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Page 3

by Leigh Allen

  “What was that about?” I asked, even though I knew it was none of my business to pry.

  “Nothing, just a little disagreement about my little hunting vacation that I am taking,” Ace stated firmly. “With the attacks, they don’t want me going.”

  “Oh, well it didn’t look pleasant. I guess I understand why they don’t want you to go,” I added.

  “It wasn’t,” he admitted, looking back at the other man. His face was set in a dark, mask. “He doesn’t agree with my reason for taking the trip, but it’s my choice. I have to shift and hunt, if not it can get very dangerous for those around me. Plus, it becomes painful if I hold my animal inside for too long,” Ace finished. “I will see you soon. Please, just stay out of trouble and remain here at the Academy,” Ace said quickly, before disappearing.

  I pursed my lips and watched him walk away. I hated being ordered around like I was incapable of making my own decisions. I had to agree with the unknown man though, it seemed that leaving on vacation, or whatever it is that Ace is going to do right now, wasn’t the best idea. Despite the threat of Trackers, he was still too stubborn to listen to others. But, from what I was learning about Ace, he did what he wanted. I shook my head as I slid into a seat near the back of the room.

  Once everyone was seated, the professor began. “Good morning, students. I am Professor O’Connor and I will be your instructor this year. In this class, you will learn your usual subjects that you were learning in school, only each day we will begin with lessons to help you gain and control the magic within you.”

  As I listened, I opened the notebook on my desk and the pen that each student had been given to them and began jotting down notes as he talked. If I had to be here, I might as well be a good student.

  “As you know, each of you have been hand selected to attend the Woodsong Academy because of your ties and connections to the supernatural community. It is important to understand the history behind your ancestry and how to draw upon your powers for good,” he continued.

  A girl in the front of the class raised her hand with a sheepish smile on her face. “Excuse me, but are we going to talk about what happened last night?” she asked.

  It was the question swirling in all our minds, yet none of us had been brave enough to ask. I envied this girl.

  Nodding, Professor O'Connor gave a grim look to us all. “What happened last night was an absolute travesty. The supernatural Trackers have come for us on our land and it is up to us all to ensure they are stopped immediately. However, you all are far too young in your powers to defeat any dark powers,” he stated.

  He began to walk down the aisles, talking and capturing the attention of each of us as he strode past us.

  “We have to stop them!” I shouted. I could feel tears stinging my eyes. They had already brought too much death and destruction. How many more innocent lives would have to be taken before they would be stopped?

  Professor O'Connor regarded me carefully. His eyes bore into me, and I couldn’t help but feel like he was trying to read my thoughts. Was that even possible?

  “The Trackers are smart and counculated with their attacks. It will take more than just a battle to end them,” he concluded.

  Everyone in the room stared at me and I could tell they had all been thinking the same thing as me. I wondered why no one else was as angry as I was. Why did they just accept this?

  Anyway, I didn’t have much time to dwell on that thought because Professor Isaac’s went into a long history lesson about the first Fairies recorded in Italy. He held a small remote in his hand and clicked, and suddenly, the board behind him illuminated and images began displaying. Buildings in ruins, from what looked like a war or some other kind of destruction displayed before us.

  “This was where the first Fairies were recorded. They would hide in the woods and forests where they could be concealed. As they learned to fly and use their magic to make them small enough to be hidden, they were able to transition back into the human world. Unfortunately, the supernatural Trackers have been around for centuries. They have always had intel and inside spys to give information about new powers and where the supernaturals go.”

  His words registered interest in me as this was why I had been so excited to come to this Academy. Without thinking, I raised my hand and blurted out my question.

  “When we learn more about the Trackers?” I asked.

  The professor gave me a wary look. Everyone knew that my parents had been murdered and that the rumors for years had been that it was by the Trackers. I realized too late that all eyes had been on me. I crouched down in my seat, wishing I could use magic to make myself disappear.

  “Once you gain your wings and powers, you will learn how to detect the Trackers. Be patient, it will come,” he finished, giving me a knowing look.

  As the dismissal bell rang, Ace stopped me as I gathered my books. “Why are you asking questions about the Trackers?” he asked, his voice filled with rage.

  I turned to him and gave him a sly eye. “You know that my parents were murdered. Everyone suspects the Trackers. I want to face them and find out myself,” I snarled.

  Looking me in the eyes, Ace spoke again. “It is best to just leave it alone. The Trackers are dangerous and will kill any supernatural that gets close to them. Leave it alone.”

  “No,” I shot back.

  Ace let out a slight growl and then ran out of the room. Standing alone, I realized I may be on my own when dealing with the Trackers.


  I never saw Ace again for the rest of the day. He wasn’t at lunch and he never came to dinner either. I knew he said he was leaving for a few days to go hunting, but I had thought he might wait until this evening to leave. I sat with the girls I had met on the first night and listened to them discuss what they had learned in class today, but I wasn’t truly listening. All I could think about was how elusive Ace was being and why he refused to tell me where he was going. I had a sinking suspicion that it had something to do with the murder, but I couldn’t be sure.

