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Igniting Page 5

by Leigh Allen

  I swooped down and landed next to Ace. We hugged but it was short lived. A very irritated Electra stood in front of us, arms crossed.

  “I am glad you are both safe, but that was very dangerous,” she scolded.

  Her eyes glanced from us to the Tracker who was now retreating back toward the forest.

  “There will be more,” Ace said. He had just shifted back to his human form and his clothes were torn and ragged. As he spoke, he rubbed his back leg.

  “Yes, we have been watching them set up a camp just beyond the forest line,” Electra spoke. “You both should be reprimanded for your actions tonight,but seeing that we are under attack, there is no time for punishments right now.”

  She turned and began heading back inside the Academy. I knew we were in trouble, but the fact that we could have been killed still stung.

  I knew we had escaped two types of danger tonight, but I couldn’t worry about a school punishment It was time to take down the Trackers.


  The next morning, I went to class like nothing strange or weird had happened the night before. I mean, Ace and I had nearly escaped death and Electra had caught us sneaking out. A Tracker chased us back to the Academy, but I was supposed to act as though nothing had happened.

  After I returned to my room, Ace had told me to remain silent. Apparently, the school didn’t want to scare the other students. The professors and guards were still devising a plan and had steady eyes on the Trackers who as Electra had pointed out, were camped near the Academy. Only now, I had to pretend as though I hadn’t almost been killed by the same people responsible for my parent’s death.

  Sure, I could do that.


  While we were supposed to continue on like nothing had happened, it wasn’t hard to miss the additional security walking the halls. Everyone was also a little more somber, paying careful attention to their surroundings and making sure they were never alone. It was like there was some unspoken fear that no one dared to mention or say aloud.

  I spotted the girl Lisa who I had been hanging out with more lately. She was watching the guards along with me.

  “So, this is out of the ordinary?” I asked, watching as Electra waltzed into the classroom.

  “Yes, there hasn’t been a murder on campus or a Trackers sighing in many, many years. I just hate that this is how you are introduced to this place. Plus, you are stuck with Ace. That guy gives me the creeps. He never socializes,” she said, shrugging her shoulders.

  “He’s not so bad,” I said, hoping I wasn’t blushing. Just thinking of Ace gave me a tingling sensation that felt like butterflies were dancing all around my stomach. “Being here has definitely been an experience,” I said.

  “Ok, students. Let’s get started with today’s lesson,” Electra announced, commanding the attention of everyone in the room. She had such a regal air about her; it was easy to see why she was the leader of this Academy. “Today, you will begin learning how to beckon your powers. Each coven will be introduced to one spell. It is especially important today, that we ensure all young Witches can cast one protection spell,” she stated.

  She was talking to the witches in the class and for a brief moment, I felt jealousy. I wished I could perform spells like they could. But, I would just have to use the powers I was given.

  “Fairies, you will be learning to sprout your wings today so you can fly. One of your greatest gifts is the ability to fly. Not only can it be fun, but practical when faced with danger. You can easily fly yourselves or someone else out of harm's way if needed. And, those who hold the strongest power, can even spark fire too,” she said, winking toward me.

  I knew she meant because of the Trackers sighing, but, again, no one wanted to discuss that. Part of me hated that we were supposed to pretend like it never happened. However, I didn’t dwell too much on that idea because Electra had my full attention today. If I were going to go back near the woods again with Ace, I would surely need to know how to protect myself in case…

  I didn’t want to think about that. But, I couldn’t hide the smirk that crept on my face. Electra saw me use my fire when I burned the Tracker. However, she hadn’t brought it up yet. Was she waiting for me to show everyone?

  Electra began making her way down the aisles and I realized our time was up. Now was my chance to show everyone my true powers. I didn’t want to be a show-off, but I was proud of the magical gift I was given. And, if it could help me end the Trackers, I would gladly perform for them.

  As Electra neared me, I allowed my wings to sprout and I closed my eyes, calling on my magic. I heard gasps from other students as I began to float effortlessly off the ground. Opening my eyes, I smiled as I focused on a paper sitting on my desk. I shot a tiny spark from my hands toward the paper and watched it ignite in flames.

  Another student nearby rushed over and stomped the fire out of the paper. But everyone else was mesmerized and shocked by what I was doing.

  “Brie, you are powerful,” Lisa sighed.

  Everyone began to clap and cheer and I slowly made my way back down. It felt good to see everyone proud of me. I just hoped I could make my parents proud too.


  The rest of the day was spent going to my regular classes: English, History, Science, and Match. By the time the day was over, I was exhausted and beyond ecstatic that I had flown and used magic in front of the other students. Things were finally starting to look up here at the Woodsong Academy.

  At dinner, I sat with Lisa. “What’s going on in that head of yours?” I hear her ask, as she sits down beside me with a warm smile.

  I shake my head, trying to clear my head and bring myself back to the present.

  “Nothing,” I say.

  “That’s a lie,” she laughs. . “I bet you are either thinking about Ace or flying.”

  Well, she’s partially correct.

