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Innocent Lies

Page 15

by J.W. Phillips

  Ethan reached around and scooped the e-reader off my pillow. “Good morning, Privy. You were right I feel like shit and hurt like a mother-fucker. But I can’t quit smiling because I get to wake up to you.”

  I rolled over and came face to face with Ethan flashing a puffy, absolutely adorable, lopsided smile. His left eye was swollen shut and the cut on his cheek was boiling with crusty puss. He took my breath away. How could a guy who obviously lost a few rounds in the boxing ring, still be so damn sexy? “You look like shit too.”

  He smoothly shifted his body until he was on top of me, trapping me with his hips. He slid one leg between mine, forcing them open and then grabbed my hands, pushing them above my head. It was all so sudden, I screamed out in surprise. “See babe, I can still handle you,” he whispered, running his nose along the length of mine.

  He released one of his hands from my arms so that it was free to clutch my chin and held it perfectly still. He seductively licked his upper lip then grunted. His eyes closed as a brief moment of pain washed over him. I tickled his chest. “Why don’t we get these clothes off so I can examine you?”

  His one good eye twinkled with lust. “I don’t know. I might need a nurse. I would hate to be taken advantage of.” He skimmed his thumb over my nipple, through my thin cotton tee-shirt, back and forth until it harden under his touch.

  A playful Ethan. I love a playful Ethan. “I’m not a nurse, but I did take a first aid course in high school.”

  “Well, why didn’t you say so?” He murmured in my ear.

  Ethan paused, leaned up, and removed his shirt over his head, throwing it across the room. He twisted to my side and shoved his hands down in my panties, cupping my sex. “Right now, all I need is to bury myself deep in that sweet, tight pussy and make love to you.” He worked his magic finger with exquisite slowness over my engorged clitoris as he licked over his upper lip. He suddenly jabbed two fingers deep inside me. I squealed.

  He worked his fingers in me, bringing me to an unimaginable high. He withdrew his fingers and brought them to my lips. “Suck baby, see how amazing you taste. My sweet, sweet Privy.”

  I swirled my tongue around his finger as he plunged it into my mouth. His eyes rolled back into his head as he involuntary licked his lips. I sat up and slipped off the shirt I was wearing. Ethan liked me in dresses, but I was positive he preferred me naked under him. I nervously pulled down his briefs.

  His cock sprung free. I held it. I had never touched a man’s penis before. Even during the attack my hands stayed tied behind my back. It was heavy and hard beneath my hands, smoothed velvet over a hard rod. My pinky traced over a heavy vein that run alongside of it. His breath hitched as his penis twitched in my grasp. He placed his hand over mine and guided my fingers along the entire length. “Oh, damn, that feels fucking amazing.”

  He released my hand, and I worked it up and down. Pumping him with both of my hands, I licked the tip and tasted the saltiness of his pre-cum. His eyes closed as he groaned out in pleasure. I sucked the tip into my mouth; then entered a dream state and was petrified.

  Everything blurred around me as the face of my attacker came into focus. He pushed me down to kneel and motioned for Louie. His hands were rough and harsh pulling my hair.

  “Open your damn mouth, cum slut.” He spit out. I heard them call him Jamie, but no name suited him. I could only view him as a monster. I started to panic when Louie thrust his hips into my face. I could see his not-so-small erection. “Let’s try that pretty little mouth out on your dick. Better she learns the value of no teeth on you.”

  I didn’t know what they wanted me to do so I did nothing, except noted my heart racing in my chest. Louie undid his belt and freed himself. He placed the head of his cock against my tightly, sealed lips. I closed my eyes, trying to shut out the humiliation.

  “Breathe out your nose and swallow, bitch.” Jamie said and pinched my nose causing my mouth to gap open.

  “Dylan, Privy,” Ethan said over and over, shaking me. I wasn’t in that run-down shack. I was with Ethan. “Babe, what’s wrong?” He stroked my face. His thumb wiped across a tear.

  “E, tell me you love me.” I said, but held my head down in shame. I couldn’t even give him pleasure without freaking out.

  “Hell, yes, I love you.” He whipped my head around. He had become unhinged. “Privy, I don’t know where you just went, but babe, you don’t have to do this. You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do.”

  I stroked my hand down the length of his cock. I wanted to do that. I could do that. I swiped my tongue over his tip again, then plunged my mouth over him. He bucked his hips and clenched the sheets on the bed. I swallowed, feeling him slide down the back of my throat.

  “Holy hell, do you not have a gag reflex?” Ethan screamed out. He ground his teeth together and let out a hiss. “Oh . . . babe . . . that’s fucking perfect. I love you, Dylan Elizabeth Summers.”

  I slipped down farther, letting my tongue rub against his balls. I had to fight to stay in the moment with Ethan and not let my mind travel back to that night. I sucked harder and harder, pushing him deeper and deeper into the back of my throat. He gripped my hair and thrust himself into my mouth. Giving pleasure brought on a whole new sense of gratification. My own pussy flooded with salacious juices, which was not how my body operated. His legs tensed under my grasp.

