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Fighting for the Forbidden: Forbidden Series #3

Page 14

by Lorraine, Tracy

  His palm glides up my neck and to my cheek, his fingers tangling into my hair. “Is this it?” His eyes bore down into mine, their intensity has my insides quivering.

  I nod once but it’s all the confirmation he needs. “I won’t let you regret it…me.” Then his lips are on mine and his body is pressing mine into the door. A whimper rumbles up my throat as his tongue slides against mine, tasting me, reminding him how good we are together.

  My body sags against his, but he senses it. His knee presses between my legs, and along with his hips, he keeps me upright as his kiss continues.

  Pulling his lips from mine, he kisses across my jaw and down my neck. My chest heaves with my increased breaths and I hungrily suck in some deep lungfuls of air.

  “I never thought I’d get this again. Jesus, Lauren. Fuck.” His hand brushes down my body and slips inside my jumper. “I need more. I need everything.”

  His fingers skim across my stomach before he finds the button holding my jeans closed. He makes quick work of popping it open, and in seconds, he’s sliding his fingers inside and past the lace covering what he wants.

  “Fuck,” he grunts when he finds me wet and ready for him.

  His fingers circle my clit, and quiet whimpers and begs for more fall from my lips. “Ben, please,” I moan as he circles my entrance, teasing me.

  My orgasm is just in reaching distance when he stills and pulls his hand from my jeans.

  “I need to be inside you right now.” He undoes his own trousers and pushes them and his boxers down his thighs. His cock bobs in front of him, the head purple and already glistening at the tip. “Lauren,” he growls, and I manage to come back to myself enough to shimmy out of my jeans and knickers.

  “I don’t think you should be—”

  My words are cut off as he wraps his hand around my thigh and hitches it up to give him the space he needs. With his hand wrapped around his cock, he bends his knees and lines us up.

  We both moan as he sinks into me. My walls ripple around him and the pleasure takes over my entire body. I’ve no idea if his moan was in pleasure or pain, or a little of both.

  Dragging my eyelids open, I look up at him. All his muscles are pulled tight, his eyes locked on me as he starts to thrust in and out of me. I want to ask if he’s okay, but he hits me deeper and I lose all train of thought. The only thing I can focus on is him and the sensations he’s causing within me.

  “So fucking good,” he grunts, his movements never faltering. “I want to feel you, baby. Show me how good it feels having me inside you.” His words, along with his thrusts, push me higher and higher, closer to my release.

  Wrapping my arms tighter around his shoulders, I try to take a little more of my weight to help him. It changes our angle slightly and my orgasm hits, taking me by surprise. I cry out his name as he picks up the tempo a little. Dropping his head into the crook of my neck, I feel him swell inside me before he growls and releases everything he has.

  We stay exactly as we are for the longest time, locked in our embrace and him softening inside me.

  “Are you okay?” I whisper eventually.

  Pulling his head up, he looks down at me. He’s eyes are alight, and any tension that was on his face previously has gone. “I can honestly say I’ve never been better.” The smile that splits his face melts my heart.

  “That didn’t hurt?”

  “Like a motherfucker, but it was so fucking worth it.”

  I laugh but only briefly, my concern for him taking over. “You need to go and lie down.”

  “But I’m not finished with you yet.” He pouts.

  “I wasn’t suggesting we’d finished, just that you need to lie down.” Desire floods his face as realisation dawns, but something more serious soon dampens it down. “What? What’s wrong?”

  Stepping back from me, he takes my face in his hands. The look on his face has nerves racing through me, and I start to panic.

  “Lauren,” he breathes. “I fucking love you. Not a minute has gone by in which I haven’t.”

  The breath I was holding comes rushing out of me. “I love you too, Ben. I always have.”

