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Page 7

by Leigh Allen

  Angered at seeing that the Supernaturals were causing more destruction than they had imagined, the Trackers jumped back to their feet-- while others ran off into the night. Bodies lay down below where I now floated in the air. As much as I hated the idea of killing people, this didn’t bother me. The Trackers had murdered my parents without a care. And why? Because they hated them for being different. It wasn’t right-- none of this was right. Suddenly, I was struck with an intense need to see all of this violence end. Death didn’t justify death.

  “Stop!”I screamed.

  At first, they didn’t hear me. The fighting was too loud and I was too high up for my voice to carry over the noise below. The other Fairies watched me with mild intent as I floated back toward the destruction.

  Seeing me, Lisa looked up with wide eyes. “What are you doing, Brie?” she asked.

  “I am finally ending this,” I stated.

  As I floated back to the ground, I stood in between the chaos that surrounded me.

  “Get out of the way, Brie,” Ace shouted at me. He had his sharp teeth locked on a Tracker’s arm, tearing through his flesh. The man was crying out in pain.

  “No. We have to stop this,” I cried out.

  A few people around us began to stop and look to see what was going on. Electra moved as though she were floating on air. “Brie, you and Ace wanted this. Now, you want it to stop?” she asked calmly.

  I nodded, tears pooling in my eyes. “What the Trackers did was awful and it ruined my life. But killing them doesn’t make any of that right. It won’t bring back my parents,” I cried.

  Electra nodded and just then, I realized what she had been saying all along. Going after the Trackers to kill them didn’t solve anything. It would just spark another war.

  “Stop!” Electra shouted. Her voice boomed so loudly that the ground shook below me like an earthquake.

  Everyone around us froze in place, including the Trackers.

  “Electra, what are you doing?” Ace questioned, as he stands over one of the Trackers, holding him down with his thick and heavy paws.

  “The Woodson Academy is about peace and bringing together the Supernaturals. We have never encouraged death and revenge. But, that is exactly what is happening here today.”

  As she spoke, the world seemed to stand still. No one dared to move or speak.

  As she continued, I felt hot tears pouring down my cheeks. I was ashamed at what I had done. I had allowed vengeance and revenge to control my life. I hadn’t seen the beauty and majesty that came with the powers of being a Fairy. I had known that Fairies were woodland creatures-- created as soulful and loving creatures with magical abilities. My parents wouldn’t want this for me. I don’t want this for me.

  “Students of Woodsong Academy, I plead with you to allow the true magic coursing through your veins to speak to you. Let us bind our Academy with magic to protect all Supernaturals.” She then turned to the Trackers who were left. “I ask that all the Trackers present stop this hatred and violence toward Supernaturals at once. We are unable to understand why you set forth to destroy the Supernaturals. All we want is to live in harmony,” she finished.

  One of the Trackers stepped forward, moving his way through the bodies and limbs scattered over the ground. I hadn’t noticed him before, but he was wearing a white helmet, instead of a black one like the other Trackers.

  Taking off his helmet, he revealed his face. He had tan skin, shaved dark hair, and brown eyes. He stood with a stoic expression as he took in the scene that had unfolded around him. We all stood watching him, waiting for what-- I had no idea.

  Finally, he opened his mouth and spoke. “Supernaturals have taken over parts of our land for centuries. My family lost their farming land so this Academy could be built. We want to take back our power,” he shouted.

  I took this as my opportunity. I was now face-to-face with one of the people responsible for my parent's death. “Killing off Supernaturals won’t bring back what you lost. All it does is bring more death. This has to stop. Allow us to live peacefully and we will leave you alone. If you don’t, you will continue to see the wrath of our powers. Look around,” I motioned. “You are mere humans. You will never win against us. Sure, you might be able to kill some of us, but there are too many more of us waiting to attack. Let this go now,” I screamed.

  The man glared at me and after a long pause, he simply nodded his head. “I have lost too many good men here tonight. If the Supernaturals agree to stop this bloodshed, then so do we,” he added.

  Electra sauntered over and stood next to me. She patted my shoulder and smiled down at me. “What do you say?” she asked the Tracker.

  “I agree, but if I see any Supernaturals near me or my family and land, I can’t promise we won’t be back,” he said, his voice gravelly and gruff.

  “That’s only fair,” Electra agreed.

  And with that, the Supernaturals let go of the Trackers they had been fighting with. The remaining Trackers who were able, helped carry off the wounded while others picked up the dead and escorted them off our grounds. None of us dared to move or speak until the last Tracker was gone and out of sight.

  Once there were no more in sight, I crumpled to the ground and began to sob.


  At some point, someone had picked me and carried me inside of the Academy. I had been crying so hard, my eyes were blurry and I could barely make out my surroundings. Ace walked over and took my hand.

