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Make Me: Twelve Tales of Dark Desire

Page 80

by Aleatha Romig

  Still, the ever-present sliver of fear did not go away. She tried to fight against the bindings at both her wrists and ankles to no avail.

  “You aren’t going anywhere and neither are we.” Chase’s voice even at a distance reassured her.

  “We’d never leave you,” Murphy vowed behind her before placing his palm across her right breast. The heat of his touch warmed like a brand to her skin. Safety, she reminded herself. Chase and Murphy meant safe.

  Murphy’s hand slid around her torso to cup the underside of her left breast. His other hand soon followed. With his front pressed to her back, Eve rested her head on his chest and arched her chest forward in invitation for him to do more. He ignored her.

  “Everything about you is so responsive. Especially these nipples. I haven’t even touched them yet and they stand to attention begging for me. They need to be clamped.”

  Eve whimpered at the thought. A sharp sliver of want sliced through her at every word he spoke. His fingers stayed on the move, tracing first one tight bud and then the next. She wanted to cry in frustration when he did everything but squeeze the aching points.

  “Sometime soon I’ll bind them. Experiment with different ways to torture your tits until you’re begging me to fuck you. Then when I do, I’ll take the pain further one inch at a time until you gush all over my dick.”

  Eve’s pussy clenched at his descriptions. Sweat broke out across her skin, and more want and desire than she thought possible squeezed in her stomach.

  “Please, Sir.”

  “Yes, Eve. Beg me, baby. It won’t do you any good right now, but it’s music to my ears.”

  Tears threatened to spill on her checks. Eve squeezed her eyes shut tight to stave them off. The demand for release clawed at her insides like a beast desperate to get free, and she suspected they’d barely begun to deny her.

  “Believe it or not, tonight isn’t going to be about denial. Not exactly.” At his words, he grabbed her nipples and twisted them. Pain shot twin arrows through her body and straight toward her clit. Her gasp only encouraged him to twist harder. Additional pinpricks of pain assailed her. Eve whimpered.

  “C’mon, Eve. Take the pain. Take it for both Chase and me. We know you can.”

  Eve gritted her teeth and did as he asked. The thought of letting him down now devastated her.

  Murphy attacked her neck with his mouth, alternating kisses and sharp little bites at the curve between shoulder and neck. The stings of the bites were quickly washed away by the intense waves of pleasure with each flick of his tongue. This time she moaned into it, and he finally released the tight hold on her nipples.

  She’d be sore tomorrow, but she wanted him to do it again. Automatically she arched toward his hands, and his rich laughter rumbled against her throat.

  “That’s what I thought.”

  She had no idea what she’d turned into in his arms, but she desperately wanted to embrace it. Her deepest, darkest fantasies were bubbling to the surface, anxious to be fulfilled.

  Murphy repeated the pull on her nipples, and this time Eve let the scream loose from her throat. Her body warred with the decision between pain and pleasure until it gave in to every demand Murphy made. She wanted nothing more than to be taken. To be filled by them both and allowed to come over and over again.

  Suddenly a hand wrapped around her throat. Not Murphy. He still played with her nipples. Chase. The name whispered in her mind a second before he spoke.

  “You need to be fucked.” His hand tightened against her windpipe and fresh fear gripped her.

  “Chase!” she cried out, her hands yanking on the chains that held her.

  “That’s not what you call him anymore.” Murphy’s fingers tightened the twist of her nipples as he spoke.

  “Sir,” she panted. It was the only word she could get out.

  “Relax and take shallow breaths. You’re fine as long as you don’t panic.”

  Panic? Was he kidding? Still, she did the best she could to tamp down the rising anxiety.

  Chase lowered his free hand to the mound of her sex. At first he simply cupped her sensitive flesh, driving her mad. The possessive grip on her throat and pussy had her more aroused than ever before. She couldn’t fathom how that was possible.

  Her sex clenched in aching need. The want to be filled overwhelmed her every thought. “Please, Chase,” she whispered. His fingers lessened slightly to allow her words. “Need to see.”

