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Dani (Women of Strength Series)

Page 2

by Adelle Laudan

  She gasped, bringing her hand to her mouth in mock surprise. “How’d you do that? I thought she’d rather be with a bunch of strippers than spending any time with either one of us.”

  Thank God Dani can’t hear her own flesh and blood speak in such a venomous way toward her. “I don’t think that’s fair. How else is she supposed to pay the bills?”

  “Oh, I don’t know, get a real job, or how about marrying you?”

  Ryan cleared his throat noisily. I think I’ll pretend I didn’t hear that, at least for now. “Listen, kid. I don’t like her working there anymore than you do. How about you come with us and we’ll try to talk to her about it together?”

  Emily pushed a stray curl away from her eyes. She’d inherited the gorgeous red hair form her mother. While Dani’s hair was thick and straight, Emily’s fell in long ringlets, framing her sweet face.

  “Okay, I’ll go. Do you think she’ll mind?”

  Ryan smiled. “I think she’ll be very pleased you’d even want to.”

  “Want to what?” Dani rounded the back corner of the house with helmet in hand.

  “Emily just asked if you’d mind if she tagged along today.”

  She looked at her daughter. “For real? I’d like that very much.”

  He slapped his hands together. “Alright then, let’s get moving.”

  “I better get changed. I can’t wear a tank top and shorts on a motorcycle.” Emily scurried up the front steps and into the house.

  Dani arched a brow. “Did that really just happen?” She shook her head in disbelief.

  Ryan shrugged. “I don’t know. She heard the word perch and her mouth started watering.”

  Her green eyes narrowed on him. “Okay? Are you sure there’s not more to it?”

  The front door closing stole her attention, and saved him from further interrogation.

  “Who do you want to ride with?” Dani asked.

  “No offense, but I want to live until my next birthday. I’ll go with Ryan.” She smirked and waltzed over to his bike.

  Dani laughed. “You’re something else. I happen to know I’m a much more cautious rider than he is.”

  “Oh, Mother, maybe I’d rather be seen on a bike with a hot guy, and not my mother.”

  She put a hand over her heart and stumbled back. “Ouch, you’re breaking my heart.”

  Ryan chuckled. Being called a hot guy was one thing, but he’d much rather it be her mother who thought so. He straddled his bike. “If you two are done, I’d like to get there today.”

  He loved seeing them interact as they did before the mill closed. Hopefully, between Emily and him, they’d convince her it was time to find a better job. Dani was so much more than a waitress in a stripper bar. The sooner she realized that, the happier they’d all be.

  Dani reveled in the sun that kissed her face and the warm breeze wafting by. There was something about the scent of being near water she found soothing. Coupled with being on two wheels, who could ask for more? She’d have to thank Ryan for insisting they go for a ride today.

  Up ahead, Emily signaled their turn. Hutch’s—the final destination for many a road-trip, whether it be on two wheels or four. It was the place to go for a good feed of fish and fresh cut fries drenched in malt vinegar.

  Half a dozen bikes were parked in the spot reserved for motorcycles. They lucked out to find a table on the back deck with the perfect view of the lake and their rides.

  “It sure is a beautiful day.” Dani slipped out of her leather jacket and released her hair from the confines of a ponytail.

  “I’m starving.”

  The sun put a rosy glow on her daughter’s face. Dani thoroughly enjoyed this side of the teenager’s complex personality.

  Ryan took their orders and went inside by himself. Neither of them noticed she’d caught the wink they exchanged. She opted to keep it to herself...for now.

  “I’m really glad you took the day off, Mom. I’ve really missed you.” Emily said sincerely. “I’m sorry for the way I’ve been acting, but I’m not going to lie, I do hate you working at Teasers.”

  Her daughter’s genuine sincerity brought a lump to her throat, and she swallowed hard. “I know you do, but I gotta do what I gotta do to pay the bills. How about we agree to disagree, at least for today?”

  Ryan came back out to the deck carrying a tray of drinks.

  Thank God! The last thing I want is to argue with her on such a beautiful day.