  Just then, Ace made his way into the cafeteria and, I swear, I felt my heart tremble. It was crazy how he had this intense effect on me. I wasn’t sure what it was, but all I knew was that I liked it. Spotting me, Ace nodded to me and then tilted his head toward the hallway. I could tell he wanted me to follow him.

  I quickly finished my dinner of a delicious roast and mashed potatoes and then said goodbye to Lisa. Hurrying, I walked out of the dining hall and found Ace waiting for me near the staircase, in the little alcove he had taken me to the night before.

  When I approached, he reached out from the darkness of the corner and pulled me to him. “Hey,” he breathed.

  “Hey,” I responded.

  “I saw what you did today in class,” he muses, trying to stifle the smile that wants to form on his serious face.

  “I know, I saw you watching,” I respond.

  “I saw the way you reacted, too. I don’t want you getting any ideas about coming back out with me again,” he says, his voice taking on a stern edge.

  Anger floods me and I feel like I am an angry volcano about to erupt. I’m not sure what makes me more upset: the idea of him telling me what to do or the fact that he knew what I wanted to do.

  “You have no idea what you are talking about?” I state, crossing my arms across my chest in defiance.

  “Yes, I do. Remember, I know more about you than you think. I saw that glimmer of hope in your eyes when you blew that hole in the wall. When I go out again, I will be alone. It is too dangerous for you, too,” he states.

  A cough from behind us both startles me and I gasp when I turn around. Standing with angry faces is Electra and two guards.

  Ace and I exchange nervous glances before turning to face the entire group.

  “Don’t you dare try your little stunt again,” Electra warns.

  “You don’t understand…” Ace attempts to say, but she cuts him off.

  “I do understand. I know that both of you lost your parent’s at the hands of the Trackers. They have caused us all great loss and sadness. However, going out without the support of the Academy is
a death sentence. You must wait here for orders,” she demands.

  I opened my mouth to argue, but Ace gives me a look that tells me not to. I wish I could take matters into my own hands, but right now, I am helpless.


  Later that evening, once everyone settled into their rooms and the moon made its way into the night sky, I found Ace waiting for me in our spot under the stairs. The world around us had grown still, bodies and minds finding solace in the darkness the world brings. No one knew that six teenagers were about to embark on a dangerous and possibly stupid journey. The quietness of the night was just a mere illusion, allowing people to believe they are safe. But with darkness comes secrets and monsters lurking in places no one can find.

  A slight knock on my bedroom door jars me out of my half-sleep state. I wonder if this could be Electra. Maybe she decided I did deserve a punishment after all. Throwing the covers off my body, I jump out of bed and stumble to my bedroom door.

  When I opened it, I am surprised to see Ace standing on the other side.

  “Hey,” I whisper, looking around.

  There isn’t anyone else in the commons area and I wonder why he is here. We were both told to go to our rooms.

  “I know Electra told us to stay inside, but we need to spy on the Trackers,” Ace says through clenched teeth.

  “What?” I ask, shaking my head.

  The last time we snuck out, we were almost caught by the Trackers. Is he insane?

  “Electra has good intentions, but I am sick and tired of sitting and waiting. We are their prey. I am tired of being hunted, it’s our turn to get revenge for those who lost their lives at the hands of the Trackers. Are you with me?” he asks, reaching his hand out to me.

  I stand frozen for what feels like forever. I know that leaving the Academy is wrong. Dangerous even. But, I had set my sights on seeking revenge for my parent’s murder and now I have my chance to take the first step at doing that. I guess it was a no brainer.

  “I’m in.”


  Death brings a strange peace.

  When you experience loss-- a loss of the magnitude that both Ace and I have, it causes you to change. Your wants and desires shift and you find yourself thinking about them, even though they can’t come back.

  I think about this as I zip up my jacket and hold onto Ace’s hand tightly as he leads us outside. He is careful to not make any noise. If the professors were to learn of us sneaking out, well...I don’t want to imagine what they would do this time. We were lucky the first time. I doubt we would be again.

  In all honesty, I had no clue what I was doing. I had no idea what I was even looking for. The only Trackers I had ever seen were in movies and Halloween costumes. Did they all look the same? I was in way over my head, but I couldn’t dwell on that now. I was too far into this to turn back now.

  “Are you ok?” Ace asked, wrapping an arm around my shoulders.

  “Yes, just nervous,” I said with a shaky voice.

  “If you want to go back…”

  “No, I am fine.”

  We walked a few more steps and found the others waiting for us, hunched down and hiding. When I saw someone carefully walking out of the Academy gates. At first, I thought it might be Electra or one of the guards. I froze in place.

  “Where do you want to start?” Brady asked. He looked at me and noticed the fear on my face.

  “What’s wrong?” he prompts.

  “Someone is coming,” I say, pointing toward the Academy. I feel my wings as they start to sprout and I can sense that Ace is about to shift. We prepare to take our stances when I notice something different about the person heading our way.

  In the glow of the moonlight I notice it’s not an adult. Instead, it’s Lisa!

  “What are you doing out here?” she asks, waving toward me and Ace.

  Ace looks to me, but I just shake my head.

  “What are you doing out here?” I question back.

