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Immersion: Bloodlust Series Book 2

Page 26

by L. L. Ash

  He took a deep breath, squeezing my hand before continuing.

  “Plans have already been made and are being implemented. Our losses will not remain unjustified. Soon we will be the only royals and we will not make another pact with the Dorians. Their race will be lost from the earth.”

  “Hail King Calix,” Leon suddenly roared and the crowd around us all fell to their knees.

  “Hail King Calix!” they repeated.

  That quickly Calix started moving back through the crowd as they kept chanting.

  Leaving the room, Calix swept me up and we sped back up the stairs and stopped only when we reached his office. He settled me in my chair before landing in his with a thud.

  “What are you thinking?” I asked him.

  I could see the wheels turning in his head.

  “That was...overwhelming.”

  I nodded and leaned forward, taking his hand.

  “You can do this,” I told him and he looked me in the eyes.

  “Thank you, Lily,” he gave me a faint smile before letting my hand go. “Tonight will be a long one. I suggest you sleep, Agápi Mou. If not for yourself, rest for the baby.”

  I pressed my palm over my stomach and looked there for a while.

  “I’ll rest here,” I told him, settling back in my chair. “If I get uncomfortable I’ll go to our bed.”

  “That’s fair,” he said, standing and moving toward me. “Sleep well.”

  He kissed my face then my lips before producing a blanket from over the edge of the chair. Wrapping it around me, he planted one last kiss on me before going to his seat.

  It was silent and I watched him through heavy eyes as he worked, writing on a tablet in front of him. The rhythmic tapping soon had me asleep.

  Chapter Eighteen

  “My king,” a quiet voice echoed through the office.

  “Not now,” Calix said in a harsh whisper. “The queen sleeps.”

  “It is Jared, my Lord. He says it is an emergency.”

  “I’m awake,” I said groggily, sitting up and wiping the sleep sand out of my eyes.

  Calix growled in his throat then waved his arm to allow Jared into the room.

  He came in, going immediately to his knees.

  “My Lord,” he said in a voice that fairly shook. “It is an honor...”

  “What is it, Jared?” Calix asked, dispensing with the formalities.

  “The girl. The girl who can change, Addie. She has been taken and will likely be killed.”

  “And why is no one helping her?”

  “The daywalkers are too scared to help. Her boyfriend has done what he can. My sources say he will be attacking tonight to retrieve her.”

  “So let him save her. What has this to do with me?”

  “It is only three vampires, sire. They will fail and all die.”

  “Again—” Calix started but I pressed my hand on his arm, standing beside him.

  “Please…” I looked at him.

  “As my queen wishes. I’ll deal with the kariolis myself. One less man devoted to the Dorians.”

  Jared looked incredibly relieved. He sighed, getting to his feet again,

  “Thank you, my King. Thank you.”

  “Where are they being held?”

  “The Manor,”

  “Of course. Now leave.”

  He practically flew out the door as Thomas closed it behind him.

  “Sleep, love,” Calix told me, motioning me back to my seat. “I’ll wake you come dark.”

  I nodded and snuggled into my seat as Calix gave Thomas orders to have a contingent of vampires ready to save the damsel in distress.

  “My Agápi… Wake up.”

  “Hmm?” my voice grated as I opened my eyes.

  “It’s time to leave soon. Would you like to stay here instead of come with me?”

  “I’m coming with you.” I yawned. “Do I have time for a shower?”

  “If you make it quick, I’ll make time.”

  He helped me up and followed me to the bedroom. He smelled fresh like he’d already showered and his casual clothes were exchanged for a sharp, expensive looking suit. A skinny black tie hung down his neck into the black lapels of his jacket, standing out starkly against his pristine white shirt.

  “Do you need help?” he called as I peeled off my clothes in the bathroom.

  “Not if we’re supposed to get out of here quick!”

  I heard him chuckle as I turned the water on.

  Quick showers were a specialty of mine, so I hurried and used soap on the important spots, rinsed off, then dried in less than a half dozen minutes.

  Rearranging my hair, I piled it on top of my head artfully but quickly then went to the closet to find some clothes.

  “I’ve already picked it out for you,” Calix called to me from the bedroom.

  U-turning, I went to the bedroom instead to find a black silk something spread out on the bed.

  “That looks like lingerie.” I grimaced.

  “It does not.” He rolled his eyes.

  I picked it up by the little spaghetti straps and took in the black silk romper. It’s V-neck plunged toward the stomach and the triangles that were supposed to hold my breasts were pitiful. It was reminiscent of my silk dress but with a whole lot less fabric.

  “You forgot bra and panties,” I told him, putting the romper down.

  “I did not.” He folded his arms across his chest.

  “Well where are they?” I folded mine as well, trying not to think about the fact that I was naked.

  “Just because I remembered them doesn’t mean I got any. You don’t need them.”

  I scoffed.

  “Put it on, Lily.” He used his no-nonsense voice.

  So, I obeyed.

  The thing fit like a glove, gliding over every single curve. The shorts were just long enough so I wasn’t showing stuff when I crouched or bent over, but the top was...revealing. It covered my breasts fine until my arms started moving. Little curves of cleavage showed here and there, and boy was there nipple tenting. Plus the back was gone so there was no support there either.

