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Whisper in the Night: An absolutely heart-stopping serial killer thriller

Page 20

by D. K. Hood

  “Trust me, it will help.” Kane pulled down her clothes and fixed her seatbelt, then wrapped a blanket around her. He shut the door then headed around the hood of the vehicle.

  Her phone signaled a message and she met Kane’s gaze as he slid behind the wheel. “I’m getting jittery the moment I hear the message tone. I figure they’re all from the Shadow Man.” She pulled the cellphone from her pocket.

  “If it’s from him, he’s different to any psychopath I’ve profiled before.” Kane frowned. “He’s changing his gameplay so rapidly it’s difficult pinning a profile to him.”

  Staring at the caller ID, she lifted her gaze to Kane and swallowed a rush of fear. In trepidation, she opened the message and groaned. “It’s from him.”

  Don’t imagine you’re lucky to be alive. If I’d wanted to kill you, I’d have aimed for your head.

  You’ll need to step up your game, Sheriff. You’re making it too easy for me and I figured with your reputation, you’d be an opponent worthy of my skills.

  But you’re not.

  Bile rushed up the back of Jenna’s throat. Kane had been right – the Shadow Man had her in his sights and Lindy and Amanda were his means to get to her. He would consider the girls collateral damage, with no meaning or worth to him as a killer. She reached for a bottle of water and sipped. The cold fluid unclogged the lump in her throat. “It seems to me your profile of him is fitting just fine. This animal goes way past monster – he is a twisted SOB.” She stared at Kane. “How are we going to catch him before he kills Amanda?”

  “By not rushing into one of his traps.” Kane met her gaze. “He’s had the advantage from the get-go and is using his communications to direct our moves. While we’re checking out his red herrings he’s making his next move.”

  Jenna winced at the reality of the situation. “Okay, okay. Then we go back to basics to beat him by following kidnapping procedure and hunting down persons of interest.”

  Her message tone chimed again and the cellphone slipped from her hands. It took an effort to pick it up again and look at the screen. “Oh, my God. He’s sent another message with attachments.” She held the phone so Kane could view the screen.

  Now look what you’ve made me do, Sheriff.

  That’s 2–zip to me.

  Maybe I’ll kill you next time – or maybe I won’t.

  How many sweet innocent girls will I have to kill before you stop me?

  Anger at this smug remark tightened Jenna’s stomach. “He’s killed Amanda and now he’s blaming me? What makes a person so evil?”

  “He’s using the guilt trip method by placing the blame of his actions on you, Jenna.” Kane shook his head slowly. “He’s obtained some basic skills in psychoanalyzing, which would make me believe he’s received therapy along the way or studied it at some point.” He cleared his throat. “Open the image files.”

  Steeling herself, Jenna bit down hard on her bottom lip and opened the files. The first picture was of a person wrapped in a blood-red shawl. The shawl partially covered the face like a hood. The second was of the face. It was Amanda Braxton and her sightless eyes stared at the camera as if surprised, but her lips carried the blueish hue of death.

  “It’s Amanda. Can you make out where she’s at?” Jenna enlarged the image and handed the cellphone to Kane. “Is that the bench outside the library in town?” Sick to the stomach, she stared at him. “Surely someone would have noticed a dead body – look, I can see people close by.” She chewed on her bottom lip. “Unless it’s been superimposed on the background.”

  “I don’t think so, the shadows look authentic. Her mom didn’t mention anything about a red shawl.” Kane frowned. “We have a CCTV feed on that corner. I’ll bring it up on my phone.” He accessed the app, and then turned toward her, a puzzled expression on his face. “The cameras are down. The error report states the cameras from Main Street through to Mill Road went offline at five this morning.”

  “How the hell did he manage to disable the CCTV system when it runs from our office?” Jenna stared at him in disbelief. “That’s impossible.”

  “They’re not wireless.” Kane scratched his cheek. “Cut the main feed and the entire section goes down. It wouldn’t take an expert.” He unclipped his seatbelt. “I’ll go and bring Wolfe up to date.”