  She felt Murphy move behind her, and he lifted her blindfold. Eve squinted against the lights shining in her face. Spots formed in her vision, and she winced when Chase’s hand tightened once again.

  Eve eased her eyes open and focused on Chase looming in front of her. Her first glance at his eyes revealed the single most important thing she needed to see from him. Desire so strong it took her breath away. The standard hard look on his face had been softened with his own need riding him hard.

  She’d done this. Secret satisfaction warmed her soul. This was exactly what she’d read about, and now she finally understood. Submission wasn’t weak, it was powerful. She’d said yes to his desires and he’d revealed a need for her she was certain no one had ever felt before.

  Murphy leaned into her back, his mouth at her right ear. “You’re our girl now. Our slut to do anything we want with.”

  Eve moaned. His words caused the ache in her clit to intensify. They were going to torture her to death with pleasure. Hot fingers dug into the skin of her hips, holding her in place for Chase’s explorations. Sensation after sensation layered atop her already on-fire nerve endings. Much more and she’d explode like a fireball, whether they wanted her to or not.

  Hands roamed her body while the intensity continued to build. The ache had gone beyond what she thought she could bear. None of that mattered anymore. Whatever they did, whatever they asked, she would give them. Anything they wanted. She trusted that when they were good and ready they’d see to her satisfaction. They would decide when the time was right for her.

  Something snapped inside her. This wasn’t about one night at all. She wanted—no, needed—to belong.

  “Yours.” The harsh whisper of her voice barely made it past the hold Chase maintained on her. But she knew the second he comprehended the word. His eyes widened slightly, and his jaw ground tighter.

  Immediately his hand dropped from her throat and he lowered to her mouth. He devoured her with a kiss so out of control, so soul searing, she knew it would never be forgotten, no matter what the future brought her.

  She belonged to Chase and Murphy, and nothing and no one could take that away from her.

  He dropped to his knees. The heat of his breath caressed her wet and swollen folds. Chase leaned forward, his mouth hovering less than an inch from where she needed it. If her hands had been free, she’d have been tempted to grab his head and pull him to her. Or even take matters into her own hands. She could only imagine the kind of punishment she’d be in for then.


  This time when he said the word, she cried out, “Yes!”

  “Do you want to be fucked?”

  “Yes, please.”

  “Who, Eve. Tell me who you want to fill your holes and ease the ache.”

  His crude words reacted to her need like gasoline on a slow-simmering fire. The resulting meltdown left her unable to speak. She was about to blow, and Chase had not moved an inch closer.

  Chase’s laughter brushed air across her cunt before he stood and faced her. “You’re almost ready.”

  Almost! Her mind screamed the word she couldn’t say. Her body arched in his direction, pulling at the cuffs buckled to her wrists. Maybe she could entice him to finish the job.

  A hard thwack across her naked buttocks brought her up short. “Don’t go getting naughty now. We control this situation, little Eve, not you.” Murphy was back at her ear, whispering words that sent bolts of electricity straight to her clit.

  Chase picked up his camera and resumed taking pictur
es. Had it not been for the hard line of his jaw and the massive erection bulging in his pants, she would have thought he’d blown her off.

  Another solid smack on her ass brought her back to Murphy at her ear. Somehow the pain in her rear didn’t scare her or curb her arousal. If anything, it intensified it. Although how she could get any more needy she couldn’t fathom.

  “Please fuck me,” she begged.

  “Eventually we will. When we’re ready.”

  To her surprise, Murphy reached between her thighs and swiped through her moisture a few times before he slid through the crease of her ass and pushed his lubricated fingers inside her hole. The stretching and burning came faster this time than before. He had to be using more fingers to stretch her wider. He wanted to prepare her for when they took her at the same time.

  The sensation of fullness became intense as he tunneled forward. The moment she thought she’d hit the limit of what she could take, he dragged his fingers back out and elicited a streak of pleasure so extreme she nearly passed out.

