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Dragon Born

Page 14

by J N Moon

  Poseidon’s wife.

  Amphitrite was a minor goddess who ruled several seas, originally Poseidon’s wife she later became his mistress as it seems he was unable to stop his pursuit in chasing women!

  He went to great lengths to chase her, exerting his masculinity!


  Not unlike his brother, Zeus also spent much of his time chasing women and as we know, was God of the Sky and King of the Gods.

  The power of Thunder, using his lightning bolts he was, like Poseidon a loud masculine character, whose children include Aphrodite. Presiding on Mount Olympus, and his famous battle with Typhon- referenced in this book!

  Other references in Dragon Born, including the story of lycans, their origins comes straight out of Greek mythology. In fact, Greek mythology is the first place ever to mention lycans!


  Goddess of wisdom, inspiration, art and her knowledge in war. Zeus’s daughter but had no mother! She could be fierce and was responsible for turning Medusa who was a beautiful mortal into an immortal monster, angered by the fact that Poseidon seduced Medusa in Athena’s temple. (Interesting to note she didn’t blame Poseidon!!)

  She invented the flute though never played it. Her symbols include owls, olive trees she served as a guardian of Athens.


  Son of Zeus and Leto, God of healing, music, poetry he was also the God of plagues and killed the Trojans using his infected arrows. Also known as the God of archery, his golden bow he is in appearance a beautiful young man and his name means bright and pure.

  He had nine muses inspiring for music and art.


  Poseidon’s horses. Head, front legs and body of a horse, with a fish tail these mystical creatures appeared from the waves pulling Poseidon’s chariot.


  As mentioned above, born by Medusa, his father Poseidon. Pegasus had a brother who is rarely mentioned, but his brother is in human form- don’t ask...Greek mythology is full of darker subject matter. Anyhow, his brother, Chrysaor is depicted as a stout- hearted warrior, his name meaning, ‘he who carries the golden sword.’ I know he’s not in it, but I thought I’d mention him.

  The tale of Bellerophon and Pegasus defeating the Chimera as referenced in this story, is again straight out of Greek mythology.


  God of the Underworld, there are many tales of Hades. His mention here is brief, brother to Zeus and Poseidon. His name became the place, the oldest male child of Cronus and Rhea. Stern in character, he ruled with Cerberus, the three headed Hell hound, who appears as a shifter in my other books!


  They were known for their skill at forging weapons, and created Zeus’s thunderbolts. In return Zeus freed them, they also created Poseidon’s Trident.

  It was said that they lost the sight in their eyes, the third eye developed from living in blackness in caves but that this one eye also had the ability of foresight.

  Some did eat humans, not a problem for Zeus though!

  There are two types found in Greek mythology, I wrote about Hesiod’s cyclops who were master craftsmen, Agres (Thunderer) but there are also Steropes (Lightner) and Brontes (Vivid), all of them brothers!


  The body of a muscular man, head of a bull the minotaur was born by Pasiphae’s and Poseidon’s lust.

  Poseidon again, angered that the bull he sent wasn’t sacrificed he, out of anger possessed Pasiphae to develop a lust for it.

  In so doing, she gave birth to the minotaur, Asterius, which she loved, although when Asterius grew up he become violent and uncontrollable, hence he was sent to live in a maze he could never escape!


  He’s in all my books, he’s first encountered evil and unrelenting in my free book (if you sign up or you can buy it) Grimoire. He’s part of my universe of book series, but he’s never had such a starring role in any of my books! I think he deserves a spin off book, let me know what you think?

  Book 3 Taster Below: Shadow Born.

  Shadow Born

  Book 3 The Blood Moon Series

  My heart pounded fast, watching every step so I didn’t fall, racing through the woods, Luke by my side. I did a double take, was that Shuck with us? He ran in shadow form, my familiar.

  But no matter how fast we ran, they were closing in, five of them shooting. The urge to change, I battled the beast within me, it’s rage threatening to erupt out, ridges on Luke’s arm splitting out as his dragon threatened to burst through.

  Breathless, I stumbled, the foliage was twisted, thick on the ground. Luke grabbed my hand, “Argh...”

