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Secrets of Lady Lucy

Page 10

by Rachel Ann Smith

  Mr. Hartley escorted Matthew and Blake in the direction of the guest wing. Lady Redburn gave Lucy a slight tug, propelling her to walk with the lady. “How have you been, dear?”

  “Well, Lady Redburn—”

  “There is no one about. You can call me Eleanor, as always.”

  Archbroke often arranged for Lucy to stay with the Redburns either on her journey out or back into Town. She didn’t know to what extent or how exactly they were associated with Archbroke, but over the years, they had become surrogate parents to Lucy.

  As they made their way to Lucy’s usual assigned suite near the family rooms, Eleanor asked, “Does Archbroke know you are here? We did not receive word from him.”

  “Archbroke always tends to be aware of my whereabouts.” Most of the time I inform the infuriating man. Lucy had chosen not to send word to Archbroke of her jaunt to the country since she was attending for personal reasons, to amend her friendship with Lady Mary. Plastering a smile on her face, Lucy continued, “Thank you for the kind invitation, Eleanor. I needed to escape the social route.”

  “We have invited your family for years, and this is the first time Lord Harrington has ever accepted. Is all well?”

  “At first I too questioned my brother’s motives, especially with all the stories and activities you hear occurring at these events. Oh, Eleanor, I meant no offense.”

  “Lucy, I cannot enforce moral behavior from my guests, but if I or any of my staff get wind of such activity, both Henry and I immediately ask them to depart.”

  “My thanks for allowing me to stay close to your rooms.”

  “My dear, you are like a daughter to me. I wouldn’t allow anything to happen to you while you are under my care.”

  “Eleanor, I am working on a project currently.”

  “One that Archbroke is unaware of?”

  “Technically, I have already alerted him. However, I was not specifically instructed to pursue my investigations. I have a… a feeling it is important for me to continue. Will you make the necessary excuses for me if I fail to attend an event or meal where I’m expected?”

  “Of course, my dear. If you need anything else, let me know directly.”

  Lucy gave Eleanor a hug and entered her room. Closing the door behind her, she leaned back and rested her head. She had run scenario after scenario as to how to best apologize to Lady Mary while stuck in the coach. But every time she peeked out the window, her gaze fell upon Blake. She couldn’t help but admire how well he rode. Or how strong and muscular his thighs were, as if he was guiding his mount with the barest movement of his knees. The entire trip he appeared relaxed, but she was certain he was acutely aware of his surroundings.

  Trying to dislodge images of Blake, she shook her head. Carrington was tapping her foot impatiently as Lucy disrobed. How long had Lucy been woolgathering? With Carrington’s assistance, she was bathed and dressed with time to spare before dinner.

  Lucy walked into the drawing room, where the other guests were gathering. Searching for Lady Mary, she positioned herself in a corner with the hope it would give her an advantage of spotting the woman when she entered. To Lucy’s surprise, Lady Mary had somehow managed to sneak up next to her and was standing only inches away.

  Lucy decided it was now or never. “Lady Mary, I wanted to…,” she began, determined to try to mend their friendship.

  However, Lady Mary interrupted her apology with, “Lady Lucy, where is your usual gaggle of admirers?”

  Lady Mary was not one to hold back a thought or comment, but if she thought she would use that sharp tongue of hers to scare Lucy away, she was in for a surprise.

  Glibly, Lucy replied, “I’ve left them in London. And to be honest they are not my admirers; they are all in one way or other acquaintances of my brother. It would actually be flattering if a gentleman actually saw me for me and not just as Lord Harrington’s twin sister.”

  Lady Mary stared into her eyes and asked, “Why are you so honest with me?”

  “What have I to lose? I’ve already insulted you beyond forgiveness. You are the only one here who has any common sense and more intelligence than a potted plant. It was knowledge of your attendance that swayed me to agree and attend, myself.”

  Lucy’s skin on the back of her neck prickled. Her gaze instantly searched the perimeter. Blake was at the threshold, about to enter the room. She quickly turned to directly face Lady Mary.

  Lady Mary stared and asked, “Are you avoiding someone, Lady Lucy?”

