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More Than A Handful (Alpha and Omega series Book 12)

Page 12

by Lisa Oliver

  “How big is your territory?” Tanner asked suddenly.

  “What do you mean, territory? I’m a lone wolf.”

  “Yes, but, remember our friends in the wild.” Tanner turned the corner, Karl’s hand stayed connected on his back. “You’ve claimed a territory, whether you’ve done it officially or not. Do you know any other wolf shifters in town?”

  Karl shook his head. “What about your bear friends? Don’t they have a claim here?”

  “No, Captain Peters and his clan live out past Alpine, on the fringes of the Cuyamaca Rancho State Park. They’ve claimed the land between Alpine and Pine Valley as their territory. Bears aren’t keen on city living, they just work here.”

  “That’s a fairly long commute.” Karl kept scanning his surroundings, his wolf alert. He could sense Allan and his friends following, but they were keeping their distance for now.

  “Thirty minutes or thereabouts.” Tanner also seemed to be watchful. “We should’ve headed to the waterfront. The park gives them the advantage over us city folk.”

  “Too many people at the beach over the weekend.” Karl spotted the park ahead. “Fancy holding my hand?”

  “Always. I wouldn’t have pulled away last time you grabbed me, but I was making a point. It’s made. I like you touching me.” Tanner held out his hand, and Karl took it, taking strength from Tanner’s thick fingers in his. “Think about your territory, what you could lay claim to. There’re no packs here at all. Believe me, I checked. Besides, this place is too close to the sea, has too many people. Your business might not be in the heart of the CBD, but you have that and your house, and there’s my place too. Where’s your uncle’s pack?”

  “Out the back of Bakersfield, near the Sequoia National Forest.”

  “That’s on the other side of Los Angeles. Don’t you see, you could claim the whole of San Diego and the shifter council wouldn’t care. They’d probably be glad to have an alpha to refer to in this area if there are any problems.”

  “I’d need a pack behind me to stake the claim.” Checking the road for traffic, Karl crossed the street, stepping over the small railings indicating the park edge.

  “Babe, you have a pack.” Tanner chuckled as he did the same. “The moment you claimed me, you stopped being a lone wolf and we became a pack.”

  Karl chuckled. “Now you’ve said it, I’m not sure I like the term ‘babe’ either and that’s damn weird because it’s my usual go-to endearment. I’ve only just realized how impersonal it is.” Karl slowed his walking speed, swinging Tanner’s hand like they were two lovers on a Saturday afternoon stroll. “So, TC, if I have a pack now, then I’ll need a new PA because Allan won’t be allowed to work in another pack’s territory. Any chance you can type?”

  “Ha-freaking-ha-ha. I’ve been a cop for thirty years, of course I can type.” Tanner nodded in the direction of the ice-cream truck serving a couple of children across on the parking lot. “Fancy an ice?”

  “We’ll get one on the way back.” Karl moved closer. “Let’s head for the trees and hope we don’t scare any kiddies.”

  “Oh, my goodness,” Tanner said in a falsely high voice. “Are you going to ravish me in the bushes, big bad wolf?”

  “If we didn’t have company watching our every move, you’d better believe I would.” Karl chuckled despite his tension. Tanner’s ability to tease let Karl know the man could handle himself if needed. And if I have my way, it won’t be needed. Karl had learned a lot about the art of negotiation since he’d left his home pack.

  Ducking under some low hanging branches, and still holding Tanner’s hand, Karl slowed down as soon as they were out of sight of most of the people enjoying family time in the park. The birds were singing, the sun was warm, and Karl inhaled, enjoying the rare smell of trees and nature. I wonder if Tanner goes out to shift, or if he just lays on his bed in his fur. That thought struck Karl as unreasonably sad, and he tightened his grip on Tanner’s fingers just for a second. He’d take his mate running as soon as they could – and keep him safe doing it.

  “You okay?” Tanner murmured. “I thought I’d lost you for a second.”

  “Yeah, I’m good.” Karl was going to explain about the running, but the snap of a twig behind him let him know they had company. He turned, dropping Tanner’s hand so he could keep both his free. There was no way he wanted Allan at his back, although Karl was aware of the irony as Tanner loomed over his left shoulder.

