Book Read Free

The Lake

Page 29

by Grant, AnnaLisa

  I’m sure I’ll call them more frequently than they’ll like, but I’ll die every day that I don’t know how Will is doing. None of them are going to Princeton so I’ll demand that Will communicate with them every day, following each phone call or email with a report to me.

  “Oh, my gosh! What is this? I can’t believe we didn’t see this earlier!” Caroline squeals. She grabs my hand and examines the ring on my finger. “Did you and Will get engaged?”

  “No…not really…it’s a promise ring. It was his grandmother’s.” I’m shy for a moment, not sure how to explain the beautiful moment Will and I shared just a few nights ago.

  “Layla, it’s gorgeous.” Gwen’s tone is sweet and sentimental, not typically like her. She’s holding back tears. “I’m so happy for you.”

  “Gwen?” I prompt. “Are you crying?”

  “It’s just…you have to know how incredibly lucky you are. There isn’t a better guy out there than Will.” Gwen has shocked me. She’s usually so tough, but it’s nice to see this side of her.

  “She’s a sucker for true love!” Caroline chimes. “I can’t believe you didn’t tell us about this! If I weren’t so happy for you, I’d be furious. So what’s the plan?”

  “There isn’t one really. We just have to be patient. We don’t know how long it could be, but we’re both in it for the long haul I guess. I…gave him something, too – my dad’s wedding band.” I hesitate to tell them, but they’ll see it later tonight when Will gets here anyway.

  “Wow. All you two need is a cake and some flowers and you’re on your way.” There’s the Gwen I know and love.

  The doorbell rings and Caroline’s mom calls to us that she ordered pizza. I sit in the half-packed kitchen with my two best girlfriends eating pizza, talking and laughing until my sides hurt. I relish every syllable that leaves their mouths and try to etch it into my mind forever. Even when they come to visit me in Tallahassee, it won’t be the same as being here in Davidson. My heart is here and I’m so angry with Gregory Meyer for forcing me to abandon it.

  “Did you save some for us?” Luke calls as he and Claire breeze into the kitchen.

  “Of course!” I reply mid-laugh.

  “Great! How’s the packing coming?” Claire asks, changing my mood almost immediately.

  “It’s coming.” I don’t really want to talk about the impending tragedy of leaving almost everyone I love behind. Claire can see that and doesn’t discuss the move anymore.

  We abandon packing for the rest of the night and talk about college. Caroline is going to design school in California and Gwen is headed to Clemson for business. I love how unassumingly brilliant Gwen is. She’s got Kate Hudson’s beauty and Steve Jobs’ brain.

  Talking about going away to college seems normal. The girls assume that we’ll all get together for holidays and random visits, but they have no idea just how permanent my move is; that Gregory Meyer will have to be six feet under before we’re all together again.


  I wake with my alarm at 8:00 am and smile as I wait to hear the voice that has followed that morning ping almost every weekend for the last few months. It’s Will’s voice that makes everything we’re going through bearable. I’ve waited longer than usual when I figure Will probably got home later than he expected and is enjoying a well-deserved morning of sleeping in, so I reach for my phone and send him a quick text.

  Layla Weston: Good morning, sleepyhead! Can’t wait to see you soon!

  I put the phone down and take a shower. In lieu of taking the time to dry my too-thick hair I opt for a single French braid. Will said he liked how wavy my hair was after an overnight braid once so I’ll take it out when we go out tonight.

  It’s an hour before I check my phone again. No text from Will. He must really be out of it. He never sleeps this late. I expected Will to reply by now. I hope his father didn’t given him and his mom a hard time when they got home. He didn’t say they had been forbidden from seeing his mother’s family, just that his father didn’t like it. Besides, he’s getting what he wants in just a few weeks. I’ll be in Florida and Will will be on his way to Princeton, but with Mr. Meyer you never know just how evil his mood is.

  I walk into the kitchen half-expecting to see Will there, but he’s not. There’s no one in the kitchen or on the patio. Luke and Claire are early risers so they’re probably out tying up loose ends with clients at the firm. I grab a bowl and pour myself some Frosted Cheerios and eat.