  She looked past Lucy with a frown. Lucy raised a hand to rub the back of her neck. Why had she not been more discreet? What caused her to react rashly when Blake was in the vicinity? Her whole body came alive as soon as he was near. Lucy detested irrational thoughts and emotions. She preferred her life to be well planned and logical. Her marriage to James would have been based upon friendship and a mutual desire to create an alliance between neighbors. Rational. Her attraction to Blake was illogical. But the man challenged and thrilled her, nonetheless.

  Lady Mary’s eyes widened and then swiftly narrowed. “Perhaps… Lord Devonton?”

  Lucy’s mouth fell agape. The woman was extremely astute.

  Lady Mary asked, “Why would you want to avoid him?”

  Lucy attempted to don a mask of indifference as Lady Mary’s eyes raked over her features. Don’t look too hard, for even I don’t know the answers.

  Lady Mary’s gaze shifted and remained on a spot to the left of Lucy’s shoulder. “Gossip is he has a rather ordinary disposition. Some of the ladies have even described him as a total bore. They claim he never talks, hardly even makes eye contact, and when he dances, his hold is nearly imperceptible. His aloof demeanor has deemed him unworthy, despite being one of the few younger eligible earls on the hunt for a wife. But he looks perfectly harmless to me.”

  Lucy muttered, “Harmless as a honey badger.”

  Lady Mary continued as if she hadn’t heard Lucy’s comment. “You always seem rather comfortable in the presence of men, yet you are definitely trying not to draw Lord Devonton’s attention.”

  It took every ounce of Lucy’s control not to reveal her thoughts. Searching her memory, she recalled an earlier conversation she had with Blake when he had referred to himself as plain. Did others see him that way too? It would appear so, based on Lady Mary’s comments. Yet, as she turned to look at him, all Lucy saw was an impressive Corinthian. Lady Mary was still frowning at her as Lord Devonton approached.

  Blake bowed. “Good evening, Lady Lucy.”

  Lucy curtsied and gave Blake a weary smile as his gaze slid to Lady Mary.

  Why was he staring at Lady Mary? Realizing he was waiting for her to make the proper introductions, Lucy blurted, “Oh, yes! Lady Mary, if you please, may I introduce Blake Gower, the Earl of Devonton.” She was sure she had mucked up the introduction but was at a loss how to correct her error.

  Lady Mary stared directly into Blake’s eyes as if issuing a challenge of some sort and then said with a wicked smile, “Lord Devonton, it is my pleasure to finally meet you.”

  Lucy’s gaze shifted back and forth between the two. Was Lady Mary flirting with Blake? Why did he not remove his gaze from her? Did he find her attractive? Were they having a staring competition? Surely not.

  Lady Mary’s lips curled into a devilish grin as Blake turned to ask, “Lady Lucy, have you seen your brother? I haven’t seen him since we arrived.”

  Lady Mary recaptured Blake’s attention by answering first. “I believe Lord Harrington is in the card room.”

  Lucy’s hands balled into fists at her side. Why was she reacting this way? What did she care if Blake took an interest in Lady Mary? The question caused her chest to tighten, and she blinked as a sharp, stabbing pain shot through to her heart. She was jealous.

  Blake shifted his weight to the balls of his feet and rocked back on his heels as he said, “Perfect. Well, if you will excuse me, ladies, perhaps you will both save me a dance later this evening.”

  Before either of them could agree or decline, Blake turned and made his way out of the room.

  Lucy gave Lady Mary a piercing look. “To my point, Lady Mary, no gentleman seeks me out for myself but rather as only a connection to my brother.”

  Contradicting her statement, Lucy’s cheeks turned bright red as Blake looked over his shoulder and winked directly her.

  With a chuckle, Lady Mary said, “Well, Lady Lucy, I believe I might have been misinformed about Lord Devonton’s disposition. Now that I have met him myself, I’m of the opinion he might have a devilish streak in him. However, I’d say it was only evident around you.”

  What did Lady Mary mean, only around her? Did she feel the sparks Lucy experienced when Blake was close by? Reeling from the statement, Lucy felt herself blush all the way to her scalp and suggested they take a stroll in the gardens before dinner.

