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Page 15

by Unknown

  “Okay, I will meet you in delivery Regina, don’t panic and remain calm. I’ll see you both when you get here.”

  “Goodbye,” Regina said as she hung up the phone. “All right, let’s head on over to the delivery room, she’s going to meet us there.” Another kick came and she almost doubled over with pain. Collin helped her sit upright along with Randy Sr.

  “All right everybody let’s let them out so we can get out of here now!” said Alannah as the two men helped Regina stand while everybody else started heading out the door.

  When they walked outside, Kenny had already started up his patrol car. “C’mon you guys, I can get us there faster.”

  “Thanks bro, all right everybody just follow us, if you get lost, we are going to Henderson Memorial.”

  Once Collin and Regina were inside, everybody scattered to their cars and Kenny drove off with the lights and siren blaring away. Soon the long procession of cars that was the whole Noonan family headed off to the hospital.

  “Where…is…your phone?” asked Regina between her breathing.

  “Here you go baby, who are you going to call?”

  “Maxine, she’s got to be there, ahhhhh God!”

  “We’ll call here once we get to the hospital, right now you need to do your breathing and focus.”

  He was right, she thought as she continued her exercises, but then she decided to just text Maxine to let her know what was going on. Once she was done with her message, she continued with her breathing while Collin rubbed her stomach. Even though they were speeding in Kenny’s car, it seemed like everything was going so damn slow. Why was this happening so soon?

  When Kenny pulled into the delivery area of the hospital, he got out and opened the door. A nurse appeared and helped Collin get Regina out of the car and into wheelchair. They wheeled her inside.

  “Is Doctor Anderson here, she’s expecting us,” asked Collin while they went to the front desk.

  As soon as he said that, Doctor Anderson came out of the elevator already ready for her. “Hello Collin, Regina dear how are you feeling? How far apart are the contractions since I last talked to you?”

  “They just started really, oh my God there goes another one!” she shouted and continued with her breathing.

  “Let’s get her into a room. Do you know who besides Collin you want to bring with you?”

  “My mother-in-law and my best friend but it’s going to take some time for her to get here I think, I just texted her.”

  “What’s her name?” asked the lady at the front desk.

  “Maxine, Maxine Wallace.”

  “I’ll make sure she gets back there to you when she gets here.” And with that, they wheeled her down the hall as Collin waited for his mother to come inside.

  Once Regina was hooked up to the machines and had her IV in, the doctor and her interns looked her over to determine why the baby was coming so soon. After they looked at the baby on the ultrasound machine and checked over her records, Doctor Anderson pulled her fellow doctors outside in the hallway. The expression on her face only made Regina worry even more.

  “Something must be wrong,” Collin said as he and Alannah walked in.

  “Now don’t go looking for trouble me boy. Let them do their job.” Alannah hugged him and kissed her cheek. The door opened again and Regina was relieved to see Maxine come in.

  “How are you, are you doing your breathing?” she asked frantically.

  “I’m all right. We’re just waiting to be told what is going on from the doctors right now about the baby.” Then another contraction came on and she screamed out and the doctors soon came back inside the room.

  “Mrs. Noonan, I don’t know how to say this so I’m just going to say it. When you first came in and we went to determine how far along you were, it seems the intern who saw you that day made an oversight on her part. As of right now, you are right on time with giving birth to the baby. You are not going to have a premature baby, which is great. I don’t know how in the hell this could have happened though and I do want to apologize for this because this is not how I work.”

  “Saints be praised!” shouted Alannah as Regina was just relieved to know that their child would not have any problems.

  “Thank God, let me go and tell the family the good news.” Collin smiled as he kissed Regina’s lips and ran out the door.

  “So what do we do now?” asked Maxine.

  “Well the only thing we can do is wait, just keep checking your vitals as well as the baby’s make sure you are comfortable and to see how far along dilated you are. This is the tough part, the waiting.”

  And for Regina it was indeed the roughest thing she had ever done in her entire life. It seemed like hours ticked by as they waited for some sort of change.

  But change didn’t come…at least not until five-thirty-seven the next morning.

  “Oh my fucking God, get it out, get it out now!” shouted Regina to the top of her lungs.

  “All right Regina, we are going to get you ready to push now sweetie. When I tell you, I want you to bear down and push. Okay ready, now push!” shouted the doctor.

  Regina bore down hard as she held Alannah and Maxine’s hands for support. Collin was coaching her throughout, giving her praise.

  “All right, now stop pushing. You’re doing real good Regina, really well.”

  As she looked at him with tired eyes, Collin smiled and wiped her forehead and face. “I love you baby, you’re doing just fine.”

