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Immersion: Bloodlust Series Book 2

Page 15

by L. L. Ash

“I don’t know. I spent one night with him and developed a serious distaste for him.”

  My guts churned in jealousy at the thought of her spending a night with my mate.

  “But you seem satisfied.” She looked at me curiously. “Are you satisfied with him? After he kidnapped you and raped you?”

  I shrugged.

  “He didn’t really rape me. He… I didn’t want to do it but… I don’t know. Something happens when I’m with him. My body gives itself over without any permission from my brain.”

  She pouted.

  “I think he just has that way about him. It was the same way with me. Like I remember being upset and frustrated and crying and then all of a sudden there were these strange sensations running through my body and I wanted to give myself over to him. He’s a supreme lover though, I’ll give him that much. But with as much experience as he has, I wouldn’t expect any less.”

  Now my blood boiled. The thought of Calix with anyone set my temper ablaze.

  “If only you knew him as your mate.” I glared. “It’s not age that gives a man prowess. Even Ariston couldn’t compare to his brother.”

  “Well I’ve never been a mate. I wouldn’t know. But I’m just grateful Manny isn’t an asshole.”

  “At least my mate doesn’t fuck other women!” I growled.

  We stared at each other for a minute before Janie’s eyes watered.

  “You’ve changed, Lily.”

  With that she went out the door and left me alone to stew in my own thoughts.

  As my anger abated, guilt riddled through me. I just sat on the bed and pouted, then began to cry.

  I was freshly showered but still wallowing in my pity party when Calix walked in. Immediately he crouched in front of me, meeting my eyes as he asked what was wrong.

  “Janie and I… We had a fight.”

  His ice eyes turned to blue fire.

  “She will be punished,” he growled out but I grabbed his pant leg before he could leave.

  “She didn’t do anything wrong, Calix. I’m crying because I’m upset with myself.”

  “Why would you be upset with yourself?”

  “I said some… harsh things. Mean things. I wish I could take them back.”

  “Janie is a servant, Lily. If she spoke words that were anything but pleasant to you, she should be punished.”

  “She just… We were talking about you and she talked about her...her time with you. I got jealous and I said something mean about her boyfriend. I hurt her.”

  “You got jealous?” He seemed amused.

  “Don’t be an asshole about it.” I frowned at him.

  “I’m not going to be an asshole about it. I think it’s...adorable.” His head tilted a little and his smile reached his eyes.

  He was breathtaking.

  “Did you defend me, my little Antheia?” he asked, touching the tip of my nose.

  “Well, she called you an asshole, and I called her boyfriend a whore. I guess we’re pretty equal.”

  “And both of you are correct,” he shrugged one shoulder, still smiling down at me.

  “So you won’t punish her?”

  “No. Not unless you would like me to. We have a reservation to make and I’d rather not be late. The owner gets pissy if I take my time.”

  “But you’re the prince!” I laughed, being only partially sarcastic.

  “Yes I am. But even I am not immune to the petty attitudes of the daywalkers. They only recognize my power begrudgingly because I am stronger than them.”

  “Ok. I’ll hurry then.”

  “Don’t let me interrupt your preparations,” he said, standing and settling back on the settee.

  One ankle was propped on his knee and he leaned back, his arms up, hands clasped behind his head.

  “I’m ready. Proceed.”

  I turned to him and saw the playful expression on his face.

  Playful? I’d never seen him be anything like that before.

  “And what, I’m supposed to put on a show for you?”

  “If you wish,” he said, one side of his lips turning up into a smirk.

  My insides burst into a fit of butterflies as I considered it.

  I didn’t have a lot of confidence, but Calix seemed to appreciate, even like, my body. It would be fun, and maybe he would loosen up a little.

  I went quickly to the closet and found an unused thong, slipped it on under my towel, then looked in the mirror. I was makeupless, as was usual, but my skin looked clear and bright and my hair, though wet, was wavy and soft.

