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Page 5

by Unknown

  He leans forward slowly, grabbing the waistbands of his boxers and sweats together before sliding them back over his thighs, lifting his ass as he pulls them over his hips. He reaches down to adjust himself between his legs as he sits back upright in his chair and gazes at me across the room with a grin.

  "What?" I give him a pointed look, pulling my legs up underneath me.

  He chuckles a bit. "I wasn't even mad when you got here. You sure did get on those knees fast though."

  I groan loud, getting up quickly to leave. Fuck this, he's such an asshole sometimes. But he's out of his chair too fast, bringing his palm down hard against the door from behind me, preventing me from getting it open.

  "Lex, stop!" I turn the handle, snatching at it violently, but the door doesn't budge.

  He laughs.

  "Stop! Let me leave right now. You're a fucking piece of shit, you know that! A cocksucking bastard, you fucking asshole! Let me go!"

  He lets me struggle for a while with the door, calling him every name under the sun before he picks me up over his shoulder and carts me back into his bedroom.

  "Lex! Godammit!"

  He lays me down on the bed and I start to get up, but he lays flush on top of me, pinning me down with his weight. I fight against him, but he's smirking down at me and I can feel the only result of my thrashing about underneath him is his dick against my thigh, getting harder and harder with the friction between our bodies. I finally lose the fight and still my body, huffing out a frustrated sigh and turning my head to the side.

  He laughs softly at my antics, running a hand down the side of my face. "Are you done now?"

  I glare up at him from the corner of my eye, scowling, but he just grins at me.

  My eyes fall shut as he kisses my neck slowly, nuzzling me gently with his nose, moaning softly in my ear. I hate him because he can tell I'm trying to resist him, but he knows just what to do to me to make me hot for him in a matter of seconds.

  "C'mon...I'm not even mad anymore. And you were gone for almost a didn't even miss me a little? You didn't think this is right where we'd end up when you walked through the door?" he whispers against my neck, but I just exhale noisily, pushing on his shoulders.

  I snap my gaze up to his as he lays over me. "So you were waiting for me to come back so you could get some pussy? This is all about sex?"

  He rolls his eyes at my questions and my lecturing tone. "Shut up, you know its not." He kisses my neck again, his lips right against my ear as he breathes out the words, "But right now, it just enjoy it."

  I feel a smile playing my lips and I pull them in between my teeth, trying not to break my defense, because then he'll know he's won. He always fucking wins me over.

  I push back on him until he's looking into my eyes. "You're such a cocky asshole," I say it when I can finally keep a straight face.

  He just smirks, bringing his face down to touch his nose to mine. "I know. Just let me make it up to you. Let me apologize..."

  Chapter Five

  "Hey...what happened to your face?" He looks into the living room at me from the kitchen where he's attempting to cook eggs, keyword: attempting. I swear to fucking God he could burn water. His tone is sort of light and nonchalant as he questions me, but my stomach ties itself in knots.

  "Uh...what? What do you mean?" I touch my face lightly and play dumb, but I know there are remnants of Tony's assault at work a few days ago. I guess they finally showed up, so kindly aided by Lex when he flipped his fucking lid last week.

  "You have a bruise...on your face. I didn't know you could just randomly get bruises on your face and not know about it," he laughs, but it fades quickly. "That wasn't from our fight, was it? I didn't mean to grab you that hard. Are you ok?"

  His voice is quiet and guilty and, fuck, I feel really bad now but I still don't want to tell him what happened.

  "Don't worry about it, they were already there," I say it quickly and quietly, hoping to just brush over the subject.

  He freezes when I say it, and leans back peering over the kitchen bar and into the living room at me again. Shit. I was going to tell him that Tony came into work, but I sure as hell wasn't going to mention the fact that he put his hands on me...all over me.

  "How did they fucking get there?"

  I sigh nervously.

  Think up something...maybe I should just blame it on him. God, that's so fucked up. I can't...

  "Leala..." he encourages my response, voice wavering a bit.

