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Igniting Page 6

by Leigh Allen


  When we reached inside of the Academy, we all came to a screeching halt. Slumping over, we all struggled to catch our breaths, but that only lasted a moment. When we all looked up, we noticed all the lights were glowing from the Academy. The warning from the Trackers hung heavy over us, and I wasn’t sure what we were going to do. They stood like menacing soldiers just outside the Academy grounds. They were waiting and watching. They had caught us again and now, I didn’t think they would retreat this time. For whatever reason, they wanted us all dead and I knew now more than ever, they wouldn’t play by the rules.

  It was way past midnight; everyone should be sleeping. The Academy should be dark, not fully alert. This wasn’t good.

  “Oh no,” Ace said, reflecting the thoughts of the rest of us. “We have to make sure Electra and the guards know the Trackers are out here.”

  As we opened the iron gate leading to the stone path of the Academy, I held my breath. My stomach was churning and my arms and legs shook with anxiety. Loud voices chattered through the halls and open windows.

  We stepped inside the building, and that is when the true chaos ensued. People were running around, screaming and calling out orders. Security guards dashed past us, guns drawn, and gave looks on their faces.

  I spotted a girl named Gina running past me frantically. I reached out and grabbed her arm, causing her to yelp in surprise.

  “Gina, what is going on?” I asked.

  When she turned, I saw the look of absolute fear in her eyes; and it startled me so much, I jumped back.

  “It’s happened again,” she cried out. She held her hands to her face and sobbed, her body shaking with the violent thrusts.

  “What?” I ask, leaning into Ace for support.

  “The Trackers struck again. This time…” her words trailed off as tears began to race down her cheeks.

  I shook my head. That couldn’t be true. We just escaped the Trackers. They were all standing outside the Academy.

  “Where is Electra?” Ace asked, his eyes searching through the mass hysteria taking place.

  I placed my hands-on Gretchen’s shoulders, urging her to talk to me. “Gina, tell me what happened,” I pleaded.

  She sucked in a deep breath before continuing. “Earlier this evening, a human body had been placed just outside the entrance gates to the Academy. It had been burned beyond recognition and we have no identification for them. The Trackers are getting closer and closer to us,” she said.

  Acid raced up my throat and I feared I may vomit right here in the middle of the hallway. Ace stopped looking around and snapped his head toward Gretchen. “Wait, what did you say?” he asked.

  Gina tried to repeat herself, but her sobs were growing deeper and she couldn’t talk. I offered her a hug and then let her leave. She was so upset; I could tell it would only take time to calm her down.

  There were people rushing to the front of the Academy and we all followed suit. It was like a car wreck; you know you shouldn’t look, but the curiosity building inside forces you to want to see anyway. And, that’s exactly what it felt like as we shoved our way through the crowd that had gathered outside. The front door was wide open and the cool night air was sweeping into the Academy, like a silent intruder. As we made our way to the stone porch, I let out a tiny cry as my eyes landed on what everyone had come out here to see.

  There, just outside the gates on the gravel driveway, lay what was left of a human body. Charred beyond recognition. Lisa grabbed her stomach, almost like she was going to be sick. Ace wrapped his arm around me and pulled me into him, so that my face was in his chest and no longer looking at the travesty in front of me. Visions of my parents swirled through my mind again and this time, I didn’t cry. Anger took hold of me and I knew my heart was growing cold. I needed revenge. I needed to get justice. Now.

  Ace pulled me with him and started walking away. “Everyone come with me,” he said, as he nodded toward the others. We all listened and followed Ace as he led us down a long and winding hallway I had never been down before. Gold sconces lined the walls, with lit candles providing a soft glow for us to follow. None of us said a word, but as the voices faded behind us, I could hear my own heart beating like a drum inside my chest.

  Finally, Ace slowed his pace and stopped in front of a door. He pulled a key out of his pocket and unlocked the door, pushing it open and waving for the rest of us to go inside. As I skeptically entered the room, I realized we were stepping inside the guards quarters. Ace shut the door behind him and began to pace the small pace. I watched as he ran his hands nervously through his hair. “This isn’t good,” he said.