  He put down the tray and took a seat between them. “I hope it’s okay, I got everyone cola.” He smiled “It sure is nice spending time with my two best gals.”

  She reached for a drink. “Thank you. I have to say, I kind of thought the two of you were up to something.”

  Emily and Ryan looked at each other and shrugged.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Emily looked everywhere but directly at her.

  They’re both acting a little too innocent. I’d bet money they’re up to no good.

  The waitress appeared with their baskets of perch and fries, coleslaw, tartar sauce and lemon wedges on the side.

  Ryan clapped and rubbed his hands together while licking his lips. “Oh man, this looks good.”

  An amiable silence fell upon the table as they devoured their meals—lots of finger licking and smacking of lips going on.

  Emily finished first. She leaned back and rubbed her belly. “I can’t believe I ate the whole thing.”

  Dani pushed her basket away, half of the fries untouched. “If I eat another bite I’ll blow up.”

  Shortly after, the waitress returned and cleared the table.

  “What now, ladies?”

  “How about we take a walk on the beach? I need this to settle before I get back on my bike.”

  “Let’s leave our jackets and boots in the saddlebags.” Emily jumped to her feet and was already at the bikes taking off her socks when they came out of Hutch’s.

  “What I wouldn’t give to have half of her energy.” Ryan wedged a toothpick between his teeth.

  It felt so good to shed the weight of boots and jackets. Dani sighed contentedly, squishing her toes in the warm sand. There wasn’t many people on the beach, giving her the chance to fully enjoy the tranquility and beauty of the rippling lake.

  She stood at the water’s edge and let the gentle rise and fall of the tide lap over her feet. If only she could bottle up the sensation and have it on hand to take a sip of when life got hectic.

  Time slipped away as she took in the beauty of the lake and how drastically her life had changed. She didn’t realize Emily and Ryan no longer stood with her; they were a little ways up the beach, sitting atop a mound of rocks. Both seemed to be so engrossed in conversation, they were completely oblivious that she’d come over until she climbed up and sat by them.

  “What are the two of you talking about so intensely?” Do I really want to know the answer to that?

  Emily twirled a ringlet around her finger like she’d done ever since she was a little girl when nervous. “You know I love you, right?”

  Dani briefly closed her eyes and slowed her breathing. I will remain calm no matter what it is the two of them have cooked up. She clasped her hands. “Right...”

  “Well, I really hate you working at Teasers. All of my friends think it’s a joke. Can you please look for another job now?”

  Dani refused to let the anger rise up in her. “Emily, I already told you I would. I’m not even sure what kind of job I should go for. There isn’t another paper mill even remotely close to home.”

  “Why not try something different?”

  A glimmer of excitement danced in her eyes. Something Dani hadn’t seen in a very long time. She sighed. “I take it the two of you have something in mind?”

  Ryan hadn’t made eye contact with her since she joined them. Just you wait until I get you alone.

  “I’m glad you asked.” Her daughter smirked. “Why not get a job at one of those design houses in the city? Th
e clothes you make are amazing.”

  She coughed into her hand. “I hardly think the pajamas and dresses I’ve made for you are comparable to what those designers put out.”

  Her teenager scowled. “How can you know unless you try?”

  She’s really serious about this. Dani had to admit she did love the creative process in transforming fabric into a viable piece of clothing. Is it even a feasible option?

  “For what it’s worth, I think you have a pretty good shot at it.” Ryan grinned sheepishly. “I’ve seen your work Dani. You’re good...real good.”

  “Ah, I see. You two planned this...this intervention.” She shook her head, not sure if she should be angry at them for conspiring, or touched they’d go to such lengths. Am I setting myself up for disappointment? If I don’t try will I always wonder, what if? “Okay, I’ll give it a shot.”

  Emily lunged, throwing her arms around her and raining kisses all over her face. “Thank you...thank you...thank you...”

  “Okay, okay. I get it, you’re happy.” She smiled as she disentangled herself from her daughter and climbed down the short incline. “Now, can we please take the long way home while the sun’s still out?”

