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Immersion: Bloodlust Series Book 2

Page 6

by L. L. Ash

  “You look well, Mistress,” Janie grinned at me.

  “I kind of...forgot...” I grinned sheepishly at her.

  “Oh don’t mind me. I’m glad you’re happy. You’re too nice to be miserable.”

  “Are you happy, Janie?”

  She shrugged.

  “I’m happy enough. Plus, I mean c’mon. Sexy boyfriend, remember?”

  “You still haven’t introduced us.” I smiled.

  “Maybe I will!” she bounced her eyebrows. “But maybe once you’re dressed.”

  Janie and I giggled together until the door opened.

  Calix strode into the room, moving toward me as he said in a sharp voice, “get out.”

  Janie’s smile disappeared as she quickly let herself out.

  “What the hell is that about?” I frowned, cinching the sheets even tighter.

  “You need to get up. My father has gotten into his head that I’ve done some despicable thing to you and won’t take my word about your health.”

  I laughed.

  “You deserve it.”

  He rolled his eyes.

  “You can have breakfast in a little while. I’ll see to it myself. But first, please show your face before my father rips mine off.”

  My heart glowed. That his father cared so much for my well being made me feel good.

  “Fine.” I sighed exaggeratedly as I wiggled my way out of bed.

  I managed to get all the way down off the tall mattress with my sheet toga intact when it slipped entirely out of my hands with a firm yank.

  Calix stood in the same place as before but the sheet was in his hand, his eyebrow raised in expectation.

  “You’re such an asshole,” I murmured as I tried to yank the sheet back but he held it fast in his big hand.

  “Maybe I should just walk you out as you are. Leave nothing to imagination as to how well cared for you have been.”

  “You wouldn’t…”

  “Come, Lily.”

  “No!” I yelled back at him, looking around frantically for some clothes.

  His eyes narrowed.

  “I am to be obeyed, Lily. We discussed this yesterday.”

  “I won’t let you parade me around naked!”

  “You will let me do anything I please. I own you.”

  “Fine, then you strip down too,” I demanded.

  He scoffed.

  “Nobody is worried that I have bruises hidden beneath my clothing, Antheia Mou.”

  He took my arm and pulled me toward the door.

  “No! I won’t let you!”

  “The longer you fight me, Lily, the longer I will walk you around as such. Take this as a lesson to be learned.”

  I fought and pulled but he easily manhandled me out the door and down the hall. After passing the first two people, slaves in white, going the opposite way down the hall, I finally gave up fighting and just settled for dipping my head down to hide my face and stringing my hands across my body to hide as much as I could.

  Shame reddened my face and chest as I stumbled along beside him, the cold air in the place prickling my skin uncomfortably.

  Finally, Calix shoved through a door where voices could be heard and led me in as the voices hushed.

  “Your proof, Bampás. She is fine.”

  “Lily!” came a feminine cry, then cool hands came around me. “Calix how could you?”

  Next thing I knew, some sort of fabric was draped around me and I felt covered again. Covered enough to look up and see who witnessed the scene.

  Nyx stood beside me, holding the cloth closed around me with her own hands as she glared at her brother. Ariston stood with his mouth open as if he didn’t know quite what was going on, and their father sat in his chair, his face full of shock that melted into anger.

  “What in Zeus’s name are you thinking?” he growled. “She is your mate, not a slave!”

  “What’s the difference?” Calix shrugged.

  In two seconds Calix’s father was off his chair and nose to nose with his son.

  “I will not tolerate such mistreatment of one of my children’s mates.”

  “She is mine to do with as I please. You have no authority to tell me what I can or cannot do with her.”

  Quicker than lightning a hand flashed out with a sharp slap. My mind jolted with the realization that Calix had a drop of blood dripping down his cheek, his face turned away from his father and a gash running across his pale cheek.

  Before my eyes, the cut sealed up, leaving a streak of blood and a furious vampire looking at his father.

  “You are a prince,” his father said in a quiet voice. “You are a powerful man. But don’t you ever forget that I am the one who gave you that power. You answer to me in all things. Your petulance is unacceptable.”

