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Deception and Chaos

Page 22

by S. M. Soto

  “Tonight, Sophia.”

  Almost like he can read my mind, his words are a promise of the pleasure that awaits. He strides away from me looking as cool as a cucumber while I’m on the verge of near combustion. I anxiously brush the strands of hair out of my face and plaster on a smile.

  “Everything’s ready guys,” I manage to say in a semi-normal voice.

  After the guys thank me for dinner, I clean up, and head upstairs. I spend a few hours with my brother until I can’t take it anymore. I tried to ignore the throbbing in my core and the anticipation flashing through my veins like lightening in a bottle, but it’s useless where Creed’s concerned. My body craved his touch and my mouth craved his plump lips. I needed him.

  With a swift goodnight to my brother, I head into my bedroom where I shower and proceed to get ready for bed. Instead of climbing into bed like I’d usually do, I slip out of my room, leaving the door locked behind me.

  I find Creed sitting in his bed, propped up against his headboard sifting through paperwork. At my entrance, his attention hones-in on me, and a smirk pulls at the corner of his mouth. Without wasting another second, I slip my shirt over my head and slide my shorts down my legs. He methodically places his paperwork aside as I crawl onto his lap, straddling him.

  “I believe we have unfinished business, Mr. Sabella.”

  My nipples pebble against the cool air and his eyes train on the rosy buds, heat flaring in their depths.

  “That we do,” he says, bending to take a nipple into his mouth. His warm tongue flicks the hardened peak, and swirls around, sending a jolt of pleasure straight to my clit. My head falls back, and my eyes clamp shut as his mouth devours my breasts. Licking, suckling, nibbling the hard peaks until they are raw and aching. I gasp for much needed breath.

  When his fingers find purchase between my legs and swirl the sopping wetness between my folds, I fall apart in his arms. I ride out the waves of my orgasm and feel his hard length slide into me. Gripping onto his shoulders, I work my hips up and down onto his girth, reveling in the shocks of pleasure that wrack my body when his shaft reaches the hilt. Wet flesh slapping together echoes around the room as he takes my mouth, swallowing my muffled moans of pleasure.

  I start to ride him faster, harder, with more intensity as my orgasm looms in the distance. Creed meets me thrust for thrust, his fingers digging into my hips, guiding my movements effortlessly. When his thumb stokes my clit, I lose all sense of reality and feel myself crumble. I fall apart in his arms, shaking and jerking with delicious spasms from my orgasm. I clutch his body against mine tighter when I feel his pace quicken and his body strain. His grunt of pleasure fills the quiet air around us.

  With my head resting against his warm chest, I close my eyes and inhale his scent. Fresh pine mixed with the musk of our love making. His heart gallops loudly beneath my ear, its cadence is so soothing, it makes my eyelids grow heavy. Creed rubs his calloused hand up and down my side, his touch sends deep body shivers coursing through me. Twisting my naked, sweaty body, I rest my forearms on his chest and prop my chin on them. He catches me staring up at him, and smiles.


  I shake my head ever so gently. “Nothing. I was just thinking.”

  “Care to elaborate?” He says in that gruff, sleepy voice I’ve come to love. I nibble my lip while I process my thoughts.

  “So, your father is a mafia boss, correct?”

  At the mention of his father, Creed gets a strange look in his eyes. It’s not so much hate, it’s something deeper. If that’s even possible. He stares down at me, unblinking for a few beats, and I don’t think he’s going to answer me, but he does.


  “What does that make you? If you don’t have any brothers or first cousins, who takes over after him?”

  Creed’s body stiffens beneath me, and I know, I won’t like his answer. Searching his eyes, I look for anything that will alleviate my growing fear, but all I see reflected back at me is pain, and if I’m not mistaken—worry.


  I clench my eyes shut, fear rattling my bones. I hold my breath waiting for him to go on.