  We’re just a couple of weeks away from the Meyer-imposed deadline. I remember when Gramps died realizing that my final days in that house were coming to a close. Those were my happiest moments in the midst of the sadness of losing Gramps. It’s quite the opposite now. I was never really home with Gram and Gramps, but here…this is the most home I’ve known since Mom and Dad. And now, because one man can’t let his son choose his own path, I have to give up the life I have earned.

  I hate Gregory Meyer.

  Luke and Claire enter the kitchen as I’m cleaning my breakfast dishes. Gregory Meyer is with them.

  “What’s he doing here?” I say with intended rudeness.

  “He’s looking for Will,” Luke answers.

  “What do you mean he’s looking for Will? He and his mom were coming home last night from Hickory.” I grab my phone. Still no text from Will.

  “Miss Weston, I really don’t have time for your games. I gave you and my son a measure of latitude and I don’t appreciate you taking advantage of it. Now, if you’ll retrieve my son we can get on with our day...” Gregory Meyer’s face is expressionless but his tone is full of contempt. His mere presence makes me sick to my stomach.

  “Will isn’t here. Are you telling me Will is missing?” I look at my phone again, refreshing the text screen in some attempt to force Will’s reply.

  “Layla,” Claire approaches me, speaking softly. “If Will is here you need to get him.”

  “He’s not here! I don’t know where he is. I thought he was coming home last night. I haven’t heard from him.” This has got to be some mistake. “Haven’t you tried contacting Eliana’s family? Maybe they stayed longer.” I say frantically.

  “I have contacted them and they report that Eliana and William left last night around 8:00 PM. If you know where my son is, Miss Weston, I suggest you tell me now. You know what I’m capable of. Don’t think that you can play games with me.” Gregory Meyer takes a step toward me in attempted intimidation but Luke intervenes.

  “She doesn’t know where he is, but if we hear from him we’ll encourage him to contact you. There’s a lot going on, Greg. He probably just needs some time,” Luke says calmly. “You should go home. They may be there already.”

  Mr. Meyer gives me a threatening look that reminds me of our ill-fated meeting on the trail in the mountains. “Don’t think you’re buying yourself any more time, Miss Weston. You still have a deadline.” With that he excuses himself and leaves.

  “Ok, Layla. What’s going on?” Luke asks directly.

  “I told you, I don’t know,” I reiterate slowly. Luke and Claire look at each other in that knowing way and then back to me. “Do you know what’s going on?”

  “We don’t know where he is either,” Claire says. Her tone is soft and tender, and full of fear.

  “Mr. Meyer has something to do with this and he’s trying to blame me! Did you notice how he didn’t ask where his own wife was? He doesn’t even care about her!” I’m furious from fear. Will is nowhere to be found and he hasn’t contacted me at all. “Ok, ok, ok…” I say in an attempt to calm myself. I try to practice being like Claire in a tense situation in hopes that I’ll achieve her level of coolness one day. “Let’s be reasonable. Will is probably just taking some extra time with his mom. He’s leaving her here with him and that worries Will. I don’t like that he hasn’t contacted me, but I’m sure I’ll hear from him tonight.”

  “I’m sure you’re right, Layla,” Claire says, this time matching my calming tone. “There’s stil
l quite a bit to get done. We’ve got plenty to pass the time. We’ll hear from Will before we know it.”


  It’s been two days and no one has seen or heard from Will or his mother. Mr. Meyer has launched an all-out search across the state sparing no expense on private investigators. It’s about time he used his money for something worthwhile. There haven’t been any solid leads and I’m doing my best not to lose my mind. Gwen and Caroline have been over continuing to help pack the house. Despite the insanity of what’s going on, Luke and Claire have insisted we continue to pack. After all, we still have a deadline.

  The doorbell rings and I open the door to find Marcus. Without hesitation I put my arms around him and hug him tightly. Regardless of the words we last shared, Marcus had been a good friend. He stepped in to help when we needed him and I will always be grateful.

  “I’m really sorry, Layla,” he says. “He’s gonna turn up. Nothing is going to keep him from getting to you…you know that.”