  “Privy, you need to stop.” he said in a breathy tone. “Stop, babe, I’m going to cum.”

  I didn’t stop as he pumped me full of his seeds. I swallowed as my mouth was inundated with warm, salty liquid. He pumped inside my mouth three more times before pulling out. Ethan twisted on top of me.

  “Stay with me, turn off the voices in your head, babe.” He demanded and without shifting his eyes from mine, he thrust inside of me. “Look at me. Do not take your eyes off of me.” My pussy quivered around him. He worked the pad of his thumb over my clitoris and after a few more hard thrust I came apart under him.

  Later that same day

  One benefit of having my boyfriend drive a truck was that I was able to sit next to him. My head on his shoulder, his hand in my lap holding on to mine. Of course anything beats that thing he called a car; his candy apple red, 1967 Chevrolet Camaro, his baby, that he had spent way too much time and money on.

  “Penny for your thoughts?” Ethan asked and squeezed my hand.

  “I’m thinking how I prefer your truck over your car.”

  He wiped his brow with the back of his hand. “And here I was worried you were thinking up ways to back out of meeting my family.”

  I’m trying to not think about where we were headed. “No, just wondering why you like that piece of crap called a car.”

  “Hey, hey, that’s my baby you are talking about.”

  “I thought I was your baby?” I jabbed my elbow into his side causing him to laugh.

  “Nah, you’re my lady, my car is my precious baby.”

  “Okay then.” I clutched his hand that was inching up my thigh. “I don’t believe that your precious car has ever given you an orgasm.”

  “I wouldn’t say that.” He started to work my clit through my dress. I shifted in the seat trying to relieve some of the sexual tension Ethan was slowly building up.

  “E, I’m about to meet your mom.”

  “So, she knows I’m not a virgin. I might do you in the truck before we go in.” He laughed. “I’ll put a happy grin on that cute face of yours.”

  I slapped his hand and brought it back to my knee. “Behave, I’m a little nervous.” I started to pick a small piece of lint off my dress. It was an ivory maxi-dress with lace eyelet over the bodice. Ethan had great taste, but not what I expected. All the clothes he had bought and packed for me were soft and feminine. After having him in the bed, I pictured him more the leather and chains kind of man. “I love the dress. I love all the clothes.”

  “Why thank you, madam. I rather like the girl that is wearing them.” He eyed my breast that were showcased quite w
ell in the dress. I have to say I was greatly gratified when he swallowed hard before looking back to the road. “Thank you for this morning. To say I was surprised would be an understatement. But Privy, you never have to do anything that makes you uncomfortable. I know what you lived through and I only want you to enjoy that part of our relationship.” He shook my hand he was holding. “Stop biting your lip, my mom will love you.”

  “I hope your mom likes me?” I wondered, relieved, he was changing the subject.

  He pushed my face onto his chest and hugged me. Another benefit of riding in a truck. “She already does. Anybody that makes her baby boy smile is all right in her book.” His thumb started stroking the side of my arm. A move he made when he was nervous. “You want the low down on the family?”

  I nodded against his shoulder. He hugged me once more.

  “You know my mom is deaf. So when she talks she’s a little loud and she loves to talk. Make sure you look at her when you’re talking. She reads lips. Charlie,” he said and smiled. “Is the man behind all my ink. He is older than me, but a hell of a lot cooler. You better not fall in love with him.”

  “Is he hot? Because a hotter, cooler Ethan might really get me horny.”

  “He can get you all hot and bothered. Even set that pretty pussy on fire as long as I’m the only man who gets to put out the fire.” He threw his head back and laughed. I loved his sarcastic sense of humor. It might be my favorite thing about him. Okay, it was a close second to his body. He tugged on my hair, still laughing. “You are so damn cute. I’m glad I waited for the perfect girl to bring home to momma.”

  “The other fifty wasn’t perfect?”

  “What fifty? You are the only girl I have brought home to meet the parents. Well, except for the neighbor I messed around with in middle school.”

  My heart did a little happy dance in my chest. It was pathetic how easily one simple statement could wrap me tighter around his finger. Could I get any tighter?

  “Lydia is the prune of the family. How mom and she are best friends is beyond me. She only sees everything as black or white.” He cut his eyes over to me. “She thinks you’re too innocent for me. But she does have the cutest kids on the planet. John is ten and an amazing football player. He eats, sleeps, and breathes the crap. Ashley is fifteen and a looker. I have a feeling I might be called back home to take care of a few boys sooner rather than later. Then there is my Kristina. She is my second mom. She was twenty-six when I was born and she spoiled me rotten. She will only like you if you keep up the spoiling.” He smiled a wicked grin and pinched my nipple.