  “No.” Jenna gripped his arm and winced at the pain the small move produced. “I’ll call him on the way to town but first I’ll send Rowley to secure the scene. If the Shadow Man has planted an explosive device like last time, he’ll need to clear the area.”

  “Roger that.” Kane started the engine and they roared down the driveway and out the gate.

  Jenna made the calls and notified Wolfe first, then contacted Rowley. “You’ll have to get Maggie to drive my cruiser to one end of Mill Road and block it – the keys are on my desk. She can leave the keys with you and walk back to the office. Use your cruiser to block the other end. Don’t approach the body. Use your loudspeaker to clear the people out the area.”

  “Roger that.” Rowley sucked in a deep breath. “Do you want me to check for any life signs?”

  “No, don’t go near her.” Jenna swallowed the bile crawling up the back of her throat. “The killer could have rigged the area with a bomb. Wait until we get there. Kane has experience in explosives and Wolfe will be on scene soon.” She disconnected and looked at Kane. “What’s the chances she’s alive?”

  “From the photograph, I’d say she’s been dead for hours.”

  As Kane took the turn back to the highway leading to Main Street his deadly expression sent a shiver down her spine.


  Concerned about Jenna’s ashen face and trembling hands, Kane bit back the impulse to call the paramedics and have them meet them in town. He’d known Jenna long enough to know she’d see this case to the bitter end even if it killed her. He concentrated on driving, all the while figuring a way to insist she’d remain inside his truck when they arrived. As he wound the vehicle through the traffic, he turned to her. “Do you mind if I check the scene for explosive devices? We don’t have time to wait for the bomb squad.”

  “Looking at the image, people have been walking past the body all morning.” Jenna turned her gaze on him. “Okay, go take a look at the scene, but I figure if he didn’t plant an IED, he’s probably rigged the corpse – so be alert.” She let out a long sigh. “I’ll contact Walters and ask him to inform Amanda’s mother. I don’t want her to find out about this on the news.”

  Relieved she’d decided to remain in the truck, Kane looked at her. “What about the search parties?”

  “I’ll tell Rowley to bring everyone in.” Jenna sighed. “They’ll be exhausted.” She lifted her cellphone. “Then the media will expect an update. I just hope the killer doesn’t decide to kill me live on TV.”

  “Then we take that option off the table. I’ll handle the media.” Kane used the siren to move the crowd gathering like crows waiting to feed on roadkill, then drove onto the sidewalk, placing his truck between the wall of the library and Rowley’s cruiser. If the Shadow Man had a mind to take another shot at Jenna, it would be practically impossible to hit her with the truck in that position. He slid from the seat and pulled a pair of latex gloves from his pocket. He walked to Rowley’s side. “I want these people at least one hundred yards from the scene. Tell them to move back and to leave room for emergency vehicles.”

  As Rowley got on the loudspeaker, Kane used his binoculars to get a close-up look at the immediate area surrounding Amanda’s body. The red shawl covered her well and could easily be concealing a vest of explosives or a bloody corpse. He turned and watched the crowd move away. People with eager expressions hovered in store doorways as if they believed the flimsy façades would protect them from a blast. The situation was perilous and although he hadn’t spotted a tripwire near the body, the killer had a shit load of options if he’d planned an explosion. His attention moved over the crowd. Most of them were filming on cellphones, holdi
ng them high to capture his every move. Any one of them could be the killer, just waiting for him to make his move before he triggered a concealed bomb using a cellphone. He’d no protection other than his Kevlar vest but that would have to do. The bomb squad was hours away in Helena. He’d need to rely on his years of training in explosives and handle the situation alone.

  He’d need a cool head and a steady hand. He drew a few deep breaths. His pounding heart slowed and a self-induced calm came over him. He’d used this relaxation method many times before. A pounding heart and anxiety had no place in the world of a sniper or anyone dealing with explosives. With his breathing controlled and body relaxed, he moved forward step by step across the blacktop to the sidewalk. The traffic noise had ceased and the crowd behind him fell deathly silent as if every one of them was holding their breath waiting for something to happen.

