Book Read Free

Deception and Chaos

Page 11

by S. M. Soto

  Hearing Garrett say he’s leaving makes my heart stutter to a screeching halt. Cold sweat skitters over my skin, trailing down my back.

  “Wow.” I blow out a breath, trying to remain calm. “I-I don’t really know what to say.”

  I’m not ready for this. Not yet.

  “Are you okay? I know this is a lot to take in, Sophie, but I won’t be gone long. Just three days. That’s it.”

  “O-okay,” I mumble in an unsure whisper.

  “Creed is staying. He’s the only one I trust with you, but I promise Sophia, you are safe here.”

  “Wait, what?” Startled by his words, I snap my gaze to his.

  “I said Creed will be here to watch you.”

  His choice of words triggers a wave of indignation. I stifle the urge to roll my eyes and wring his neck all at once.

  “You make it seem like I’m five.”

  “You know what I mean. I just need to know you’re in good hands while I’m gone.”

  “And what, Creed is good hands?”

  “The fact that he can kill someone with his bare-hands? Yeah, I’d say so.”

  My eyes widen, and my mouth drops open. Wiping my sweaty hands on my jean clad thighs I try to wrap my head around his words.

  “Shit, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that. I just meant if anything were to go wrong, you’d be safe with him. He knows how to handle himself.”

  “You’re not very good at the whole reassurance thing,” I say, trying to make light of the situation.

  “Do you think you’ll be okay?”

  “Yeah.” My voice comes out shaky—not very believable. I clear my throat. “Yeah, I’ll be fine. I’m just worried about you.”

  Rubbing my shoulder, Garrett gives me a small reassuring smile.

  “Everything will be okay, I promise. I’ll be back here like a hawk in no time.” He gives me a look that makes me pause. I distinctly remember having a conversation with Mera saying he acts like a hawk, always hovering around me. I cringe.

  “You heard that conversation?”

  “Oh yeah,” he chuckles. “And I’m only hovering like a hawk because I don’t want to lose you. Not again.”

  My heart painfully constricts in my chest, I push past the tightness and smile for his benefit.

  “You won’t,” I say with more conviction than I feel.

  After dinner and the ambush of a conversation later, I head straight to my room ready to get this day over with. I toss and turn for most of the night, thinking about Garrett and the fact that he’s leaving. My chest feels heavy with worry—like there’s a wrecking ball crushing my sternum. I shift around for what feels like the tenth time and peel my eyes open. Rolling onto my back, I blow out a sigh of frustration. My hazy vision slowly adjusts to the darkness in my room making everything a bit grainy but visible.

  My breath catches and my heart lodges in my throat when I see the dark figure in the corner of my room. I thought I was imagining it before, when I felt someone watching me in my room at night, but I wasn’t. The shadowy figure in the corner is proof.

  I try to keep my breathing even, and refrain from moving. Whoever he is, he can’t know I’m awake, not yet at least. I wait in silence and watch as whoever it is just stands there like a statue. If he wanted to hurt me, he could’ve done it a long time ago, but that doesn’t seem like that’s what’s happening here.

  What does he want from me?

  “Who are you?” I rasp, voice thick with sleep. The dark figure moves toward the door, ready to slip out unseen. I prop myself up on the bed to get a better look.

  “Wait. Please tell me who you are.”

  He pauses under the threshold of the door. I want to reach for the remote that controls the lights next to my bed, but I don’t.

  “The Devil.”

  His voice is crisp and clear, and my body jolts with a surge of electricity. I’d know that voice anywhere.


  I say his name, but it doesn’t even phase him. He slips out of my room stealthily, and I’m left with more questions running through my head about the strange guy who always acts like an asshole.

  The next morning, I’m on a mission, with only one thing on my mind—Creed. I need answers from him. Like: Who is he? Why does he come into my room almost every night? And most of all, why he makes it his mission to avoid me and treat me like I’m insignificant. I should be ready to see my brother off before he leaves, but instead my head is riddled with what if’s and I don’t like the answers my brain is coming up with.