  Calix lifted a hand and wiped up the droplet of blood, leaving a smear on his cheek before he looked into his father’s eyes again.

  “I apologize, Bampás.”

  “I don’t understand what has happened to you.”

  “Every since he found Lily, he has acted like an animal,” Nyx growled at her brother and sneered, showing her fangs.

  “Until you have learned to appreciate your mate, I will take her to Greece with me. We leave now.”

  “No! Bampás…you can’t take my mate!”

  “What should you care, son? You’ve a household full of slaves. You wouldn’t miss one.”

  At that he turned, leaving Calix shocked and angry and stuttering for something to say.

  “Doesn’t Lily get a say in this?” Calix finally called after his father.

  “Now you care about what Lily has to say?” He turned on his way out of the room.

  They met eyes again.

  “Daughter,” my new father/defender turned to me. “Would you prefer to stay here?”

  All eyes turned to me.

  This was the moment where I got to take my future into my own hands for the first time since I’d met Calix.

  Looking into my supposed ‘mates’ eyes, I saw what he demanded I do. I wanted to obey. Some deep, strange element that he had woken up in me wanted to stay by his side until my dying breath, but I still had my pride, and I still had my dignity. Both of which he’d tried to strip from me already this morning.

  “I would like to go, Papa,” I told him and Calix gasped in disbelief.

  The weirdest expression passed over his face.


  It was quickly gone, an impassive expression taking its place.

  “And what of my son?” he asked finally, his tone now bored.

  “You will have him. She is still your mate and you still need children. We will discuss it when nerves aren’t so bare.”

  With a final nod my new papa left the room and I was being led away by Nyx, still holding the sheet around me.

  “Darling, I’m so sorry,” she whispered into my ear. “Methinks you turn him into a beast, but not just in bed where it should stay.”

  “There too,” I mumbled and she chuckled.

  “I’ve heard as much from the other girls.”

  When we arrived back at the bedroom I'd shared with Calix the past couple of days, Nyx took off the fabric and nudged me into the bathroom to shower.

  “Bampás won’t grudge you a shower. You take your time, hun. Forget about all this for a little while.”

  I nodded and watched her smile then leave the bathroom, closing the door behind her.

  Once the water was on, I got under the spray and let every emotion bubble up and find escape down my cheeks, tears mingling with water as the horror of my situation washed over me again. At least now I would be left alone… until I had a freaking baby and he demanded another.

  I took my sweet time as Nyx suggested, then turned the water off and opened the shower door.

  The steam cleared quickly revealing a long, strong body with black suit and shiny shoes.

  “You cry?” he asked quietly, his arms folded over his chest.

  “That was
private.” I frowned, feeling anger rising up instead of the all familiar pain in my chest.

  “Your tears are mine, Antheia Mou.” He used his pet name for me.

  He seemed confused.

  “You make me cry,” I said finally, angrily. “Inside I cried every second of every day my entire life, but this time it’s because of you. It’s because of this place. Thanks to you my entire life is void. You perfectly blew up every bit of happiness I was so close to. Now my siblings are stuck with that monster of a mother and you are fucking acting like I’m some sort of pet. Fuck you, Calix. Fuck being mates.”

  “Do you even comprehend how difficult it will be to be away from me?” he asked in a quiet voice, sounding rightfully cowed.

  “No matter how difficult this weird bond will be, it’ll be a hell of a lot easier than being here with you.”

  Again hurt passed by his face and he didn’t seem to try and hide it this time. He looked down at his shoes for a minute, until Nyx strode into the bathroom with clothes in her hands.

  “Calix, get out,” she told him with a deliberate expression. “Bampás would be upset if he finds out you’re disturbing her again.”

  “He’s not disturbing me,” I told her. “He just wants me to stay.”

  “Of course I do.” He looked back up at me, defeat in his eyes.

  “Not happening.” I shook my head.

  He nodded once, taking the clothes from Nyx.