  I could do this. Wrapping up in my towel again, I left the closet. Calix was still sitting the same way, his eyes closed, but I knew he was awake because his chest moved up and down with breath.

  “Ok, I’m ready,” I told him and he opened his eyes a little.

  He looked confused as he shifted, looking at me fully.

  “You want to leave like that?”

  “I never said I was ready to leave.” I grinned at him in what I hoped was a seductive smile.

  His expression was still puzzled but he looked like he was trying to figure out what I was doing.

  Taking a deep breath, I made house music noises like I imagined they’d have at a strip joint and wiggled the edge of the towel upwards. He still looked perplexed until I started moving my hips in a rather poor figure-eight pattern. Immediately his puzzled face broke into a grin and he settled in further, like he was getting comfortable to enjoy the entertainment.

  I laughed softly, feeling like a dork and more than a little self conscious, but he encouraged me.

  “Well done, Lily. But you’re wearing too much.”

  I smiled at him and turned quickly, bending my knees with the figure-eight pattern as I unfolded the knot at my chest, opening the towel. He didn’t get a peek at anything and it felt good to tease him a little.

  Sawing the towel back and forth along my back, it lowered to my hips where I re-tied it, still swaying my hips but side to side this time. I swept my thick, wavy hair over my shoulders to cover my breasts and turned again, still only my stomach showing this time.

  He still sat back, but only one hand was behind his head now. The other was down, arm resting on his thigh as he stroked himself slowly to the movements of my hips.

  The sight had me tingling all over and I wanted to do even better, be more seductive.

  I wracked my brain, a little frustrated that I had so little experience, but I just decided to use one of my best assets.

  Pun intended.

  Sucking up my embarrassment, I wiggled my hips for a minute, no doubt giving little glimpses of my breasts through the separations in my damp hair. And when I shimmied my way to facing away from him again, I unfolded the towel and spread it open, waving it back and forth before dropping it and revealing the thong I’d pulled on.

  I thought I heard him hum in appreciation but I didn’t turn around to find out. I continued swaying, stretching my arms over my head and moving just a little so he could catch a glimpse of my side and breast. Another minute and I was ready to move on to part two of my plan. Brushing the hair back over my chest I turned and strode toward him with as much confidence as I could muster.

  His legs spread as I got closer, hand lifting away from behind his head as he got ready to receive me.

  When I got to him, I straddled first one leg, then the other before rolling my body. His hands instantly reached up to touch, planting themselves around my ribs, drawing me closer.

  I rolled again and he let go with one hand, sweeping my hair over my shoulder while leaning forward to take in a breast, feasting for just a second before I pulled away from him and got back on my feet.

  Calix growled and I could see the lust in his eyes as I moved, turning and wiggling my hips and butt directly in his face. I took a deep breath and dove down, fingers touching the floor. His hands caressed each cheek before I felt something sharp. Shrieking I looked over my shoulder and he was grinning.

  “I needed a bite,”
was all he said as he kneaded my ass again.

  “Get permission first, bat boy,” I sassed back and he chuckled, squeezing again and moaning softly.

  “Brava Theá, but you’re still wearing too much. ”

  Standing straight again, I turned and straddled his lap, perching squarely on his crotch before settling my hands on his shoulders.

  “Is that so?” I hummed, shimmying against his hips, my feet giving me traction on the ground. “You better fix that then.”

  Not even a split second later the thong around my hips was shredded fabric in his fingers.

  I giggled and pressed forward again, breasts pressing against his face.

  “I’d like to die like this,” he murmured, his mouth full of me.

  “Said every guy ever who ever existed,” I laughed.

  “Entrenched in their lover’s body? I imagine you’re right.”

  I giggled before grinding down on his hips with my butt.

  He grunted at the pressure.

  “It’s a dangerous game you’re playing, Theá.”

  “I don’t know. I’m quite enjoying myself, thank you.”