  I stride down the hall toward his room and throw the door open without knocking. Much to my chagrin, he’s nowhere to be found in there. I continue my search, flying down the stairs, looking in the kitchen, the sitting room, the common room, yet all come up empty. I’m just about to give up my search when I remember Garrett telling me about the basement that was converted into a gym. Flying down the steps, I type in the five-digit code Garrett gave me access to, before heading down the stairs to the gym. The dimly lit hall leads into an open space that looks like a warehouse turned gym.

  Following the sound of grunts and pounding, I turn the corner, quietly walking into the gym. Creed’s fists fly at the bag, and his grunts ring around me in quick succession. He’s shirtless, his body gleaming with sweat; dripping with pheromones and testosterone. I pause only for a second to admire him, before I’m marching toward him uncaring that I might be sneaking up on him. With only a few feet between us I’m about to open my mouth and really give him a piece of my mind when suddenly, I’m spun around and pinned against the punching bag with Creed’s hand wrapped around my throat. My eyes widen in shock and my chest heaves wildly as I stare at him. His inky black hair is drenched in sweat, and his nostrils are flaring with each intake of breath. With his brows pinched in anger, he regards me with that cold and detached stare.

  Up close, it’s hard to deny how good looking he is. His face is sculpted to perfection, with shapely cheekbones, a strong protruding jaw, and full lips. Creed is devastatingly handsome, in a rugged way. He’s the kind of man any woman would fall to her knees for. My gaze drifts to his plump lips, then back to his steel gray eyes that are burning holes through my skull. I feel his rage in the air around us, in the way he grips my neck, and the way he stares at me. It’s barely restrained.

  He’s the epitome of volatile. Yet for some reason, I’m not afraid of him. His grip on my throat is light, not enough to stop my airway, but there’s just enough pressure there for it to be alarming. And for some inexplicable reason, it excites me. My heart gallops in my chest, and my pulse thumps loudly in my head.

  “You don’t scare me.”

  “I should,” he growls, his gaze burning holes through my head.

  “Why do you come in my room at night?” I demand, ignoring his comment. His hand falls away from my throat, and before I know it, he’s striding away from me. His muscles flex and bunch with each movement as he balls his hands into fists at his sides.

  “Tell me!” My voice rings around us desperately, echoing off the walls of the basement. Creed freezes near the exit. His body is stiff, wound so tight it looks like he’s going to snap at any given moment.

  “Protection,” he grinds out.

  “Bullshit,” I shoot back. He whirls around, pinning me still with his rage filled eyes. His jaw grinds back and forth in anger, and I’m almost certain he’s going to lose it. But much to my surprise, he doesn’t. He stalks out of the room without a word, leaving me standing alone in the empty gym. I blink, dispelling the haze of intoxication and anger he placed me under.

  With no one around, I use this time to explore what they call the gym. There’s three punching bags, a treadmill, two bench presses and a small boxing ring. Walking toward the ring, I duck under the ropes, sitting with my legs hanging over the edge. Leaning against the ropes, I let my mind drift to the only person that’s been taking up my head space as of late. Diavolo Creed Sabella.

  He’s magnetic.

  There’s this force around him that pulls me in, sucking me into his vortex, stirring up feelings I’ve never had before. I want to know him, even the parts of him that frighten me, and God help me, but I’ve never been more attracted to a man than I am to Creed. He’s so inherently male. He’s dangerous. A freaking wild card, but for the life of me I can’t stay away from him…nor do I want to. The man was like a finely crafted blade—sharp, lean, and lethal. If I wasn’t careful, the beautifully dangerous devil could destroy me. I should be afraid of him and all men in general, but something about Creed blankets me in a sense of security. The inherent sense of danger is always thick in the air when he’s around, but it doesn’t make me want to stay away from him. If anything, it draws me to him even more.

  I try to hold myself together, but tears spring to my eyes as I see my brother off. Now, I understand how it feels for people with family in the service. I don’t remember dealing with this as a child, as far as I remember, my dad was always there. But then again, there’s a lot of things I don’t remember, things I’ve purposely blocked off, just to avoid dealing with the painful memories.

