Alana who sat on my right and whispered in her ear. "You ready?"

  "Let's clear first and then we'll tell them in the sitting room while we have our coffee."

  "You're not having any coffee." She rolled her eyes at me.

  "You know what I mean drill sergeant."

  Sharon cleared her throat at my left but I ignored her. She's been acting up more and more lately and I was about at the end of my rope. I really didn't know what she wanted from me. I hadn't done anything differently as far as my wives were concerned except to try to make Alana feel settled and welcomed. If she couldn't see that her behavior was one of the reasons I had to spend more time reassuring the younger girl of her place in our lives then I was afraid she would always be unhappy. I was beginning to think she thought she owned or ruled me. Where she got such an idea from was beyond me. It’s as though she’d forgotten the way things were when she’d first become my wife. How I’d catered to her and done everything to make things easier for her as well. Too bad for her I’m not about to slight Alana to appease whatever the hell she had going on in her head.

  After I’d settled it in my head and my heart that Alana was the love of my heart I’d had a hard time. I felt guilty for the longest time. I’ve even been over compensating for it, but nothing was good enough. She spent our alone time complaining. Why she would think that was the right course of action is anyone’s guess. All it did was make me dread those nights when I had to visit her bed.

  Arlene I’d got to come around a little. Her I could talk to rationally and get her to see why I did the things I did. Of the three she was the one who’d had to give up the most. She was my only wife for almost two years before Sharon came along. Not once had we ever discussed the situation because it was just a given. Something she knew was coming eventually. I listened to her anxiety and reassured her the best I could. But I’d also warned her again that if she joined with Sharon against Alana things would not turn out well for her. It’s not our way to slight one because the other was favored. I cannot take away what is rightfully hers and give to either Sharon or Alana. They each have an allowance that they can do with as they please. Sharon has gotten it into her head that she should be allowed to oversee this. Crazy.

  Now she’s shooting daggers at me with her eyes. I guess I’m not allowed to whisper with my wife at my own pleasure. Everything must be done according to her dictates. I sense trouble on the horizon. I can already feel the headache coming on and I’m at the end of my tether.

  Arlene was busy tending to Katie and Crystal, so she was paying us no mind. She on the other hand has been a lot nicer lately. I guess she took my warnings to heart, as she should. I'm hoping the news about the baby goes over well. That would make life so much easier, but we'll see.

  We all headed into the room where Arlene brought in the tea tray. I sat my girls down on the couch as the adults found seats around the room. There were conversations going on around us as everyone played catch up.

  I looked to Alana who nodded her head it was time. I walked over to her and hugged her shoulders bringing her under my arm. "Excuse me everyone, your attention please." The room went quiet all eyes were on us. Darlene looked like she was on tenterhooks about to bust.

  "Alana and I have an announcement to make." Of course that was all I had to say before the adults in the room picked up on where I was going. Mom was crying and clinging to dad. My stepmothers and sisters came over to congratulate us. Dad and Bryce were now slapping each other's backs like they'd accomplished some great feat, or at least brought it about themselves.

  "Congratulations Alana. I hope you know that if you have any questions you can feel free to come to me." You could've blown me over with a feather when Arlene came over to us and uttered those words. Even Alana seemed a little skeptical, but I gave her a squeeze and she accepted Arlene's hug.

  Our mothers soon dragged her off to the other room to go plan no doubt. I headed for the couch where my daughters were busy playing with each other. Katie was old enough to know, to understand about babies but I think little Crystal was too young yet. "So girls, how do you feel about mommy Alana giving you a baby brother or sister?"

  "Yeah, a baby." Okay Katie was on board.

  "Not baby, big girl." Crystal held up her pudgy little hands to show me how big she was.

  "That's right you're my very big girl, you're both my big girls." I drew my girls into my lap for kisses before letting them go back to their play. I was going to have to spend time reassuring them also in the months to come of my love for them. I learned that lesson with Katie when Crystal was born.