  “What is going on?” I asked, breaking the awkward tension floating around us.

  Stopping, Ace faced all of us. “The other Trackers got to a human. I don’t know how I didn’t see this before. It was a trick; it was all a ruse to throw us off their game. They used one Tracker to lure us into the woods, while the others captured and killed a human.”

  We looked around at one another in shock. We had fallen right into their trap, just like they had wanted us to. It was perfect really.

  “So, what does this mean now?” I asked.

  Ace gritted his teeth as he balled his fists to his side. “This means the Woodsong Academy is under war; and if we don’t stop the Trackers now, they could find a way to break our barriers and kill us all. The lives of all supernaturals are in danger.”

  And with that, my world slipped into a dark and cold oblivion that I was afraid no amount of fire or light could bring us back from.


  We sat in solitude as we listened to the chaos breaking just outside the doors. I spotted several maps spread out over a table in the center of the room. One map looked like an aerial view of the Academy grounds and forest. Another showed the inside of the Academy, with every room labeled. I was so busy reviewing the maps, I didn’t focus on anything else around me.

  Without warning, Ace’s door burst open and a very disheveled and angry looking Electra came storming in. “What is going on here?” she asked, rage fueling her words.

  “Electra, we need to talk to you,” Ace jumped up and said, trying to calm her.

  Shaking her head, Electra turned her wrath on him. “Ace, I expected more from you. How dare you defy the Academy rules and enter the guards quarters. These halls for elders only. Plus, brought the Trackers here,” she snapped. “I know you three snuck out again. Are you working for the Trackers?” she screamed.

  “No,” I shouted, jumping up and facing her. “My parents were killed by Trackers and I am tired of living in fear. They know where we are. They have a camp, you said so yourself. They are coming for us. At least now, we know where they are,” I fired back.

  I had never been so bold and brave in my life. Possibly even stupid. I had just shouted at the headmaster of the Academy. This could go very, very wrong.

  Her anger was like watching a tsunami tear through a town. She was vengeful and wasn’t worried about who she hurt in her path. “I understand you want revenge, but what you did was bring a new threat to our school. Now, we have no choice but to fight them,” she argued.

  “What, were you going to just run and hide from them?” Ace asked, shaking his head.

  “Not run and hide, but…” she trails off. For the first time, I realize she doesn’t have the answers. She is just as scared as everyone else.

  “You have to listen to me,” Ace tried to explain.

  “Ace, be careful what you say. I am the leader of this Academy,” she warned.

  “I do not mean to be disrespectful, but if we don’t act now, we will all die. We have to be ready.”

  A smile grew over my face as pride radiated through me. I couldn’t let him stand up alone. Holding his hand in mine, I squeezed and offered a small smile. “We refuse to stand down. We can work together as a team, or Ace and I will work alone,” I stated firmly.

  “With me, too,” Lisa chimed in.

lectra pursed her lips and swept her long, emerald green hair back over her shoulder. “Well, it appears you have already made your decision,” she said sharply.

  I gulped down the bile that was rising in my throat. Electra was extremely intimidating and respected, the last thing I wanted to do was to be on her bad side. But, right was right.

  “We have,” Ace said, shaking his head in acknowledgment.

  Looking between us and then over at the rest of the group, Electra made her way to the door. “I will allow you to announce this to the rest of the Academy,” Electra said, as she opened the door. “The fate of this Academy and the Supernaturals are in your hands,” she said, before turning and walking away.


  I was officially freaking out now.

  “What are we going to do now?” I shouted, throwing my hands up in the air.

  We were in way over our heads now. It was one thing to go sneaking out at night, but to be responsible for the fate of the entire Academy. That was asking way too much. I wasn’t ready for this-- none of us were.

  I expected Ace to be as afraid as I was, but instead, he projected an air of confidence that had me doing a double take.

  “Are we ready for this?” Lisa asked.