  This is going to be bad. The second the words come out of my mouth, he's gonna hit the fucking ceiling. Damn, why can't he have better control over his temper? I don't want to start this shit again, he just got over the last fight we had...

  But when I hesitate longer, pretending I can't hear him, he snaps. "Leala!!"

  I jump when he bellows out my name, and I swallow hard. Here goes nothing... "Tony came into work the other day."

  His eyes go wide. "What did that motherfucker want?" He cocks up his eyebrow, a mix of disgust and surprise reading on his face.

  I cast my eyes down, picking at the hole in the knee of my jeans, pulling at a stray thread, but I feel his eyes boring holes into me. "Just came by to fuck with me, I guess. Him and a bunch of his boys. You know how they get."

  I jump suddenly as I hear a pan crash into the sink and he storms out of the kitchen. "No, I don't know how they get, so why don't you just fucking tell me." He looks at me condescendingly across the room, crossing his arms over his chest. "Go on...tell me. He fucking touched you?? Is that how you got that bruise? Both of those bruises!?" he adds the second part when he looks to the other side of my face.

  "He just...grabbed my face. I was being a bitch." My tone is a bit defensive, but I know I shouldn't be making light of the situation. I just hate to see Lex so riled up over it.

  "Why don't you stop playing this game and tell me what he fucking did to you! Cause if he laid a hand on you-"

  "Well I think it's pretty obvious that he touched me, Lex!" I sneer sarcastically, narrowing my eyes at him. Shit. There it fucking is.

  "Don't get smart with me! Why do you always try to start a fucking fight? This isn't about me and you throwing down, this is about Tony and his bitch ass putting his hands on you!" He exhales noisily, pent up frustration crawling all over him as he runs a hand over the shaggy bristles of his dark hair and tries to calm himself, but his voice trembles with fury. "But he fucking touched you...he put his motherfucking hands..." he trails off, biting his lips before pushing out a laugh in disbelief. He lowers his voice, rage engulfing him again, "I swear to God–"

  "We were arguing Lex, ok?! He was being a fucking creep like he always is!" I cut him off. I really want this conversation to be over.

  "So he grabbed your face? Did he do anything else?" He cocks his head to the side, tattooed arms still crossed over his chest, lips pursed in anger.

  "Jesus Christ..." I roll my eyes, breathing out the words in exasperation. Sometimes he gets so fucking protective.

  "Where else did he fucking touch you!?" he snaps, bending his arms up and fisting his hands, clenching them so tight that they shake.

  "He grabbed my arm." I pull my legs up onto the couch nervously, casting my eyes around and lowering my voice a bit, "And he like, touched my leg..."

  He gazes at me through narrowed eyes, taking in my behavior. "You're lying to me...I know when you lie. I can fucking tell you're lying!"

  I finally give in, sitting forward on the couch, throwing my hands up and raising my voice with my confession. "He grabbed my chair, ok? Between my legs, and he was...fuck...his thumb just..." I sink back into the couch with a sigh, unable to find the words. I'm ashamed. I feel disgusting.

  "ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!?" he wails, he fucking screeches at the top of his lungs and it makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up. There's no doubt in my mind that he knows exactly what I mean, even if I couldn't say the words.

  He storms into the bedroom, emergin
g just seconds later. I see him checking the round of his gun, making sure it's loaded, shoving it into the waistband of his jeans as he crosses the room quickly headed toward the front door.

  "Lex!! What the fuck are you doing!?!" I jump up from the couch and bound across the room in a panic. I've never seen him get this hostile so quickly. Part of me is flattered knowing that he's so quick to throw down for me, but then again I don't need him just running around shooting people.

  "I'm killing that motherfucker." He reaches for the door handle, but I grab his arm at the elbow, pushing his back against the closed door.

  "Would you fucking stop?! He just came in to scare me, and to talk some shit about you!" I push on his chest when I say it.

  "Talk shit about ME!?" he screams out, twisting his face in disbelief, gesturing towards himself with his hands.

  "Of course he was, what the fuck do you think Tony wants with me? He has nothing to say to me, I barely know the motherfucker. Calm the fuck down!"