  Alana had been in the habit of late of spoiling them rotten. Maybe that's one of the reasons why Arlene was thawing towards her. That and the talks I kept having with her when we were alone together were finally penetrating and she was learning that Sharon had no power over her and she had no need to follow her lead. As for the girls, they loved their mommy Alana. She spent time with them, bought them all these beautiful frilly dresses in bright colors as opposed to what she called drab colored crap that they were use to wearing. I stayed out of that argument.

  These days their hair was usually covered in barrettes or some type of pin or hair band. She's even making noise about redoing their rooms when we fix up her nursery. That might be a nice project we can all do together. She’s always so thoughtful of others for one so young. It amazes me her capacity for love. I had a silly grin on my face as I thought of her and the news we’d shared today.

  "So Cody, looks like you might finally get that son you've always wanted." Who was this bitter shell of a woman? What happened to the girl I met, or did she ever exist? I released a sigh as she took the seat next to me.

  "I hope so." I’m not letting her get to me today no way. I’ve tried but I can’t figure it out. There’s something seriously wrong with my wife.

  "So what! Now your daughters don't mean anything now that your golden wife is carrying your spawn?" Be patient Cody, she's a bitter, threatened woman. But how far should I let her go? When is enough going to be enough?

  "I wish I had seen this side of you before I got involved with you." I spat the words out between my teeth feeling my ore rise once again.

  "What does that mean?"

  "It means Sharon that had I known what a bitter, vindictive human being you were I never would've brought you into my home." Harsh Cody. She puffed up and turned red in the face. My children were present. There was no way I was doing this with her right now. What happened to the girl I had fallen for? How could she have so easily fooled me? Because you saw what she wanted you to Cody. You saw a pretty face and a hot body; you never took the time to look beneath the surface. It's too late to do anything about it now. You've made this bed, now you have to lie in it. She opened her mouth to speak but I cut her off.

  "Don't say another word Sharon. You will not spoil this for Alana, this is her day, in fact it's our day. When you were pregnant with Crystal who was here to steal your joy? Did anyone stand in your way? I seem to recall that we all went out of our way to give you everything you wanted or needed. I can and will do no less for Alana."

  "Alana, Alana, Alana, everything around here is Alana."

  "Not in front of my kids, if you can't keep a civil tongue in your head I suggest you leave." I guess the embarrassment of being banished while the others were here was too much for her to bear so she bit her tongue and kept her silence. I made sure th
e girls were involved in their game.

  "One more thing. I no longer trust you you've proven that you no longer have this family's best interest at heart but your own selfish gains. If anything should happen to Alana or my child I will hold you personally responsible. If you upset her in any way while she's carrying my child I will punish you. I've given you more than enough warnings. Do not mistake my understanding for weakness, it will prove to be a costly mistake on your part. There's nothing I wouldn't do if someone hurts my family. A family I might add that you're still a part of. No one is hurting you Sharon, all this is of your own doing, what I don't understand is why."

  "Come to my bed tonight and I will tell you."

  What, did she... "You seek to control me with..." I just stared at her in disbelief. She didn't say anything else to me but there were tears in her eyes. I doubted very much that they were tears of remorse, more like tears of anger. Whatever, I wasn't about to let her ruin my joy or Alana's.

  I loved being there for the births of both my daughters. And though I would love to have a son, that in no way negated my love for them. I resented the hell out of Sharon for even suggesting such an abominable thing. How could I have missed how twisted she had become? Or had she always been this way? Had her life with me turned her into this? I hope not. I take part of the blame. When I'd first noticed her taking over Arlene I should've stepped in, put my foot down. But since Arlene never complained I left it alone, now things were worse than I could've ever imagined.

  I know one thing for sure. She wouldn't be allowed to harm my wife or our child. Just as I wouldn't allow Alana to bring harm to any of them, they wouldn't be allowed to bring harm to her, neither by word or deed.

  Alana came back into the room. Now our fathers were getting in their hugs. She looked so happy, so…content. It made my heart feel light.


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