  “All right, here comes another one, now bear down and push Regina, push as hard as you can!”

  As Regina did just that she screamed so loud that she almost felt her voice give out.

  “I can see the head, you’re doing great Regina, just rest a moment here and we are going to do one more big push, all right my dear.”

  Regina looked over at Collin. He had tears in his eyes as he stared at her. “Baby, can you give me some water?”

  “Sure baby.” Getting the small pitcher, he poured some cold water in a cup with a bendy straw and let her take a sip.

  When Regina was done drinking, he put the cup back on the table. “And baby, can you promise me one more thing?”

  “Anything baby, what is it?”

  “That we won’t be doing this baby thing for a long time from now, honestly I don’t think I could handle another right away,” she told him as everybody in the room erupted with laughter including the doctor.

  “I promise, not for a good long while.” Collin chuckled while brushing her hair from her forehead.

  “Oh God, here comes another one!” shouted Regina.

  “All right now I want you to give me one more really big push Regina and we’ll have your new son, now push!”

  On command, Regina gave all she could as she pushed harder than she had all morning and let out a screeching moan that soon accompanied a baby’s crying. Regina had never heard such a wonderful sound as she saw her first born before her as the doctor held him up for the group to see. “It’s a boy, a fine healthy boy!”

  Alannah and Maxine started to cry along with Collin and Regina as they hugged and kissed each other while the nurses cleaned the baby up.

  “Mr. Noonan would you like to come and cut the cord?” asked one of the nurses.

  Collin grabbed the camera they had brought with them and went over to see his first born son. The baby was wiggling around and crying a bit while they weighed and measured. He looked great, he thought, with his rosy pink skin and eyes as big as his mother’s.

  “He weights eight pounds four ounces and is twenty in a half inches long,” the nurse told him with a smile as she handed him the scissors. While Collin quickly cut the remaining part of the cord the baby stopped crying as if he knew his father was there.

  “He’s just like the rest of the Noonan men, big and strong and long,” Alannah said with a smile. Collin loved the look of pride on her face as she looked at her twelfth grandson.

  Once the baby was wrapped up in a blan
ket, Collin brought him over to Regina who was waiting anxiously to see her son. He started to take pictures as she cradled and kissed the baby with tears in her eyes. Opening his blanket to get a good look at him, she smiled as his little fist balled up in the air as he tried to reach out for her. She wiggled her finger into his little hand and he quickly gripped it hard. “My goodness he’s already got a good grip there. My perfect little man isn’t he precious Max.”

  “That he is, he’s simply adorable. I know I plan on spoiling my godson rotten. By the way, you never told me what you guys decided to name him,” Max asked as Regina looked at Collin who started to laugh a bit.

  “Well, when we found out we were having a boy, we thought long and hard for months about who we were going to name him after. Well, we decided to go with Aidan Daniel Collin Noonan, the Daniel is my dad’s name.” Regina gasped turning to him. “Oh my God, the family, Collin you forgot to tell everybody in the waiting room.”

  “Shit, I’ll be back,” Collin said as he started walking out of the room.

  “Oh Mr. Noonan, we will be moving her into her room in a little while and we’ll be putting the baby in the nursery soon as well,” said the nurse.

  Collin stopped a moment and then walked back over toward Regina. “Let me hold my son for a bit before he goes.” Regina handed him over and Collin looked over his son with great pride and awe. This was his son, his own flesh and blood in a tiny cute little bundle that was made from their love. Collin saw him open his eyes a bit and was so happy that he started to smile a little. Motioning for the nurse to come, he handed him over to her.

  She bundled the baby up and walked out of the room with him. “I’ll be back.”

  “It’s Collin, everybody wake up!” Randy Sr. had gotten up to get himself a cup of coffee from the machine in the refreshment area. Most of the men had stayed behind as the wives had taken the children back to their homes since it was getting really late.

  When Collin saw his father and brothers all standing and waiting for the news, he beamed with pride.

  “How’d it go brother?” Bobby asked.

  “She had a son, an eight pound four ounces twenty and a half inch baby boy. We named him Aidan Daniel Collin Noonan and he looks great fellas, healthy and strong.”

  The waiting room erupted with shouts and hugs all around as Kendrick started to sing a song the Noonan men would take part in with the arrival of a baby to the family. It wasn’t long before the rest of the men started to sing along. The other people in the waiting room looked on and started clapping.

  “Now fellas, stop all of that nonsense, this is a hospital you know,” Alannah told her boys and husband as she came in and gave them all hugs. “Come on you fellas, so you can see your nephew and your grandson.

