Season of the Witch
Page 33
* * *
Jenks returned to the windows at the front as in his mind he heard the fury of the Grey. He smiled and puffed on his cigar and then laid the burning stub on the window seal fully expecting to enjoy it later.
“This is for Ginny, you Grey son of a—”
* * *
Jack and the others felt the explosion before even hearing it. The two ships met and a split-second later the world that had been covered in rain lit up as if the sun had exploded. The Boston Whaler was lifted free of the sea and almost flipped over stern over bow but then righted itself.
Jack ran to the ladder and was about to climb up when he saw Carl was just steering and looking at the shoreline. He decided his friend didn’t need the company.
In the east the sun rose as the weather started to mysteriously clear and it promised to be a beautiful day ahead.
Chapter Eighteen
Desert Springs Hospital,
Las Vegas, Nevada
Sarah closed the cell phone and looked at Niles Compton. The director was looking even more worn than before. He refused every request made by his new Assistant Director to get some rest back at the complex. The news about the loss of Master Chief Jenks and the death of Elsbeth Barlow dug Niles’ hole of depression even deeper. He toyed with the cup of coffee in front of him and kept his eyes lowered. Niles hadn’t shaved in the full week he had been planted at the hospital and chose to even change clothes there. Sarah had covered for the missing personnel as best as she could under the circumstances, but it was nearing a time when the department needed its director back.
“How’s Carl?”
“Jack said having Anya there with him has made it bearable. He lost the father figure he always had in the Master Chief.” Sarah sighed. “First Virginia, and then Alice and the security men, we’re all taking it pretty hard.”
“You know, I always thought the Master Chief a bully. I never thought that maybe that’s the only way he knew of teaching.” Niles looked at Sarah and smiled for the first time in days. “And he was one hell of a teacher.”
Sarah raised her coffee cup in a mock toast. “Amen.”
“Where’s Jack and the team now? We’re kind of shorthanded around here.”
“Just landed, he’ll stop in in a few. He wants to visit with Alice.”
“Do you mind if I join you?”
Sarah and Niles looked up and saw the Surgeon General smiling down at them. They both thought the smile was somewhat out of place but instead of saying anything Sarah gestured to an empty chair. He sat.
“When I’m gone, please pass on to whoever is in charge of general services here that their coffee is the worst I’ve tasted in the whole of the country.”
The comment was met with silence from Niles and Sarah.
“You’ll have to do it soon, because I’ll be leaving here tomorrow.” The Surgeon General watched their reaction but there was still nothing. Then Niles perked up, but the Surgeon General didn’t know if it was in anger of just questioning his reason.
“Leaving?” he asked, exchanging looks with Sarah.
“Yes, my time here is done. They don’t need me anymore—hell maybe never did. I told you Alice is one strong and determined lady.”
Sarah suddenly stood. “You mean—”
The surgeon general looked at his wristwatch. “She’s been awake now for twenty minutes.”
“You bastard!” Sarah said as she turned and took a few steps. She stopped and turned to face the bearded navy man. “Sir!” She sprinted from the cafeteria.
“In Sarah-speak that means, thank you for everything,” Niles said as he stood and then held out his hand.
The Surgeon General of the United States of America stood, smiled, and shook Niles Compton’s hand. Then smiled wider when the mysterious director of a mysterious government entity followed Sarah out.
The small bar was situated between the Rio Hotel and Casino and a small strip mall that had just been sold but had yet to chase off all of the tenants who had leases. The Rio waited anxiously for its destruction.
With the scorching sun outside, the air-conditioned dive was a blessing for Lieutenant Danie Mediskaya. His clothing was light and airy, but he had never seen such a scorching day outside of Afghanistan. He allowed his eyes to adjust and then he saw the man he was meeting sitting in a booth at the far end of the bar. Regev Slivinski was there with a tall glass of club soda. Mediskaya moved into the booth across from the colonel.
The female bartender came over and the younger man ordered a vodka on the rocks. The colonel offered no condemnation, but he wasn’t pleased.
“I assumed you would be a drinking man, Colonel,” he said as he settled in after the bartender left.
“Do you know what the Americans say in regard to assumption?”
“That assuming is the mother of all fuck-ups.”
“The Americans and their sayings. Witty at times, stupid at others.”
The colonel sipped his club soda as the bartender delivered the lieutenants drink and left.
“What did you learn?” Slivinski asked.
“The Colonel has just arrived at McCarran and his Director Compton is still where he’s been for that past week.”
“The hospital?”
“Yes, sir. Surveillance says he hasn’t left.”
“This could be a problem.”
“Why? I mean if Collins visits this woman in the hospital, they will both be in one place. I thought you would be pleased.”
“Lieutenant, how many assignments have you had where you had to eliminate someone in a crowded, public setting?”
“None, sir. But I thought poison could be an applicable measure. I understand Kim Un-Jong uses it in public places quite successfully.”
Slivinski was silent as he again sipped his drink. He looked at the boy closely and shook his head. “You’ve heard about my reputation. I don’t poison targets, Lieutenant. Besides, and answer quickly, how much does Colonel Collins and Director Compton weigh?”
