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Make Me: Twelve Tales of Dark Desire

Page 207

by Aleatha Romig

  “Thor has no shame,” Odin grumbled from his chair.

  He didn’t have any shame. I sort of loved him, right then. Him and his dirty talk.

  “And this necktie you’re clutching so hard?” Thor continued. “Can you think of what we might do with that? We each have one, you know. Ties are very strong material. Have you ever been in a position to find out exactly how strong a tie is?”

  My mouth went dry. “No.”

  “Well, let’s hope that you won’t have to find out,” Thor said.

  Odin simply smiled his evil smile. Thor could get a certain mischievous grin, but Odin had an evil, glittering-eyed smile that made you feel like he was gazing right into your deepest, darkest secrets—and lewdly violating each and every one of them.

  I realized here that I was still gripping Thor’s tie, knuckles quite white.

  I let go.

  “Why, thank you.” Thor smoothed it against his chest without taking his blue eyes from mine. Even the way he smoothed the tie was suggestive. Then he brushed a chunk of hair from my forehead and placed a hand on the pillar next to my head. His gaze made me feel naked, and I had the impulse to look away, to stop looking at both of them, like that would cover me, make me less exposed. Yet…I enjoyed it, too. So kept my eyes on Thor, I let myself be pinned by his gaze. Let him know he was pinning me with his gaze—that he had me.

  And he knew. It was a total rush.

  “A tie has several uses for a squirmy goddess, you know,” he continued huskily.

  My breath sped at the tone of his voice; it seemed that it was a rush for him, too, the knowledge of his control. And the idea that in this mad, mad universe of bank robbers and god names, we fit together sexually. I had the sense that he fit with Odin in some way, like Odin was the sexual overlord of him somehow. Even now, Odin was sprawled in a most princely way upon the lobby chair with Thor doing all the talking. How Zeus fit, I had no idea. I imagined him as the silent overlord of everything.

  He continued, “A tie is very useful on a squirmy goddess whose body we are using for our complete and utter satisfaction.”

  Naturally he managed to infuse the phrase complete and utter satisfaction with darkly dirty significance. I stood there, pinned like a helpless butterfly to a cool marble pillar in the center of that posh hotel lobby, pinned by his deep blue eyes and his dirty talk.

  “Do not forget about the hot tub,” Odin said. “Hot tubbing has its many aspects.”

  “Oh, yes,” Thor continued. “Many aspects. Have you spent much time in hot tubs?”

  I shook my head.

  “You’re in for quite a surprise. But we’ll see what the layout is like. Things sometimes have to flow organically from the layout. We let the layout speak to us. I’m sorry, but there’s not always a lot we can do about it.”

  Flow organically from the layout? Let the layout speak? I stifled a grin. “Are we going to fuck or do feng shui up there?”

  “Oh, dear,” Odin said. “Sounds like Isis is getting a bit out of line already.”

  My blood raced. I swallowed and glanced toward the front desk just in time to catch Zeus striding across the lobby, briefcase in hand. And my impulse to grin fled.

  Zeus moved his brutish bulk casually, even gracefully in his fancy bank-robbing business suit. To the patrons clustered here and there I’m sure he appeared every inch the cosmopolitan traveler but it was my gaze he held—he held it because he could, I thought. The press of his silent dominance grew ever weightier as he closed in. But there was something else as well—a cold light in his gaze that felt like accusation. Did he really not want me there? Or was I imagining it? He looked away only when he reached us. “Come on, party people,” he said.

  I followed the three of them to the elevators, knees weak.

  Zeus punched the button for the top floor and we rode the elevator to our room, like normal business travelers and not three bandits and their hostage about to engage in a wild menage. Or maybe this was how bandits about to engage in a wild menage rode an elevator, all stern and silent before the event. How would I know? I was a raised on a sheep farm.

  Odin caught my eye and smiled knowingly. I looked away from him, just stared ahead at the button panel with what I knew to be a dorky expression, trapped in this state of suspended erotic animation. None of us were fucking or even touching, but I was so aware of these men, wound so tight with horniness, even the elevator bell tweaked my nerves.

  Then the doors slid open.