  “Is there a reason you’re following us?” Karl arched his eyebrow, his hands loose by his side.

  “I have a message from your uncle.” Allan probably felt safe surrounded by his goons. Karl’s hand itched to wipe the smugness off his face. “I reported to him, as any concerned employee/pack member would, about your association with a male omega – something that appears to be continuing – and he’s insisted it’s time to come home.”

  Folding his arms, Karl leaned back on Tanner’s bulk. The bigger man didn’t move. “My uncle cut my pack and family ties the night of the software launch, two weeks ago. You know this. By pack law, I’m no longer welcome on his territory, and I won’t disrespect him or his rules by trying to visit now.”

  Allan glanced at the biggest beta standing beside him. The man had a face like a rock, but there was something in the downturn of his lips that had Karl guessing the betas hadn’t been told he was no longer pack. Karl didn’t recognize any of them, but then none of them had a strong wolf spirit, indicating they were probably not much older than they looked.

  “The alpha is insistent,” Allan said quickly. “And they’re his rules. If he wants to change his mind, then he’s got that right.”

  “I totally agree my uncle has that right,” Karl said easily, sliding one hand into his jean’s pocket and pulling out his phone. “I’m sure this is all a misunderstanding. I’ll give my uncle a call and straighten this out. I need to let him know as a courtesy, that he’ll need to find other employment for you anyway…”

  “NO! Why? There’s no way you could’ve…” Allan’s eyes narrowed. “It’s that damned omega’s fault, isn’t it, sticking his nose in where it doesn’t belong.” He waved at the men with him. “Get him – the tall bastard hiding behind the alpha. He’s the reason everything’s falling to shit. He’s the one upsetting your alpha.”

  The men stepped forward as one, stopping abruptly as Karl flicked out the claws on his left hand. “Come one step closer and I’ll rip your throats out.” He curled his lips up in a snarl to show he wasn’t joking. “You there,” he pointed to the rock-faced beta, “why did my uncle, your alpha, order you to come after me?”

  “He didn’t, not directly anyhow. This one,” Rockface flicked a thumb in Allan’s direction, “told us the alpha was concerned about the alpha heir and the life he was leading. Told us to collect him and bring him home. I assume that’s you, sir.”

  “I was the alpha heir,” Karl said, keeping his voice even, aware of the tension in his mate’s body behind him. “You won’t be old enough to know, but my father ran the pack before his untimely death. That was fifty odd years ago, and my uncle has handled the pack since. I left on his advice when he took over, built a life for myself here. It was mutually decided, seeing as I hadn’t been a part of pack life for so long, that we would cut ties. So, you see, for me to accompany you now would be a breach of your pack laws.”

  “If you haven’t been banished, visits are still possible.” The beta looked torn and while Karl appreciated his loyalty, he wasn’t going anywhere, and neither was Tanner. “What’s the story with the omega?” Rockface peered at Tanner over Karl’s shoulder. “Are you sure he’s an omega? I always thought male omegas were puny, weedy, little guys with tiny dicks.”

  “My supposed pack designation has no relevance to this conversation and for the record my dick’s probably bigger than yours,” Tanner rumbled quietly. “I’m not part of your pack and have no desire to be. I am, however,” a wallet was flipped over Karl’s shoulder, “a respected detective here
in San Diego. The sheer number of you all, and the inflammatory words used by the man pulling your chain, could be construed as a threat – in a public park – with families everywhere and children present. As an officer of the law, it would be my duty to have you all checked out, especially seeing as you are out of towners and have no reason to be in this jurisdiction.”

  “Shit.” Rockface took a step back and his men fell back with him, except Allan who was trying to push Rockface forward again.

  “The alpha wants to see him,” Allan insisted, although his shoving efforts weren’t working at all. “He’s got the alpha’s blood; you can smell it. He is the alpha heir.”

  “I was the alpha heir for all seventy-four of my years,” Karl snarled. “And yet, I don’t recognize any of you, except you,” he pointed at Allan, “and that’s only because my uncle recommended you for the job of my PA. What does that tell you?” He gestured at Rockface. “I might smell like my uncle, but I don’t smell like pack. You’re not in your pack’s territory, you’re in mine. You’re a hair’s breadth of stepping over the line and getting arrested. Think about it.”