  The guys walked down the hall and around the corner toward the nursery window and saw the little baby boys and girls in their little beds. Alannah tapped on the glass to get the attention of the nurse who had taken the baby in. She got Aidan from the bed and brought him over for the men to see.

  Collin watched as his brothers and father looked at his son and smiled as they tried to get his attention by making silly faces and waving at him. He had to laugh at how they acted but he also beamed with such pride at how things had gone.

  “I swear I’ve never seen a bunch of grown men acting so silly over a baby, it’s not like you haven’t seen one before,” Alannah told them all with a chuckle. “Now come on because I know that Regina will be happy to see all of you.”

  Alannah went inside first to see if Regina was presentable for them. “All right come in fellas.” The men walked inside the medium sized room and saw her lying in her hospital bed wearing an oversized plum nightshirt, her hair combed back with a headband.

  “Hi fellas, did you see the baby yet?” Regina asked as they all came over and gave her a small hug, a kiss on the cheek or held her hand.

  “Yes we did and he’s a handsome little fella,” Mackenzie told her with a smile.

  “We have never been more proud of you Regina than we are right now,” Randy Sr. told her as he gave her a kiss on the cheek.

  “I’m just happy he’s healthy and the whole thing is over.” The men laughed a bit as well as Maxine and Alannah. “Where is everybody else?”

  “Oh they went on home, they had to put the children to bed because they were starting to become restless and tired. But we plan on letting them know once we all get back home,” Timothy told her.

  “We better let you get your rest sweetheart, we will see about you later,” Kenny said as he touched her foot and the rest of the men said their goodbyes.

  “I’ll head on back home myself Gina, unless you want me to stick around, I don’t mind doing that,” Maxine told her.

  “Actually Maxine dearie, I’m going to need for you to come and help me with cleaning up their house, it’s a mess. But we will go and get some rest there first before we start with cleaning. You go and get you some sleep sweetheart and we’ll come by and check on you tomorrow,” Alannah said as she gave Regina a hug and kiss on the forehead.

  Maxine said her goodbyes as well before they left the couple alone at last.

  “Well Mrs. Noonan, how do you feel now that you’ve had our wonderful son?” Collin asked as he sat next to her in a lounge chair.

  Regina smiled and sighed deeply. “I feel wonderful and so very happy too. He’s beautiful isn’t he Collin?”

  “That he is, our beautiful handsome little man. I’ve never been happier and proud to have you as my wife as I am right now. You’ve given me something that I thought I would never have in my life, you’ve given me love and happiness and a part of that is our son. You don’t know how much I love you for all that you’ve done for me. You’ve changed me into the man that I am right now.”

  Wiping the tears that flowed down her cheeks, Regina could only smile when she expressed, “Oh Collin baby, I don’t know what I would have been doing if I didn’t have you in my life. By loving and showing me what real love is all about and giving me a family who cares for me and now a son.”

  Taking her hand, he lightly kissed it as she laid her head back and closed her eyes. Collin turned off the lights in the room as she fell asleep. Grabbing a blanket and pillow that he found in one of the closets, Collin went over to the lounge chair and pulled it back for him to recline in. Soon he was falling asleep truly satisfied with his life and excited for the adventure that lay ahead.


  About The Author

  Born in Jamaica Queens New York, Jamallah Bergman eventually moved around from New York to Alabama and eventually settling down in Georgia with her family and spending part of her childhood in Roswell Georgia.

  Jamallah started to first write when she was just 12, writing scripts for her dolls and as she got older her stories grew along with her.

  She eventually read her first romance novel when she was 15 and became hooked and started to write about romance. It wasn't until she got older when she started to write about erotica as well.

  Jamallah had started to notice that whenever she would read the stories that she loved, she never could understand why the heroines in the stories were nothing like herself. None of the women were full figured or plump or what she would sometimes think of herself (to coin the phrase from Mo'Nique) a "Thick Madame". It would often upset her that she could never find a story where the main character was a full figured woman who finds love with a handsome man.

  Soon Jamallah started to write stories where the full figured woman ALWAYS got her man!

  Jamallah Bergman's main goal in her writing is to appeal to the woman who despite what society might think of her and even though she might have some sort of self-doubt about herself, deep down she is strong woman who can do just about anything she sets her mind to.

  Jamallah Bergman still resides in Georgia and lives in Atlanta with her teenage daughter Jamira Anna Marie, who gets her artistic side from her mother by drawing and making movies.

sp; Other Books by Jamallah

  If Only You Knew

  The Lady of Gladstone Manor

  Secret Cravings Publishing




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