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The Naked Goth Girl: The Complete Series

Page 3

by E Ashford

  She said not a word as they worked together. Jake could see her chest rising and falling though, her legs sometimes giving a little twitch. He seemed to know instinctively what this meant, and moved his fingers more quickly with the pace of her breathing. As he did so, she began to arch her back slightly, raising her hips from the ground to push his hand deeper inside her. Her toes curled into the wet ground, her muscles tensed, and in one enormous spasm she came, wave upon wave taking her as she bucked with abandon now and her step-brother tried to keep his hand in place. As she came, she imagined the stranger standing in the forest nearby, watching her let her own brother finger fuck her, and the thought only drove her on, pushing her to the extreme of ecstasy until her body felt totally limp and she lay back on the grass. Jake only sat very still, looking at his step-sister and for once in his life, saying nothing.

  She lay there in the sun for a time. When at last she had gathered energy again she could feel her brother’s eyes on her, wondering what he should do next. She realized it was up to her to show him the next move, and once again, she felt a little thrill knowing that she was in charge. As he sat there, she scooted herself so she was behind him; she hugged him around the shoulders, kissing his neck and allowing her tongue to trace up and down it. His body shivered as she did this, and his mouth let out a soft “oh.” This was far from all she had in mind, though. From behind, she bent him over, keeping her hands on his, her breasts pressed to his back, their legs together, moving him one body part at a time. At length they were on hands and knees, one over the other, almost like wrestlers. Lisa stood up then, keeping one hand firmly on his back so he would stay put in position. He looked back over his shoulder once, to see what she was doing, but then obediently put his head down and remained still.

  Kneeling down behind him so that she was again on all fours, she reached down between his legs, pulled his penis back through and bending down, put it in her mouth. She closed her eyes and slowly moved her lips all the way down him, easily fitting all of him into her mouth. She encircled him with her tongue and then slowly pulled her head back, moving him out of her mouth and through the loop her tongue had made. His torso convulsed involuntarily backwards into her face, but he steadied himself, and despite his quick breathing tried to remain still. From her angle, she could see his balls hanging above the shaft and she cupped them in her left hand as her right hand held the small shaft and moved slowly back and forth over its length. She took him into her mouth again, only just the head this time, sucking gently.

  This was no man’s penis, merely a boy’s, she thought, and she treated it almost like a toy, teasing playfully and easily taking his head to the back of her throat before popping him back out and inspecting the glistening thing.

  When she tasted the salty precome, she changed tactics. She was going to make him understand just how amazing truly nasty sex could be. She was going to make of her step-brother a raging, uncontrollable sex addict, a fitting partner in his sister’s rebellion against strict rules and overprotective parents. Tucking his penis back so that it faced the right way round now, she bent more at the neck and moved herself closer to him. Her right hand reached between his legs so that the whole of him was in her hand alternately massaging his sack with her palm and grasping the shaft firmly or teasing the head. Even as she continued to stroke him, her face moved down to his balls, which now hung just below the hole of his ass, rubbing her cheek gently against them back and forth, now licking them with the tip of her tongue, now holding the sack in her mouth.

  Still never having made a comment in all this time, and truthfully not even thinking about what she did, she let his balls fall from her mouth and abruptly thrust her tongue into his ass. He was clearly shocked when she did so, and reflexively tightened the muscles there so that she was only licking crack. She held his penis firmly around the shaft though and made sure he remained in place. And after a moment, like a frightened animal being soothed, he finally relaxed and even arched his back a little to allow her access.

  Once he had relaxed she began to work him in earnest. Her hand moved up and down the shaft now, jerking him off faster and faster. At the same time, her tongue flicked lightly over his balls, licked the sensitive spot just behind them, and pushed deep inside him. She repeated this process several times, as he began to rock back and forth on his knees, fucking her hand with one thrust, and her mouth with the other. It took only seconds before he cried out, almost stood up on his feet even while keeping his hands on the ground. Just as he began to do so, Lisa flung herself on the ground, rolled over on her back, and wormed her way between his legs so that her face was just below his groin. Reaching up, she guided him into her mouth, taking the whole of him and running her tongue up and down the underside of his cock as she sucked. Her hand cupped his balls and then she moved a finger up inside of his ass.