  Karl could almost see the wheels turning in Rockface’s brain. Tanner flipped his wallet away; Karl knew that’s what he was doing because the back of Tanner’s hand brushed his ass as he did it, sending tingles right up his spine. I can’t afford to get a boner now, although Karl hoped if it was noticed, Rockface and his friends would all just think it was an offshoot from a potential fight. “Do you really want the hassle?” He asked, wanting to push things along.

  “Your uncle’s a good alpha,” Rockface said hesitantly.

  Karl nodded. He hadn’t had experience of it, but the men threatening him now were clean and reasonably tidy.

  “We always knew there was an alpha heir, out here,” Rockface gestured at the trees. “Your uncle has been talking lately about you coming home and taking a mate, training to take over from him.”

  “Until recently, it was a possibility. However, my cousins are strong women who will mate well to ensure the security of the pack for future generations.” Karl felt, rather than heard Tanner shuffling behind him. “From what my PA has been telling me, and in particular his offense against the detective with me, it would seem leaving was the right decision. My values, and those of the pack have parted ways. It is probably best that my uncle seeks an alpha heir who has similar values to those you hold now.”

  Rockface’s eyes flicked in Tanner’s direction again, and if Karl wasn’t mistaken, there was a hint of interest there. But he nodded and indicated for his men to leave. The other men disappeared as silently as they arrived, leaving only Rockface and Allan in the clearing.

  “I gave you an order,” Allan fumed. “Can’t you see that damned omega has our alpha heir under his spell? They do that, you know. They suck you in with their scent and rampant heat, driving an alpha mad with lust until they can’t think straight, and then they suck the alpha dry – money, home, business, bank accounts. Everything. The alpha can’t do anything, he’s too fogged up with lust to stop it until it’s too late. You owe it to your alpha, to protect his only male heir.”

  “Someone needs his hearing checked.” Tanner stepped out from behind Karl, dangling a gleaming set of handcuffs from his finger. Okay, Allan might be onto something with that lust thing, Karl thought as Tanner’s biceps rippled. My man is ripped.

  “As an officer of the law, I am well within my rights to arrest you Allan, for suspicion of embezzlement…” Allan’s face went white, “Theft from an employer, falsifying company documents and trying to incite a riot with hate speech in a public place.” Tanner’s second ripple of his biceps might have been unnecessary, but even Rockface paled. “Or, if you’d prefer not to involve law enforcement, I could let your alpha deal with you. Enforcer, what would you suggest?”

  “You’re talking to me?” Rockface gulped. “I would… er… yeah… the alpha thing is probably best. I’ll take him, and make a full report to the alpha…”

  “I’m working for the alpha, you damn fool.” Allan kicked out at Rockface’s shin. “Why aren’t you attacking that slut of an omega?”

  “Or I could just arrest him, because really, his mouth is pissing me off,” Tanner said. In one quick movement, he had Allan handcuffed and pressed up against a tree. “You see,” he glanced over his shoulder at Rockface, who’s mouth had dropped open. “This bastard has been stealing from my alpha’s company accounts. If he’s working under your alpha’s orders… well, you can see how messy this is going to be when the police investigate. The police are going to want to go through your pack accounts, assets will probably be frozen… it’ll be a long and messy court case, with lots of expensive lawyers and you could find you don’t have a pack by the time it’s all finished, because Karl will probably get everything the pack owns as compensation for the money that was stolen.”

  “We could lose our pack grounds, the house, the land our little ones play on?” If looks could kill, Allan would be dead, and it would all be Rockface’s fault. “I’ll take him. I’ll fucking take him, and I’ll make sure you never see him again.”

  “It’s all the omega’s fault,” Allan yelled, kicking out as Rockface took over holding him. “Why aren’t you attacking him – he’s a pack defect!”

  Karl growled, but it was Rockface who said, “If that’s what an omega looks like, I want to know how I can get one. Are you sure you don’t want to be in a pack?”

