Book Read Free

The Question Is

Page 10

by Kenna Shaw Reed

  The sun long set by the time he finished. Grace took in every word, not moving other than to nod encouragement for him to continue.

  “Well, what do you think?”

  She gave him the smile that she would give him before he went off to the principal’s office or when his dad called him out on some prank that went wrong. The smile gave him the confidence that whatever happened, he wasn’t alone and would survive.

  “We’ve got some work to do this weekend. I’d invite you to stay for dinner, but I want to spend some time with Sienna to make up for bailing on our weekend.”

  He threw his head back, “Gracie, I didn’t realize. I didn’t even think about you having plans.”

  “Stay, I’ll order in,” the bedroom door opened, and Sienna tentatively joined them, wringing her hands. “You too have a lot of work to do, the least I can do is order food and make you coffee.”

  He didn’t miss the grateful look Grace gave Sienna, nor the squeeze of the hand as she walked past.

  It didn’t matter, right now nothing mattered other than saving this deal and saving his company. Nothing could save his heart.


  She wanted to believe the crisis was made up only to give him time with Grace who would see through him. She wanted to believe that he would be transparent, arrogant and easy to resist. Or that the problem was so simple and he so stupid that Grace could fix it with a quick suggestion and then he would be gone.

  Until Grace changed into casual and baggy clothes, Sienna lived in hope nothing happened the night of the reunion. Sure, she had her suspicions, but without proof, she decided and was happily living in denial.

  The careful way Grace dressed before Seth arrived at their home – hiding her sensuality and femininity – either he tried something and failed at the reunion – or … Sienna refused to face the alternative.

  As she heard the mumbled tones of Seth explaining his problems in the other room, she pulled herself together.

  Her best play here would be to play the part of the supporting girlfriend, try and suppress every jealous urge and prove to Grace she was the girl for her.

  As the night wore on, Sienna found it harder to hate her rival. Even she admitted, he was easy on the eye, okay, very easy on the eye. Funny and seemingly unaware of his effect on people. His assistant and business partners all rung at various times, offering advice and providing information. She heard the deep respect in their voices but also the way he dealt with them. Humility and as if he was working for them, not the other way around.

  “How’s Darby and the other boys?” Grace asked while Sienna made making coffee. Still within eyesight and hearing. Who the hell is Darby?

  “He’s okay – the day after the reunion. Joe and his son Kyle came over and we were playing some soccer in the back yard. I invited Darby over and within half an hour, Kyle won him over and you should have seen the connection between the boys!” Seth couldn’t hide his excitement. “He’s actually starting a part time job this weekend. I’m so nervous for him, and more than a little proud.”

  “Darby? Your son?” Sienna asked, trying to be sociable. It would be unfair if Mr Perfect already had kids. Lovable, cute and irresistible kids.

  “No,” he shrugged with a sheepish look Grace probably fell in love for in kindy. “I do some volunteer work with high school boys that are at risk of falling through the cracks. The principal recommends them, and I see if I can build a connection. If I can, then hopefully they will open up and we can take it from there.”

  “And this Darby?” Of course, he looked like an Adonis and he helps kids.

  “He ended up in the system and got out of juvie a month or so ago. It took a couple of times before he would even talk to me.”

  “He preferred a more physical way of communicating,” Grace finished the sentence, the pride obvious in her voice. “Sienna does a lot of work with kids through her advocacy work.”

  Fuuuuuuuuuccccccckkkkk. Sienna seethed. What could she do if it was impossible to hate the person who was so clearly in love with her partner?

  The more they talked, the more Sienna realized how much she and Seth had in common, how perfect he was. Unfair! She wanted to hate him, wanted him to see she was perfect for Grace.

  Not the other way around.


  The perfect weekend.

  Took a mountain of work, and more than a little luck.

  On the Friday night, Grace and Seth with his team dialing in remotely when necessary, pulled apart the proposal and tested the damage the financing had already done to his credibility with the community.

  “Yes, they are a tier one firm and I am meeting one of the partners on Monday. I should have something firm for you by the end of the week ... I’ll hand you over to my financial consultant, Grace …”

  “Not only will I still need the advertising, I’m looking into increasing the ad budget. Happy to take your lead on where to spend it ... here’s Grace who can tell you how her firm will be involved …”

  “No one saw the exchange rate moving so much. My firm has partnered with another and we will have a solid proposal early next week. In appreciation of your support, I’m happy to share it with you first ... of course, here’s my consultant, Grace …”

  While Seth made endless calls to his supporters and the real estate marketer to assure him that a new agreement would be in place within a week, Grace used the credibility of her firm to assure people who needed to be assured.

  Almost midnight, her junior partner sent her a text confirming both the breakfast meeting on Monday morning with him and on Tuesday morning with Derek Casbar.

  “Are you kidding!” She laughed when Seth treated the name like a rock star.

  “I’ve met him a couple of times, he does a lot of work with the firm.”

  “I’ve had his name recommended to me by about half a dozen people in the last week, but never dreamed he would be interested.”

  “Who’s Derek?” Sienna, bless her, was keeping them supplied with coffee and snacks.