  He all but fell on top of her, hiding her now, his thighs tightly around her head. And then he began to come in spurts, gobs of white sperm shooting into her mouth. She held them there as he continued to spasm, licking the come around the head as he did so, sending him into yet greater waves of orgasm. After two minutes of this, these wave began to come more slowly, and she swallowed then, feeling the warm liquid go down her throat and one last shudder as he fell, exhausted beside her.

  They said not a word to one another as they both slid their bathing suits back on. Nor did they speak on the way back to camp. And Jake remained curiously quiet throughout dinner and the rest of the evening.

  Part 3: The Naked Goth Girl Goes Picnicking

  Lisa was startled awake by the sound of the zipper of her tent. Her younger sister Kelli lay still, her steady breathing making it clear that she was still asleep. The male figure of her step-father knelt in the entranceway and moved slowly on hands and knees inside, until he lay beside her. His hot breath was on her neck and then his voice, a hoarse whisper was in her ear.

  “I don’t know what you’ve done to Jake, but I warned you what would happen if you challenged my authority again. When I find out what’s going on, you’ll find yourself out on the streets.” He lay there for thirty seconds more, just breathing into her ear. It was shallow and ragged, and she could feel his rage. Then, awkwardly, he slithered back out of the tent. Kelli turned over in her sleep, the whole thing having become part of whatever dream she was having, but Lisa lay perfectly flat staring up into the darkness of their tent. She did worry if seducing her step-brother that afternoon at the lake had been a step too far. At the time all she’d wanted to do in the world was defy her step-father and turn his son against him. But now that she was back at camp, she wondered if the repercussions might be more than she could handle.


  In the morning, Jake was more like himself, talking a mile a minute about whatever happened to be momentarily passing through whatever passed as that scrambled male brain of his. Unlike most mornings, though, there seemed to be a reoccurring theme to his ramblings today. He moved periodically from one parent to the other, and whatever he happened to be talking about, at length he would mention that he wanted to visit the lake again today: “Man, it’s really hot today, isn’t it, Mom? Way hotter than yesterday. I wonder what the record is for this time of June. I’ve just got to get back over to the lake today. On a day like this, I think the lake is the best place. I feel like I almost need sun screen here in the shade it’s so hot. Where’s the sunscreen, Mom? Can I put some on? Can we go over to the lake again today?” and on and on.

  Kelli meanwhile had been given a break from chores today, and had taken the opportunity to resume pestering her sister. Despite how close they were in age, Kelli always seemed to look up to Lisa. It was embarrassing – annoying really. Since breakfast she’d been following Lisa around as she collected more firewood, just silently staring at her sister, but following almost step for step in her footsteps. Lisa had sighed loudly about it, but in the end had tried her best to ignore Kelli’s misplaced adoration.

  After lunch, her father ha
d announced that he was heading into the local town to pick up a few supplies. When he had driven away, Jake began to ask his mother in earnest about the lake. He knew instinctively that she was the easier, more malleable target. “I’m not sure,” their mother had begun vaguely, “I think your dad wanted you to stay around the campsite.” But within five minutes he had managed to convince her that he might die of heatstroke if he couldn’t get wet and she’d relented.

  So it was that Jake and Lisa set off down the road again towards the lake, this time with dopey Kelli trailing along behind them, doing her best imitation of Lisa’s walk. Jake had grown quiet again, only occasionally glancing sideways at Lisa questioningly, apparently willing to follow whatever lead she might decide to take. And Lisa herself said little, only walked confidently along the side of the dusty campground roads. At length, they came to a fork in the road, and rather than turn left towards the lake, Lisa turned right. Jake stopped for a moment and watched her continue on, but in the end he followed her doing a little kind of skip-run to catch up.

