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Weredragons Of Tivuso: The Complete Series

Page 21

by Maia Starr

  “How do you move like that?” I asked.

  “I already told you. I think the more important question here is, how do you taste?” Then with a blur and a rush of air that blew my red hair back, his tongue was inside of me. I squealed with shock and delight.

  “Mmm, you taste delicious,” he moaned as his tongue moved in circles, sampling me. I writhed on the bed. I could hardly take it. I arched my back up and my hips bounced off the bed as he licked and teased me with his long alien dragon tongue. I was wild and could not keep myself restrained. I shouted over and over, “Oh fuck! I’m cumming! I’m cumming, Azlo!”

  I felt the explosion between my thighs rip like I had been set on fire. The tremor rocked through me, rushing to the very core of me. I was out of breath trying to push my hands through his hair to get a hold of the feeling, as though I could contain it with my hands. I knew that I could not.

  Before I could finish my screams of pleasure, he moved fast again and pushed his thick long cock inside of me. “Ah!” I screamed. He moved so fast and with such skill that it was the best experience I had ever had in my life.

  “That feels so good. You are so warm, Sheila,” he groaned as he kissed me. I could not respond. I was overwhelmed by everything that was happening to my body.

  “I’ve wanted you since I first saw you,” he growled as he began to pump his cock slowly in and out of me. I wanted to respond, but I was tongue-tied. All I could do was throw my hands around his arms and hold on as he did with me whatever he wanted. I was his.

  His hips swayed back and forth in a jackhammer motion as his alien cock moved in and out of me faster and faster. “Fuck, I feel so damn good right now. I can’t describe it,” he said with a big grin on his face as he looked at me with those ice blue eyes of his. I felt good too, but all I could do was nod my head in agreement. I had never been fucked like this in all of my life.

  I watched as his weredragon emerald green wings stretched out behind him. His hard dragon chest scaled slammed against my breasts over and over as he fucked me. I was on the verge again. Just the visual of this alien taking me with such lust in his eyes was enough to send me over the edge.

  “I’m…” was all that I could say. I wanted to shout that I was coming, but my body contorted into orgasm before I could get the words out.

  “Mmm, I can feel you pulsing on my cock. Damn that feels fucking good,” he moaned in a thick growl. He was groaning like a man, but growling like a dragon beast. I exploded into orgasm and pushed my fingernails into his arms. I was losing all sense of myself and control. I was giving myself to him.

  He pumped his cock in and out of me for what seemed like an hour before I felt his body tense up. He growled even louder. That was when I knew. He was giving in.

  “I’m going to release. I’m going to release,” he whispered. Then he growled a loud dragon roar as he arched his head back. His cock slammed deep inside of me and his wings spread out behind him to their full span, filling the room. I was in awe of this show. I was not expecting this as his warm sticky juices flowed inside of before he let his heavy body rest on mine.

  We lay there in silence except for the heavy breathing. I did not know what to say. I couldn’t find the words for how I felt. He picked up his head from my neck after a minute and looked at me. He looked surprised.

  “I feel… I feel… it’s such bliss that I can’t find the right words. I feel like I am drunk, but heavier than that. Even the colors in the room look brighter; your eyes are greener. There’s a warm feeling running through me. I think this is euphoria,” he said. “It’s a high, and it feels better than flying.”

  “Yes, I understand. I can’t exactly put into words how I feel. But I have never experienced this before,” I said smiling.

  Chapter 9

  General Azlo Bron

  Sex with Sheila made me feel on top of the world. I had never been so happy and filled with life. I had extreme euphoria. It was unlike any feeling I have ever experienced. It made me feel like nothing bad could ever happen again. Being inside of her was like being filled with joy and insane happiness. The feeling was so overwhelming that I could not put words to describe it into my mouth. All I could do was feel it.

  The next day, I woke up feeling completely healed. I could tell that the blackness had completely left me. It was magical. This meant that her DNA had bonded to mine. She was now attached to me. It felt good. But as soon as I felt healed and better, I felt some guilt. I knew that this was what would happen, and I did not tell her. That felt wrong, even though it meant I was no longer dying. But if I told her, would she be angry about it? I did not want to find out.

  “General, the scouts are out again for a second wave of surveying the area. So far, so good. The attack last night seems to be a small band of cyborgs only,” Lieutenant Reqan said to me.

  “Thank you, Lieutenant. We must get rid of the cyborg parts in the fields. We do not want them to make their way to the recycling and repair facility. We will pile them and burn them,” I said standing up and walking back-and-forth in the room.

  “General?” he said. I stopped walking and looked at him. Then a big smile came across his face.

  “You are healed. It is true, is it not?” he said taking a step closer to me and looking at me up and down.

  “It is true. I have a mated with a human female, and I am healed. But keep this to yourself. But you do not have to fear my death from the blackness,” I said.

  He let out a whoop in celebration.

  “I am so relieved,” he said.