  “He is legendary!” Seth gushed.

  “He built his reputation by working with emerging businesses, finding the next young hot entrepreneur, but he also resurrects otherwise forgotten businesses.”

  “Is he the guy behind the Softli deal you told me about?”

  “Yeah, he met Mason Winters years ago when Softli was just starting out. Now, rumors have it that they are working on a deal which will make Mason a billionaire!”

  “Thanks,” Seth gratefully thanked Sienna for the coffee, “What you’re saying, is if we can sell the project to this Derek Casbar, we can save my company.”

  “No pressure, only a heap of hard work before Tuesday.”

  “It’s late, you might as well crash here,” the thud of a blanket on the floor surprised Grace and Seth.

  After Sienna’s earlier tantrum – no, Grace had to be honest, her jealous rage – Sienna had done her best to not only make Seth feel welcome, but be a gracious hostess.

  Part of Grace wanted him to stay, wanting the two people she loved most in the world in the same place at the same time. These were the only people who understood her, could complete her sentences and know what she was thinking despite whatever she said.

  “Thanks for the offer, but I really need to go back to the unit and do a couple of hours work on one of my other projects,” he packed up his laptop and design, not looking at Grace. “The last thing you need is for me to come back to Grace with another failing project to save,” Seth and Sienna shared a forced laugh.

  “Once is an accident, twice is a coincidence,” Sienna offered with a wry, forced smile.

  “Coming to bed?” Sienna asked after Seth left.

  “In a while, I want to get a head start on some of the research before tomorrow.”

  “Honey, it’s already tomorrow. Don’t stay up all night.” Grace tried not to stiffen under the embrace.

  She stared at the blank computer screen, only seeing Seth’s face
. Remembering every word, every flick of his wrist when he wanted to make a point. The way his head tilted to the side only slightly and continuous nod to show when he was actively listening.

  She heard Sienna’s soft snores from the bedroom as she allowed herself to remember the night of the reunion.

  Only now, could she finally admit to herself the night with Seth was everything she wanted at the time. And now, even knowing the burden of guilt, she would do it all over again.

  Saturday morning, Sienna woke her with coffee and croissants from the local bakery. She’d fallen asleep out on the lounge, grabbing the blanket meant for Seth as she dozed off.

  For a moment, she wondered at why Sienna was in her house until she realized her dreams were of living with Seth in his home and their life together. Crazy. Impossible.

  “So, what time are you meeting him.”

  “I said I’d get there around nine when the figures from the States arrive. We can start going through the projections.”

  “You like this kind of thing – rescuing a company.”

  “I guess so. You and Seth are good at helping people. I can’t do that without getting emotionally involved. Companies are easier.”

  “I love you.” Words said so easily, this time the words trailed up, Grace recognizing the panic.

  “Babe, I love you too. Thank you for understanding – this is business.”

  “If you think that, you are lying to yourself,” Sienna collapsed into the chair, not looking at Grace. “I watched you two last night and there was something so natural about you together. He handed you the paper before you needed it, you poured him the water.”

  “You can’t read anything into those things – I pour you water.”

  “I’m not explaining it well. I don’t know,” Grace tried not to feel guilty as Sienna’s beautiful face crumpled, “I know you have to do this, and I get why. You need to prove yourself to your firm and this is your big break.” Grace wanted to go to her, comfort her, “You need to prove to yourself that you are over him. Because he certainly isn’t over you.”

  Grace could have withstood anger or jealousy.

  Sienna’s tantrum last night was unpleasant but understandable.

  Instead, this proud, amazing, loving woman sat rejected on the lounge with a solitary tear rolling down her face. With a pride and a gentle resignation about her that stopped Grace from approaching.

  “I love you. I chose you and I would do it again,” soft and sure.

  “Then this weekend won’t make a difference. Go to him, save him and then come back to me.”

  “Sienna,” Grace couldn’t bare causing the anguish Sienna tried so hard to hide. Knelt on the floor to embrace and kiss the pain away. Instead of finding lips, Sienna turned her face and Grace found air. “Sienna, please.”

  “Grace, go figure yourself out and come back to me.”

  How much did Sienna know or guess about her missing night? She couldn’t imagine.

  Seth greeted here in running shorts and t-shirt showing signs he had been awake for hours and came from the gym or a run.

  “Thanks again. Coffee?” He had a pot ready and laptops set up on the table.

  “My pleasure, if we do this right it will make me look good.”

  “You always do!” he joked.

  “Stop it!” she laughed, “I’m almost a married woman.”

  “Living together is not the same as marriage.” That hurt, she tried to gently remind him and he hit her in her most vulnerable spot.

  “We are busy with our careers,” she ignored him and set up her own laptop and papers. “Now, let my career help your career.”

  They worked solidly through lunch and dinner, both of which Seth dialed in.

  “You know,” he leaned back to stretch, “I always loved the way you think – you take an issue and look at it from every direction until you find the answer,” he said as they narrowed down the options. “You never give up.”

  The love in his voice now joined by respect as well.