  “There’s a system of…hierarchy, if you will. My father and my family come from the most traditional Italian families within the mob. My father is the boss of all four families under the Italian mafia. A step below my father is a prodigy or an underboss—which is me. The underboss takes the boss’ place only when he gives up his right or a slew of unfortunate events occur that call for him to be replaced. The rest of the men below us are soldiers that have worked within the family for years and made men, who’ve shown promise and loyalty. These men can be granted the right to become boss, but my father would never allow it. It’s family run. This is a family business.”

  “When he steps down…you’ll be next?”

  “That’s not likely. For years, I worked at my father’s side as his own personal hitman. But when I left, it changed things. The son of the Capo Di Tutti Capi—the next in line—going off grid, never to be seen again was unheard of. In the eyes of my father and the remaining families it makes me untrustworthy.”

  “So, you’re saying if you ever go back…?” I’m afraid to finish that sentence.

  “If I ever go back, there’s a good chance I will be killed by my father and his men, or any of the other families. There’s also a small chance they’ll welcome me with open arms, but I’d have to prove my loyalty to everyone before taking over. And proving yourself to anyone in the mafia is dangerous. It means death, for a lot of people.”

  Dread settles in the pit of my stomach and my hands grip onto his shoulders tightly for support.

  “Your father and his men aren’t looking for you, are they?”

  Creed smiles sadly as he runs his fingers through my hair, toying with a particular wavy section.

  “Someone is always looking for me, il mio amore.”

  My heart pangs sadly within the confines of my chest. I close my eyes and suck in a lungful of air trying to push those heinous thoughts away.

  “What does that mean?” I ask as a distraction. Tilting my head to the side, I assess him, waiting for him to answer. He leans forward and gently caresses my lips with his.

  “Don’t worry about it,” he whispers ever so softly over my mouth. “I’m not going back.” My eyes flutter closed when his lips press against mine firmly, and his body rolls over mine, pinning me to the bed.

  When Creed’s hand slides down my body and in between my legs, I let out a moan of pleasure and get lost in the heated look on his face. With his come still coating the inside of my legs, he pumps his finger in out, pushing his release back inside me with a look on his face that can only be described as carnal. My stomach twists deliciously and the muscles low in my belly contract.


  With Creed’s hands on me, with his mouth on me, with his body hovering over mine, I forget about the problems, and the possible threat of death hanging over his head. All I can focus on is him, and every sinfully beautiful thing he does to my body.

  The next morning, I sneak out of Creed’s room early to avoid being seen. Instead of heading back to my room to sleep, I climb down the stairs and stroll into the kitchen ready to help Mera make breakfast.

  “You’re up early,” Mera says with a smile in her voice as she mixes pancake batter. I shrug my shoulders and fight the smile pulling at my lips. It’s useless.

  “Thought I’d come down and help you feed everyone.”

  Mera shoots me a disbelieving look and laughs. “Yeah, I’m sure that’s why you’re down here so early my dear.”

  My face heats with embarrassment forcing me to turn away from her and busy myself with cutting potatoes for the hash.

  “You look good, Sophia. I’m glad. Whatever it is you’re doing, don’t stop.” Mera winks at me and I laugh.

  I don’t intend to.

  “So,” I say, blowing out a breath and changing the subject. “how are you this morning?�

  “Much better, now that I’ve seen you, love.”

  Instead of Mera’s voice responding, it’s Finlay. He strolls into the kitchen with a grin on his face and an extra pep in his step.

  I roll my eyes at him in jest and start making the potato and egg hash. Finlay makes himself comfortable at the kitchen bar while Mera and I work seamlessly. Soon, the delicious smell of blueberry pancakes and fresh herbs fill the air, making my mouth water.

  “After breakfast want to take a walk?” Finlay asks as I start piling food on his plate for him. I shrug my shoulders indifferently.

  “Yeah, sure.”

  Slowly, the guys start filtering into the kitchen and settling at the table. When Garrett comes in, he places a chaste kiss on my forehead and proceeds to serve himself. Once most of the guys have been served, I make my own plate and settle into the seat next to my brother. For the most part everyone eats in silence, more interested in the food on their plates than holding a conversation.