  I storm back across the room and throw my weight onto the couch, seething, but he's right behind me, finger pointed into my face. His face is cloaked with rage, fire behind his ice blue eyes, hand shaking in my face, the other clenched at his side.

  "No! That's fucked up! Why does he have to fuck with you!? If Tony has beef with me, he can come knock on my fucking door!" His hand flies out toward the door in a maniacal gesture as he screams, "And that is completely aside from the fact that he laid his fucking hands on you, which will make me kill a motherfucker faster than you know!"

  He clenches his fists, body leaning forward as he curls in, rage consuming his entire body. I've never seen him like this.

  "You better not be fucking around with him anymore and I mean it. If he gives you shit again, you fucking call me, and I'll handle the shit. I don't want you talking to Tony. Shit like that pisses me off...god-fucking-dammit!" He pushes his forehead into his palms, squeezing his eyes shut tight in frustration.

  I hesitate for a moment, casting my eyes down. "Oh shut the fuck up already. You don't have to treat me like a baby, Jesus Christ..." I mumble.

  He drops his hands to his sides with a scoff and laughs, shaking his head slowly, running a hand over his hair. " think that shit. And Tony is gonna keep fucking with you and then you'll see. But I'll tell you what, he's gonna be at Fabian's party tonight, and I'll take care of that motherfucker there."

  I snap my gaze up to his. "Fabian is having a party tonight?"

  "Yep. And you're not going." He says it matter-of-factly, raising his eyebrows at me.

  "WHY!? That's can't tell me what to do!" I shriek, narrowing my eyes at him.

  "You're not going, Leala. I don't want you around Tony, period," he commands, crossing his arms over his lean chest, and I scowl up at him from the couch.

  "Well if you won't let me go then I'm staying here and waiting for you to get back!" I retort, raising my eyebrows and pursing my lips. I'm gonna get my fucking way. I hate when he bosses me around.

  "'re not staying here by yourself," he shakes his head at me.

  "Then it sounds like I'm going with you," I grin up at him.

  He sighs, rolling his eyes back as his tongue plays along the inside of his cheek. It's a win-win for me this time. "Fine...what the fuck ever. I'm gonna take care of that motherfucker and come right back home, and you can just stay here and wait for me I guess."

  "What are you gonna do to him? You can't just go off and kill him!" I scoff and he just shrugs.

  "We're gonna talk...and if I don't like what he has to say...whatever happens, happens. Either way, you won't be there to worry about it. If I come home...I come home," he replies simply, and I'm astounded at the lightness in his voice. It fucking pisses me off when he just throws shit in my face about something bad happening to him. Like he thinks I don't care.

  "Don't say that shit. Don't even fucking do that to me," I mutter, pushing myself up from the couch to brush past him, but he grabs my arm, pulling me flush against him.

  "Listen to me...I'm gonna take care of shit. And I'm gonna come back to you. Trust me," he peaks softly, searching my face.

  And I just have to believe him. I have to know he's telling the truth.


  He can hear screaming laughter and music from four doors down as he approaches the motel room, taking a pull on his joint and sniffing a little after he exhales. He knocks quickly, tapping his heel anxiously, nervously against the floor until the door bursts open and he's greeted by Fabian, a young brunette hanging on his arm giggling.

  "What the fuck, Lex! It's about fucking time your bitch ass showed up!" Fabian throws a skinny arm around his shoulders enthusiastically and pulls him inside.

  "Is Tony here?" Lex asks quietly, looking around the room over the crowd, squinting to make out faces in the smoky haze, the air clouded from drugs and cigarettes. Various scenes in the room reveal beer bongs, shots of alcohol being thrown back, lap dances and every example of drug intake that someone can fathom. Lex shakes his head silently as he takes it all in.

  "Fuck no, that bitch left like an hour ago," Fabian slurs, plucking the joint from Lex's fingers greedily to take a hit. He pulls tighter on Lex's shoulders, his elbow slipping up around his neck as he turns him toward the couch. "Ladies...this is Lex."