  It’s a crippling thought, thinking this will be your last goodbye, but hoping it isn’t. Before, when I didn’t know what Garrett’s job entailed, I never worried about him, but now? Now I know what he does. He walks through the seven fires of hell to help others—albeit, in his own sick and twisted way that mercenaries do. Dabbing my misty eyes, I inhale a shuttering breath.

  “Please be careful.”

  “Only if you are,” Garrett quips, adding in a serious tone. “Three days, little sis. That’s it.”

  My brother pulls me into a tight, suffocating hug, but I welcome it. Even though I’ve felt suffocated around him lately, I’ll miss the hell out of him when he’s gone, and I won’t have anyone to lean on these next few days.

  “And you,” he says gesturing to Creed, while pulling away from me. “You guard her with your life. I don’t care what you need to do, Creed. Keep. Her. Safe.” My brother emphasizes each word.

  “Always,” Creed says in that aloof, unaffected way he has mastered to a T.

  Mera steps forward and pulls my brother in for a tight, motherly hug that makes me smile. Cupping Garrett’s face in her hands, she says, “You be careful out there now, understand? And take care of my boys for me. I want you all home in one piece within three days.”

  My brother chuckles, patting Mera’s hands in a gentle manner.

  “Of course. I wouldn’t miss momma Mera’s cooking for anything in the world.” Winking at her, he picks up two duffel bags and walks out of the sitting room with Creed. My heart contorts painfully as I watch my brother’s silhouette disappear. I pray that he’ll be safe out there.

  “He’ll be fine, sweetheart. That boy has a guardian angel watching over him at all times. I’m starting to think both of ya’ll do.” She gently squeezes my shoulder reassuringly.

  “I hope so,” I whisper as my stomach twists with unease.

  I ROAM AROUND THE BUILDING—cover house—whatever you want to call it, marveling in the chilling muteness. Granted, it is two o’clock in the morning, but the stillness in the air is still a bit eerie. These halls are usually filled with male laughter and voices, but since they left on their mission it’s been nothing but solemn silence. Especially without Garrett. I’ve been going half out of my mind without him around and he’s only been gone approximately eight hours. I still have another three days to get through.

  I tried keeping myself busy after he left, I really did, but even the characters in my books weren’t enough to make me forget. I didn’t even bother trying to sleep, I just stared at the ceiling thinking about the men that nearly ruined my life, and my brother who could be willingly walking into another situation just like that one.

  For the fifth time, I find myself wandering the hall toward my room. Instead of going inside, I continue my stride up and down the silent corridor. My gaze falls on the closed door next to mine and my heart squeezes in a vise. Trying the knob to see if its locked, it turns without a fight. I try to find comfort in my brother’s empty room, but all I feel is silence. Deafening silence. There are some forms of quietude that are so mute, yet loud, that you can feel them—physically feel them in your bones. A wave of sadness overwhelms me, prompting me to close his door behind me as I leave his room.

  I wander aimlessly around the darkened building, trying to pass the time in the only way I know how—stuck in my head. Creed’s broad frame comes into view as I round the corner of the sitting room. He’s staring out the window, completely unmoving. My brow dips into a frown.

  What could he possibly be staring at out there? It’s nearly three in the morning for Christ’s sakes.

  The muscles in his back suddenly coil tightly—like every muscle is tensing. It’s strange, the way his senses are finely honed. He was built and trained to be aware much like a soldier or a hunter in the woods. He had a way of sensing my presence, of knowing when I was coming, even before I did.

  Ignoring his reaction, I continue walking into the room. I stand beside him, staring out the window trying to find the exact point he’s staring so intently at, but it’s a waste of time. It’s pitch black out there at this time of night—or morning.

  We stand in silence for what feels like hours until I can’t stand it anymore. Shifting impatiently on my feet, I finally turn to him.


