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Unchained: The Discordant Earth Series Book Two

Page 13

by Melony Paradise

  “Let’s go.” Sebastian slowed just enough to give the order, then pulled a harried Isa along with him, running in a crouch. Alyssa fell in behind them with Jordan bringing up the rear.

  “Are you okay, Isa?” Alyssa whispered, wincing at how awkward the alien appeared, having to bend her long body so far down compared to the others.

  “I am fine,” Isa whispered, sounding quite put out, stumbling as Sebastian yanked her down.

  Alyssa and Jordan dropped to the ground along with Sebastian and Isa. Lights behind them passed over their prone bodies, landing on the front of Granny’s house. They watched as patrol guards checked all the houses around Granny’s, briefly shining their flashlights down the road where they’d parked. Fortunately, the SUV was too far away to see.

  When the guards drove away, Alyssa dropped her head into her hands, letting out the breath she’d been holding. She gasped at the feel of cold mud squishing against her skin. Ew!

  Hoping the rain would wash away the mud, Alyssa got back up, following Sebastian back to the waiting SUV. As they reached the vehicle, he opened the door for Isa and Alyssa to climb in the backseat. He caught her hand, grinning as he wiped away dripping, purple hair from her forehead.

  “Ugh,” she groaned, spotting the dark smear on his fingers. “I’m going to need a long shower when we get back.”

  “I’ll join you.” He kissed her dirty brow, smirking as he closed the door.

  “Uh, I hope you don’t mind sleeping naked, Isa.” Alyssa grimaced when she noticed the secretary hadn’t brought anything with her, not even a purse. “We don’t have any extra clothes, so you’re going to have to clean what you’re wearing in the shower and hang them to dry until morning.”

  “That is acceptable,” Isa said without pause. “Szu’Kara are not as averse to nudity as humans are. Is there somewhere for me to sleep where I will not offend anyone?”

  “I’m sure we can find you someplace,” Jordan said over his shoulder. “We have blankets, so you’ll be able to cover up some.”

  “We weren’t able to pack anything when Ras raided our headquarters.” Alyssa hugged herself, her hoodie sleeve squelching under her grip. “Thankfully, Jordan and Kora were mostly packed to move, so they have everything they need for Lyssa.”

  The mention of the baby seemed to brighten Isa’s sulking face.

  “It’ll be okay, Isa.” Alyssa reached over and squeezed her shaky hand. “We’re going to Seattle. We’ll have a range of mountains between us and the compound. Right, Sebastian?”

  “Right,” he said. “I confirmed it with Ian Chambers tonight. They have the space for our numbers, and children for Lyssa to play with. Ian actually sounded relieved we were coming. Said they’ve been having some pushback from the locals like we encountered in Spokane. Our arrival may settle things if people think they have more support from the coalition.”

  “Daniel will be happy to be back home with his aunt and uncle,” Alyssa said. “Maybe we can organize an event of some type and give away some coalition merchandise. People like getting free stuff.”

  “Could I help with that?” Isa touched Alyssa’s leg with her fingertips.

  Alyssa’s eyebrows shot up at the physical contact, however slight it was. “Uh, yeah, of course. The more Szu’Kara faces the better. We need the populace to see aliens and humans working together. We’ll have to find something for you to wear with the symbol on it. Unfortunately, we can only make t-shirts, hoodies, button-up shirts, and hats right now.”

  “I can wear a button-up. I understand my wardrobe will not be the same as I am accustomed to.”

  “You’ll be able to find more in Seattle than Hamlin,” Sebastian said. “It’s my understanding that they have a booming market district inside the Seattle settlement.”

  “Oh, Jess will be thrilled to know that!” Alyssa bounced in her seat. “We’ll set up a shopping day for us girls.” She beamed at a smiling Isa.

  After that, the four of them fell silent, weary and sodden from their night’s adventure. Alyssa tried to ignore the clammy feeling of her damp clothes, propping her head against the window and staring out into the inky night. Sebastian had the vents open. The rain had cooled the outside air, making it too chilly for air-conditioning and too warm for the heater.

  Inside the SUV began to feel humid and stuffy, sapping away any energy Alyssa had left. Staring off into the drizzly void outside, she thought back to the test and how Valel’s presence had felt. Am I being too sensitive? It’s not like he did anything aggressive. Why does he seem so interested in me? I wish I could see what he was thinking. I wonder if Kora will let me connect with Lyssa again. I need to know more about Ru’Sae.

  Chapter 17

  Alyssa sat across from Cecily with Sebastian sitting between them at the head of the small table. Valel stood at the door of the cluttered breakroom behind Cecily and Sebastian, openly staring at Alyssa. She tried not to let on that she noticed, but felt awkward and distracted, keeping her eyes on the phone lying on the table.

  “Any volunteers you can send us will help immensely,” Sebastian said.