  “I saw you and Ace walking out. I heard Electra talking to a guard yesterday about how you two had snuck out. I knew you were doing it again,” she said.

  “So, why follow us? Are you a spy?” Ace asks, his fangs exposed.

  I want to speak, but words evade me.

  “No, I know that you all are going to find the Trackers. I figured since I can use my magic now, I could help you,” she says.

  “It’s too dangerous,” Ace argues, but Lisa stops him.

  “Yes, it is too dangerous for just the two of you. With the three of us, we could use our magic. The Trackers are human, they don’t have spells and magical fire like we do,” she states firmly.

  I look to Ace. He knows she is right.

  “Fine, but if we get caught, you are on your own,” he grumbles.

  Lisa only smiles and Ace begins to head toward the forest again.

  “We need to go inside the woods. From what the guards and Electra have said, the Trackers have a camp somewhere in the woods. They have to be close to be able to spy on us. We need to stay together,” Ace insisted again.

  “What if we combine our powers? Use the magic we just learned?” I asked, not even sure what I was asking.

  Shaking his head, Ace looks conflicted. “We can try. Both of you are just coming into your powers. It could be dangerous-- it could turn deadly,” he said, shuddering at his own words.

  “But, what if we use our powers separately?” Lisa asked, her bravery shining through her normal quiet demeanor.

  “That might work, but only if you are in danger. Brie, if they come after you and you can’t call upon your magic, you have to fly out of here. Take Lisa with you. Ok?” he asks, and I can sense that he is worried about bringing us with him.

  I agree, only to stop him from arguing with me. There is now way I would leave him alone.

  Somewhere off in the distance, a wolf howled and an owl sat on a tree branch, singing its night song; possibly warning us of future dangers. With the eerie forest coming alive right before our eyes, we all just nodded our heads and agreed to follow Ace’s lead.

  Together, we began making our way to the tree wall that would open us up to the inside world of the forest I had been warned to stay away from. And here I was, willingly taking a step inside. I sucked in a deep breath as Ace grabbed my hand. Knowing he was with me, took some of the fear away.

  As a group, we stepped inside the forest. The temperature dropped and I felt a chill rush through my body. It was darker inside here, with large branches extending over the top of us and blocking out the majority of the moon’s natural light.

  Ace stopped and began inspecting his surroundings. He held up his hands and a soft ember glow lit up the area around us.

  “Wow,” I mused. I was in awe of how easily he was able to conjure that light. When I cast my first spell and created fire, I had to focus all of my energy and thoughts. Hopefully, one day, I would be as skilled as he is.

  With the light now provided to us by Ace, we continued walking. Each of us kept our eyes open and listened to every sound around us. We had been walking for what felt like forever, when an ominous feeling swept over the woods. My heart started pounding and sweat began to form on my brow. An alertness grew inside of me and I stopped, causing Ace to stop, too. He looked at me and I widened my eyes, letting him know something was off.

  A flash of light flew past me and everyone else stopped too, now fully aware that we weren’t alone.

  “Everyone stop. Don’t move,” Ace shouted to the group.

  It was a spotlight. We must be near the Trackers camp.

  Suddenly, a man appeared in front of us. He wore an all black uniform with a heavy vest, combat boots, and a thick, metal helmet that covered his face. He was a Tracker. I just knew it. He wore enough padding and metal to block most sparks a witch or fairy could throw at them. As he drew nearer, I heard the footsteps of more men approaching.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Ace lift his hands at lightning speed and a loud, menacing growl esc
aped through his lips. He shifted instantly into his wolf form and I could see the Tracker begin to shake in front of us. The ground shook below our feet as more men ran from the camp to where we now stood.

  “Run,” Lisaa bellowed.

  I only had a second to glance up and spot the Trackers thundering toward us. They held guns in their hands and began to shoot. We all ran, forgetting about light and direction as we searched for safety. I allowed my wings to sprout and I grabbed for Lisa. I flew us high into the air as she began to chant a spell and threw fire bombs down at the Trackers. Ace ran just below us and dodged the bullets as they fired at him.

  I felt something hard and stinging hit my back and I couldn’t keep myself in the air any longer. Still holding on to Lisa, I tried to hide the pain I was in. “I’m going to have to put us back on the ground,” I shouted.

  “Are you hurt?” she asked, holding onto my arms.

  “I don’t know. Something hit my back,” I cry out, as the pain stings.

  I tumble to the ground without grace and both Lisa and I roll as we hit the damp, night grass.

  “Brie,” Ace screamed, as he witnessed my fall.

  “I’m ok,” I said, as I crawled onto my hands and knees. “I think I was grazed by a bullet,” I say, looking at my side and seeing a tear in my shirt, but no wound or blood.

  Lisa dusted herself off and stood and as the three of us turned around, we spotted an army of Trackers rushing our way. They were still firing their weapons and shouting, but I couldn’t make out what they were saying.

  “Run!” I screamed, as they gained on us.

  The Emerald green gates were just a few feet from us, but the distance felt like miles. An alarm echoed through the night and all the lights inside the Academy burst to life.

  We were caught and there was no way we were getting out of this. I just hoped we could get inside the gates before the Trackers killed us all.


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