  I heard his familiar voice and knew it was him by my side. “Brie, you did it. You stopped the war with the Trackers,” Ace said.

  We had done it! We had not only stopped the Trackers from taking over the Academy, but we had made peace with them, too. They would no longer haunt the woods surrounding us. They would no longer be a threat to our kind. The Woodsong Academy was ours and forever it would be ours to protect. As I lay on a soft couch, in complete shock at what we had accomplished, I was quickly brought back to reality as Ace picked me up in his strong arms and hugged me tightly.

  “We did it!” he cheered, his warm breath tickling my ears.

  “Congratulations, Ace, and the rest of the Academy,” Electra began. “The threat that was among us is now gone and, in the process, you found a way to bring peace back to the Supernaturals again.”

  I could see tears forming in her tired eyes as she looked around at the destruction before us, but in her eyes, I believed she saw hope and promise. Sure, the students at Woodsong Academy had been injured, but that could be repaired. What couldn't be salvaged would be the loss of lives or the loss of the Academy altogether. Thankfully, we didn’t have to worry about that now.

  We all began hugging and crying as the weight of what had just happened came crashing down on us all. As we stood, embracing one another in the disaster that was once a beautiful grand foyer, we found comfort in one another and knowing that this could all be fixed. It could be salvaged. And, together, we could accomplish it.


  In the days after the war between the Supernaturals and Trackers ended, we were all insanely busy. We had to get the word out to other Supernaturals that we were finally safe and a truce had been made. We spent more time learning how to utilize our powers and become stronger independently and together. And, Ace and I had grown closer because of these gifts. As my new friends and I learned more about one another and our magic, Ace and I spent more time together. We became inseparable as he took his new role as protector to an all new level. He had become kind, sweet, patient, and encouraging as I continued to learn new spells and found new ways to love myself again.

  “Hey, will you take a walk with me?” Ace asked, as he spotted me sweeping up the kitchen. I had been busy helping Electra make some minor repairs caused by wind damage in our large kitchen area.

  I hadn’t seen him until he was standing right beside me. I looked up and smiled as I took in his dark as night air and mysterious, beautiful eyes.

  “Sure,” I said, placing the broom
back into the kitchen closet.

  Taking my hand, Ace began to lead me toward the large glass doors overlooking the back of the property. I spotted Electra smiling at us as she continued working in the kitchen.

  We made our way onto the covered stone porch and I shuddered as a cool wind swept around us. The sun was just starting to settle in the evening sky and rays of oranges, reds, and purples covered the sky. It was breathtaking, but so was the guy walking with me.

  We walked in silence as Ace led me to a small garden behind the Academy. He pushed open the waist-high black iron gate and we walked inside. Weeping Willow trees lined the black iron fence that enclosed the garden. Black and red roses littered the area and a small, winding gravel path took us to a stone bench under a large tree.

  We walked along the path, the gravel crunching under our feet. Soon, we made our way to the bench just as the sun fell from the sky and the silver moon made its appearance. Stars sprinkled the sky and gave us just enough light to see one another's faces.

  “I am in awe of your power,” Ace breathed.

  My breath faltered and my heart stopped beating for a moment. The heat coursing through me had me about to faint. “I am no different than you,” I admitted, and I truly meant it.

  Ever since coming to the Woodsong Academy, my life had been transformed for the best. I had made friends, I have learned so much about myself and my self-worth, and I had met Ace.

  “I want you as my own,” Ace stated firmly. Placing his hand gently under my chin, he lifted my face up to meet his. Our eyes locked before he leaned in and kissed me with such passion and intensity, it took my breath away. “Together, we can possibly one day lead the Academy. You are far stronger than any other Fairy I have met and smarter and more beautiful than any other girl I’ve met,” he smiled.

  I reached up and kissed him gently. This is what I had wanted-- to feel a sense of belonging again. I could never bring back my parents, but I have gained a whole new life and family here at the Woodsong Academy.

  Once we parted our lips and took a breath apart, I smiled at him. “Are you asking me something?” I teased.

  I had never wanted anything more than what Ace was asking and promising me. He was offering me love and acceptance and the chance at having a real future. And, I couldn’t say yes fast enough.

  Throwing my arms around his neck, I launched myself at Ace as I squealed in delight. “Yes, I love you too. I want to be with you forever, too,” I cried out.

  We sat there for what felt like forever, smiling and embracing one another in the cast of the moonlight. I sighed as I looked up and saw the lights glowing in the Woodsong Academy. Our friends were busy inside, moving about their lives as they repaired our home-- Our place of acceptance. I sighed, feeling Ace’s heart beating against mine.

  I was home. A power had been ignited inside of me and, forever, I would be a powerful Fairy. And, forever, I would have Ace and the Woodsong Academy at my side. With one last glance at Ace, I smiled to myself. I was finally home.