  As they were turning a corner, she could see in the distance her brother and Blake were riding out of the stables. Where on earth were they headed like the devil was on their tails?

  Chapter Fifteen

  Later that evening in her room, Lucy looked down at her notes, a mass of papers with crisscross markings, her sole intent to eliminate one Lord D at a time. She was meticulous, not wanting to make an error. There was too much at stake.

  Her eyes were starting to blur. She needed rest. Lucy lay in bed, tossing and turning until the sheets were a tangled mess. She gave up on the idea of sleep and decided to go down to the library to find a book. As she made her way through the halls, she was relieved that Lord Redburn had ordered the candles to remain lit. As she neared the library, light seeped from under the door. Had a footman forgotten to bank the library fire?

  Swiftly calculating the risk of a house fire and that of being found in only her nightgown and robe, Lucy leaned in close and placed her ear to the door. No sounds from within. Slowly opening the door, Lucy checked to see if it was occupied. A log fell and crackled in the fireplace. Lucy jumped and crossed the threshold. Once her heartbeat returned to its normal rhythm, she closed the door behind her and locked it. Safe from being found.

  She trailed a finger along the edge of a shelf that housed books that she longed to read. Lord Redburn was an avid book collector, and his library was filled with rows and rows of books.

  A flicker of light caught her attention.Firelight glinted off a shiny hessian boot. Someone was in the room with her. Tiptoeing closer, she recognized the gentleman. It was Blake. He had fallen asleep in the chair, but what caught Lucy’s full attention was the sketchbook in his lap.

  It shouldn’t have surprised Lucy he would sketch while attending a house party. She had seen the volumes of notebooks filled with his drawings stacked in his rooms back in London. Always curious, she had snuck in and flipped through them and had found Blake sketched all sorts of items ranging from the mundane—leaves, horse-drawn carts—to intricate structures adorned with exotic carvings. There were also a number of portraits.

  Inquisitive in nature, Lucy bent down to take a closer look at the sketchbook, only to see a picture of her and Lady Mary, tucked behind a potted palm. Lucy grinned as she remembered the two of them earlier that evening, giving a running commentary on the evening’s dancing from their sequestered spot. Lady Mary’s quick wit and scathing tongue, never uttered with malice but in bold truth, made for the most enjoyable evening Lucy had had in years.

  Why would he choose to draw a picture of Lady Mary? An image of Lady Mary in Blake’s arms had all the air leaving her lungs and made her stomach ache.

  Why did it cause her pain, the idea of Blake with another? She did not want to marry. She couldn’t risk losing her independence and the ability to work for the Home Office.

  Lies—she did want to marry and have a family. She hadn’t believed it possible until now.

  With her emotions in a jumbled web, she turned to leave. Blake’s hand snaked out and grabbed her wrist. Blast. When had he awakened? Tumbling into his lap, she expected to land on the picture she had just seen, but his quick reflexes had her between his thighs and the sketchbook neatly on the floor beside the chair.

  Blake waited for her to stop wiggling and then admonished, “What are you doing, roaming around in the middle of the night?”

  Lucy answered breathlessly, “I couldn’t sleep. I came down to find a novel.”

  What had he been thinking of, pulling her into his lap? Just moments before, he had been dreaming of her, and now she was here, warm and inviting and severely testing his control.

  “Are you sure it was a book you were seeking?” His voice was still gravelly from sleep, or was it due to her lush body being in his arms?

  Before she could answer, he had the back of her head cradled in his hand and was massaging her neck. Her muscles felt tight. What caused her to be so tense?

  She leaned back and rolled her neck. An “ooh” slipped out. Blake couldn’t resist any longer. He gently placed a kiss upon her lips. But when she moaned, he kissed her hard, leaning into her, with her back pressed against the arm of the chair. She instinctively responded and parted her lips. As soon as he had entrance, his tongue dipped, and he tasted her. He would have expected her to taste like honey, yet surprisingly she tasted more spicy than sweet. How shocking but at the same time entirely appropriate. It was what he suspected: she might appear innocent, but under that façade she was a bundle of surprises of fire and spice. It was he who released a guttural sound of desire first.