  “But it’s a game two can play,” he murmured, our eyes meeting as he thrust his hips up.

  I squealed at the intrusion of his thrust, barely lifting my toes off the floor so I was pretty helpless in his lap.

  “No fair!” I pouted, but trying to be mad at him with his erection pressing against me was pretty hard. “I get to be in control.”

  “So it’s control you seek?” he asked, releasing the pressure so I dropped in his lap an inch or two. “Is that what this is about?”

  “No. I want power over you, yes. But this was about getting you to loosen up. And it sounded like fun in my head.”

  “Loosen up?” he repeated. “I’m too uptight for you?”

  “You walk around with a constant stick up your ass, Calix. That’s nothing new to anybody.”

  He rolled his eyes but smiled.

  “And it won’t change. But I will try when I am around you, if it means that much to you.”

  “Calix?” I breathed into his ear.

  “Yes, Theá?”

  “Shut up and fuck me.”

  “As you wish, my goddess,” he breathed back and pushed me off his lap.

  I squeaked a protest until I saw his hands at the button and zipper of his trousers. I pouted and waited until they were down before crawling back on top of him, grinding down on his impressive erection. Eventually I gave up on teasing him and sank onto him. Gasping, I ground down, moving my hips in the way that felt the best as the same pleased sounds came from him.

  I rode slowly for a minute until he shifted, moving his legs higher so I slid further into his lap, making him go deeper.

  “Keep moving, or I’ll be forced to take matters into my own hands,” he said against my lips before kissing me.

  I had to break the kiss to breathe, but other then that our mouths were sealed together, hips gyrating and bodies sliding together. My nipples were painfully puckered and shot a bolt of electricity through me every time his fingers would brush by them. Quickly I hurtled toward my peak, heat climbing through my belly until my body was one pulsating mess. He was right behind me, falling too until we were a still tumble of bodies and breath and pleasure.

  “I might let you take charge more often,” he said finally and I laughed.

  “Oh you’ll let me, huh?” I asked and he grinned.

  A few seconds later and we detangled.

  “I need to clean up,” I told him, managing to get back onto my feet. “You leave a mess behind.”

  He shot out a laugh.

  “You’re the first to complain.”

  “You ever had a consistent lover this long before?” I looked at him pointedly.

  His smile melted.

  “Once,” he agreed.

  Of course. His first mate. I was an idiot.

  I climbed back into his lap and pressed my hands to his cheeks.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to say something so insensitive.”

  “It’s fact. Fact has no feelings or sensitivities.”

  “Yeah, but I do. And you do.”

  “I’ve trained most of mine away.” He shrugged but I could see the sadness in his eyes.

  “Will you tell me about her?” I asked him gently. “She must have been awesome for you to fall in love with her.”

  He nodded sharply.

  “She was. She was not unlike you. Though you are far more headstrong and bothersome.”

  Giving me a gentle smile he reached up and took a bit of my hair, rolling it between his fingers.

  “She was blonde. Brown eyes and the face of a cherub. She wasn’t particularly beautiful; not like you. But she was the most genuine person you’d ever meet. She said what she meant and she meant everything she said. It was her motto.”

  “You miss her?” I asked stupidly, feeling my heart bleeding for him.

  “Every day.” He nodded. “Though not as much as of late. You distract me from the memories.”

  “Is that a good thing?”

  “It is a precious thing,” he told me. “Being immortal you learn that pain is immortal as well. My being had become the hurt, the anger. It was all I knew until you stood up to that nightwalker in the parking lot.”

  “Do you regret finding me? Do you wish I was more like her?”

  He shook his head.

  “I think if you were more like her it would be even more painful. I like that you are bold and fearless and sassy.” He smiled. “And you’re spirited. I almost forgot what it was like to be stood up to until you came to me.”

  “Well if you need to be knocked off your pedestal, I’m your girl.”