  Life had definitely taken an unexpected turn. Ryan and Emily were putting a lot of faith in her abilities. She just prayed she could live up to their expectations.

  Chapter Four

  “Mom, are you almost done?” Emily shouted from downstairs. “Ryan and Stewart are on the way over here.”

  Dani snipped the last thread and got up from the sewing machine. “Come and try the last one on in case it needs tweaking before they get here.” She put a hand to the small of her back. Between working at Teasers and creating three new samples, there had been little time for sleep.

  The door burst open. “Where is it?”

  “Here, try this on.”

  Her daughter snatched the sixties inspired mini-dress from her hands and darted out of the room.

  She splayed a hand over her stomach, half-expecting to feel butterflies flitting about inside. It’s only a photo session in the comfort of my home. Why the sudden nerves?

  Dani jumped into the room with arms spread wide. “Ta-dah! You knocked it out of the park with this one!”

  Dani’s breath hitched. The mini dress complimented her daughter’s body type perfectly. She’d alternated black leather and suede in a four-square pattern, attaching small, silver-linked chain to cinch the waistline and accentuate her tiny waist.

  “Do I get to keep this?”

  She chuckled light-heartedly, relieved for the approval. “After the photo shoot, yes.”

  “Knock, knock, anybody home?” Ryan’s familiar voice wafted up the stairs.

  Emily’s hand flew to her chest. “Oh my god, what do I do?”

  “Relax, and go put on tights and your boots. Touch up your make-up while you’re at it.” Dani padded across the carpet to the top of the staircase. “Ryan, can you show Stewart the dining room? We cleared half the room for him to set up.”

  “Sure thing, Dani.”

  She wasn’t sure why her pulse raced. She’d always considered herself a confident woman. Most of the clothing she’d sewn, she’d done so out of love for her daughter. Maybe the jitters were simply because she was putting her designs out there, leaving herself open to criticism and most probably rejection.

  She quickly undressed and slipped into the one-piece pantsuit she’d designed. The gorgeous turquoise organza skimmed the lines of her body, sending a shiver from head to toe. The pants were wide-legs, and the top blousy. Thin, silver and gold braided chains added a unique flair to the outfit. She’d inadvertently discovered a signature to her creations. Each one had a touch of silver and/or gold, whether it be chains, snaps or buckles.

  “Mom, what’s taking you so long?”

  Dani shook her head and hurried from the bedroom, stopping short of walking smack into Emily.

  Her daughter stood there with her mouth agape as she looked her up and down.

  “What?” A wave of nausea washed over her. “Is it that bad?”

  “Hello? It’s’re gorgeous.”

  Heat flooded her face at the unexpected praise. She really likes it. “Thank you.”

  “Come on, let’s knock the guys socks off.” She put her hands on her hips and sashayed ahead of her.

  Dani laughed, having never considered Ryan or Stewart might have an opinion when it came to fashion.


  Stewart’s jaw dropped, and Ryan turned to see what rendered his buddy speechless. Dani and Emily had entered the room. His heart skipped a beat. He’d always thought Dani beautiful, but seeing her now, like this...literally robbed him of breath.

  “Did you really make that yourself?” asked Stewart. He stood with camera in hand. “If I wasn’t married...oh boy!”

  “Easy does it, champ.” Ryan slapped his friend on the back.

  Dani and Emily looked at each other and dissolved in a fit of giggles.

  Stewart cleared his throat noisily and feigned interest in the light setup. “Which one of you wants to go is first?”

  Emily stepped forward. “I’ll go first. That way I can change into the last one while you’re taking my mom’s pictures.”

  Dani joined Ryan in taking a seat. Her thigh pressed against his as she settled in her chair. The slight contact unleashed his libido.

  “She’s certainly not a little girl anymore.”

  “That’s for sure.” He replied a tad too quickly.

  Emily followed Stewart’s instructions as if she’d been modeling for years. He liked the way the dress fit her. It complimented her curves without being overtly sexy. The perfect dress for a teenager. “You’ve really done good. Whatever design house you’re going to apply to would be fools not to hire you on the spot.”