  “Of course, we are!” Ace said, a wide grin forming over his lips. “This is what we were all born for. We are Supernaturals, born with powers and abilities to be used for good. Stopping a group of Trackers who want to destroy who we are is the right thing to do. I just know the rest of the Academy will be on our side,” Ace said.

  I reached up and threw my arms around his neck, pulling him into me as I hugged him fiercely. Ace looked startled at first, then he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to his chest. “With you by my side, I can do anything,” he whispered into my ear. Goosebumps formed on my arms and my heart danced around in happiness. I felt the same way.

  “Well, I guess that stops the guessing of whether Ace and Brie are together or not,” Lisa teased.

  Ace and I ignored her comments as we stood for a brief moment in one another's arms. Time stood still and it was just the two of us. Because we both knew, in the next few hours, our next decisions could end us or be a new adventure for us all.


  Electra announced an hour later that the school needed to assemble at once. All I could think about was how close we were to having the Trackers’s attack again.

  Electra had sent a message for everyone to gather in the dining hall. We all stumbled inside, everyone looking around and talking in hushed voices.

  As we all sat, prepared to listen to her and then have Ace address the Academy, silence filled the air.

  Electra’s silver heels clicked along the marble floor as she made her way to the front of the room. A pin dropping could have been heard.

  “Attention students and professors. As you all know, a Tracker had struck at our Academy twice. Once, killing one of our very own and now, killing a human-- threatening to jeopardize our Academy and the lives of all Supernaturals. It is time that we stand up and fight, and stop hiding from the Trackers” she paused and nodded over toward Ace. “To speak on behalf of our leadership, I am allowing Ace to address the Academy,” she finished, taking a step back.

  A few murmurs were heard as people were confused about what was happening. Only, Lisa and I knew exactly what was happening. I offered Ace one more squeeze of my hand, letting him know I was supporting him, before he stood and made his way to the front.

  Heads turned as he walked, unsure of what Ace was going to do. I could hear their whispers of confusion and even some of the other professors looked puzzled as to what was going on.

  Once he reached the front, Ace took a big breath and stood tall. “Everyone, I know you are all aware of the tragedy that has plagued the Woodsong Academy. I have witnessed firsthand the Trackers and there are more,” Ace paused, as everyone gasped in horror at the idea of more Trackers around the Academy. “Our ancestors created the Woodsong Academy to have a place where we could all learn how to use the magic that flows through us. They created this wonderful place so we can all grow and find a way to live among the humans. This is our home and our world; we need to use our magic to stop the Trackers from killing any more innocent victims and from taking over a world we created,” Ace shouted, raising his fist in the air.

  At first, everyone in the room sat silently, unsure of what it would look like for us to all get along, to become one, and to work as a team. Then, someone in the back of the room began clapping. I took that as my cue and I jumped to my feet, clapping my hands wildly as others joined in. Ace was in charge now and we were all going to support him.


  After Ace’s speech, everyone jumped into action. It was truly incredible to watch as everyone came together for the greater good of not only the Academy, but the Supernatural race as a whole. Since my parents death, I hadn’t felt like I had belonged anywhere. Moving in with my aunt and losing my friends, I had become alone. Now, I was part of a family-- a strange family, but still we were one. I was ready to do my part whenever Ace gave me the orders. Time seemed to crawl by as we all waited anxiously for Ace and the others to retreat from their meeting rooms and give us their plan. I spent the time with others learning more spells to fight and throw fire at my attackers.

  Suddenly, I heard the rooms and halls quiet and I looked out into the empty hallway. I knew this must be a sign that Ace and the others were on their way. As I looked, I spotted Ace leading the group, his dark hair tousled from running his hands through it, a nervous habit he has. The sharp edges of his stoic face gave him an air of authority that proved him to be the leader I knew him to be. He walked with great poise and kept his eyes focused straight ahead on the dining hall just ahead.