  Lex turns his head abruptly from his search for Tony to see the couch in the hotel room littered with four scantily clad girls, all eyeing him hungrily. He swallows hard. They part like the fucking Red Sea, leaving an empty space in the middle of the couch, and Fabian shoves him down amidst the girls with a drunken chuckle, "Dont be shy now! You ladies be nice to him."

  Lex sighs and starts to get up as soon as he bounces down into the cushions, but he's seized by his shoulders immediately by one of the girls and pulled back down as she swings a leg over both of his.

  His eyes go wide in surprise because she's being so forward, and he turns his face quickly as she starts to kiss his mouth and her lips lock into his neck instead. She sucks at his skin fiercely and he pushes back on her shoulders because he needs a bruise on his neck just like he needs a hole in his fucking head. He knows he'll be in big trouble over some shit like that.

  She looks into his face with smoldering eyes and he's a little swept away in all of this but he makes sure to keep his hands to himself, maybe he'll feel a little less guilty. She has a pretty face, but she's not really his type...but with tits like hers, she's any guy's "type".

  She grips his shoulders and grinds her hips down hard into his lap to the beat of the loud music in the smoky hotel room, and he hears Fabian and Tyson cheering him on from across the room. He flips them the bird behind her back and doesn't take his half-closed eyes off her body as she rolls into him. But he's ripped from his trance suddenly when he feels another hand slide across his chest and the redhead sitting next to him is unexpectedly in on the action, licking slowly at his neck and biting on his ear.

  "Damn, y'all are serious in here..."

  He fidgets a bit under all of the attention he's receiving, but he's silenced as the girl attending to his neck suddenly pushes back on his forehead, releasing his head backward and displaying the full expanse of his throat for her consumption. She goes to work at licking his skin once more as the girl on his lap continues to work her shit out on him.

  He keeps his hands fisted at his sides, but he feels a hand creeping down on him slowly, and he pulls his head up off the couch. "Hey! Watch the hands!" he warns and the girl on his lap bites her lip at him, drawing her hand away from his crotch with a pout.

  He releases his bead back again for a moment, closing his eyes and trying to forget whose hands are on him as the girl slides farther up on his lap and pushes her chest against his, drowning him in her scent.

  "Lex!!" He hears Bruce shout from across the room, and he opens his eyes, lifting his head and glancing around for Bruce, but he is distracted when he feels a hand
slipping into his pocket. He looks down to see one of the girls trying to swipe an eightball from him, and he laughs softly, grabbing her wrist.

  "Sorry, working my dick won't get you any free shit. Nice try, though." He throws her hand away roughly, pushing her off of his lap and standing up quickly to cross the room.

  On his way to see what the fuck Bruce wants, Tyson pulls him over to take a vodka shot and have a hit on the water bong.

  "You are so getting fucked up tonight! Bad decisions will be made, bro," Tyson shouts over the music and Lex just shakes his head, continuing to stumble around the room in search of Bruce.

  "Hey, bitch! Get your ass over here!" Bruce calls out from the set of couches across the room from the ones where he was previously seated. Coke paraphernalia litters the glass-topped coffee table situated in front of Lex as he sinks down onto the cushions next to Bruce.

  "Hit that shit." Fabian extends his arm across from the other side of Bruce, passing Lex a rolled up hundred-dollar bill.

  He leans forward over the table, plugging one side of his nose as he takes two quick lines before falling back against the couch with a sigh, closing his eyes at the rush as the alcohol, pot, and blow all hit his system.

  As he opens his eyes slowly, he notices the curves of the blonde standing before him, a leg on either side of his knees. His eyebrows raise as she sinks down onto his lap, pressing her breasts together with the inside of her arms, smirking as she watches his tongue come out to instinctively wet his bottom lip.

  Lex leans over to Bruce, shouting over the music. "There's lots of pussy in here that wants dick in it tonight!"

  "Dude...Leala is gonna fucking kill you!" Bruce yells in response and Lex rolls his eyes as he sits back up straight and drinks in the form of the girl sitting on his lap giving him fuck-me eyes with her bottom lip between her teeth. He grins at her when he feels his body begin to tingle as the stimulant courses through his veins...


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