  His free hand shook as it moved from her waist to lightly rest on her breast. He had been with women before. Why was he nervous? Steady. Her soft full bosom filled his palm, and he gently squeezed. She stiffened and tried to sit up, pushing on his broad chest for leverage. Damn. He had brought up her defenses again. Relaxing his hold on her, he tried to suppress his increasing inner anger at his lack of self-control.

  Lucy squirmed in his lap until she was upright so he no longer loomed over her. Instead of pushing him away as he expected, she was clutching at his lapels, bringing them closer. A burst of relief at her invitation banished all thoughts. Acting on instinct, he massaged the back of her neck and angled her head to allow him to kiss her deeply.

  It was like sinking into a warm bath. His muscles began to relax but immediately tensed as Lucy pressed her body up against his. Chest to Chest. She snaked her arms up over his shoulders. She drove her hands through his hair and raked her fingertips over his scalp, setting every cell on his head alive. Her innocent movements were driving him crazy. Lucy’s sigh only increased his urgency for his hands to explore her body. He trailed his fingers down to her hip and back up to her chest, lightly at first and then with more intensity. Her nipples grew taut, and she pressed herself into the curve of his hand.

  He didn’t want to stop. Excitement flowed through his veins. Blake pressed light kisses on her closed eyelids and then kissed and nibbled behind her ear. He found a pressure point on her neck that had Lucy gasping. Music to his ears. He wanted to hear her gasp again and began to nibble and suck on her neck, knowing he would leave a mark, but he couldn’t stop himself. He wanted to satisfy her silent pleas, but she was an innocent and likely not aware of what her body was desperately seeking. Lucy began to wiggle, her bottom and her legs becoming restless. Blake’s desire to push up her skirts and touch her intimately nearly overruled his resolve to put an end to their activities.

  He broke the contact and pushed her slightly away. “Lucy, we have to stop.”


  “Yes. If we continue, I will want to kiss and touch you in ways I shouldn’t.”

  As soon as his meaning sank in, she jumped up, scurrying to the door.

  Blake rose and gently grabbed her by the shoulders. “Lucy, look at me.” He tipped her chin up so he could gaze into her eyes. “Please don’t regret anything we did tonight. I won’t. It was all very natural and wonderful. I have been fighting against my attraction to you, as I was unsure of your feelings for me. But tonight I realized I want you, and from your
response, you want to get to know me more also. Don’t look so sad, Lucy.”

  “I’m not sad. I’m just a little confused. I’ve never behaved… I never felt like this before. You make all my senses jumbled, and at the same time, I feel more…”

  Blake finished her sentence for her. “More alive. Like we complement each other in a unique sort of way.”

  He could read the confusion in her eyes and then the recognition that they both shared the same feelings, thoughts, and fears. When Blake bent down to give her a reassuring kiss, she rose on her tiptoes and pressed her lips to his chin. Then she reached up and placed her hand behind his head and guided him to her. Without hesitation, she kissed him as thoroughly as he had kissed her.

  When Lucy broke the kiss, her cheeks were rosy, and her lips were swollen. Breathlessly, she said, “Good night,” and then she fled the library.

  Chapter Sixteen

  The next morning, Lucy was greeted by a rather subdued Lady Mary. “Good morn, Lady Lucy. It appears your family are all early risers.”

  Confused by Lady Mary’s comment, Lucy replied, “A very good morning to you, Lady Mary. Have you seen my brother already?”

  “No, I rose early to go for a ride to clear my mind. I overheard the stable master grumbling at the fact that Lord Harrington and Lord Devonton had taken up the habit of riding out before dawn. He was none too pleased since on occasion they had tried to attend to the horses themselves.”

  Lucy’s frown disappeared. Matthew never stood on ceremony and could do without the assistance in the stables; he was an accomplished horseman. But he wasn’t one to rise early unless required to. Why were he and Blake out riding before anyone was about? Where did they venture to?

  Lady Mary stiffened.

  “What was plaguing you that caused you to go out riding before dawn?” Lucy noticed Lord Waterford had entered and he was making his way to join them.


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