The young apprentice assassin looked confused. “I don’t know, sir.”
“I do. Collins is a big man. Compton a smaller man, but very robust. How much of this magical poison do you have on hand?”
“It can be supplied.”
“And how much do you administer to each?”
“I don’t know, sir.”
“Exactly. Now, with their concern being in I.C.U. wouldn’t you say they are watched closely by doctors and nurses?”
This time the lieutenant didn’t answer. He knew Slivinski was teaching him something but for the life of him he could swear the ‘give no quarter’ attitude he had heard so much about was missing from the man they called the Ghost.
Lieutenant, when you deal with a man such as Colonel Collins, you put him down by means you know for a fact are going to keep him down.”
“A bullet.”
Slivinski raised his glass. “With more risk, comes greater satisfaction.”
Slivinski lowered the tall glass and frowned. “With them getting ready to run to their underground lair, we have but one or two opportunities remaining. We can’t guarantee any outside meeting because we just don’t know their patterns. I’m concerned, but it has to be the hospital. And if my hunch is correct it will be tonight or tomorrow at the latest.”
The information seemed to relieve the young lieutenant. His demeanor changed instantly.
“I need a full schematic of the hospital from our contacts. I need outside window locations. I need to know where their security is stationed.”
“Right, I have everything in the hotel room,” Mediskaya said as he downed his drink and held up his hand indicating another.”
“I need them now, Lieutenant.”
The boy immediately rose and with a disdainful look at the colonel, left the bar.
When he was gone, Slivinski removed the photo of his daughter from his wallet and looked once more at her smiling face. Th
en the smile vanished as fast as it had appeared. He turned and watched the young assassin drive off and he frowned. He knew as he replaced the photo that he couldn’t do this work any longer. That not only would he lose his soul but curse his daughters also.
The Ghost knew he was finished.
* * *
Desert Spring Hospital,
Las Vegas, Nevada
The hospital staff felt so confident about Alice’s improving condition that they moved her to a private room two floors down. Jack and Sarah smiled and tried to not show how difficult things had been for everyone just to keep Alice’s spirits from sagging. But they could tell that Alice had an intuition about her that was incomparable to anyone. Niles sat in a corner chair and was smiling steadily for the first time as he took in the reunion.
The door opened and Anya and Carl stepped in. Anya was the first to hug Alice and Carl second. As he bent over Alice locked her arms around him and hugged as hard as he’s ever been hugged. No words needed to be said. Carl broke the embrace and then wrinkled his nose trying to force back his emotions.
“You look like you finally got some rest,” he said smiling.
Alice smiled at Everett and Anya. “Yes, I’m ready to return to work if that ogre over there will let me,” she said indicating Niles in the corner.
“I think we can scrape by a few more days without you. Besides, I need the rest also. You come back and the kickback days are over.”
The room laughed as it was great to have Alice back again.
* * *
The medical supply van drove slowly into the elevated parking area. The writing on the side of the large step van said—Golden Goose Medical. As the van parked the lights shut off and the entire area was silent with the exception of the crickets.
“Are you sure this is where Collins parked?” Slivinski asked as he moved a large case onto his lap as he sat on the wheel well.
“Yes, sir. That’s his puke green government sedan right over there. The Colonel and a lady drove in about an hour ago.
“Compton?” he asked as he screwed in the barrel of the specially redesigned Russian-made SVD semi-automatic sniper rifle and then did the same with the sound suppressor.
“So that’s the famous Ghost’s Spear.”
Slivinski looked up. He was disgusted by the lieutenant’s love of everything kill worthy and especially the nickname they had given his personal weapon.
“You’ve heard of it?”
“Who hasn’t Colonel. You and it are like vodka and ice.”
“Is that right?” Slivinski said as he placed the curved magazine of ten rounds of 7.62-millimeter rounds and then pulled the bolt back and left it open. He placed the PSO-1 optical sight on and adjusted it.
“I thought you would use one of the newer model scopes Colonel.”
“This is a shorter-range weapon Lieutenant, any more power on the scope would just be heavier in weight and more than you need.” He looked over at the eager boy. “Besides if you can’t hit your target with this you need to find another profession.”
The lieutenant’s smile faltered.
“Okay, open the portal so I can sight in.”
Mediskaya eased over and slid the portal that was disguised as the second letter ‘O’ in goose. The portal was just big enough for the muzzle and wide enough for the scope aperture to see properly. Slivinski was satisfied.
“Now we wait.”
* * *
Jack, Sarah, Anya, Carl, and Niles needed to leave the room and let Alice get some rest. At least that’s what a burly nurse recommended with a very serious frown. Alice had tears in her eyes, and all felt guilty about leaving her alone.
Once outside, the group relaxed and there was even some soft banter. Alice’s recovery had made all feel re-energized like a shot of vitamin B-12. They remained at the entrance and spoke about going to get a well-deserved drink before heading back to the complex.