  Dani lowered her lashes. He fought the desire to pull her into his arms and tell her just how amazing he thought she was. How would she react if I kissed her? Sometimes he got the feeling the attraction was mutual. Other days, he felt more like a brother, even a father figure at times.

  “Are you okay? You look a little flushed. Can I get you some water, maybe a coffee?” Concern marred her otherwise flawless forehead.

  “Coffee sounds great.” He jumped to his feet. “I’ll go put some on.” Ryan kept his head down and left the room. In the kitchen, he braced his hands on the counter and bowed his head.

  Now isn’t the best time to tell her how my feelings have evolved. Once she finds a new job, then I’ll tell her. Life is too damn short to put it off any longer.

  He took slow, measured breaths until he regained some semblance of composure before setting the coffee maker up and turning it on.

  The one thing that worried him most, jeopardizing the friendship they’d built over the years.

  By the time he returned to the photo session, Dani had already left. Emily wore a different dress and struck a pose in front of the camera. He wasn’t an expert by any measure of the word when it came to fashion, but he did know he liked the flowy summer dress.

  Dani definitely outdid herself. It’s pretty obvious fashion design is her true calling. I’ll do everything in my power to see her dream realized.

  Emily’s smile vanished upon Dani’s return to the room. She’d changed into jeans and an over-sized T-shirt bearing the Teasers insignia—a woman on a pole.

  “What are you doing?” asked Emily

  “I’m going to work.”

  “You’re kidding me, right?” Her teenager’s expression darkened. Gone was the carefree girl who lit up the room only moments ago.

  “No, I’m not kidding.” She shrugged. “The bills still need to be paid.”

  “So, what was all of this? Just a show?” Emily stomped across the room. “You don’t have any intention of changing jobs, do you?”

  Oh crap, I didn’t see that coming. Ryan blocked Emily’s path. “Hey, kiddo. Your mom is looking for another job, but until she finds one,
she needs to work.”

  Emily shrugged his hand from her shoulder. “I’ll believe it when I see it.” She spun around to face her mother. “Go ahead. Have a good night at work. I hope you make lots of tips from those horn-dogs.”

  “Emily, I will not stand for that kind of talk in my own home.”

  “Don’t worry.” She shot daggers at her. “I’m done talking.” She stormed from the room and clamored up the stairs. The bang of the bedroom door slamming shut made Dani physically flinch.

  “Hey, I’ll stick around for awhile and make sure she’s okay.”

  She threw up her hands. “I can’t win for losing with that kid.” She brushed his cheek with her lips. “Thanks, I owe you one...again.”

  Don’t you know by now, I’d do anything for you.

  Chapter Five

  Ryan eased back and stretched his legs out to rest his boots on the highway pegs. Dani had returned from her first interview at the upscale design house, Haute Couture angry and defeated. Apparently, the head honcho seemed very impressed by her designs, until he learned she rode a motorcycle and the tattoos in the photo of her were real.

  Under normal circumstances, he was sure she would’ve told him what to do with his job, but she kept her cool for one reason, and one reason alone...Emily.

  Emily was also the reason she’d dressed to cover her artwork and drove her car to another interview in the city. She even went as far as to wear glasses instead of the usual contact lenses. He could count on one hand the number of times she’d worn them out in public over the years.

  Nothing she did, or could do, would change the fact she was a beautiful woman. Given the lengths she went to keep a promise to her daughter, only made her that much more attractive.

  Ryan offered to keep an eye on the troubled teenager while Dani went on her second interview. Unfortunately, Emily’s attitude sucked to put it mildly. The sixteen-year-old had taken full advantage of her unsupervised time, hanging out at the pool hall with an older crowd.

  He stopped at the stop sign, and put his feet down. Just up ahead, in front of Lucky Stokes pool hall, a small group of teenagers huddled in a circle sharing a cigarette. None of them sported Emily’s signature red curls.


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