  “I am too. Now go see to the burning of the cyborgs,” I said.

  “Yes, sir,” he said and gave me a slap on the shoulder and turned and left.

  I was glad that he was relieved. I didn't like having my soldiers have to think about anything other than their work. I did not want him distressed over the fact that his general could die at any moment. Now I was healed and looking forward to the future. But I wanted the future to be with Sheila at my side. But I couldn't have her at my side without telling her the truth. I did not want to lie to her. She meant a lot to me. I risked my life just to be with her. So I went to find her to tell her the truth.

  “There you are; I have been looking for you,” I said when I found her walking down a back street.

  “You have? Why?” she said playfully. She had opened up to me. That wall that she had up before with slowly crumbling down. I was worried that the truth was going to build it back up again.

  “Because I wanted to see you again. I always want to look at you,” I said as she put her arms around my waist. It felt good. Her hands were delicate and soft.

  “I like that. I was just walking toward my home; want to join me?” she said.

  “I would love to,” I said. We walked together. We walked in silence. I wondered what she was thinking. I knew I had to tell her now or never.

  “Sheila, there is something that I must tell you. When we first arrived on Earth, my king came in search of medical knowledge because the Veruka have been dealing with a sickness: the blackness plague. We thought humans could help us understand the disease and maybe help us cure it as well. He wanted to exchange this knowledge for protection against the cyborgs,” I said.

  “Yes, you mentioned something like that. Go on,” she said.

  “My king became ill with the blackness while on Earth. He fell for a human female, Dr. Vanessa Lopez. He mated with her. He did it because he desired her and wanted her, just as I desire you. But after he did so, he was cured of the blackness. Dr. Vanessa Lopez discovered that when we mate with a human female, we absorb their DNA, and it helps us to heal. We don't understand it; that is all we know at the moment. We think it is a miracle: magic.”

  She stopped walking. She looked at me, and her green eyes narrowed. I knew that look. She was suspicious; she had every right to be.

  “What are you trying to tell me, Azlo?”

  “I wasn't completely honest with you. I have had the blackness sickness since
I arrived in your village.”

  "And now?”

  “After being with you, I think I am healed. I woke up feeling great this morning. I think the sickness has left me,” I said.

  “What? Are you saying that you absorbed my DNA and you are healed?”

  “Yes, I think so. I cannot be sure without the test that Dr. Vanessa Lopez was able to run on my king, but it seems that way,” I said.

  “Unbelievable. I can't believe this! I knew that I should be suspicious of you from the beginning. You are not here to help us fight the cyborgs out of the kindness of your own hearts; it is because you need human females to save yourselves. And you used me! That's what all that chasing me was? I thought you actually cared for me. This is complete bullshit,” she said as she reached up and slapped me. It was only a small stain against my cheek; a human could not hurt us.

  “No, I did not. It is not like that at all,” I said, but she did not let me finish. She turned around and walked off.

  “Don't talk to me, Azlo! Never talk to me! You are a selfish pig!”

  “Wait, Sheila; you are not letting me explain,” I said. But she rounded the corner and was out of my view.

  “Shit,” I said.

  I turned and walked in the other direction. I knew this was going to happen. But I had to tell her. I didn't have a choice. I was in love with her, and I wanted to be honest. I stomped down the street, wondering how I could get her back. It was important. I wanted her at my side. I didn't want her to be suspicious of me.

  “General, wait,” I heard Chrissy say. I stopped.

  “Hello,” I said trying to hide the fact that I was completely pissed off.

  “General, I never got a chance to thank you for saving the village. We would not have survived if it wasn't for you and your many, many dragons,” she said arching her brows.

  “You are welcome. We are doing what is honorable,” I said.

  "No, you could have left us, but you did not. So thank you. If you ever want me to thank you personally, I am open to that as well,” she said. I wished that Sheila was here to hear her talk. If she knew that I had options to heal myself if that was all that I was looking for, then she would know that I wasn't just using her.

  “General, Commander Zai, is looking for you,” Lieutenant Reqan said as he flew down from the sky and landed next to me. I heard Chrissy let out a delightful sigh.

  “I am on my way. Lieutenant, let me introduce you to Chrissy Jones. She was just offering to make a meal for a weredragon in thanks for defeating the cyborgs at the battle. I think you should have the honor of enjoying that meal,” I said.

  “Yes, that would be exceptional, Lieutenant. If you would like it?” she said.

  Reqan had a big smile on his face. “I would be honored,” he said. I patted him on the back and flew into the air, letting the two of them talk about arrangements. There: why couldn't Sheila see that I wasn't just after sex with any human females? I would have to prove it to her somehow, or she would never forgive me. I went to see the commander right away.

  Chapter 10

  Sergeant Sheila Adams

  I knew the dragon scum was not to be trusted. But I didn't know that it would be because of this. I thought they were playing some sort of trick on the village, but I didn't know that I would be the trick. I felt so stupid. I was so filled with anger that I could feel my face turning a bright red as I walked away from General Azlo. I wanted to do more than slap him, but there was not much I can do to hurt him. He was too strong, much stronger than humans.