  That night, I lay awake in my bed and watched as the moon cast shadows across my ceiling. Sleep evaded me and I knew it was no use to try. I sat up and put on a robe that had been hanging in my closet. I tied it close around my waist and ventured out of my room and the commons area.

  I needed some fresh air and realized that I could sit on the balcony just outside our common area. I walked slowly to the door, not wanting to make any sound and wake the others. Placing my hand on the doorknob, I carefully opened the door and felt a gust of cool air greeted me. I inhaled the familiar scent of night air and smiled. This is exactly what I needed.

  I stepped out onto the balcony and almost screamed as I realized I wasn’t alone. Standing in the far corner was a shadow of a person, hunched over and looking out into the night.

  “Don’t scream, it’s just me,” a familiar voice hushed me.

  My heart began to settle as I realized it was just Ace. Wait, Ace. Why was he here now?

  “What are you doing out here?” I asked, my voice shaking.

  “I should ask you the same thing,” he responded.

  I rolled my eyes. Why does he always have to be so difficult?

  “I asked you first,” I argued, realizing we both sounded like two annoying little kids. “Besides, aren’t you supposed to be on some little trip for a few days?” I asked.

  Sighing, Ace moved from under the shadow and allowed the moon to cast a light on his frame, revealing his form to me. With wide eyes, I took him in. If he wasn’t so difficult, he could possibly be endearing with his classic good looks.

  “I just got back from hunting and wanted somewhere to just hideaway for a moment,” he said. “My trip took an unexpected turn, so I decided to head back home.” He looked down at me, his eyes softening a little.

  I felt guilt wash over me as I realized I had just ruined that moment for him. “I’m sorry, I know it is none of my business what you did or where you went. I should go,” I s
aid, as I started to turn and head back for the door.

  Ace reached out and stopped me. His hands holding my wrists and causing a tiny spark to flutter through me. His eyes shot to mine and I knew he felt that same jolt too. “Don’t go,” he said quietly.

  “Ok,” I barely whispered.

  I moved further out onto the balcony and stood next to him. I ran my fingers along the cracked and jagged edges of the concrete balcony. It was cool to the touch but worn and weathered from hundreds of years of the outdoor elements. Stars blinked above us and trees sashayed in the wind all around us. I understood the allure of this place; it was magical all in itself.

  We stood in silence for what felt like forever. Finally, Ace broke the awkwardness. “I’m sorry I left without a real explanation. You knew I was planning on going hunting, but I never gave an exact day or time.”

  “It’s ok, it really is none of my business,” I lied. It wasn’t ok. For some reason that I couldn’t explain, I felt like I deserved to know where he had been and what he had been doing, but at the same time, I knew I had no right pressing the issue.

  Ace shook his head and let out a deep breath. “No, it’s not ok. The Trackers have come for us and we have done nothing. I understand how this is personal for you. You have to get your powers and wings fast, or they may attack again.” I didn’t dare to speak, wondering what else he might have to say. I was captivated by his words, his presence and there was no logical explanation for it. “I left last night after we talked and I shifted into my wolf form. Maybe one day I will show you,” he said, chuckling a little. “Anyway, I was able to hunt and feed and while I was out in the woods, I searched for tracks or any signs of the Trackers.”

  Continuing, Ace turned to look at me. His eyes glowed and they almost appeared gold, regal. “I didn’t find anything yet, but I know I will. They will return. This was just a warning. A message to begin a new war. You can help destroy and catch the Trackers, I just know it. I have a sense for these kids of things,” he stated. “You just have to want them badly enough, and your wings will sprout.”

  I sucked in a deep breath and gained a confidence I didn’t know I possessed. “I do want it badly enough,” I said, my voice steady and not reflecting the fear was I currently under.

  I thought about what he was saying. I had craved the power to be able to take down the Trackers ever since the day my parents had died. I imagined their sweet, smiling faces in my head. I allowed my emotions to recall how distraught I had felt when I learned they were dead. I felt a spark inside of me and suddenly, I felt a tingling sensation on my back.

  I heard a slight rip in my shirt and then Ace’s eyes grew wide in amazement. “Wings,” he said.

  He pointed at me and I turned to see my reflection in the window. To my own surprise, silver wings fluttered behind me. I had done it! I had grown my wings.

  I couldn’t explain the sensations coursing through me, but all I knew was that I was one step closer to taking down the Trackers.

  “Can you fly?” Ace asked.

  “I have no idea,” I said.

  “Take a deep breath and imagine yourself flying. I have heard the other professors teaching other fairies and shifters how to fly,” Ace instructs. “You have magic inside of you like the witches do. That is why fairies and witches both have covens and seek elements as their sources of strength. You have the power inside of you, just tap into it.”

  I close my eyes and try to speak to the magic that is inside of me. I knew I was a fairy, but I never knew how similar I was to witches. According to the lessons I had learned here at the Academy, Witches and Trackers were the first original supernaturals recorded in history. All other supernaturals were created and descended from those two groups. Fairies can use magic just like witches and shifters have the strength, speed, and tracking guides like Trackers.