  She wanted to grind down on his fingers and do it again, but the restraints kept her unable to do so.

  “You want more, don’t you?”

  She nodded furiously.

  With what had to be the most wicked intent, he drove his fingers to the hilt.

  Eve moaned.

  “Time to make you scream for the camera, baby girl.” Murphy tilted his fingers inside her and started a slow easy drag from her body. Then he did it all over again.

  Eve clawed at the chains holding her nearly immobile while Murphy manipulated her backside. Her pending orgasm coiled behind her clit, waiting impatiently to strike when she least expected it. The wait was maddening.

  One more stroke in and out of her snug rear channel, and she couldn’t take it anymore. Her entire body trembled uncontrollably. Pleasure swamped her.

  “Tell us who you want to fuck you, and I’ll make you come harder than you’ve ever come before.”

  “You and Chase. Please…”

  “No!” His fingers pushed harder inside her.

  “You, Sir and Chase, Sir.”

  “Close, but no cigar.”

  Eve couldn’t think. What did he want from her?

  Patient to the end, Murphy silently finger fucked her ass. When the pleasure infused with new burning, she’d have sworn he added another finger. The buildup between her legs drove her crazy. She had to come now before it was too late.

  “Say it.” He curled an arm around her hip and gave her clit a hard rub. “Who do you belong to?”

  “Both of you.”

  “And what are we?”

  Finally she understood what he wanted. “My masters. Oh my God, you’re my masters!” She yelled the last word into the lens of Chase’s camera as he moved close, taking picture after picture.

  The second Murphy’s fingers touched her clit again, the heat between her legs exploded. The resulting fireball ripped through her and melted her brain. Pain blended with pleasure into an incredible wave of bliss she couldn’t begin to understand.

  Screams tore from her throat as her head tumbled into the darkness of Murphy and Chase. When the convulsions subsided, Murphy eased from her body and wrapped both arms around her waist to support her.

  Chase immediately went to work on releasing the chains from her wrists. First one, then the other. Too weak to hold herself up, she leaned into Murphy even farther.

  Perfection ensconced her. Her heartbeat pounded wildly as she tried to focus on her surroundings. She’d never dreamed they’d push her this far and she would end up loving it. And she did. Every single second.

  Chase knelt at her feet to unfasten the bar holding her legs open. In some distant part of her brain she knew everything ached. That she’d not be able to walk on her own for a little while. None of that mattered though. Weakly she managed to lean slightly forward. Enough to run her fingers through the soft strands of Chase’s dark hair. She had two masters now. Something she’d never dreamed would happen to her.

  Her beautiful photographer lifted his head, his gaze meeting hers, and the tension she saw sucked the air from her lungs. Chase was not happy. The rough lines etched in his forehead drew deep. Irritation and something she didn’t understand stared back at her.

  What had she done?

  “Jesus, Murphy, get her in the car.”

  Eve turned away from his scorn and hid her face in Murphy’s chest when he lifted her into his arms. She fought against the need to cry to no avail. Hot, wet tears rolled down her cheeks and onto Murphy’s skin.

  When they reached the car, she twisted in Chase’s direction for one last look. Maybe she’d misread his feelings.

  He still stood where she’d been restrained, the chains and bar still in his hands. The anger in his face had not diminished as he watched her being taken away.

  Her cheeks heated with a cross between shame and disappointment. Eve swore for as long as she lived she’d never forget the pained scowl she made out in the darkness.

  Chapter Thirteen


  The desolation in Eve’s chest threatened to break her. How could she have been so wrong? And why the hell did they do this to her if it bothered Chase so much?

  It had been all about the pictures. The reminder zinged through her mind in startling clarity. She was such a fucking idiot. He’d warned her more than once how things would go. There’d been no denying how much he wanted to photograph her, which inevitably led to fucking. It was her fault for fooling herself into thinking it had meant more.

  Still, they’d demanded she face her true nature against all her objections. And she had. Like it or not, she couldn’t deny her submissiveness. But what if it was something she’d only felt for Chase and Murphy?