  When Creed strolls into the kitchen my heart begins to stutter violently in my chest and my stomach does acrobatic flips. My core clenches at the sight of his strong, lithe build and his dark, shaggy hair that falls haphazardly into his eyes. The dark stubble along his jaw has me itching to caress his face. My thighs clench together, tamping down the arousal as I remember the way his scruff chaffed against my thighs and along my breasts. My nipples pebble against my bra and t-shirt, making me thankful that my bra is padded enough to hide my body’s reaction to him. When he settles in his seat down the table, he finally looks up at me and the heat brewing in his eyes nearly has me combusting on the spot. I suck in my bottom lip, and bite down hard, thinking of all the things I want him to do to my body, and vice versa. I avert my gaze, before someone catches onto us. There was so much heat and promise in his eyes just now. The look alone has me clenching my legs together in anticipation.

  God, I’m insatiable when it comes to this man.

  After breakfast, I help Mera clean up a bit before heading outside with Finlay. We walk along the grounds in a comfortable silence. The only sounds are our shoes crunching in the stark white snow beneath our feet. The weather here has been strange to say the least. A few days ago, it was sunny with a light breeze and then yesterday morning I woke to freezing temperatures, and when I looked outside, I almost couldn’t believe there was real snow on the floor. Back in California I didn’t live where it snowed. I can only count a handful of times I went to Lake Tahoe with my family for the weekend and played in the snow.

  Consumed by the urge, I bend down, scooping up a frosty handful of snow, and squish the cold ice in my fist.

  “I’m surprised your brother even let you out here with me,” Finlay points out, making me scoff. I shake the snow out of my hand and wipe the dampness off on my thigh.

  “You heard about that stupid rule, did you? He doesn’t want me to spend time with anyone but him, it’s ridiculous.”

  “He’s your brother, Soph. He’s just looking out for you.”

  I groan in irritation. “I know that Fin, I really do. But how much protection is too much? He’s smothering me, and I’m starting to feel like I can’t breathe.”

  Finlay grimaces, and pats me on my shoulder. “I’m sorry, I really am. Hopefully, this will all be over soon.”

  “Yeah, right,” I grumble.

  “Alright, love. How about this? Once you’re able to roam free, far away from here, where do you want to go?”

  I tug the jacket around my shoulders tightly as a cool gust of wind whips my hair around my shoulders. I stare down at the snow beneath my feet and smile. For so long, I’ve always wanted to live where it snows, but now that I’m here, in this place with the snow, it’s no longer what I want.

  Lifting my gaze to Finlay’s, I smile at him. It’s so easy to get lost and feel comfortable with his coffee brown eyes. They reflect friendship and a loyalty I don’t yet understand.

  “I want to go to the beach. Somewhere with beautiful golden sand, a lot of sun, and just…”


  “Somewhere with happiness.”

  Finlay’s eyes sparkle and his smile widens.

  “Then your wish is my command, my fair lady,” he says as he drops down in an exaggerated bowing gesture. I toss my head back and laugh, just like I always do when I’m around Finlay. I wipe the wetness from the corners of my eyes and place my hand over his gloved one.

  “Thanks for being such a good friend, Finlay. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

  For a split second, his face falls, but it’s quickly replaced with one of his brilliant smiles.

  “Glad to be of service. Let’s head back in now, yeah? I think my balls are frozen.”

  With a playful nudge, I roll my eyes at him and drag him back toward the door, all the while chuckling at him and his humor. With one last look over my shoulder at the white snow that now covers most of the grounds, I smile at the thought of a future somewhere on a beach with the man that has stolen my heart. I imagine Creed and I walking off into the sunset, safe from the dangers that constantly surround us.

  AFTER WALKING WITH FINLAY, I spend some time with Garrett down in the gym before I shower and help Mera prepare dinner. That’s usually how most of my days go. Wake up and help with breakfast, spend time with my brother or the guys, kill time in the library then prepare dinner and shower before bed. It was simple and boring, and the part of my day I most looked forward to was spending time with Creed.