  As I feel the magic courses through me, I visualize myself flying, floating in the air. Then, to my own astonishment, I feel my feet lift off of the floor. My body feels weightless and as I opened my eyes, I see that I am floating high above the balcony.

  Ace smiles and laughs as we both realize I have done it. I am flying! He lets out a howl and I float myself back to the balcony. Ace takes me in his arms and hugs me tightly. “You did it!” he cheers.

  All I can do is smile because I have never felt more powerful and free in my life.

  “This is great, we all have our own reasons for wanting to end the Trackers, but yours and mine are too personal,” Ace said, bringing me back to the sad reality we were facing.

  “I lost my parents a few years ago,” I said, allowing my feet to now stand firmly on the floor again.

  “I know,” Ace whispered.

  Of course, he knew. Ace was aware of my entire life story and I was still in the dark about this, or even my own life. I didn’t understand what I was or where I came from, but Ace had those answers. I just hoped that one day he would tell me--before it was too late.

  “Since my parents were both supernaturals, were they killed by…Trackers?” I asked, the blood draining from my face as the thought of my parents saddened me. It was painful each time I imagined them dying, begging to live, and hurting. Shaking my head, I closed my eyes tightly, trying to will the images to leave my mind.

  Shaking his head, Ace lowered his eyes. “Honestly, I don’t know. From what I understand, they were killed by a drunk driver. My understanding is that your parents never told anyone else that they were shifters, save for the Academy. They wanted you to attend when you came of age, but they never had the chance to tell you who and what you really are. For that, I am truly sorry. Finding out like this must be pure torture,” Ace said, his voice cool and collected.

  I suddenly realized, Ace and I were more alike than I had thought before. We both lost our parents and were thrust into a magical world on our own. “Thank you,” I whispered, my voice a little shaky.

  “You must think I am terrible,” he almost yelled. “I would kill the Trackers who ended my parents if I could,” he growled.

  “I don’t think anything is wrong with you. I envy you for having the courage to defy everyone and search for the Trackers who killed your parents and the one who killed the professor here. I have wanted to kill the Trackers myself since my parents death. Like I said, I’ve always known it was them. I wish you would let me help…” I said, but Ace cut me off before I could finish.

  “You have to be patient. In time, we will find a way to destroy the Trackers. Trust me, no one wants that more than I do. But we can’t just rush into this. A battle takes planning.”

  I understood what he was saying, even if I didn’t like it. I knew I had to be patient. I had waited this long, I guess I could stand to wait a few more days too.


  I awoke the next morning to the sounds of loud voices and dishes clanging in our common kitchen area. Rubbing my eyes, I sat up in bed. I had maybe slept two hours and I was beyond exhausted. My bag was a little sore from where my wings had sprouted for the first time. I hoped that feeling would eventually go away. I also wished more than anything that I could ask my mom questions about it too. But I can’t. She is gone. And now, someone at my school is dead at the hands of the Trackers. With anger boiling inside of me, I wanted revenge. I wanted to yell and scream and force everyone here to listen to me. However, I couldn’t let that deter me from starting my day. I knew I had to listen to Ace and be patient. The leaders of this Academy were busy devising a plan, or so I hoped, and I had to wait.

  My conversation with Ace had replayed through my mind all night long, like a movie stuck on repeat. I had fallen asleep sometime early this morning as the sun began to break through the black night sky. As I got up and dressed in my required uniform, I tried to muster a smile on my face. I didn’t need anyone asking me questions that I wasn’t prepared to answer. Plus, I had to hide my newfound wings and magic until I knew it was safe to showcase them to the others. Ace was excited and so was I, but how would the others take

  Leaving my room, I was greeted by the other girls as they started their morning.

  “Hungry?” a girl asked. I had forgotten her name, but as her friend walked up to her, I learned her name was Marie.

  “Yes, thank you,” I greeted, as I took the blueberry muffin handed to me.

  I made my way to the kitchen and poured myself a glass of orange juice and quickly engulfed my breakfast. I watched in awe as a girl in her second year at the Academy, used heat from just her hands to toast a bagel. That is a power I could use!

  Seeing me staring, the girl smiled as she looked up at me. “Don’t worry. Once you understand how to use your powers, you will find they can be pretty useful,” she grinned.

  I smiled and nodded as I continued eating my breakfast. Little did she know, I already did.


  I spent the first part of my day learning more about the history behind fairies. I almost giggled a few times when I learned that fairies once did live in the forests, making trees and other parts of the woods their homes. It sounded like something straight out of a Disney movie. However, I managed to keep my laughter subsided as he continued to talk.

  The second part of my way was filled with a memorial service for the professor who was killed. While I had never met her before, it was still a sad occasion. The rest of the days classes were dismissed and everyone was told to spend the day relaxing. I found this as a way to escape unnoticed and spend some time alone in the room designated for Fairies to practice flying and magic. I had learned a few ways to call upon my magic and with already obtaining my wings, I knew that I had almost everything I needed to pursue my powers.


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