  Jesus, Eve. Two men. Seriously? Who takes that seriously?

  Apparently she did.

  A fresh bout of shame filled her. Her naïveté astounded even her. Now she just wanted to close her eyes and cry until she got it all out. Maybe then she could look at the situation objectively. Eve sighed. More tears would do her no good at this point. Even embarrassed anger couldn’t overcome the exhaustion threatening to claim her.

  She needed to get home—and fast. With startling clarity she remembered whose arms still cuddled her close. Murphy had taken her to the car, covered her in a blanket, and all without a single word. She’d gotten so lost in her own shameful thoughts, she’d momentarily forgotten him.

  Now she became hyperaware of his heat blanketing her. His distinct and woodsy smell that always made her feel so good. And the hard jean-covered cock pressing against the curves of her ass.

  It dawned on her that while they’d blown her mind in release, neither of them had tried to fuck her yet. If Murphy wanted to take her now, there really wasn’t much she could do to stop him. She still craved a connection, and being cast aside so easily by Chase left her more vulnerable than ever.

  She tensed in his arms, worried where things would lead. “I want to go home.”

  “We will soon enough.” His dick twitched under her.

  The smooth, commanding voice he used with her heightened her awareness. She couldn’t go through with this. “No, you don’t understand. I have to get away. Now.”

  “Relax, Eve. It’s not what you think. Don’t lose faith now.” His hand smoothed her hair and stroked her back.

  What the hell was that supposed to mean? “Don’t tell me to relax. Just take me home.” Maybe she’d apologize later when she wasn’t mortally embarrassed or as weak as a newborn.

  “Don’t tempt me, Eve. I need to fuck and you don’t. However, my self-control only goes so far with the gorgeous naked woman I desire the most squirming on my lap.”

  Oh! He wouldn’t. Would he? She quit moving immediately. Despite the emotional turmoil roiling through her, a shocking blast of arousal flamed bright, embarrassing her even further. She had to be defective even to think about him that way now. But it wasn’t Murphy who’d rejected her.

>   New tears pooled in her eyes. The hot shame of Chase’s rejection filled her once again.

  Murphy pulled her head to his chest again. “Don’t worry, little one. You’ve had more than enough for one night. My only intention is to take you home and make sure you rest.”

  Eve sighed into him. She didn’t have the energy to fight or worry. Tomorrow she’d deal with the fallout. For now, she had Murphy.

  “As for Chase…” Murphy hesitated. “There are things you don’t know about him—about us.”

  Now he’d gone and piqued her curiosity. Although why she cared she had no idea.

  “He’ll come to his senses later, and then he’s going to feel like a jackass.”

  Good. She wanted him to suffer just like she was.

  Eve sighed. She wasn’t a spiteful person and she didn’t want to be one now. If Chase didn’t want her, so be it. She was a grown woman fully capable of accepting that whatever she’d thought had been there simply wasn’t. Still, the memories of the scene flooded her mind. She’d likely regret how it ended, but nothing could take that kind of pleasure away from her. For a few minutes she’d been at peace. Something that had eluded her until now.

  Now she’d have to figure out how to get it on her own. It’s what she did. Face reality and find her own escapes. The little pleasures that made her forget the bad or the mundane.

  Eve yawned.

  “Try not to take Chase too personally tonight. He swore he wouldn’t get involved in another ménage relationship ever again. Now he’s half in love and it pisses him off.”

  She snorted. “Half in love? You’re crazy. Did you see the look he gave me? That was not the look of a man half in love.”

  Murphy lowered his lips to her ear. “I might be crazy, but when it comes to Chase, I know exactly what I’m talking about. You’ll see.”

  Eve shook her head. She didn’t want to see. Accepting her mistake had to be the first step to getting past all of this. Murphy was a gentle soul. A demanding, deviant soul, but gentle with emotions as well. She would miss him after tonight. She’d have to quit her job and start looking for new employment all over again. That was definitely going to suck.


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