  “Thank you, Marcus. I appreciate you coming. It means a lot to me. I’m so sorry about the way we left things…”

  “Water under the bridge. Let’s just move forward, ok?” He smiles and I’m comforted to know he is still my friend. “Any word, yet?

  “No, nothing. It’s crazy, Marcus. At first I really thought they just stayed another night with his mom’s family, but when he didn’t contact me at all by that first night, I knew something was wrong. I can’t believe he would be somewhere and not contact me.”

  “Do you think Mr. Meyer had something to do with their disappearance?”

  “I don’t know. I can’t imagine that he would actually do something to his own family. Whether he had something to do with it or not, I wouldn’t put it past him to fake this whole search and rescue effort just to make himself look good. I just hope they turn up before we leave.”

  “You’re still leaving?” Marcus asks with a bit of shock.

  “Have to. Luke and Claire start their jobs and they aren’t going to let me stay by myself,” I tell him, maintaining the illusion that we’re leaving of our own volition.

  “You’d think their boss would cut them some slack.”

  “Yeah, well, you know how some lawyers can be, right? You’ll come visit me, won’t you?” I ask.

  “You think I’m going to miss out on a free place to stay near a Florida beach? I’ll head down when the weather starts getting chilly around here,” he says.

  “Sounds like a plan. Thanks again for coming, Marcus. It means a lot to me.” I hug him again and open the door.

  “Don’t worry. They’re going to turn up, Layla.” Marcus kisses my cheek and walks to his car. As I watch him drive away all I can think is that I hope he’s right.

  “Layla, was that Marcus?” Claire asks as I close the door behind me.

  “Yeah…he wanted to see how I was doing. I guess everyone knows Will is missing.”

  “That was nice of him to come by,” she says. “Sounds like you two made up.”

  “We did. I’m glad. I really didn’t like the way we left things. With us leaving next week, I don’t think I could bear having things unsettled with him.” I sit down on the couch, lean over, and put my head in my hands. “Will’s out there…somewhere. Why hasn’t he called me, or you, or anyone? It’s been three days since they were supposed to be back. We’re leaving in a week! What if he’s out there and hurt? What if…what if they don’t find him? What if we’re not here when he comes back? Oh, Aunt Claire!” I go from nothing to the ugly cry in seconds. I can’t take it anymore. How did my life become so doomed?

  “Oh, Layla. I’m so sorry this is happening. You deserve so much better than all this. I know it’s not what you want to hear, but…maybe this move back to Florida is really the best thing for you. You can start over.” Claire embraces me, stroking my hair back as she consoles me.

  “I’m tired of starting over. How many do-overs can one person have?”

  “Look at me,” Claire says, but I hesitate. “Look at me, Layla.” She’s more commanding now so I know she’s serious. “You can have as many do-overs as you need. Life is imperfect and so are we. We are never going to make all the right choices. We’re never going to be in every ideal situation. All we have in life is our ability to control our actions. We can change our part of any outcome at any point.

  “After Penny died I thought my life was over, but Luke held me and gave me this same speech. Knowing he was right by my side made me believe I could move on with my life. Because I did, I was gifted with you. We’re right beside you, Layla.”

  I don’t say anything. I just lean in harder and let Claire hold me while I drain myself of all the tears I’d been holding in.


  It’s June thirtieth and there is still no sign of Will or his mother. Luke said that since it’s been more than ten days Mr. Meyer wants to call off the search. He’s assuming they’re dead. I can’t accept that. I’m going to need more than Gregory Meyer’s unwillingness to be relentless in his search to make me back down.

  The house is packed and so are we. Since our deadline has arrived, we really don’t have a choice in leaving. Chris and Tyler arrived before 7:00 AM to help get the truck packed, and Gwen and Caroline come around 9:00 AM for moral support. Between the three of us girls there isn’t a dry eye.

  “I want you two to know how much I love you both. You welcomed me into your circle and became sisters to me. Thank you…so much.” I say in between soft sobs. I hug them both tightly, not wanting to let go.

  “We love you, too. We’re so glad you came here. Before we met you, I remember Will telling us that you were going to breathe a breath of fresh air into our lives; he was so right.” Caroline says through tears.