  Once he’d reached the sidewalk, he performed a visual scan of the body and surrounds. Amanda sat with her hands resting in her lap, leaning to one side and slightly hunched. The slumped position could be a good sign – a vest filled with explosives would act like a corset and make a body sit more erect. He crouched, bending low to search beneath the bench, and found no trace of a device. Standing, he edged closer and the familiar stench of rotting flesh drifted toward him. It wasn’t rank yet, but decomposition had set in with a vengeance.

  Enforcing his need to remain calm, he kept his breathing slow and even. He moved closer and tried without luck to peer through the loosely knitted shawl. Aware that at any moment a blast could rocket him into eternity, he removed the telescopic baton from his belt. Behind him, he heard a collective intake of breath from the watching crowd as he extended the weapon and slipped the end under the edge of the shawl. Moving in delicate stages, he held his breath and eased the material away.

  When the body didn’t explode into a million pieces, he groaned with relief. Apart from the distinctive red shawl, Amanda appeared to be wearing the same clothes as when she’d walked out of her house. Her dressing gown was dirty and covered in cobwebs and leaves. It hung open to reveal intact nightclothes. A wave of sadness swept over him and he steeled himself to bend and peer at her young face. The tragic eyes stared into oblivion, no longer clear but fixed and misty. The whites showed signs of hemorrhaging. He could clearly see her neck and discovered distinct signs of trauma.

  Straightening, he searched the bench, moving all around and behind it, and then scanned the surrounding area. He examined a nearby trashcan, carefully checking the items inside, and then turned to see Jenna’s pale face watching him over the roof of his truck. He waved at her. “All clear, Sheriff.”

  To his surprise, the crowd applauded and the chatter resumed in a wave of unintelligible noise. People pushed forward and Rowley’s voice boomed out over the loudspeaker.

  “This is a crime scene. Have some respect, folks.” Rowley waited a beat but the crowd edged closer. “I’ll be arresting anyone moving forward. Now go about your business and allow the ME in here to do his job.”

  Moments later, Wolfe’s van jumped the sidewalk and stopped in front of the bench. Kane went to greet him, and the rush of adrenaline from searching for a bomb mixed with the despair of finding another dead teenage girl rolled over him, making his heart thunder in his chest. He rubbed the end of his nose. “She doesn’t smell so good. I figure he killed her sometime last night.”

  “Some corpses smell within seconds of dying, some are covered in excrement.” Wolfe snapped on his gloves, and then fitted his mask. “Decomposition depends on a variety of factors, so don’t jump to conclusions just yet. Give me time to take her temperature and perform an autopsy.” He tipped his head to one side. “Webber can assist me. I’d recommend you take Jenna back to the office ASAP – she doesn’t look so good. She might be going into shock. You’ll need to keep an eye on her.”

  Kane closed his baton and nodded. “I’ll do my best.”


  Sara Nelson had come to his attention a few days earlier and it was as if fate had placed her before him as an offering. How convenient that she left town at the same time as him each day. She’d spent her time with friends then taken the same bus home every day and he’d followed at a distance. When the bus slowed to a stop on Stanton Road, Sara Nelson stepped off. The bus blew out a puff of diesel fumes, and then continued on its way. The smoke dissipated in the light breeze until only the fresh scent of pine needles and wildflowers filled his truck. He scanned the area and smiled to himself. He’d dreamed of this opportunity and planned it a hundred times in his head. The spaced-out houses seemed deserted, not a soul lingering outside to enjoy the spring sunshine. He drove past her, and then stopped some ways ahead.

  He grabbed a pulley from his toolbox but everything else he might need he’d already pushed into the pockets of his coveralls, including a small bottle of diethyl ether. After slinging a thick coil of rope over one shoulder, he jogged across the blacktop and stood staring into the trees. It never ceased to amaze him just how gullible a teenager could be and how easily he could bend them to his will. They’d all be aware the Shadow Man lurked in the area, but just as he’d imagined, he heard the sound of her footsteps as she crossed Stanton Road.