  He chuckled and pressed a kiss to my forehead.

  “Good. Now go finish. We’re in for passive-aggressive service tonight already.”

  Laughing, I scooted off his lap and got my towel as I headed to the bathroom.

  Jumping in the shower I cleaned off again before pulling a dress on. I put some lipstick and mascara on my face before slipping on high heels.

  “I like you better in black than white,” Calix said as I met him in the bedroom again.

  “Me too,” I nodded. “The idea of being a servant didn’t sit well with me.”

  “You never will be,” he promised, standing before he took my hand and led me to the door.

  We went through the large wooden door and out into the night, the moon already up high and no stars showed up through the city lights. A big limo waited outside the door and we crawled in, getting comfortable. Petrick got into the front seat with the driver before we pulled out, heading into the city.

  “Can I roll the window down?” I asked him. “It’s been so long since I’ve breathed fresh air.”

  He nodded at me and I stabbed my finger down on the window button, watching it slide down slowly as the smells of the city assaulted me with familiarity.

  “Sometimes all this just seems like a dream,” I murmured. “I’ve been in that room for so long, it seems like my entire life now.”

  “You understand it is for your safety, yes?” he asked me, pressing his hand on top of mine.

  “What are you trying to protect me from inside the castle?”

  “From everything. There are dangers everywhere. The only way I can guarantee your protection is to keep you locked away or in my presence.”

  “Is that why I spend the evenings with you, in your office?”

  He nodded slowly.

  “It started that way. Now I just like having you around.”

  He looked at me and our eyes met. We smiled.

  It was almost like a cheesy teen movie. How that happened with a thousand year old man, I didn’t know. Maybe romance was all the same. Cheesy to everyone but the ones involved.

  The limo was silent until we arrived. Calix slid out first and put his hand out to me, and for the first time, it didn’t feel like a leash.

  Taking his ha
nd, he pulled me out before leading me into the building.

  “Prince Calix,” a swarthy looking man at a host’s stand greeted us upon sight. “What a pleasure for you to grace us with your presence this evening, Sire.”

  “I’m sure,” was Calix’s response to the cloaked but almost rude greeting.

  “We have your table ready, as you’ve requested.” He motioned with his hand for us to enter the restaurant.

  Calix and I followed down a set of stairs and into the basement that was even fancier than the top floor.

  “Your table, sire,” the man said, bowing stiffly at the waist.

  The man moved around the table to help me sit but Calix met his eyes and gave such a severe look that the man removed his hands from the chair and took a step back.

  “How about a drink before dinner, Lily?” Calix asked me, ignoring the man now, putting his hand out again for me to take.

  I did. Instantly.

  We went to the bar and the counter cleared as Calix approached. The bartender was quickly in front of us, almost nervously taking our order.

  “What would you like, Agápi?”

  “Um. Wine?”

  He nodded at me before turning to the bartender.

  “Red or white?” the bartender asked quickly.

  “Uh, white?” I frowned.

  I had no experience with alcohol either.

  “Immediately, Mistress,” the man said and Calix almost gave a smirk.

  “A ration-red,” Calix told him and he was off at the speed of light.

  When he got back a couple minutes later he set down a glass of white wine and a red drink that looked like blood.

  We drifted away from the bar when I asked, “What’s in that thing?”

  “Alcohol. Lots of it. And some blood; to make it palatable.”

  “Plan on getting drunk?” I bounced my eyebrows at him.

  He smiled faintly.

  “If only I could. This will barely give me a buzz. And only for a short time.”

  “Right. Healing abilities. You digest alcohol really fast.”

  He held his glass up in the affirmative.

  “Yamas, My little flower,” he said, looking into my eyes.

  The nickname hit me straight in my gut and I started tingling all over again.

  His lips twitched in an almost smile before he brought his glass to his lips.

  I took a sip of my wine, letting the fruity flavor coat my tongue as my eyes wandered around the lush room.


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