  “I know it isn’t like me to, you know, get all mushy, but…Layla…you changed our lives. You showed us what it means to be true to yourself and uncompromising. I don’t know what we’ll do without you.” Gwen hugs me fiercely and I know that my earlier fears of her not coming to visit were unmerited.

  We say nothing of Will’s disappearance, not wanting to make the moment any harder than it already is. The girls leave, saying they can’t bear the idea of watching me drive away. After Chris and Tyler finish loading the truck I’m forced to say my goodbyes to them.

  “You better not forget about us!” Chris says picking me up as he bear hugs me.

  “I wouldn’t think of it,” I whisper in his ear. I’m afraid to talk any louder than that for fear I’ll burst into tears…again.

  Saying goodbye to Tyler is harder. He had come to my aid and helped me understand Will in those times when it seemed impossible. He reassured me and helped build my confidence in Will’s love for me.

  “I think I’m going to miss you most of all,” I tell him.

  “Not half as much as I’m going to miss you. If only I had seen you first, I would have made you mine.” He holds my face in his hands and kisses my forehead. “You’re an amazing person, Layla – a spitfire. Don’t ever forget it. You had the courage to stand up to Gregory Meyer. If you can do that, you can do anything. That’s one of the reasons Will loves you so much. You gave him courage he didn’t know he had. You did that for all of us.” I embrace Tyler and don’t want to let go. He is as close as I will ever be to Will again. “I love you,” he whispers.

  “I love you, too,” I tell him.

  “I’m so sorry about Will. They’re going to find him,” Tyler whispers.

  “I hope so,” I say, echoing his whisper.

  “Layla, it’s time,” Luke says softly, placing his hand on my shoulder. I pull away from Tyler and take a long look at him.

  “The four of you need to come down and see me soon, ok? Road trip, right?” I try to lighten my tone in an attempt to stop the tears.

  “I don’t have to let Gwen drive, do I?” Tyler jokes.

  “No…definitely not.” We both laugh and I feel good about leaving on a high note.

  We hug everyone again and say our
goodbyes. Caroline’s parents are still there, as are Chris and Tyler’s, which I think means a lot to Luke and Claire, too. Claire and I climb into the Denali and pull out of the driveway with Luke behind us in the moving truck, towing the Lexus. I cringe as we drive past Will’s house. I feel like I should be doing something to help find Will, but the reality is that there is absolutely nothing that I can do. I’ve not powered down my phone in almost two weeks, and kept the ringer as loud as it will go. I even set a different ring for Will’s number.

  It’s late in the day when we leave so we stop in Savannah overnight and continue on to Tallahassee the next day. The drive is fine. It’s mostly desolate, especially through South Carolina. Claire and I make small talk, but I mostly listen to my iPod. All I want to listen to is the playlist I created of my favorite songs from the bands, old and new, Will introduced me to. It’s on shuffle and repeat.

  We have adjoining rooms at the hotel in Savannah, which is good because Claire is close by to console me in the night as I cry in my sleep. Every night since Will disappeared it’s a variation of the same dream. I’m in the back seat of my parent’s car on the night of our accident. We crash and there’s blood splattered on the windows and me. As I look up I see Will in the driver’s seat and me in the passenger seat. Sometimes I’m me at the age I am now. Sometimes I’m twelve. Every night I wake up to Claire stroking my hair and telling me it was just a dream and that I’m ok.

  When we arrive at our new house in Tallahassee, Claire gets out and meets Luke at the front door. I sit in the car for a while, soaking it all in. I can’t bring my body to move. I’m having déjà vu, only I didn’t feel completely dead inside the day I arrived at Luke and Claire’s house in Davidson.

  I force myself to open the car door and get out. Each step is labored and forced. The house is smaller but just as beautiful. I push the huge double wooden doors open and get my first glance of the place I’ll live in numbed existence until Will is found. The floor plan is typically Floridian: very open and lots of windows. I walk to the back of the house and I’m immediately struck by the view, which is the first time I’ve felt much of anything outside of fear in days.


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