  “Oh, thanks.” I rolled my eyes and whacked his hand. “How about your other brother?”

  “Brandon blames me for Jamie’s death.” He said matter of factly.

  I held back a gasp. It was the first time Ethan had said my attacker’s name and it broke my heart that he was having problems with a brother because of me. “They know, don’t they?”

  “Know what?” He pulled into the driveway and stopped.

  “I was the girl he . . .”

  He turned in the seat. “Yeah, Privy, they do.” He lifted my chin with the side of his hand. “They are aware of everything.” He opened the door and hopped out before I could get a word in. He was around to my side of the truck before I could get out. I jumped right into his arms. “They don’t care. They just want me happy. You are what makes me happy.” He flipped around and pulled me to the house.

  They might want you being happy, but what do they think of me? I had spent the last five years running from my past. I didn’t think I was ready to face it head on yet. If one of them looked at me with pity, blame, anyway, other than excitement to meet the new girlfriend, Ethan would see me more then crumble. Ethan had to sense my trepidation, because he squeezed my hand and whispered in my ear, “They won’t judge you for what you lived through. They will love you because I do and you make me so damn happy.”

  I took in the childhood home of Ethan, and to be honest it was a little surreal. It was in an older, but one of the better neighborhoods of Lakeland. The house was huge, but not the biggest in the neighborhood by far. It looked Victorian in style, and was white with green shutters and a green tin roof. The yard was freshly landscaped and surrounded by a white picket fence. The oversized wrap-around porch had wicker furniture splattered around it. Ethan pointed over to a white wicker swing. “I’ve always wanted to kiss on that.” He hooked his arm around my neck. “Maybe later.”

  The perfect family backdrop still did not prepare me for the scene I walked into.

  “Oh. Oh. Oh, my baby.” An overly bubbly lady who couldn’t have been much older than forty screamed and bounced over to us, throwing her arms around Ethan’s neck. He kissed her cheek. He tried to appear annoyed, but I could see how happy he was to be there.

  “Mom, this is my Dylan.” He pulled me closer to his side as his mother attacked me in a bear hug. She hugged and shook me for what seemed like minutes.

  “So happy to meet you.” She leaned back. “You know he is my only child? Please don’t break him.”

  “Nice to meet you. Ethan has told me so much about you.” I remembered to speak slowly and look at her straight on.

  He told me a lot, but not that he was your only child. Sure, I knew he had step-siblings, Jam . . . that monster was his half-brother. But since his dad was married to her surely she had more children than Ethan. Did any of them have the same mother?

  “Hey, hey . . . Helen, let her at least meet the good-looking brother before you make her declare her undying love to Ethan.” An older, very attractive male said in a lazy drawl and got up from around the kitchen table. The man had to have been in his forty’s maybe early fifty’s, but damn was he hot. His eyes were an usual color, gray with brown specks. His eyelashes were feathery and thick. So thick he appeared to be wearing permanent eyeliner. Lean muscles covered in the most enticing ink work peeked out from under a gray rocker tee. His snug jeans hugged his hip in all the right places. The lines and wrinkles around his eyes showed his age, but his body was hard and slender as opposed to Ethan’s more thicker and muscular frame. “Hey beautiful, I’m Charlie. The older, more experienced brother.” He winked. Damn, if he wasn’t Ethan’s brother I might have had my first crush on an older man.

  Ethan shoved Charlie’s shoulder before returning his hand to mine. It was the last time he let go of my hand. “He also has that old age confusion setting in.” Ethan whispered in my ear.

  “Do I get a proper introduction?” A distinguish man leaned against the doorway between what appeared to be a living room and the kitchen. He was close to seventy, but still stood straight and exuded an air of cockiness. He had to be Ethan’s dad. They had the same piercing brown eyes and he had a cigar bobbing from his mouth as he talked.

  I instantly disliked him. Not only because he was a jackass, but he was the one that sent Ethan on some mission were he got the shit beat out of him. “Don’t forget until yesterday he wanted you dead, Dylan.” My conscience eagerly reminded me. “Shut up, it was Ethan’s uncle.” I reminded it.

  “My love, this is my dad Neal Asher. Father, this is Dylan, my heart.” His voice had a strong warning behind it. Ethan squashed my hand.

  Neal nodded. “Nice to meet you, Dylan. I hope to get to know you better.” He reached out his hand to shake mine. I looked at it. “Ethan and I had a long talk. Welcome.”

  I shook Neal’s hand and tried not to visibly flinch. It didn’t quite work out that way. Ethan wrapped his arm around me as I clutched onto him. My chest heaved. I felt like I was betraying the very core of who I was standing in the home of the monster who attacked me; and shaking hands with the man who a day earlier wanted me dead. A scream was laying just at the surface, clawing to escape. I caught Neal’s expression out of the corner of my eyes. He seemed to be sorrowful. Neal had lost a son and was still willing to try for Ethan’s sake. I could do the same.


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