  Our eye contact holds, silent promises passing between us until he ruins the moment as only he can. “I think it’s time you showed me. I’m an invalid, after all.” Backing up, he awkwardly pulls his shirt over his head and kicks his jeans and boxers from his legs so he’s standing in front of me, gloriously naked. “You’re wondering how you resisted for so long, aren’t you?”

  “There’s still time for me to change my mind.”

  “No fucking chance. Now, get naked and get over here.”

  I’ve no idea what time we eventually fall asleep, but when we do, it’s wrapped in each other’s arms. I sleep better than I have in about six years. Giving in to my feelings for him settled something inside me that’s been restless all this time. I could have continued fighting, but I would have always ended up back here, in his arms. It’s where I belong.



  One Month Later…

  Go to our room x

  Plucking the post-it note from the mirror, I smile as memories assault me. Excitement has butterflies taking flight in my stomach as I run up the stairs to see what’s waiting for me.

  When I get to the top of the stairs, I turn the opposite way I’m used to. It’s going to take a while for it to feel natural. A week after I moved back in, Jenny announced that she was moving out and in with Chris. They’ve still not made their relationship official; they’re happy to just take things as they come and enjoy each other. I can understand that, after everything they’ve both been through. I’m happy for them. They deserve a happily ever after.

  Pushing open the door to the master bedroom, I take in our freshly painted walls and new furniture. It’s the only room of the house we’ve changed so far, but we’ve got big plans once things are stable with the business.

  There’s a box with a giant bow sitting in the middle of the bed with another post-it note on the top.

  Wear me x

  Slowly, I pull the silk ribbon, wanting to remember every second of this anticipation. A laugh falls from my lips when I pull the lid off and push the tissue paper aside. Lifting the new Johnson & Son’s hoodie from the box, I place it down on the bed. Beneath is a stunning new maxi dress. It’s not all that different from the one he bought me the last time he did this. That dress is still one of my favourites, and thankfully it still fits.

  I have a quick shower before dressing and reapplying my make-up. Before heading out to find Ben, I rummage through my jewellery box and find the necklace he bought me, putting it back where it belongs.

  I don’t bother looking in any of the rooms; I already know he won’t be inside. The glow from the fairy lights is obvious the second I step into the kitchen, making me even more anxious to find him than before. With the scent of the barbeque surrounding me, I walk out through the sliding doors, but I’m not prepared for what I find.

  The decking area is even more beautiful than I imagined. Every single tree glows with lights and candles flicker on every surface. But the most breath-taking of all is Ben standing in the middle, dressed in a white shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows and a pair of dark trousers, minus shoes. He looks incredible, and I’m once again reminded of how lucky I am that we were able to find our second chance. I still have moments where I worry about the future, but as each day passes, that fear gets less and less. Ben’s not once given me a reason to worry. I’ve no doubt he’s in this for the long haul now.

  “Hey, baby,” he whispers when I get closer. Stepping right up to him, I wrap my arms around his waist and hold him tight. It feels so good to be able to do this properly, knowing I’m not hurting him like I was before. His lips drop to my hair as his hands run down my back.

  “Everything okay in the office?”

  I laugh because he makes it sound like I’ve been far away at work when, in reality, I was just in what used to be the
garages, making sure everything’s ready for our first day in there tomorrow. “Yeah, we’re all ready to go.”

  Tomorrow is our new start. Ben and Jenny sadly had to let a few more employees go, and we’ve had to do some serious negotiations with some of our merchants and sub-contractors, but things seem to be going in the right direction, and of course, saving on the extortionate rent as of now will be a huge help.

  “Still glad you came back?” he asks for the millionth time. Even after moving back in, I wasn’t sure I wanted my old job back, but Ben has a way of wording things, and a few days later, I found myself sitting at my old desk beside Erica once again. That’s all changing with the new office, because Ben insisted that my desk be beside his. He’s told me time and time again that this company isn’t just his, but ours, and he wants me involved all the way. I’m terrified of missing something so huge again like I did with Dad, but I have total trust in Ben and his capabilities in running the company.