  He pretended he hadn’t heard her following him and moved into the cover of the trees, dropping the rope into a clump of bushes. He kept his attention fixed on the green canopy and moved forward into the dense forest with careful steps, making sure to stay on the thick coating of pine needles underfoot.

  “What are you looking at?” Sara caught up to him and tugged at his arm. “What’s up there?”

  He turned and gave her his best, worried expression. “Crows. I saw an eagle go down close by. Crows always seem to find anything injured or dying. I wanted to find it before they kill it.”

  “I’ll help you look.” Sara shielded her eyes with one hand and peered into the forest. “How far in?”

  “Some ways.” He frowned at her. Acting concerned for injured wildlife made him appear safe. “Maybe you should head home. Your parents will be worried.”

  “They’re both at work and won’t be home until after six.” Sara gave him a sunny smile. “I’ve nothing else to do.”

  “If you’re sure? Maybe you should give them a call.”

  “I don’t have to check in with them.” She frowned. “I’m not a kid.”

  “I can see that.” He smiled back. “You look so darn pretty with the sun coming through the trees on your hair. Can I get a photo of you?” He pulled out his burner cellphone.

  “Sure.” Sara blushed, her cheeks rosy and eyes dancing with pleasure. “Shall I pose?”

  He shook his head. “Nah, just stand there.” He took the shot, and then showed her. “I’ll always remember you just like this.”

  “Look, I see some crows.” She turned away and headed deeper into the forest, then turned to look back at him. “Are you coming?”

  “Yeah. Just a minute, I dropped something.” He went back to collect the rope and slung it over one shoulder.

  It took only a few strides to reach her. Images of women who’d made his life a misery came at him front and center. Anger came in a rush and it only had one cure. He needed to see terror in Sara’s eyes. He moved so close to her, strands of her long hair brushed his cheek. He took a breath, inhaling the sweet scent of her. The fear fix was all he’d gotten from the other girls, but Sara was special. She’d take care of all his needs. “Have you heard of the Shadow Man?”

  “Yeah, it’s all over the news.” Sara picked her way along a narrow trail. “They figure he killed Lindy and now Amanda is missing.”

  “He killed her too.” He’d gotten so close, he bumped into her when she stopped and turned to face him.

  “How do you know that?” Sara stared into his eyes and a flicker of doubt crossed her face.

  “Because I’m the Shadow Man. Nice to meet you, Sara.”


  Walters and one of the Blackwater deputies met Jenna as she
slid painfully from Kane’s truck. They joined Kane and formed a cordon around her as she climbed the steps into the sheriff’s department. Once inside, she went straight to her office and found Agent Josh Martin staring at the whiteboard. “I could have used you in the field, Agent Martin. We’ve been run off our feet today.” She eased her aching body into her chair and waved her deputies into the room.

  “I’m sorry, we’ve been dealing with a child abduction case in Deep Valley and that takes priority.” Martin leaned against the wall and folded his arms across his chest. “You’ve had two murders, so we can’t even class the perp as a serial killer. It’s a local issue. But I’ll hang around and help until I’m called out on another case.”

  Jenna didn’t feel like pleading with the man to stay and assist them. “Okay, thanks. I’ll appreciate any assistance you can give me.” She stared at her notes and gathered her thoughts. “Walters, will you head out to Rowley’s position and secure the crime scene until Wolfe has finished and send Rowley back here?”

  “Yes, ma’am.” Walters pushed his hat onto his gray head and ambled out the door.

  Jenna glanced up at the Blackwater deputy. “Deputy Smithers, thanks for your assistance at the Braxtons’ but I’ll need you here for a couple more days if that’s okay? I’ll clear it with the Blackwater sheriff.” She didn’t wait for his reply. “I’d like you to go pick up Sean Packer and Mason Lancaster and bring them in for questioning.” She turned her attention to the whiteboard. “You’ll need to contact Packer’s employer and find out where he’s working today; Lancaster should be at the high school. The details on both men are in my daybook.” She slid the book across the desk to him.


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