  “I feel like a hooker,” I told him.

  “You don’t look like a hooker.” He smirked.

  “You really want me to wear this to a meeting with the president?”

  “Why not?”

  “Cause it’s kinda showing my boobs.”

  “And?” He winked at me, moving toward the door.

  I whined but snatched up some mascara and lipstick really quick before following him out, my high heels in his hands.

  “Let’s go!” Calix called as he strode toward the door.

  A line of men and women alike followed us out the door, including my guards. We all filed into a line of cars waiting in the cemetery. You’d think a line of four cars would be noticed, but it was so dark, nobody saw us.

  When we reached the top of the stairs Calix scooped me up, heels still in his hands until he placed me in the limo.

  “One stop to make, per your request,” he told me, handing me the shoes. “Then the meeting.”

  “Will I get to meet her?” I asked.

  “No,” he said, scooting in next to me. “You’ll be waiting in the car.”

  Dragging his finger down my exposed arm, he smirked, lust heating his eyes.

  “Wouldn’t want to get bloodstains on this outfit. Then I’d have to take it off you.”

  “You would absolutely love that.” I fake scowled at him.

  “Oh, I absolutely would,” he agreed, dipping his head down and capturing my lips with his.

  His kiss was firm and demanding but he never took it further. Just kept kissing me and kissing me. When the car stopped, he left a little lick to my lips before backing away, opening his door.

  “I’ll be back soon. Stay here. I’ll leave some men behind for you.”

  With that he was gone and the door was shut and locked behind him. Since I had some extra time, I turned on an overhead light, and appli
ed my makeup in a little mirror stored in the drybar in the limo.

  Mascara on and lipstick in place, I proceeded to wait.

  It wasn’t too long before I saw them coming back to the cars.

  Calix got in and did a double take at me.

  “You’ve been busy,” he told me with a smile.

  “I have. And so have you if the blood on you says anything.”

  He huffed.

  “The bastard had to bleed on me and defy me even in death.”

  He lifted a lip in distaste before moving his jacket off his shoulders.

  I helped him undress out of the bloodied shirt before cleaning his hands and face and neck of the splatters.

  It disturbed me a little that I cleaned up blood so easily these days. But the fact that my mate had just killed at least one someone didn’t bother me; that disturbed me more.

  When he was clean I helped him into his new white shirt, conveniently stored in the limo, probably for cases like this, and helped him pull on his tie and jacket again.

  “Very suitable,” I nodded at him and he tweaked an eyebrow up.

  “Yes. I meant the pun,” I told him and he smiled, shaking his head in exasperation.

  “I love you, my little flower goddess,” he told me, taking my hand and sitting back for the rest of the drive.

  “Whatever happens tonight… Don’t let it scare you, Lily. These men are powerful and they occasionally require a reminder of who is the master and who is the slave. No matter what happens, what they say or I say, keep a neutral face. Nothing phases you on the outside. When it is over we will discuss it, but when we are with them… You are steel.”

  “I get it.” I nodded at him and he squeezed my hand in his.

  “There will be many times when you will want to cry or you will be disgusted or scared. You are a queen now, Lily. Until you can learn to remain unstricken we will need to be careful where you go and with whom.”

  “Is that why you wear that mask sometimes? I call it your mask of indifference.”

  He nodded slowly.

  “We learned this a long time ago. When you are royal, you are put under the spotlight. The humans don’t know much about us, but the vampires see us as their leaders.”

  “I’ll do my best,” I promised and he smiled gently, kissing me until I burst out laughing.

  “Is it a good shade for me?” he asked with a straight face and I burst out even harder.

  He’d made a joke. An actual joke, made at his own expense.

  How I love this man.

  I wiped my lipstick from his lips with my thumb just as the car stopped again. The bright lights of the Marriott hotel beamed in from the window and my stomach swirled in anticipation. I was going to meet the president of the United States.

  The door opened curbside and I slid out onto the sidewalk, the cool night breeze flowing up my legs and into my silk romper, playing with the sensitive skin underneath.

  “Let’s go.” Calix took my hand and led me into the swanky hotel.

  He didn’t even stop at the reception when the attendant called out to him. Calix Spiro Drakos walked into that building like he owned it. Who knew? Maybe he did.

  His entourage of eight followed us in, all walking with purpose and it was intimidating as hell. I was just glad I was the one on his elbow and not a bystander.

  We went down the stairs instead of the elevator, going into a basement level where a large steel door sat open. Security flanked it but immediately dropped to their knees at the sight of Calix.

  “I take it the president has arrived?” Calix asked with sarcasm.

  One of the men with a wire poking out of his ear half rolled his eyes and nodded.

  “He is, sir.”

  “Good. Come inside and lock it up. If someone is not here yet, they can go ahead and fuck themselves.”

  The man smirked and nodded, moving aside so we could enter.

  I felt his eyes on my skin as we breezed by. It was a little disconcerting.

  Once we were in what looked like a bunker-style conference room, Calix looked around the room.