  “One more minute, sister,” he told her.

  Nyx looked at me and I nodded. She left and Calix waited until the door closed before he reached for a towel for me.

  “Then just remember what I said.” He sighed. “You are mine and only mine, Lily.”

  “What, you afraid one of your brothers will steal me away? I promise, I’m not interested in a blood-sucking vampire.”

  His jaw clenched.

  “Fine. Just remember.”

  “Does that apply to you?” I demanded.

  “You’re the one leaving me, mate. I can do as I like. I am a vampire prince, and you are just a human.”

  Calix threw the clothes from his arms to my chest and strode out of the bathroom.

  I threw on the clothes, found some sandals on the bedspread, then grabbed some of the cold breakfast still on the little table in the corner.

  When Nyx came back I was ready.

  “Whatever you two said, Cal is pissed. I’ve never seen him so angry at a girl.”

  “Well good. It’s about time someone stopped treating him like a god. It’s disgusting.”

  Nyx laughed.

  “We’re going to have fun, darling.” She grinned.

  “Are you going too?” I was surprised

  “You think I’m going to stay here to be clipped at by my brother? No thank you. I could use a vacation anyway. Plus I’ve missed Mamá and Ariston.”

  I nodded and let her take my hand as we left the room.

  “Bampás is ready to leave. He has the jet standing by. He’s not eager to stay any longer around Cali. The situation is bound to become volatile if we stay. Both those men are too much alike. Or at least they used to be. I’ve never seen Cali talk back to Bampás like that before.”

  “I’m glad to get away from him,” I admitted, “He needs to get checked for Bipolar.”

  Nyx laughed.

  “If we weren’t physically perfect, I’d agree with you.”

  Papa was waiting for us at the front tunnel that led out of the place. People milled about but no Calix anywhere. He didn’t bother sending us off. Then again, maybe it was better that way.

  Together our entourage went to the big door out of there, picking up a good four other men on the way that Nyx told me were Papa’s bodyguards.

  I could almost taste the outdoors as we went up that sloped tunnel to the door into the cemetery.

  “I’m glad you’re coming, Nyx,” Papa said over his shoulder as we got into a big SUV. “Calix shouldn’t have anyone to lean on at this time. He needs a harsh wakeup call. He’s not acting like the boy I raised.”

  “He’s a wounded animal, Bampás. I think all this mate stuff has… opened old wounds.”

  “Except he never would have treated his last mate as he does Lily. It is no excuse.”

  Nyx just shrugged and looked out the darkened windows as the city passed us.

  Ariston was quiet through the trip, basically ignoring everyone as if he was in his own mind.

  When we got to the airport, a large plane was already on the tarmac waiting for us and we hurried into it as the sky turned a grey color with dawn just out of reach.

  Getting onto the private jet, everyone found seats, handed over luggage and relaxed.

  I took a seat in a leather recliner, buckling my seatbelt as I looked around. The jet was as luxurious as one could imagine, but the windows that always lined a jet were conspicuously missing. As the plane took off I had no idea what time it was but time didn’t exactly seem to be an issue for the other passengers either.

  Papa sat in a little area with his security detail around him while Nyx pulled out her phone, settling toward the back. But Ariston stood, looking around at where he should sit.

  “Would you mind if I joined you, Lily?” he asked finally, his hand on the back of the chair across from me.

  “It’s your family’s jet.” I gave him a half smile.

  I was still embarrassed that he’d seen the whole debauchery earlier.

  “I just want you to know...” He started slowly, his hands clasped in front of him as he leaned forward, looking at me earnestly. “I love my brother, and he normally has a cool head and sensitivities toward humans.... But today his behavior was deplorable and unacceptable. I apologize that you went through something so—”

  “Embarrassing?” I filled in for him.

  He smiled.

  “I was going for something along the lines of distressing, but that too.”

  I smiled back at him.

  “Don’t apologize for your asshole brother. Just don’t be like him, cool?”

  “Cool,” he agreed and sat back.

  Voices filled the cabin of the plane but it didn’t feel uncomfortable like I had thought it would.