  “You know I am. I want it to work as much as you do.”

  “Did IT get everything set up for Trey?” Although they joked about Trey starting immediately, things took a little longer in reality, so in the end they agreed on his start date being tomorrow.

  “Yep, all good. Stop worrying.”

  “I’m not. I’m just excited to see how he fits in and how it all goes.”

  “Oh, I think he’s going to fit in just fine.”

  “What’s that look for?”

  “Nothing. I just think he’s already got a vested interest in what goes on in our office.”

  Ben’s silent for a minute before the penny drops. “What the fuck has Erica done now?”

  “Nothing you want to know about, I can assure you.”

  “Jesus, she’s a pain in my arse.”

  “Aw, you love her really. Now, can we please stop talking about work?”

  “Sure. Are you hungry?”

  “Starved. But seeing as we’re re-living the past tonight, I thought I needed to do something else before we eat.”

  We’re laying out on the swing chair covered in a fluffy blanket and staring up at the star-filled sky after eating our way through the pile of food ben barbequed. Ben’s eyes darken as memories hit him. “I can’t argue with that. Six weeks ago, I really never thought this would be my future,” Ben whispers beneath me.

  “Me neither. I never wanted anything else though.”

  “Me neither, baby. This is it for us now. The beginning of forever. I want it all with you.”

  Turning in his arms, I reach up and press my lips to his. “Forever, baby.”

  The series continues with Erica and Trey’s story in CRAVING REDEMPTION.

  PRE-OREDER NOW or keep reading for a snippet.

  Craving Redemption

  Sneak Peak

  Chapter One

  “You want the usual?” I watch as Joe gestures for the barman. Much to everyone else’s annoyance, she takes one look at him and saunters over, ignoring her other customers who have been waiting longer.

  “What can I get you, handsome?” She bats her very fake eyelashes at him, and he leans forward on his elbows, eating the attention right up.

  Rolling my eyes at them, I glance around the bar. It’s not unusual to bump into a couple of the guys from work here. This place might be a little classier than it was back in the day, but it’s still our regular. It was called Fire back then and was full of drunken students. Now, it’s a fancy bar called The Avenue and has chrome fittings everywhere and chandeliers hanging from the high ceilings. I’d like to think we’ve also grown and are a little more sophisticated, but I usually end up questioning that once we get a few drinks inside us.

  “Here you go,” Joe sings, sliding a prosecco towards me. “To your awesome new housemate.” He clinks his glass to mine, his face deadly serious.

  “You’re an idiot.” I can’t help but laugh at his puppy dog eyes.

  I haven’t lived with anyone since my ex suddenly vanished on me a little over six months ago. I must admit that I’m looking forward to having someone else to talk to. Joe promised me it would be only a short-term fix for his little homeless problem, but I’m in no rush to get rid of him—well, not yet, anyway. We’ve only been living together for a few days. I’ve not had the chance to discover if he has any weird quirks I’m not going to be able to deal with.

  If I start finding stray toenails littered over the bathroom floor, there are going to be issues.

  “So, anyone catch your attention?” I shake myself from my nightmare and look up into his dark eyes.


  “Anyone catch your eye?”

  “Oh no, I’m not really interested.” I’ve been going through somewhat of a dry spell recently. When I admitted how long it had been since I’d had sex, Joe immediately demanded I put on my sluttiest dress and dragged me out of the flat.

  I was excited in the taxi on the way here but now, looking around and finding absolutely no one who catches my eye, I kind of want to go home, put my pyjamas on, and snuggle up on the sofa.

  Joe’s brow rises before he turns to scout the perfect man for me himself. I know it’s unlike me. I used to have a reputation for being the party girl, but, after my last two bad experiences with men, I’m more than happy keeping my distance for a while.

  Sipping my drink, I keep my focus on the colourful bottles behind the bar. I used to live for this, for a night out and the thrill of meeting someone new, but with everything that’s happened over the past few months, I’ve totally lost the enthusiasm.