  “It’s what I do,” she tried to shrug it off.

  “What I said the other day,” he hesitated, “About how I feel.”

  “Don’t,” she smiled understandingly, “You don’t need to explain.”

  “I do, I’m sorry if it made you feel uncomfortable.”

  “I’m fine.”

  “Do you ever think about that night?” closing his laptop, his eyes beseeching hers.

  “Seth, how could I not – I loved you for so long.”

  “Do you regret it?”

  Every part of her wanted to lie. He’d believe whatever she said. Kinder to lie and let him move on.

  “No,” the truth.

  “Sienna was very,” he struggled for the right word, “Gracious last night. She had every right to either ignore me or to kick me out.”

  “She’s not like that,” Grace tried a smile, “Actually you would like her if you got to know her.”

  “And if we were not ‘complicated’ enough already.”

  “She hates the tattoo.”

  “That’s right, I was surprised you still had it,” she shuddered with the delicious memory of him tracing it with his wine dripped fingers.

  “Grace, I don’t know how to do this.” The pain of Sienna echoed across Seth’s face.

  Their eyes told their own story.

  Long silence. Grace knew what he meant. Too much history for them to be only friends. But being together gave her life a completeness.

  All she had to do was move the slightest towards him, he would kiss her and they would be back together. The bedroom called to her. Inviting her to lay on the bed and welcome him. He caught her looking towards the door.

  “Not tonight,” she turned back as if he slapped her. “Don’t get me wrong,” more softly, “I want to make love to you as much now as I ever wanted you. But I can’t be that guy.”

  “You’d never be that guy.”

  “Grace, on Monday morning we are going to meet your boss and the last thing I want him to guess is that we spent the weekend in bed together.”

  “We won’t, nothing has happened.”

  “And nothing will happen. We are friends who are working together, I love you too much to wreck your life, and right now I respect Sienna for trusting us when she has no reason to.”

  “I’d better go,” she left, forgetting her bag until she got to her car. Emotions garbled. Love for Sienna, love for Seth. Guilt for both. One day, spending one glorious day with Seth and working so closely together allowed her to see him in a different light. No longer the young man she once loved. Or the ex-lover she bedded.

  She now saw him as the man – the man that surely every woman he met would want. His charisma, magnetic. Sitting next to him, she constantly fought the urge to touch him to know he was real and back in her life.

  Today, she had been the perfect girlfriend, done nothing wrong, but she could have. So easily the day could have ended up with more guilt if it wasn’t for the fact that she did love Sienna.

  “I think you forgot these,” he followed her with her bags. The moonlight threw shadows his cheeks, hiding his eyes.

  “Can’t believe I forgot my car keys.”

  “Grace, we got through a lot today. How about I come back to your unit after lunch tomorrow and we can finish up. You spend the morning with Sienna.”

  “I’ll come here,” she insisted.

  “It’s easier for me to remember that you are in a relationship at your place. Surrounded by photos of the two of you, with her around. I can’t help how I feel and I need to remind myself that for you, this is only business,” he ended sadly as she opened her car door slowly. She didn’t want to leave, and yet couldn’t stay.

  “We usually have a late brunch on Sundays, I’ll be home after two.”

  “I’ll see you then.”


  Best Day Ever!

  Waking up late with naked Sienna stretched out beside her. Their legs intertwined, toes pl
aying with each other’s toes. Butterfly kisses turning into real kisses, lips so tender and moist.

  Familiar hands knowing where to go and what to do.

  Grace ensuring that she showed Sienna how much she loved her body, covering it with hers, enjoying the softness of Sienna’s skin underneath her as she covered one breast with her mouth. Her hand reaching between Sienna’s legs and finding her ready.

  Wanting to give this woman the gift of her love, feeling their hearts pound together, breast to breast.

  Plunging and then teasing, plunging and then teasing until Sienna craved her mouth to hers. Taking her lead from whatever Sienna wanted, Grace played until she felt Sienna tighten and start the soft cries that heralded the pinnacle of her desire.

  Tongues merged together, furious kissing as she deftly plucked at Sienna’s bud until the spasms ceased and they both relaxed into each other’s arms.

  “Wow, that was one hell of a ‘good morning’”, Sienna whimpered as Grace got up to get the morning coffee.

  “What can I say, you were asleep when I got home last night, and I wanted to rescue something of our weekend,” Grace flirted. “We could do it again, if you’re up for it.”

  “I’m always ready for you,” Sienna called from the bedroom.

  “That’s why I love you.”

  “Really – that’s why? I thought it was for my cooking.”

  Grace’s day only got better. A hastily organized brunch with their closest friends and when they got home, Seth stood leaning against their front door.

  The afternoon spent working with her oldest friend while her girlfriend went grocery shopping and cooked a roast dinner for them all to share.

  As first, Seth and Sienna struggled to make polite conversation. But soon they realized how much they had in common – especially working with vulnerable people who needed them.

  She loved them both, in different ways.

  When Seth left, he hugged Sienna and Grace heard him say, “Thank you for this weekend. It means a lot and I know it couldn’t have been easy for you.”


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