  The End

  Want More?

  Check out the synopsis for the second installment in the Woodsong Academy Series set to release January 2020.

  For Brie, being part of the Woodsong Academy had transformed her life. She was enjoying her new role as a powerful Fairy and living her best life with her boyfriend and protector; Ace. However, as Brie has learned before, nothing good ever remains.

  When a new student enters the Academy, things start to change. Students show up missing and unexplained occurrences begin to destroy the once tight bond between the students. Will Brie be able to uncover the mysterious happenings at the Academy?

  Also, turn the page to get a sneak peak into another exciting novel by Leigh Allen: Hollow Cove Dreams:Book 1 in the Hollow Cove High Series.

  Hollow Cove Dreams: Book 1 in the Hollow Cove High Series

  Spinoff Series from the Raven’s Boys Series

  By: Leigh Allen



  Sometimes I think that everyone’s life is screwed up. But others, are just better at hiding it than I am. It was the middle of my sophomore year, and my life was still one big disaster.

  “Move freak,” Gina sneered, as she shoved me against my locker. Her long, blonde hair swayed behind her as she sauntered down the halls of Hollow Cove High, like she owned the place. I guess, in a way, she did.

  Of course, the hallway was almost completely empty, but still, she felt the need to move me out of her way so she could have the full space to walk.

  I hate Gina.

  Ever since my parents died six months ago, I had forced myself out of my private school and away from my friends. Reluctantly moving to this hell-hole, they call public school. My brother Isaac, and now guardian, was afforded my parent's life insurance and decided to keep the business my parents ran, but I had to get out of that private school. Even though he begged me to stay there, reassuring me we could afford it, I just couldn’t. I had to get away from everyone I knew when my life was complete. Now, Isaac worked as the manager and owner of our mom’s coffee shop here in Hollow’s Cove. He had to give up his dream of becoming an attorney to take care of me. Thankfully, he was taking night classes at the community college, and working toward a business degree, but still, his life had changed just as much as mine had.

  Only, he seemed to be handling everything better than me.

  I went from being the popular and fun-loving teen at my private school, to now the angry new kid who no one liked.

  “Shut the hell up, Gina,” Grace yelled, as she made her way to my side.

  Well, at least one person liked me.

  “Looks like the freak found a friend,” Gina laughed, as her group of followers smiled next to her. Her blue eyes burned into me as she looked at me with disgust.

  “What is your problem?” I asked, snaking my hands to my hips.

  I could feel my anger rising and if she didn’t get away soon, I wasn’t sure what I would do to her pretty little face.

  “My problem is you,” she cackled. “You walk around here wearing only black and look like you are going to shoot up the place,” Gina stated. “Maybe you should just go back from where you came from,” she said, before flipping her long, blond curls over her shoulder and stalking away from me. “You think you are better than us here, but you are not.”

  “Give it a rest,” another student yelled to Gina. While Gina made me feel like the whole world was out to get me, at least I had a reality check that let me know it was just Gina and her gang of skanks that hated me. For what reason, I had no clue.

  I inhaled a sharp breath and closed my eyes. I was trying to remember the calming techniques Ms. Rhonda, my new school counselor, had taught me. We had weekly sessions and she was helping me get past my urges to hit everyone and everything.

  Truth is, I never had anger issues until after my parent's accident. Living a perfect life had given me no reason to hate the world around me. Now, I detested life in general.

  Maybe one day I could learn to see the bright side of things. But for now, I was left angry and jaded by a world that allowed two innocent people to be killed at the hands of a drunk driver. A vile human who was able to walk away from the accident without any injuries. The monster, who I had learned through police reports, had a severe alcohol addiction that she had been hiding from her husband for years. She thought it would be ok to drown herself in a bottle of vodka as she made her way to the mall. Little did she know, my unexpecting parents were leaving a date night, the same time she decided to chug down the remainder of her alcohol. It only took one unseen red-light for her to destroy my entire world in a blink of an eye.

  My brother Isaac and I had sat in a courtroom filled with a jury who looked at us with pitiful eyes. We watched as this evil human cried and begged for forgiveness from us. Her thin frame and thinning, blond hair made her look even more like the victim she pretended to be. For me though, I saw past her fake tears. I saw a selfish human who only tho
ught of herself. Her friends and family all begged my brother and me to drop the charges. They were more concerned with their friend, than how she had destroyed my family-- my world.

  Maybe I should have told the judge to give her a second chance. Maybe I should have told her I forgave her. But I couldn’t. She took away the two most important people in my life and left me cold and dark inside. So, I unleashed my hurt and begged the judge to lock her away forever. She had murdered my family.

  It wasn’t fair. None of this was fair. But, I was quickly learning nothing in life was ever promised, and it damn sure wasn’t fair.

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