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Behind Her Eyes

Page 5

by RB Schalin

  Chapter 5

  It was a Wednesday, and I was no longer a virgin. This is going to sound corny, but I think the way I lost my virginity was the perfect way, maybe some would say it should happen on the wedding night, but we are in modern times now.

  It had been two days since I met Brooke for the first time and every waking hour I thought of her. It was early in the morning and I had no problem getting out of bed that day or any day because I kew in an hour I would get to see her again. That’s when my heart kept skipping beats and I felt like I was walking on clouds.

  I got out of my bed, and took a quick shower. I dressed and walked down to the kitchen where my mother had made breakfast. Amy was already eating and reading a comic book.

  ‘You came home late last night, John. Where were you?’

  ‘Sorry mom, I was out with Brooke, we went to the river and then we had a burger at Jimmy’s. I just lost track of time.’

  She walked over to where I was sitting, and placed a plate of bacon and a glass of OJ in front of me. When I looked up at her, she smiled at me and said,

  ‘You should have called, John. I didn’t call you since I figured it was your responsibility to call home. How was the date with Brooke?’

  ‘The date was fine mom.’

  ‘How old is she?’

  ‘If you must know, she is seventeen, and I will be sixteen next month, so it’s just over a year difference. It’s not like she was a child molester.’

  ‘Sorry for asking, I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings or accusing her of cradle snatching. I just don’t want any problems. When will she be eighteen?’

  Mom was right, when Brook turned eighteen she will be an adult, and I was still considered a child according to the law. In theory she could be accused of having sex with a minor. No need to say that we already had sex, but it was something to think about. We had to be careful.

  ‘Actually, I am not sure when her birthday is, but I will ask her.’

  I finished my breakfast and kissed my mom and Amy goodbye.

  While walking to the bus station, I was thinking about how to handle Tom and Mike’s questions. They would want to know all the details of yesterday but I wasn’t going to tell them. I had reached the first intersection when a car pulled up next to me.

  ‘Good morning honey.’ Brook smiled at me from behind her sunglasses. I walked over to the car.

  ‘Hi Brook, what are you doing here?’

  ‘I thought that I would pick you up, and drive you to school, since I am going there too.’

  ‘Wow, that was nice of you, but I kind of have this regular thing with Mike and Tom. We always meet at the bus stop and ride to school together.

  She pushed up her sunglasses with her index finger showing a bright red nail and looked at me. He eyes were cold.

  ‘I could swear it was a man who made love to me yesterday by the river, but now I am looking at a boy, who can’t be without his school friends. Did your mom pack you a lunch box too?’

  I couldn’t believe the venom coming from her beautiful lips that I had kissed the previous day. Why was she so aggressive suddenly and straight out mean?

  ‘No problem Brook, I will go with you.’ I figured it was better to keep the peace.

  ‘Sorry, you had your chance. See ya kiddo,’ and she drove off.

  I stared after her and I didn’t know what to do. I felt devastated, was that how I was going to lose her, because I wanted to take the bus with my friends? I continued on to the bus stop where Tom and Mike were waiting.

  ‘Good morning guys.’ I managed to say, my head buzzing with thoughts on how to fix things between Brooke and myself.

  ‘Hey, wasn’t that Brooke in the car, what happened?’ asked Mike with real concern in his voice. ‘You were talking and then she drove off.’

  ‘I don’t know. She offered me a ride to school, but when I told her I was meeting you guys here, she got pissed off and drove away. I just don’t understand,’ I said quietly.

  ‘Women! Can’t live with them, and you can’t live without them. She will get over it, and if she doesn’t, screw her. We were your buddies before she arrived, and we will be your buddys way after she is gone,’ said Tom.

  I didn’t say anything. The bus arrived and we got on it. During the ride I was aware of Mike and Tom discussing something, but I didn’t pay much attention. I thought about how to get on Brooke’s good side again. She couldn’t be that angry because I took the bus instead of going with her, that would be crazy. It had been strange how her voice and face changed when she became angry. Her usual soft features became hard, her green eyes narrowed and her lips pulled back into a snarl as she spat out the words. It was not the same sweet girl I had been with at the river. This girl had another side, like an evil twin of the woman that I had come to love.

  The day felt longer than any other day in school. I caught a glimpse of Brooke a few times, in the school yard, and the cafeteria. She didn’t acknowledge me at all. I missed her wink, her smile, and the little waves she gave me with her fingers. Tom and Mike noticed my frustration and tried to me laugh. Even though they gave it their best shot, it still didn’t help. I didn’t feel like laughing, I only wanted Brook to talk to me again, to hold her in my arms and kiss her.

  As I sat on the bus going back home, I saw her pass in her car and there was a guy with her. I didn’t want to show my friends and the rest of the bus how I felt so I managed to hold back the tears,

  When I got home I went to my room and locked the door. My mom came up and knocked. I told her I was studying and I would be down for dinner. I lay in bed, looking at the ceiling, thinking about how fast something wonderful could turn to shit in a heartbeat. If only I hadn’t told her about the bus. If only I had left a little later. If, if, if. The phone rang, and I look at the screen assuming it was either Tom or Mike, but the screan said, Unknown Number.


  ‘Hi baby. It’s me, Brooke.’

  I sat up, my hands shaking from nervoussnes.

  ‘Hi Brook. How are you?’

  ‘Fine thanks.’

  Her voice was soft and purring.

  ‘I just wanted to call and tell you I am sorry about this morning. I was in a bad mood and took it out on you. I am very sorry that I insulted your manhood.’

  ‘It’s OK Brook. No need to apologize.’

  ‘Yes I need to. It was very difficult for me not to talk to you today, I was being a stuck up bitch, and you don’t deserve that. I love you, you know that. And before you ask, the guy in my car this afternoon, it was Don from my class; his car had a flat so I gave him a ride. I knew you saw us when we passed the bus.’

  ‘Oh, OK. Thanks for telling me.’

  If she only knew how much her words meant to me, I felt like a ton had been lifted from my shoulders. We spent the next hour talking about everything and nothing. Later I had dinner with my family, and then we all sat down to watch a movie together. I went to bed with a big smile on my face, and drifted into a dream about Brooke and me at the river.



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