  “Lil... May I call you that?”

  “You can call me whatever you want.” I shrugged.

  “It seems fitting.” He grinned then lifted a foot, placing one ankle over his knee. “We have a long flight ahead of us. How would you feel if I got to know you a little better? I’ll be honest, I’ve never seen someone break my brother down so quickly and so completely.”

  “Break him down?” I laughed. “I think that boy was broken upstairs way before I came into the picture.”

  Ariston nodded.

  “I can see your point,” he agreed. “But it doesn’t matter. You’re what intrigues me.”

  “I’m nothing special, Ari.”

  Ariston grinned at the nickname.

  “Fair enough.” He chuckled, fussing with the cuff of his slacks propped on his knee.

  “I’m an open book. Ask away. I’m not very interesting.”

  “Everyone is interesting.”

  I shrugged.

  “Where are you from?” he asked, dropping his foot again and leaning forward, elbows resting on his knees.

  “I was born and raised here,” I said, looking around, wishing there was a window that I could say goodbye to my home through.

  “Have you ever traveled?”

  I blurted out a laugh.

  “No. No I never traveled. Never even left LA that I can remember.”


  “Not everyone was born with a silver spoon.” I pause. “Or maybe a silver… I don’t know. What do half vampire babies eat?”

  He laughed.

  “Milk and gruel. Same as all babies I imagine.”

  “Really? Do you eat?”

  “I do.” He dipped his head in a nod. “I’m a little bit of a phenomenon. There’s none like me currently. I’m the youngest an
d the last of my siblings to remain human.”

  “But you live like them?”

  He nodded.

  “Though the dark gets tiresome. Sometimes I wonder if… nevermind. We were talking about you.”

  “No, really. Go on. I’m still learning about all...this.” I waved my hands around

  “Has anyone told you of the first?”

  “The first?”

  “The first vampire.”

  My eyes widened.

  “No. Will you?”

  “Sure, I’m stuffed full of our history. What’s schooling for if not to indoctrinate fictitious tales into our youth?”

  I giggled.

  “That’s actually stupid how true it is.”

  He gave a charming half smile before standing and moving to the seat next to me.

  “I had best remember correctly. Bampás is always listening.”

  “Listening? He’s on the other side of the plane.”

  “Oh, Lil, their hearing is very sharp. I once got into our liquor supply as a young man and Mamá heard me all the way from her top floor studio. Three stone floors between her and I. I got quite the beating for that one.”

  “Beating?” I swallowed hard.

  Had I traded one abuse for another?

  “Don’t be upset, hun. The only thing I got was a good chewing out. Bampás doesn’t believe in physical pain as punishment. The man is rather tame for being one of the originals. He still somehow clings to traces of his humanity. When I saw him slap Calix, I almost lost my sh...sorry. I was shocked to say the least.”


  “I don’t think I’ve ever personally seen him that upset. But Calix was acting like a first class jackass. Apologies.”

  I giggled.

  “Stop apologizing.”

  “I don’t usually.” He smiled at himself and rolled his eyes. “You make me do it.”

  I met his eyes with a tired sigh and he laughed again.

  “Anyway. The First,” he said eventually, taking his eyes away from me and moving on from talk of me or him. “Legend goes, the first, or O Prótos as we say in Greece, was the first Vampire. It’s said that our father, Chaos created his children, our primordial gods before the reign of Zeus and Hera who are descendents. Those included were god Erebus, and Goddess, Nyx, as in my dear sister’s name who she took after the goddess. Erebus being the God of darkness took up with Nyx, who is the personification of night and created many children. However, the legend goes that they created one child who was unlike the others. One child who lived in the night and thrived in total darkness. This being was the first vampire. As he grew he became powerful and ambitious, bloodthirsty and cruel. It is said that they threw him from the god’s mount, cursing him to live in the night and truly become the creature of death and darkness he resembled. Being denied the mana of the gods, he took to drinking the blood of humans instead of the blood of the earth and thus, he is as we are now.”


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