  Thor set a hand on the small of my back and guided me out the elevator and down the hall to our room.

  Zeus shoved the key card in and out of the slot and yanked the door open.

  My pulse raced as we walked into our room—Zeus, Odin, and me, followed by Thor.

  Or make that, walked into our rooms. A mammoth suite really, with two wings of rooms—bedrooms, presumably—and in the center, a posh and rambling living area with velvet and marble furnishings, velvet curtains, and a massive hot tub.

  Zeus went immediately into one of the side rooms and slammed the door.

  I stared after him. “Is he okay?”

  “You have to leave him to himself. He needs to work out and be in his cave a while.” Thor dropped his bags and came to me. “Zeus has his own timetable.” He slid his hands over my shoulders.

  “Okay,” I said, unsure what he meant.

  A knock at the door. Thor broke away from our kiss. A room service waiter entered and pushed a cart laden with booze, glasses, snacks, flowers, and linens up to a round marble table. “Would you like me to set you up?”

  “No, just park the cart. Leave the table clear. Just in case.” The waiter parked the cart and Odin took off his glasses and gave me an amused look that had 99% pure devil in it. “Don’t you think?” he asked me.


  “That we should leave the table clear?”

  “I guess,” I said.


  Odin gave the waiter a couple of fifties. As soon as the door closed, Odin unscrewed the cap from the bottle and poured three shots. He handed one to me and one to Thor. He downed his and loosened his tie, eyeing me lewdly.

  My nerves skittered. Would we just start now? Usually I changed clothes after I traveled. I supposed I would now. Or at least take them off. I gulped down my scotch, which burned warm in my throat, roasting my chest from the inside.

  “A bit of liquid courage?” Odin asked. “Are you frightened?”

  “A bank heist followed by an orgy is not typically on my daily roster,” I said casually. “Frightened might be overstating it.”

  “Oh, one of the best things about you is your pretend confidence,” Odin said.

  “It’s not pretend,” I protested.

  “Thor likes your embarrassment, but I like your pretend confidence.” With a tip of the bottle Odin gestured for me to hold out my glass. I did, and he poured me another shot. “We’ll enjoy stripping them both away.”

  I laughed. “Jesus,” I said, heart beating a million miles an hour.

  Odin didn’t laugh.

  Thor didn’t either. He just watched me with that pinning gaze of his, and my heartbeat fluttered in my throat as he strolled over and took my glass from my hand. “That’s enough of the talk.” He led me over to the main seating arrangement, velvet couches and a couple of giant chairs, then threw himself into a couch. “Begin.”

  Odin sauntered over with his glass, leaned his elbows on the back of the couch, looming behind Thor.

  I felt so stupid standing there in front of the two of them. “Just like that?”

  “It’s typically how such a thing starts,” Odin said.

  I started unbuttoning my jacket, hands trembling, feeling the heat in my face. Would Zeus come out soon? Would he be angry we’d started without him, or did he really just not care?

  “I love this already,” Thor said. “I love how nervous you are.”

  “I’m not nervous,” I said.

  Odin regarded me with a stern expres
sion. “Lie about how you feel again and it’ll be trouble. A punishment, Isis. We let the feng shui bit go, but don’t think we’re easy.”

  I sucked in a breath, trying not to smile, but it was all so crazy and thrilling, I could barely work my fingers on my jacket buttons.

  Odin didn’t smile. He just watched me with that smoldering, ultra-male attitude of his, which somehow made things hotter. Staying with him, with his gaze, I took off my jacket and tossed it.

  His expression didn’t change even a little bit.

  I watched Thor for the next part. I touched my breasts, the way I imagined a stripper would, hoping to suggest I wasn’t the nervous rube from a sheep farm that they took me for. Thor’s wavy hair was a bit subdued, as was his expression. It made things more exciting and scary, how deliciously male they both seemed. I pulled my shirt off and tossed it behind me.

  “Your skirt next,” Thor whispered.

  I pulled my skirt down and stepped out of it, so that I was wearing only a bra and panties and my high-heeled shoes. At this moment, I was aware of everything on my exposed skin—the gazes of the men, the cool air currents from vents unseen. Even the light from a neon sign somewhere out there in the dark night beyond the window had a sensation to it. My every nerve ending screamed out, craving touch.