At the far end of the parking lot another green Chevy with U.S. Government plates on it drove past a large medical supply van and parked not far away. Three men climbed out and stretched.
“There’s Jason, Will, Charlie and…what is that Charlie’s carrying?” Sarah asked.
“Damn it, those idiots are trying to smuggle Matchstick in a blanket in to surprise Alice. We better turn them around before we have the National Enquirer reporting aliens in Vegas,” Jack said smiling.
“Not that they haven’t reported it before,” Sarah said, and they all laughed as Ryan, Mendenhall and Charlie noticed them and waved.
* * *
“Now Colonel, you won’t get a better shot. Both are right there.”
Slivinski grated his teeth at the exuberance of the young assassin. The boy just irritated him to no end. In his old age anything concerning murder made him shy away further from the human race. To Danie Mediskaya’s amazement, Slivinski lowered the rifle and pulled away from the portal.
“I can’t do this anymore,” he said with his head lowered.
“Have you told anyone else that Colonel?”
Slivinski looked up at the lieutenant. He shook his head ‘no.’
“Oh, but I think you have, sir,” he said as he handed the colonel a photo. “They told me this may happen, and I was told to remind you of the consequences of failure.”
Slivinski saw the same photo of his daughter that he had in his wallet. His eyes flared brightly with anger as he looked back at Mediskaya who was holding a silenced Makarov semi-automatic pistol on him.
“I suggest you carry out your orders, Colonel. For all our sake.”
Slivinski dropped the rifle and dove for the Makarov. The weapon discharged. Slivinski was hit in the chest and he fell forward into Mediskaya. The lieutenant quickly dropped the smoking pistol and picked up Slivinski’s private weapon and pushed the colonel’s still form out of his way. He quickly brought the rifle up and aimed through the portal.
* * *
“Well, I’m parked over here,” Niles said. “I’ll see you people sometime tomorrow after eighteen hours of sleep.” Niles waved and started to move off.
“Hey, you three, visiting hours are over!” Carl said loudly as Charlie, Ryan and Mendenhall stopped suddenly.
Carl saw Ryan push Charlie and Matchstick out of the way and both he and Will started running hurriedly toward them. Carl’s eyes widened when he saw both men draw weapons.
“Get down!” Mendenhall shouted loudly.
That was when Anya looked over and saw Niles on the ground. He wasn’t moving and blood was starting to spread across the asphalt of the parking lot. The blood was almost unrecognizable under the sodium lamp.
“Niles!” she shouted as they all turned.
* * *
Danie Mediskaya was pleased to have hit Compton with the first shot of the ancient weapon. He used the bolt and ejected the spent round and chambered another. He sighted on his second target, Colonel Jack Collins. He smiled as his finger started to put pressure on the trigger. He knew he was about to be known as the new Ghost. He squeezed the trigger.
“Get down!” Jack yelled and grabbed Sarah and pushed her as hard as he could as a second silenced shot went wild and smashed the window of a nearby car. Collins pulled his weapon at the same time as Carl and both advanced in the direction of the unknown assailant.
* * *
Slivinski, with a bullet in his sternum dove for the weapon and struck the lieutenant just as he had pulled the trigger. The shot went wild. Mediskaya pushed the weakened colonel off of him and then started firing wildly at whatever moved outside.
* * *
Ryan was the first to see the barely perceptible muzzle flash of the rifle. He and Mendenhall started filling the step-van full of holes, but the shots from inside kept coming. Then Jack and Carl added their firepower to their defense. Soon the van was starting to burn but still the shots kept coming. Jack turned quickly as he reloaded and saw Sarah running with Anya toward Niles. He cursed her for not obeying his orders. He turned and star
ted firing once more. Then the van exploded.
Ryan and Mendenhall dove for cover just as a man rolled out of the back doors of the step van. He was holding a pistol as another man jumped. The man with the pistol fired several rounds at the second and he went down and didn’t move. The first rolled over and didn’t attempt to rise. Ryan made it to him first and shielded his face from the intense blaze. Will kicked the pistol out of the still hand of the first man and then grabbed him by his shirt collar and drug him away just as Ryan leaned over and checked the second man. There were several holes in the man’s face and Ryan said good riddance and moved away just as the van exploded for the last time.
Jack and Carl ran up and made sure Will and Jason weren’t hurt. Then Jack leaned down and checked the first man’s pulse. He was still alive but was bleeding out fast. The man’s eyes suddenly opened and for a moment there was panic in them. Then he relaxed when he brought a crumpled picture to his eyes. He seemed content for the briefest of moments and then he saw who was leaning down next to him.
“Colo…nel…Collins…,” the man reached up and pulled Jack close to his bloody lips. He whispered and Jack flinched. The man kept speaking, his words getting softer and softer, then he went silent. Jack angrily pulled the man’s clenched fingers from his coat and let it go. He stood and his eyes told Carl, Ryan, and Will that he had been told something that put him into a blank rage. Then it passed and he looked at Will and Jason.
“You two alright?”
“Yeah, Matchstick and Charlie are over there,” Will answered.