  “He has a pack, with me.” Karl pulled Tanner away from Rockface and his struggling captive. “My mate. My Fated Mate – already bitten and claimed.”

  “But you’re straight,” Allan yelled, while Rockface held up his hand for a high five. Karl had to give it to him, the man didn’t look fazed at his confession at all.

  “Not anymore.” Karl looked up at Tanner who was grinning wildly. “Fancy that ice now, TC? Something to cool us off before we get all hot and bothered again?”

  “You’re a lucky alpha, sir.” Rockface hauled Allan to his chest and wrapped his arm in a friendly fashion around the man’s neck. “Don’t be surprised if you find me returning these cuffs personally. There’re some values in the pack that I struggle with too.”

  “A level head and a man who uses it are always welcome here,” Karl nodded, just slightly, preferring to tug Tanner away. But he waited until Rockface and Allan couldn’t be seen for the trees, and then turned and wrapped his arms around Tanner’s waist. “We could have a new enforcer,” he said, meeting Tanner’s eyes as his mate beamed down at him. “We should probably work out a suitable territory with the shifter council and get it registered.”

  “You told members of your old pack I was your mate.” Tanner’s eyes glowed. Karl’s arousal kicked up a notch.

  “I’ll take out a billboard on the main drag if it keeps you looking at me like that.” Karl rubbed his body closer. “Fancy another go in the bed, to see if I can redeem myself this time?”

  “After you buy me an ice.”

  Chapter Twenty

  Tanner was nervous – not in the “oh my gods I can’t do this” kinda way, but more of a “shit, please let everything work out this time,” feeling. There was a hint of nervousness in Karl’s scent too, as Tanner let them both into his house, and Tanner made a point of saying, “Would you feel more comfortable going to your house to do this,” as he unlocked the front door.

  Karl chuckled, shaking his head. “I’ve never had sex in my house, and I’m assuming that is the ‘this’ you’re talking about. I always went elsewhere. Nope, I’m good here, and you have a really comfortable bed.”

  Try not hogging the whole thing when you fall asleep this time. Tanner shook his head to clear his negative thoughts, before dropping his keys and wallet on the table and kicking off his shoes and placing them by the door. “Drink?” he asked, walking through to the living area. “I have an old bottle of whiskey if that will help.”

  “Yes, please.” Karl closed the front door and joined him. Tanner noticed he
’d already lost his shoes too. “And no, that doesn’t mean I need a drink to make love to my mate…”

  “To me.” Tanner found the bottle and a couple of glasses, taking them over to the coffee table. “Let’s not talk in the abstract.”

  “To you, yes.” Karl sat down with a thump and inhaled sharply. “Is it possible we’re just over thinking this? I mean, I’ve been hard for you for hours – I think it was seeing you handcuff Allan that did it for me – and sex is a purely instinctive act when you think about it.”

  “Instinctive yes, but that’s just the act of copulation. In a relationship sex usually means a lot more.” Tanner poured a sizeable shot of whiskey in both glasses, before sitting on one side of Karl, resting his bent leg on the cushions so he could face him. “I assume you haven’t wanted kids with anyone up until this point.”

  “I hadn’t given kids much thought.” Karl turned so he was mirroring Tanner’s pose, cradling his glass with both hands. “I was always paranoid about getting someone I was having a fling with pregnant, so I took all the proper precautions. The risk of having a half-shifter child, and then having to explain to a woman, who wasn’t my mate, about our world was just too much.”

  Tanner took a sip of his drink. “Have you ever thought about having sex with a man? Even just remotely, quiet, on your own sometime?”

  Karl shook his head. “Not in the way you’re thinking. Sixty years ago when I was starting to think about sex, it was never brought up as a possibility that two men could be together – not in my pack. When I got the birds and bees talk, it was all about women and treating them right; how blessed I’d be if I had an omega as a fated mate, but even then, there was no mention of that person being male. I was aware of the struggle for gay rights from the seventies when I left the pack, right up until now, but it didn’t concern me – I always believed I was straight until I saw you.”

  Chuckling, Tanner shook his head. “Yet as a male omega, I knew straight was never an option for me. But the Fates must have seen something in us, to put us together the way they did.”


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