  “Everyone is here, yes?” he asked.

  The man who stood was the only one I recognized. Mr. President.

  “We’re all here, Drakos. Now, what is so Goddamn important you made us all rush down here?”

  Calix’s eyes narrowed.

  “What is so Goddamn important?” he repeated in a friendly tone, pulling out a chair from the table before taking my hand and gently depositing me in it.

  He stood behind me for just a moment before clasping his hands behind his back.

  “Have you heard what has happened in the last week?” he asked the room in general.

  “What?” one of the senators asked.

  “There were attacks against all the Drakos sanctuaries. One night. All around the world.”

  “And?” the president asked.

  “And? My father was killed.”

  The room hushed.

  “So another king has been chosen?” another asked in a shaky voice.

  “There has. I am the king. I am your king. And what is so Goddamn important...” Calix said, his voice raising as he planted his fists on the table, glaring daggers at the president, “Is that I call and you answer. I fucking own you. If you use that tone with me again I will have you replaced before you take your next piss.”

  The president looked angry but he remained silent.

  “Now,” Calix’s voice was personable again. “I’ve called you here, along with the good general because I have initiated Section 12.”

  Murmurs spread through the room.

  “The Dorian will all die before the new moon rises. I am just a nice enough person as to inform you as to what to expect in your regions. Similar meetings will be held with other world authorities.”

  “What is Section 12?” one of the men asked, looking around at the shocked faces around the room.

  Calix sighed patronizingly at the man.

  “I forget your name. You’re new, yes?”

  “I was just voted in in November.”

  “Thomas, would you fill the man in?” he said in an exasperated tone as he plopped on a chair at the table.

  I felt a presence around me and looked up. The men that I had to assume were secret service agents were gathered around me. The one who had looked at me earlier caught my eyes and he smirked, his eyes flashing ice blue as he winked, then it was gone and he was facing forward again.


  “Section 12,” Thomas started as if he were talking to a child. “We’ve been training men for our purpose for decades. They are an assembly of night and day walkers. An assassin’s team, for your simpler minds.”

  “And what, you’re just going to assassinate them all?” the president demanded.

  “Every last motherfucking one of them,” Calix growled at him. “Do you have a problem with that, Kevin?”

  The entire room took a breath and held it. Looking between the two alpha males, tension began to become palpable.

  “The blood suckers have held onto power for far too long!” Kevin, the president, finally roared, “This is a free country and we are the most powerful government in the world! You and your brooding and your castles are none of our business! Fight them yourselves, you little leech!”

  A collective gasp filled the room as Calix stood ramrod straight. A moment passed, then two as everyone looked at each other, wondering what was going to happen. Call it predictability or maybe our mate’s bond, but I knew what was coming long before the other humans.

  Calix unbuttoned his jacket one button after the other, slowly. He slid it down his arms and turned, resting it across my lap.

  “Hold this for me, will you, darling?” he asked rhetorically.

  He took one step toward Kevin, unlatching his cufflinks and pocketing them.

  “So it’s a good ‘ol fistfight for us, huh?” Kevin rolled his eyes. “The almighty king of the vampires wants to fight?” />
  Calix raised an eyebrow, his face looking amused.

  “No. I don’t fistfight, Kevin. Besides. You’re just a human. I’d destroy you with one punch.”

  “You talk a fucking lot. You know that?” he asked my mate.

  “It’s never been a problem,” Calix shrugged, rolling up his sleeves as he took another couple steps.

  By now the president was backing up as Calix got closer.

  “So you’re going to intimidate me?” He looked scared now. “Play your big macho...”

  He never got a chance to finish his sentence.

  Calix’s hand was suddenly inside his chest cavity. Kevin looked surprised before his body slackened and he fell to the floor, leaving his still-spasming heart in Calix’s hand.

  I clenched my jaw, remembering what Calix had said. No emotion. No crying.

  “Now,” Calix placed the heart on the table as it frantically beat, and then stopped. “Kevin didn’t appreciate what I’ve done for him. The power went to his head and he decided his own fate when he defied me. You need not worry about a similar fate if you do as I ask. And I rarely ask for anything. So there’s that.”

  Every eye was on him. Wide. Horrified.

  I attempted the most neutral face I could as the men heaved for breath to calm themselves.

  “Th...That was the...president...” the young senator said with a still trembling voice.

  “It was,” Calix nodded. “But it looks like Franklin is in charge now. Aren’t you?”

  The man’s mouth was flopping like a fish as he looked at his president, dead and bleeding on the ground.

  “How the hell are we supposed to explain this?” he suddenly burst out.

  “A freak car accident. Isn’t that how you like to cover things up?” Calix rolled his eyes. “Why am I doing all the thinking for you. That’s why I let you hold these positions.”

  “Let?” the young one asked in a whisper as the other men murmured amongst themselves.

  “Will I have any other defectors?” Calix asked them all, looking into each man’s eyes as he spoke.

  “No,” they all chimed quickly.

  “Good. Now General. What do you need from my senators?”

  I hadn’t even noticed him, but a tall, broad man approached the table with a swaggering stride, as if the display hadn’t affected him at all.


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