  “Don’t stop Emma,” he pulled me up quickly, my boots feeling like lead after running for so long.

  Another click, ducking down as we fled, another shot, then suddenly darkness, pitch black descended like a theatre curtain, heavy and fast around us, we pushed on as mumbles, shouts yelled behind us.

  It would still take too long for Luke to transform, and gasping, lactic acid burning like fire in my legs, we carried on through the thick shadow veil. Until before us stood Lucius, his arms by his side, palms facing out, eyes rolled into the back of his head and dark energy pulsed out of his hands, like dense black dry ice.

  As we approached, his eyes flickered back to his face, narrowing, then a wry grin, “Get behind me, no time to explain!”

  “What’s going on?” Luke gasped.

  Lucius, his silken black hair bellowed forward as a mighty gale swept past us, his tattoos glowing like embers, he whispered something in Latin and the darkness from his hands increased in force, those shouts from behind us got louder, fearful, more shots fired off.

  Turning fast, he said, “Take my hands,” I shook as I held his right hand, something cold between his palm and mine, Luke took his left, another whispered enchantment, flash of blinding light and then we were back at Luke’s.

  Stumbling, Luke and I gasped.

  Was Shuck alright?

  “Shuck is not of this world Emma, he is from the shadow world.” Then glancing around, Lucius added, “Phew that was insane, got a drink?”

  My face contorted, I tried to speak but my throat was dry, “Who were they, why were they shooting at us?”

  Remaining calm and collected, Lucius took a deep breath, “I came to see you- as you might have guessed, I had a premonition- that’s a new thing for me,” He grinned, “I’ve been working on second sight for decades. I felt, like a bolt of fire, my tattoos did that glowing thing, I felt you were in trouble, good thing you weren’t too far from home.”

  I watched as he located, perhaps with his sixth sense, the whiskey. He poured three large glasses and handed them out, “Drink this and I’ll tell you.”

  “Tell us now!” Luke snapped.

  Casually, Lucius sat down sipping his scotch, “Nope, not going to happen until you take a drink, believe me, you’ll need it.”

  Red faced Luke drank petulantly, his small eyes fixed on Lucius. Trembling still, I sat opposite the demon, took a sip, then another. My heart still ready to burst out of my chest, jumping at any sound.

  “Good, well something’s happened, I’m sad to say. Human’s know. They know about supernaturals, they were hunting you. See why you needed a drink?”

  “What?” Luke yelled. “When, how, why... No this can’t be!” His face horrified, he drank more scotch, eyes wide like dinner plates.

  “Possibly when the police radioed in a cyclops and a minotaur,” Lucius shrugged. “Other supernaturals have been less than careful of late, it was always just a matter of time.”

  “But why us, how did they know? And how did you know?” Luke spat.

  “As I said, I had a premonition, a feeling that Emma was in trouble. I knew she was with you, she said so the other day. Why they were after you, you two specifically, I have no idea. Unless they’ve been to Wychwood, found out stuff there?”

  “Are we safe here?” I asked, my voice almost strangled.
/>   Scratching his head, Lucius advised, “Probably not. You can both stay with me for now, they won’t be able to track me, well hopefully not. All I know is a group of humans know. They actually know about us and they’ve assembled hunters. Now, I don’t think the government or the military know yet, so we need to get rid of this group, but...” He stopped to drain his glass, “It’s probably too late anyway. I mean, even if we killed every one of them, they have the internet, so it means we have to up our game, you know, act normal. Stick together, form alliances if we’re going to survive.”

  Lucius got up, grabbed the bottle and decided to bring it in, topping up his glass and ours.

  “But there’s more, Emma, in order to save Luke, you had to make a pact, do you remember that?” His eyebrows raised, he was poised waiting for my answer.

  “Not really, a lot happened but I would’ve done anything to save Luke, why?”

  “You made it with Bael, you have no idea who he is do you?”

  I shook my head, Luke sat forward, “No but I do, he’s the...” His voice broke off, he looked at me, puffing, “King of Hell!”

  “Oh... shit!” I muttered.