  “Pull your bra down under your tits,” Thor said.

  I swallowed and complied, pulling the lace down. It made my breasts stick out way more than they normally would. I felt even more weirdly on display, and I knew that was the idea. My cheeks burned, and much to my horror, the flush went all the way down to my prominent and shown-off breasts.

  “Oh, this is good,” Thor said. “Now come here.”

  I went to him with a mixture of relief and apprehension. Thor put down his drink on a side table and reached up and pulled me to him so that I was straddling him, one knee on either side of him. Gently he brushed a hand over my breast, over my nipple, launching twangs of sensation through me. “You’re blushing,” he said, “and it makes me want to devour you.”

  I reveled in his warm touch, knees shamelessly spread over his lap, and he put his lips to my breast. I closed my eyes and gasped as he sucked my nipple quite ferociously, then blew cool air on it. He twirled the other gently between his fingers.

  “Oh my god,” I said. It was as if being made to strip in front of them had heightened all my nerves and senses for this. And they knew it—I was sure of it. These were two very sexually devious bandits. “I think my mind might melt,” I hissed as Thor rubbed the flat of his tongue over my diamond-hard nipple.

  A voice behind me. “Not yet.” Odin. I hadn’t noticed him come around. Odin pushed his hand down the back of my panties and squeezed my ass cheek. Then he brought his other hand around to cup my sex, sending ripples of pleasure though my pelvis. “No melting and no coming. Not until we say so.”

  Oh, so it was going to be one of those deals.

  Odin squeezed and massaged, making me writhe under his magical touch, demanding more, feeling shameless and not caring.

  Thor caressed my stomach, nibbling and sucking my breast. Odin kissed my neck as he pushed his hand down the front of my panties—inside now—touching the slickness between my legs. Then he grabbed my hand and put it over the bulge in his pants. I reached down to touch Thor, too. He growled into my nipple as I squeezed his shaft through the fabric of his gray slacks.

  I know there were only four hands on me, but it felt like a dozen, touching and exploring me, pinching and teasing, sending me into bliss overdrive. Pleasure thrummed through me in sweet waves. If anything, Thor had undersold their skills. I never knew where their fingers would roam next, and eventually I gave up tracking any of it. I moved in a rhythm against somebody’s hand. I rubbed two cocks through two pairs of pants. The pants needed to come off.

  Would they want to have anal sex? I never had, but Isis would go for it. I wanted to give these men everything they demanded. New pleasure swelled in my belly at the thought of them bossing me more, and demanding things.

  “Christ, I could come right now,” Thor said. “I want to take you so hard. But I just don’t know if I can decide how. I want to fuck you all night.”

  Please do, I thought.

  “Come here.” Odin pulled me backward and I stepped back off the couch, off Thor. “Take off his pants and suck him,” Odin whispered in my ear.

  I kneeled in front of Thor and started to undo his belt.

  “No, not like that.” Hands on my hips, Odin pulled me up to stand again, and then kissed my ear, warm and breathy, and he whispered softly, so that only I could hear, “Don’t kneel—bend. I want you bent over and totally open to me. I need full access to your incredibly wet pussy for what I have in mind right now.”

  Heat built between my legs. I started to form a funny reply, like how full of helpful suggestions he was, but then he shoved my panties down off my hips and the quip melted away.

  “You’ve never been with two men before have you?” Odin asked. “Tell the truth.”

  “No,” I admitted, figuring that he already knew.

  “That’s perfectly fine,” he said.

  Thor groaned. “Better then fine.”

  “Now bend over,” Odin whispered into my ear.

  I complied.

  It was harder to bend down to Thor than to kneel in front of him, but I planted my hand on the couch cushions on either side of him and supported myself that way. Odin held my hips, fingers pressing into my flesh.

  “Good girl,” Odin said. “Now spread for me.” He nudged the inside of my ankle with his foot, a move I greatly enjoyed.

  I spread my legs apart.