  Throughout dinner I can’t help but feel antsy as I wait to see Creed tonight. My body craves his touch every moment and second that I’m not with him. Sneaking around at night and pretending during the day isn’t ideal but I don’t want to risk losing what we have. Not for anything in the world. If that means I have to go the entire day without the feel of his strong hands caressing my body, then so be it.

  Once I’m sure everyone’s asleep, I slip out of my room, and lock the door behind me just in case anyone tries to check on me at night. And by anyone, I mean my overbearing brother. When I slip into Creed’s room, I find him in nothing but a towel, dripping wet from his shower. I shut the door behind me silently, then lean my back against it. My eyes trail up and down his body in pure feminine appreciation. The throbbing between my legs intensifies and my womb clenches painfully in anticipation. My chest rises and falls sharply with desire, and my knees buckle with excitement.

  My gaze trails from the scorching heat of his eyes, down to the impossibly large bulge beneath his towel. I don’t know what propels me to do it, other than the fire of need running through my veins, but I cross the room slowly—seductively. I come to a stop in front of him, and slowly lift onto my tiptoes and place my mouth over his. I nip, lick, and suck at his plump lips, prompting him to growl into my mouth, and deepen the kiss. He fucks my mouth with his tongue. He screws my mind with the power he has over me. He undoes me completely.

  Slowly, I pull away and struggle to catch my breath. Tentatively, I place my hands on the hard muscles of his abs, making his stomach quiver beneath my touch. I look up at him through my lashes, and slowly drop down to my knees. If possible, Creed’s eyes grow even more heated. I lightly run my hands along his abs, tracing the well-defined ridges. When my hands come to the knot on his towel, I stop, and drop my gaze down. With a flick of my fingers I undo the towel and watch in fascination as it drops to the floor, revealing his erection. The sight alone makes my mouth water, and my pussy clench.

  “So hard,” I murmur, running my fingertips down his length. “I want to taste you.”

  Looking back up at him, I wait for his approval before proceeding. His gray eyes penetrate me straight down to my soul with just one look. It’s earth shattering.

  Focusing on the task at hand, I run my fingers down the dark smattering of hair, and grip his firm length in my hand, amazed that my fingers don’t wrap around him entirely. I lick him from root to tip, one long pull with the back of my tongue. Creed stares down at me, lust in his e
yes, and a fire brewing in his soul.

  I wrap my fingers around the base of his shaft, giving him a hard squeeze before massaging his balls in my other hand. He stares at me beneath eyelids heavy with desire, his lips parted, and need becoming a palpable force. When I lean forward, Creed sucks in an audible breath as I circle my tongue lightly around his glistening tip and then flutter it slowly down to the root and back up. My hand moves slowly up and down the veined length while my other hand comes up to cup his balls beneath.

  I look up at Creed and I’m swallowed up by the look in his eyes as he watches me. His jaw flexes in desire and anticipation as my fingers tease him, and when I take him all the way into my mouth, he winces in pleasure before hissing, “Fuck, Sophia.”

  A sense of urgency and need consumes me as I hear the sounds of male satisfaction spilling from him. I twist my hand around his shaft, stimulating him with friction and wet heat. I want him to feel good, feel as good as he makes me feel. I want him to fall apart right before my very eyes.

  When I feel the tension in his thighs from anticipation, I take him all the way in until I can feel him hit the back of my throat. The guttural groan that comes from Creed’s lips fills the room as the musky taste of his arousal and evidence of his desire for me spills onto my tongue and down my throat. My core clenches and the apex between my thighs is soaked with arousal for this man and what he does to me. Without warning, his hands grip my arms and stand me up on unsteady legs. His mouth descends upon mine aggressively, devouring me whole. I suck his tongue into my mouth, and bite on his bottom lip all the while mewling like a cat in heat.

  Creed tosses my body onto the bed and sheds my clothes in record time. I breathe a sigh of relief. Once my nipples are exposed to the cool air, I let out a breathless moan silently begging for his mouth to suck on the hardened points. He obliges without second thought. His tongue twirls around my nipples, showing each one the same amount of attention. When he sucks and nibbles on the hardened peaks, my hands fly to his shoulders and I rake my nails down the broad muscles.


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