  “Where are we going?” he asked, when they came to the next turn and Lisa just kept on walking.

  “Somewhere,” Lisa replied and then went silent.

  “Somewhere,” Kelli said behind her.

  “What did you say?” Lisa asked without turning around or stopping.

  “What did you say?” Kelli repeated doing her best imitation of Lisa’s husky voice.

  Lisa just sighed and walked on, but behind her she heard a dead ringer echoing sigh from Kelli.

  As before, Lisa wasn’t entirely sure of where she was. She recognized some things, and felt sure she was getting close to the stranger’s campsite; the air just seemed to feel different. But at other moments nothing seemed to look familiar, and all she could do was walk forward. It had been a long time on the road, though, and they had been on stretches lately where there seemed to be no shade. So when she came to an empty campsite near a water fountain, she made the decision to stop for a few minutes and rest. They all had a long drink, and then collapsed onto a picnic table in the shade, all three sitting on the table itself with their legs dangling off. Kelli was careful to position her legs exactly as her sister did, the right ankle crossed over the left.

  They had been sitting this way for ten minutes, saying little, and Lisa had decided it was time to move on, when she felt Jake’s fingers brush her own beside her. She realized that he’d been edging his hand ever closer to hers, like a schoolboy with a first crush. At his initial touch, she had flinched, not expecting it, and Kelli looked over to see what had happened. When she put her hand back down, she put it near enough to Jake’s so that he knew it was ok, and he put his hand over hers, interlacing their fingers. Lisa continued to look straight ahead, but she gave his hand a reassuring squeeze and felt him relax.

  In the meantime, Kelli could not stand not knowing what was happening, and hopped down from her place on the table. When she saw her step-brother and sister holding hands, she immediately scrambled up on the other side of Jake and tried to grab his hand. The boy was uninterested in her attentions, and tried to hide his hand behind his back, but Kelli just squealed and tried harder to dig it out. At another squeeze from Lisa’s hand, and a quick glance from her, he relented and gave Kelli his hand.

  “Are you copying me?” Lisa asked then.

  “Are you copying me?” Kelli repeated.

  “Are you sure you want to do that?”

  “Are you sure you want to do that?”

  “I mean it.”

  “I mean it.”

  Lisa turned, then, and put a soft, gentle kiss on her step-brother’s cheek, and then as though nothing had happened, turned back to face the woods. Kelli stared for a moment at her sister, but then straining up so that she could reach her brother’s face, kissed his cheek too, though with somewhat less grace. Lisa waited for thirty seconds, then turned back to her brother, and using her hand, gently turned his face towards hers. She kissed him deeply then on the mouth, parting her own lips and allowing his tongue to slide gently into hers so that their wet tongues met and twisted together. When she broke the kiss, Kelli was staring at the two of them with her mouth agape. It wasn’t at all clear that she was going to copy her sister this time. So Lisa gently pushed her brother’s face towards Kelli’s and led him down to her mouth. Kelli made no move, but she let her step-brother lean in and kiss her as he had Lisa. Her eyes remained wide open while he did so, but she dutifully opened her mouth and kissed.

  Lisa stood up abruptly and faced the picnic table. In a flash, Kelli was up and standing beside her. Lisa glanced at her sister and Kelli glanced back. She tapped her foot, and Kelli’s foot tapped as well. She looked up at the sky in seeming exasperation, and Kelli did as well. Finally, with a little shrug, she reached to her bathing suit straps and, as she had the day before, rolled the suit off her pale shoulders and down her body, finishing by standing naked facing Jake.

  Kelli had gaped and then outright laughed in her surprise and nervousness at this. She stared at her sister and then turned to stare at her brother wide-eyed, as though to get confirmation from him that her sister had somehow lost her wits entirely in the June sun. Jake, however, jumped up from his spot and rushed towards Lisa, hunger in his eyes.