  “Excellent.” I felt a lone finger touch my sex, trailing from my sensitive bud, down along my folds, and then slowly traveling back. I hissed out my pleasure. Ooh! I’d been so yearning to be touched there, and suddenly this magical, perfect touch.

  “Thor, take off your pants,” Odin commanded.

  “You’re not a very good multi-tasker,” Thor said, pulling off his pants, a task I had begun and left off of.

  “Oh,” I said as his giant cock sprung free, golden like the rest of him, with a shining dot of liquid on the tip. “No, I can be, though.” I wrapped my fingers around the base of his dick and, one hand planted firmly next to his hips, I slowly, lustily, licked off the drop.

  “Yes.” Thor breathed. “Yeah. Put your lips over me. Take me, Isis. Take everything.”

  Odin continued to finger my seam as I lowered my lips over Thor, swirling my tongue around him. Thor teased my nipples with his fingers, and my heart stuttered as I felt a finger sneak into my cunt, then out, then two in. I sucked Thor as Odin touched and explored me. It was so much sensation.

  “You can’t stop,” Odin said. “You can’t stop until we tell you.”

  I didn’t see why I’d ever want to.

  In my experience with cartoon porn, I found it not that erotic when elfin girls had to blow guys while getting fucked, but I could see now that I’d been grievously wrong in my thinking, and I yearned for Odin to put on the condom I’d seen him retrieve from his pocket and enter me, be totally inside me, while I sucked Thor’s cock.

  But that thought broke apart as the three of us got into this luscious rhythm. I ceased to care about whether we were fucking or fingering or what.

  A door somewhere opened.


  I stilled.

  “Keep going,” Odin whispered. “Don’t stop.”

  But Zeus was right there at the side of the couch, speaking with Odin casually about going down to the workout room. I’d been excited for Zeus to come out and join in, or at least watch, but not this, acting like I was a lapdog, or a piece of furniture. I pulled my mouth off Thor, feeling embarrassed and flustered, and straightened my arm, so that, okay, I was still bent over, but not sucking on Thor’s cock.

  Zeus wore sweats and a tank top, and had a towel flung over his shoulder, clearly on his way to the hotel gym. He said something about
dinner, even as Odin continued to drag a finger slowly up and down my moist seam.

  “Call me on the zero,” Zeus finally said. He glanced at me coldly and then left.

  The silence in the room was broken only by the click of the door being shut by our mysterious fourth.

  “That was awkward,” I said.

  My two swains said nothing.

  “What?” I said.

  Thor knit his brows together, as though something troubled him. “Did you disobey a direct order just now, Isis?”


  “Did you follow all Odin’s directions just now? Or did you disobey?”

  Odin had ceased his exquisite fondling of me. He rested his hands lazily on my hips, and I could feel his cock tipping at my ass crack.

  “Well, but—” I wrapped my fingers around the base of Thor’s cock.

  Thor shook his head sadly and dislodged my fingers. “What about his directive to keep going while we had our discussion with Zeus? Did you obey that?”

  “It seemed a little much.” My pulse raced. “But I remember exactly where we left off.”

  Odin took hold of my arms and pulled me up. “Up.”

  “What?” I stood. I couldn’t believe they wanted to cease and desist. I smiled. “Come on.”

  Thor said, “You agreed to obey, yet you didn’t. We need to be a perfectly disciplined group of criminals, or we have nothing. Do you understand that? We have nothing without discipline. This is something you need to learn if you’re going to remain with us.”

  “But—” I laughed at the craziness of it all. “To be practically fucking while you have a discussion?”

  “You said that you would obey. And you didn’t,” Odin said. “Now thanks to you, all of our lighthearted fun is over.”

  Thor stood.

  Odin kept hold of my arms.

  I felt again the breezes of the room on my belly and on my madly pebbling nipples, straining at the ends my breasts, which pointed forward in a shamelessly bullet-like way, thanks to the pulled-down bra supporting them underneath.

  I felt almost giddy with excitement. “But after our day,” I said, “don’t we deserve some light-hearted fun?” Even now I was playing a bit of a role. Isis was ever so slightly dissolute. Isis needed a bit of structure.


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