  “Erica, come on. You need to get yourself back out there. Hiding isn’t healthy. It’s not you.”

  “Maybe it’s the new me,” I mutter, sipping my drink. “Anyway, who are you to start dishing out advice? I hate to break it to you, mate, but your life isn’t all that great right now.”

  “What makes you say that?”

  “Oh, come on. You can’t tell me you don’t realise you’ve been moping around since the day you moved out of yours and Lauren’s flat. I know you miss her. I’m trying not to let it affect me, being your new roommate and all.” I wink to let him know I’m only winding him up. If he needs time to ‘grieve’ or whatever the fuck it is he’s doing, he’s more than welcome to it. I know he appreciates my offer of a place to stay.

  “I just—”

  “You can say it, you know, that you miss her. I know how tight you two were.”

  “Yeah, fine. I miss her, okay?” Something passes through his eyes, and it only feeds my earlier suspicion that there might be more to this than he’s letting on.

  I open my mouth to say more, but I don’t get the chance. Joe is too keen to change the subject.

  “Do not tell me you passed up the guy at ten o’clock?”

  Following his instruction, I look to my left and immediately lock eyes with a handsome older man. A shiver runs down my spine as our eye contact holds. I can’t tell from this distance what colour they are, but they’re dark. Ripping my gaze away, my mouth waters when I take in his pristine white shirt covered with a sharp black waistcoat. Fuck. I’m a sucker for a man in a suit.

  “He is so your type, and by the way he’s staring at you like he wants to devour you, I’d say you’re his, too.”

  “Nope, not interested. I am off men for the foreseeable future.”

  “Fuck off. You don’t really expect me to believe that, do you? You’re Erica Wilde, this is what you do: go out, have fun, pick up guys.” I wince at his opinion of me.

  “Well, if that’s how you see me, it’s even more reason for me to swear off men.”

  “I didn’t mean it like that, and you know it. I just meant that…fuck, I’m screwing this up. You’re not yourself right now, and I hate it. You’ve lost that sparkle in your eye. Your zest for life. He stole that from you.”

  “No,” I spit. “We do not talk about him. Ever. You got that?”

  “I know. I’m just…I’m worried about you.”

  “I could say the same thin

  “I’m fine. I just need a good fuck. You’ve been winding me up all week, walking around in those little fucking shorts and practically see through top—”

  “That top is not see through.”

  “Maybe not, but I sure as shit know you don’t wear a bra under it.”

  “Yeah, you really do need a fuck.” I pull my eyes from his and look around, much like he did for me earlier. “Guy or girl?”

  “A guy. Definitely a guy. I need him to—”

  “Spare me.”

  Rolling his eyes, he moves to scan the room, looking for his target.

  With Joe’s attention averted, I risk another look at the suit. My skin’s been burning the entire time we were talking, so I know he hasn’t got bored and moved on. Our eyes lock once again, and I swear they fucking call to me. They drop to my lips and I watch as his tongue sneaks out and runs along his bottom one. My thighs clench and my fingers curl around the bar stool I’m perched on as my body temperature spikes.

  I allow myself a minute to appreciate him.

  His eyes are hard, and there are a few lines creasing his forehead. His lips are pressed into a thin line. From anger or desire? Only he knows, but damn if I don’t want to go over there and find out. He’s got the perfect amount of stubble on his jaw, just enough to enhance what I’m sure his mouth is capable of but not enough to leave a rash.

  Biting down on my bottom lip, I try to imagine what it might be like to be with a man who looks as dominant and dangerous as him. I’ve experienced my fair share of demanding lovers, but he looks like he might be capable of taking it to the next level. Tingles ignite in my core as I think about how capable he probably is.

  “I’d put one hundred quid on you leaving with him tonight,” Joe says in my ear. I laugh but my eyes don’t leave the suit’s for even a second.


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