  “Except,” Lucius continued, “He’s dead.”

  Luke sat back, a wave of relief on his face.

  “No, there’s a new one, I know him but the pact still stands and if you’re, we’re to survive, we need to make treaties, but fear not, you’ve already met him, but you owe him.”

  Taking another swig, he continued, “And one more thing...”

  “More,” I sighed.

  “Kai, he’s looking for you. He rescued you, as you well know, and now, well sorry Luke, but you’re bound to...”

  “I know for seven years, but Poseidon himself declared that forfeit, as I am clearly not mortal.”

  “But the Selkies do not see it that way, even now he is in danger, we need to seek him out.” Slamming his glass down on the table, Lucius stood up, took a deep breath, Luke joined him.

  “All I wanted was some peace, to live in peace,” I muttered.

  Nodding, Lucius indicated with his arms to us, “That’s all any of us ever want Em, unfortunately there are many that would like to see us dead.”

  “What now, damn, where is Kai? I’ll have to speak to him.”

  “I’ll scry to find him, I think we should go to Wychwood. I’m not sure that they’re alright,” Lucius offered.

  “Or Sabian, are he and his community alright?” Luke asked.

  “Both then, but Emma, it would be good to touch base with Conor.”

  I wanted to slink back into my chair, Luke adding “I’m not so sure Emma needs to touch base with the Bath immortals since she made a pact,” He raised his eyebrows at me, “On the plus side, they’re a good bunch thank God. Maybe the Nephilim will help, too?”

  “Marcus is already on it, yours isn’t the only attack, there have been others, that’s why I came. So far, I seem, or perhaps my kind, to be under the radar but it’s probably just a matter of time,” Lucius’s eyes darted around the room.

  “I’ll call Sabian, let him know we’re on the way, you coming, too?” Luke asked Lucius.

  Smirking Lucius winked, “Man, I’m your mode of transport.”

  “I want to get some stuff from my home,” I sighed.

  “It’s dangerous but Luke, if you get your gear now, then I’ll whisk all three of us to Emma’s, I don’t think anyone should be on their own right now. I’ve been trying to figure out an alarm that activates through time- the best I can think of is have my number on speed dial. And Luke, I’m going to throw out a warding spell over your home just to be safe. You were both in the nearby woods, way too close for comfort,” Lucius added matter of fact.

  Luke nodded, whilst Lucius held out his arms and wandered around chanting softly.

  Luke huffed, trudged around his house getting his stuff together, then we stood in a circle. I expected Lucius to pull out a little pouch packed with herbs that he’d used before to transport us places. I wasn’t sure my body had recovered from the last time but instead, he smiled inanely, for a second my heart flipped wondering if we’d been tricked, was it really Lucius?

  But the scent of his hair, rich and warm, notes of bergamot put me at ease. A doppelgänger would never get that right. He simply pulled an old bronze medallion from his pocket, which was engraved intricately with ravens, skulls and something else I couldn’t make out, “Place your hands on mine please.”

  A brilliant flash, and then we were at my home, which someone or something had broken into.

  Dread fell heavy on my shoulders, what the actual fuck! My mouth hung open, cold shivered through my body. Immediately, Luke pulled me into his arms.

  “Humans, I can pick their scent, they were just here,” I sighed but now shock was turning to rage and I felt anger welling in my limbs, my stomach tightened.

  Scouting around, nothing seemed missing, “Why, what could they possibly hope to find?”

  Shaking his head, Lucius added, “Probably contacts, grimoires, anything to give them an advantage. I’ll put a warding spell up whilst you get ready.”

  “Is that wise, I mean if we’re...” Luke asked but Lucius cut him off, his brows furrowed, “I know what you’re going to say but it’s too late for that. They won’t detect magic, well at least not the magic I wield. So don’t panic, and the spell I cast at your home, only other immortals might detect it, might that is. For now, we’ve got greater concerns, we need to see our friends in Bath and we definitely need to find Kai, I’m worried about him.”

  “How do you know he’s come ashore?”