  “Everyone, it is time,” Ace began. A few gasps escaped throughout the room, but otherwise, it was so silent you could have heard a pin drop. “We know that the Trackers will strike tonight. They have threatened us and attacked our people and the humans around us for the last time. This is personal for many of us,” he said, nodding toward me. “I need everyone to call upon your magic and powers,” he said, his voice ringing through the large room.

  I looked around as the five covens began to intermingle, finding their professors and protectors and gathering into groups with other shifters, witches, and fairies. Ace took a few strong and deliberate steps until he was in the center of the large circle of bodies. “Ace, we are all here for you,” Professor O’Connor proclaimed.

  A small smile crept over Ace’s lips and I could see the glow of pride illuminating his dark eyes. “Thank you, it is vital that we all come together today. Each of us comes from the same line of powers and ancestors. Over the many years Supernaturals have lived on this Earth, we have grown into our own unique species. Now, we are one. We are the Woodsong Academy,” Ace shouted, and everyone around me cheered and clapped.

  Ace held up his hands, silencing the room. Nodding he offered me a slight smile before he began again. “Each of you has your own skill set that you need to use. Fairies, we expect you to fly and attack from the air. Shifters, we want you in your animal form so you are more lethal with your claws and speed. Witches, we need your spells and magic to help ward off the Trackers and bring safety to our Academy. With those skills, we will draw our magic together and protect our Academy. Then, when the Trackers find themselves unable to break the barrier we created, we will pull our magic together and vanquish them out of our town for good,” Ace finished. “They are only human, we can do this.”

  And with that, we all began moving forward. The clock was almost at midnight and it was time for us to follow through with our plan. Moving as one, we congregated outside of the Academy. The silver moon glowed above us and a soft, gentle breeze flitted through the air. Standing on the stone steps, I ran my hand along the cool, concrete columns. Behind us, the large, floor to ceiling windows glowed with a soft yellow provided by the internal lights of the Academy. They
looked almost like eyes watching us to ensure that we saved the precious building. The gravel road that leads to the forest and the road that serves as the only entrance to the Academy seemed desolate and cold. I shuddered, thinking about what lay ahead of us. But, I couldn’t focus on that for too long.

  Just as the last student descended on the stairs, a soft crunching could be heard on the roadway. Sucking in a deep breath, I closed my eyes for just a moment, savoring the last few seconds before the storm raged upon us.


  Slowly, I opened my eyes. An army of Trackers stood banging outside the Academy gates. They shook the metal so violently, I feared it may break free before we were prepared to fight. They called to us, shouting and preparing their weapons.

  “Now,” Ace commanded, as he stood in front of the large, oak front door.

  Raising our hands as one entity, we all held our hands high above our heads. “You have brought death and destruction to the Supernaturals for far too long,” Ace yelled. The Trackers stood in unison, waiting to attack. As he spoke, they listened. “You killed my parents and Brie’s too. You may have gotten away with it in the human world, but the Supernaturals know you are behind those attacks and murders. It all ends here tonight,” he screamed into the night.

  My eyes wandered all around, waiting and watching, anticipating something--anything.



  Suddenly, they began their attack. Using a large gun, they burst through the gates, sending metal and debris flying everywhere. They stormed through the Academy entrance in the form of a V. Their guns were firing. Bullets whizzed past us, but the witches had set up a protective barrier that the bullets were bouncing right off of. I felt my wings sprout and looking around, I smiled as the other Fairies were already having their wings fluttering as they began to take flight. Together, we began to fly. An electric current coursed between us as we used the strength of one another to build large sparks and shot them at the Trackers who were still rushing toward the Academy. Some of the men screamed out in pain as the sparks burned through their heavy uniforms and began to burn their flesh. The stench of burning skin tainted the air and almost made me sick. Other Trackers began to shoot up in the air toward us, but we just flew higher, darting through the air and refusing to allow them to catch us. I spotted Ace and the other Shifters morphed into their animal forms. It was fascinating to see wolves and leopards jumping and biting and clawing at the men. Limbs from the human Trackers were being ripped off and bloody screams echoed through the night.


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