  He had told me the truth about why he had sex with me. He did it to save his own life. I didn't know what to believe about the bonding of DNA. It seemed impossible to me, but then again, he was an alien, and a month ago I would have considered him to be impossible. Years ago I would've considered cyborgs taking over the Earth impossible, so maybe there was truth to this DNA bonding stuff. Having sex with me saved his life, but why me?

  Later that night, I understood this bonding thing better than I wanted to. I lay in bed trying to go to sleep. Finally, I dozed off, but in the middle of the night, I felt Azlo’s heat on me. I could feel his hard dragon scales brush across my nipples. I moaned in my sleep. His hot dragon hand was on my ankle. It caressed me and moved up my leg, slowly over my knee to my inner thigh. Then it pressed against my wet center. His thumb pressed on my clit and moved it from side to side. “Oh god. Oh yes…” I whispered. Then his hand kept moving. It moved up my belly and over my breasts. His fingers rolled my hard nipples gently. I arched my back up and opened my mouth, craving his kiss. I felt his mouth clamp over mine, and his long tongue massaged my tongue as his hands massaged and kneaded my breasts. I felt so small and delicate in his hands. He was so large. The heat from inside of him was radiating through his skin and on to me. I felt like I was sweating in heat under him. I moved and rolled around. Then he trailed kisses from my mouth down my neck. His tongue licked my breasts. He kissed my belly, further and further down. Until his tongue was pressed on my clitoris. In a flash, I exploded into orgasmic pleasure. I screamed. I woke.

  “What?” I said out of breath as I looked around the empty room. I was completely naked and sweating.

  I looked around the room again, “Azlo?” There was no answer. I grabbed a match and lit the candle next to my bed. The room was empty. I slid out of bed, wrapping a sheet around me. I picked up the candle and went to the living room. It was empty. The door was locked the windows were closed. There was no sign that anyone had been there. I was alone.

  “Shit, it was a dream. But it was so real,” I said sitting on the couch. How could that be? I had sex dreams before but never like that. I had never had an orgasm in my sleep before. How did this happen? I was so confused. I walked back to my bed and blew out the candle. I laid down trying to cool off and not think of Azlo fucking me. Then it hit me.

  “No fucking way! He said we bonded….” I whispered to myself.

  I realized this dream could be part of the bonding. I could feel him even when he wasn't with me. I wondered if he could feel me? It was unbelievable and hard to understand. I knew that it was a sex dream only, but could it be that it was so strong because we were now bonded? I was a part of him now, and if he was thinking about sex with me, or even dreaming it, maybe I could feel it too. It was completely insane! But I liked it. Was that bad?

  Then at that moment, I thought about Devon, but for some reason, thinking about him didn't hurt the way that it used to. I didn’t feel the same amount of guilt that had burdened me. But why? The regret and remorse was all that I had left of Devon. I had wanted to hold tight to it even though I knew that it wasn’t healthy. But it kept the memory of Devon inside of me, and that was what I wanted. It was fading

  Could it be? Could it be that bonding with this weredragon had pushed the love and pain that I felt over my fiancé out of my heart? Fuck, how dare he do this to me? And he knew that it would happen this way too. He knew all along because it had happened to his king with another human female. This was his plan all along. I felt stupid. But more than that, I felt more and more in love with this weredragon. I would always have my fiancé in my heart, but the love for Azlo was growing stronger and stronger by the minute. I felt like I had no control over it. He had claimed my heart, body, and soul.

  The next day I tried to keep my mind occupied with work. There was a lot to do. The infrastructure of the village had suffered ever since the attack because people were traumatized, and it took a few days to feel normal again. It took a few days to feel safe. I had to admit that the Veruka army did save us. We owed them a lot. If they had not been here, then we would not have survived the attack.

  “Sergeant.” I turned around to see Lieutenant Reqan coming toward me.

  “Yes, Lieutenant?” I said.

  “Our engineers are with your man Richard. They are requesting your presence. Do you have time to meet with them now?” he gestured in the direction of the mechanic shop.

  “Yes, I do,” I said as I b
egan to walk with him.

  “I have to admit that I am very impressed with your skills, Sergeant. The way you have kept this village up and running practically on your own, under your leadership,” he said.

  “Thank you, Lieutenant. But how do you know about the work that I did here before you arrived?” I asked.

  “I have become… friendly with a human female named Chrissy Jones. She told me all about it; she speaks highly of you,” he said.

  I gave him a look. I knew exactly what he meant by friendly. It seemed that she was throwing herself at all the dragons in the village. Then it made me remember something; she had been overly flirtatious with Azlo before he was ever with me. She was throwing herself at him. Why did he not sleep with her? It would have healed him of the sickness that very day. Instead, it was days later before he laid with me. It did not make sense to me.


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