  Raising then dropping his shoulders, Lucius simply added, “I saw it. I sleep, you see. I don’t really need to, but, well, it took me a long time to re-learn it, and last night as I slept, I saw him, I think he was down south, but I’m not totally sure. Now with what’s happening, I am eager to find him, make sure he’s safe.”

  “Can’t you just materialize there?” I asked.

  He flashed me a wink, “Yeah, but I’m here with you, later though, I intend to go find him. I’m hoping you’ll come with me? He’s come for you after all.”

  Silence, awkward, his brows knitted Luke shot me a look, “Why has he come for you, why is he bound to you, Emma?”

  “I needed their help, back in Orkney- don’t look like that. They were leaving the shore line, so I dove into the water wondering if I could reach them but instead nearly drowned, Kai rescued me. By their way, he’s now bound to me for seven years, even though Poseidon said otherwise, since I’m not mortal, and I believe Triton backed that up. I released him from that, so I don’t understand.”

  Smirking, Lucius caught my eye, I widened my eyes at him, a look that shouted, shut up! Fortunately, Luke didn’t see it, it was maybe the truth. I had thrown myself into the water to get their attention, I seemed to have spent way too much time in that ice water with its death currents, if I never got back into the British sea again, I would be happy.

  “Alright, maybe we’ll go find Kai after I’ve spoken to Sabian.”

  “No Luke, I’ll take you to Sabian, then I’ll take Emma to find Kai. I think it would make things awkward, well more awkward if you’re there,” Lucius answered.

  “Fine, Emma stay in touch, by the Gods I don’t want anything to happen to you. Lucius, guard her with your life. After everything we’ve been through...”

  Spinning around, Luke leapt over to me, grabbed me fiercely, pulling me into him, “Just be careful woman, I bloody love you!”

  “I will... I love you, too. Watch your back, we don’t want to have to come and rescue you again.”

  He bent down, his lips brushing mine, his hot breath on my cheek, sent a shiver down my back. His hair touched my face, it had grown since I met him, now it was shaggy, dirty blonde. His hard eyes softened and for a second, I saw the glimmer of his dragon pupils, his lips pressed gently on mine.

  Lucius went to speak, I felt Luke’s arm extend, Lucius went quiet.
br />   Luke’s kiss became intense, I breathed him in then pulled away.

  “Hey, I’ll be fine, you, on the other hand, help Sabian and the others. We’ll be together soon, and maybe we’ll need to move away?” I said glancing around at my once cosy home, now feeling violated by bloody humans.

  Lucius asked as he sat on the sofa, “That would be an excellent idea, for now, we should get going. Do you have everything you need Emma?”

  “No, Lucius, I do not, but I have Luke safe, thanks to you, I have your friendship and a family not born of blood so for that I’m thankful.” I looked him squarely in the eye, “And if anyone or anything is stupid enough to try and hurt my loved ones, they’ll regret it.”

  Smirking, his forehead creased, “I know they will Emma, I know.”

  Lucius dropped Luke off at Sabian’s place, then with my backpack strapped to me, we went south to Devon. The place was heaving with tourists, immediately sweat trickled down my neck as the rays of the summer sun beat down. Delving into my bag, I pulled out my shades and Lucius pulled his out.

  “Lucius, you look like a Brazilian gangster, as much as I like your arms and your tattoos, haven’t you got a shirt? We can hardly be undercover with you looking like you do,” I sniggered.

  The corners of his lips curved up, he nodded, pulled his backpack off his shoulder, rooted in there and pulled out a wrinkled white shirt.

  “You know, you’d look amazing in a dark purple shirt that was ironed, surely you can whizz that with your magic,” I said almost absentmindedly.

  He flashed a smile, full of promise, oozing sex and flicked back his silken hair.

  “But how the heck will we find Kai?”

  Peering over the top of his classic black shades, Lucius said nothing but flashed another blazing smile, then holding my arm, nodded in a direction towards the sea.

  Through crowds of lobster bodies, British pale flesh turned pink, strap lines, litter and people holding ice creams, we weaved our way past the familiar smells of fish and chips, the sights of sand covered towels, families and children racing around, laughing, burning...


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