  Then everything happened at once. Before Jake could paw her, Lisa straight-armed him like a running back, shoving him back, hard, onto the ground. He looked up at her shaken and confused. “It isn’t like that, Jake,” she said evenly, “I don’t belong to you.” As this happened, Kelli, standing beside her had shrugged out of her own suit, and now stood naked next to her sister, though she was doing her best to cover herself, one hand over her crotch and the other over her chest.

  And then, as if by magic, the stranger stepped out of the shadow of the trees into the light of the clearing.

  The effect of his appearance was immediate on Kelli and Jake. The younger girl gave a little gasp and knelt to the ground in an effort to hide herself even more completely. As she did so, Lisa had a moment to admire her sister’s body. It was true that Kelli had no breasts to speak of, but her hips had begun to spread into woman’s hips, and her butt, thighs and calves were nicely rounded. Her skin, much darker than Lisa’s because she was much more willing to lie around in the sun, was nevertheless soft and supple. Then the moment was passed and Lisa turned to face the stranger.

  At the same time, Jake began scrambling madly backwards until he was almost hidden in the shadows of the picnic table. A slight smile played over Lisa’s lips, both at the arrival of the stranger and at the effect his arrival had had on her siblings. He approached her and, bending to her, took her in his arms and kissed her deeply.

  When they broke the kiss, Lisa stood for a moment longer looking at him. He was taller than she had thought, only ever having seen him lying down in the darkness of the tent. His clothes were worn, but clean. His hair was shaggy, his beard ragged, but his blue eyes were piercingly clear. Lisa took a few steps over to where her sister still squatted and, kneeling, took the girl’s shaking hand. Kelli continued to quiver, but she stood up now, and even managed to keep her hands at her sides, allowing this dark man to look her up and down. Her dark hair was much longer than her sister’s, halfway down her back, but they had the same facial features, and the same hips, and the man gave an appreciative nod. Lisa led her back to the picnic table, underneath which Jake continued to peak out, terrified of what this stranger might do to him. Lisa climbed on the picnic table then, and sat with her legs splayed in front of the stranger who only looked calmly at her. As he watched, her hand played lightly between her legs, drawing his attention.

  Kelli watched her older sister for a moment, and then climbed onto the table as well and, her movements somewhat more shy, began to imitate her sister. Her own pussy was covered in soft dark downy fur, the lips small and puffy, but the stranger acknowledged her as well with a nod. Jake, too, had begun to edge out from under the table, watching closely what happened. “Come fuck your
sister,” Lisa said clearly, though her eyes remained locked with the stranger’s. Jake didn’t need to be told twice. He scooted out into the open and, standing, removed his trunks. Kelli looked closely at his little penis, but said nothing.

  The stranger too, unbuckled his belt and unzipped his jeans, moving towards Lisa. As he neared her, his hand reached down and pulled out his rock hard cock. Standing between Lisa’s legs, he stroked it, tickling her ass with the tip. Lisa reached beside her and took her little sister’s hand. “This is going to hurt at first,” she said softly, and squeezed. Kelli only whispered back, “ok,” never taking her eyes from between her step-brother’s legs.

  Lisa and the stranger turned then, to watch as Jake took his cock in his hand and guided it to his sister’s opening. She was small, and he had to work himself into her a bit at a time, and as he did so Kelli’s eyes grew wider and wider with wonder. Finally, though, it was clear that he had reached her hymen. Lisa leaned over and kissed her little sister lightly on the lips as Jake pushed the last bit and broke through completely into his sister. Kelli began to cry, but only a little. She made no move to escape from under her brother, and after a few seconds, even moved her legs so that they wrapped around his waist, a determined look on her face. Jake, for his part, began slowly to move his hips, pushing himself further in and then out as Kelli’s breathing began to come more easily and a little moan escaped her lips.


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