  My voice wavers with uncertainty as I stare at his side, trying to get a read on him. The muscles in his jaw clench, and I can practically see him grinding his teeth together. Just as I open my mouth, about to say something, those beautiful pale eyes drop down to mine rendering me speechless. We stare at one another in complete silence, and I do my best to ignore what feels like a swarm of bees in my stomach. Without saying a word, he shoulders past me, shocking me with his indifference toward me.

  “So, what, do you just plan on ignoring me forever?”

  “Yes.” His voice is clear, leaving no room for discussion. Blowing out a sigh, I debate on whether or not I should follow him. I decide on the latter.

  “Instead of you always acting like a prick,” I raise my voice after his retreating form, “why don’t we talk or try to find the mole? Do anything cooperative, other than glare at each other and think of ways to silently commit murder!” I spit aggressively. That gets him to stop and turn to me with raised brows. I huff out a humorless laugh.

  “Glad something finally got your attention.”

  “Fine. Talk,” he says, in that bored tone that drives me crazy.

  “Why are you such a dick?” I ask seriously, with my arms crossed over my chest.

  “I was born this way. Now, why are you so annoying?”

  My eyes narrow into thin slits. “I am not annoying.”

  He cocks a brow in a “you want to bet?” gesture. Ever so slightly, his lip quirks into a semblance of a smirk.

  “I don’t want to do this for the next three days, so can we please, at least try to get along?”

  “Goodnight, Sophia,” he says leaving me in the sitting room, alone, again. I wanted to chase after him and demand he pay attention to me and show me the respect I deserve. It wasn’t rational. It was completely nonsensical, but I found myself wanting to do it anyway. Inhaling a stabling breath, I close my eyes and force myself to stay put.

  “What a brute,” I growl into the silent air, left to my own devices for the rest of the night.

  I help Mera with breakfast the next morning. It’s not like there’s much to cook, but I needed to do something that would keep me busy.

  “Oh, good morning, Creed,” Mera says with a smile in her voice. “Breakfast is almost ready.”

  “Thank you, Mera, but I’m fine with coffee,” he says and as much as I hate to admit it, his voice does insane things to my body. From the moment Mera uttered his name, my heartbeat sped up, and my pulse sky rocketed. Not to mention the butterflies took flight in my stomach just as they usually do when he’
s around. It’s almost like my body hasn’t gotten the memo that Creed is a jerk and doesn’t deserve the attraction, but apparently, my body still likes what it sees anyway.

  Setting my plate of pancakes and eggs on the table, I pour a heaping amount of syrup over the delicious carbs before digging in.

  “I spoke to Garrett this morning,” Mera says as she places her plate down in the empty seat next to mine. My gaze swings to hers, and I nod my head with my mouth full, prompting her to go on.

  “He’s doing fine. But he has good news that will surely make you happy.”

  I raise my brows.

  “What is it?”

  “He’s giving you the okay to go outside, on the grounds.”

  A huge grin spreads across my face and I can’t contain my excitement.

  This is just what I needed. I smile to myself, and hurry to finish my breakfast so I can get cleaned up and finally get some fresh air.

  Twenty minutes later, I climb down the staircase with a new reason to smile and an unfamiliar pep in my step. All because of Garrett’s approval to go outside. There’s not much to do other than enjoy the scenery, but that’s more than enough for me. The lush green grass and colorful flowers are enough to brighten anyone’s day. Anything is better than being cooped up inside all day.

  Garrett, of course, had a few stipulations for me: stay within the marked perimeters, don’t stay longer than twenty minutes, and one person of his choosing will be on guard duty.

  Apparently, he left Mera with a list of do’s and don’ts. I agreed without second thought. I’d take being babysat if it meant I finally got to feel the sun against my skin.

  My steps falter as I cross the threshold and my grin slips off my face. Standing stiffly, with his arms crossed over his chest is Creed. Bright orange and yellow hues shine around his inky black hair like a halo of sorts, but I know better.

  “You’ve got to be kidding,” I blurt. Turning toward me, his lip twitches, spreading into a small smile, beguiling me. Though it’s small, it’s still a real smile that sends a jolt of electricity straight to my core.


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