  “We’d like to show the people of Seattle how unified our three races are.” Cecily nodded at the phone, finishing Sebastian’s sentence again.

  With Valel’s attention, Alyssa felt overly aware of things that wouldn’t normally bother her, like the obvious connection Sebastian and Cecily shared. Even worse, now that she knew what Ru’Sae was and how the Karan felt in her head, Alyssa had to focus more internally than she wanted, blocking Valel’s radiating presence.

  “I’ll speak to the committee immediately,” David Giles said through the speakerphone. “Depending on how many Karans volunteer, we can send them in a shuttle tonight. They should arrive by morning. Send the shuttle back in two nights, and if we have more Karans to send, they’ll arrive two or three nights after that. I would rather not have more than one shuttle crossing the country at a time, or draw any attention to our transports. You understand?”

  “Of course, David,” Cecily replied to the president of the Unity Committee. “Safety first.”

  “And probably best to introduce a few at a time,” Sebastian added. “Make sure they are prepared for possible opposition. Ian knows Valel will be with us, but—”

  “People fear what they don’t know.” Cecily sighed.

  “Yes.” Sebastian ran his hand through his shaggy hair, leaning back in his seat. “They’ll be hesitant to trust another species, even if they are part-human.”

  Alyssa hugged herself, watching them interact as if no one else were in the room. A glance up at Valel told her he knew exactly how much this situation bothered her. His eyes flicked between Sebastian and Cecily before returning to gaze at Alyssa. She lowered her mental wall to get a glimpse at his Ru’Sae.

  The same protective, possessive sensations radiated from him, but now she got a sense of displeasure and sympathy as well. Her eyes slid up to his, searching for some answer to her lingering questions. His essence hung about him like a cloud, and she gently probed, wondering if he felt her the way she felt him.

  Valel’s eyes narrowed as that cloud reached out for Alyssa, nearly enveloping her. She pulled back, throwing up the wall in her mind, blocking him out and looking away with a shudder. His presence seemed to press against her barrier like a hand testing the solidness of a closed door. The pressure deepened, emotion leaking through the cracks in her wall. A gasp flew from her mouth as she felt desire and lust.

  Clasping a hand to her mouth, Alyssa frantically shoved Valel’s presence away.

  “You all right, darlin’?”

  Alyssa looked at Sebastian with big eyes, unable to stop shaking. She sucked in a shuddering breath, lowering her trembling hands and rubbing them up and down her denim-covered thighs.

  “Uh, yeah, sorry.” She blinked several times, trying to clear her mind.

  Cecily stared at her with a little frown. “I think we’re done here for now, David. We’ll contact you when the shuttle ar

  “Good luck and be safe,” he said before the phone beeped off.

  “What the fuck was that?” Cecily cocked her head.

  Alyssa grimaced and shook her head. “Nothing, sorry.”

  “You’re white as a ghost, Aly. You know we’re going to be safe in Seattle.”

  “Yeah, I know,” Alyssa said. “I’m fine. Just tired from everything that’s happened.”

  “Bas, take her to get something to eat—”

  “I’m fine, I swear.” Alyssa stood, ready to leave this meeting, but hesitant to get anywhere near Valel.

  “Come on, darlin’, you should eat before we leave. We’ll head out in one hour. Let everyone know, Cecily. You too, Valel.” Sebastian pushed up out of his chair, reaching over to drape an arm over Alyssa’s shoulder and pulling her close.

  Why the hell do I feel so insecure lately? She wrapped her arms around Sebastian’s waist and watched Valel glide out of the room after Cecily.

  “You hungry, darlin’?”

  Alyssa looked up into Sebastian’s stunning eyes, searching for any clue that he knew what had happened. She found none. Now’s not the time to talk about this. I’ll talk to him after we get settled in Seattle. “Uh, sure.”

  Sebastian kissed the tip of her nose and led her out of the room.


  Alyssa grumbled to herself, carrying an armload of blankets through the halls. Cecily had called Sebastian away while they were eating breakfast, leaving Alyssa to sit alone as everyone else packed up the vehicles. No one said anything, but she felt self-conscious, as if people stared at her because she wasn’t helping.

  Don’t be stupid. No one thinks you’re lazy. They’re all your friends. Stop worrying. She dropped her head back and frowned at the dirty ceiling. Someone bumped into her from behind, causing her to stumble. She started to topple forward, but a strong hand grabbed her arm, keeping her from dropping the blankets.

  The hallway went black, her breath catching in her throat. Heat raced across her skin from the hand on her arm. Scraps of visions raced through her mind, almost too fast to make out. Pale skin against turquoise, arms and legs tangled with each other, breasts pressed against a sleek chest. Hot lust filled her mind, heating her body, sending delicious tingles along her nerves.

  Time stood still as that familiar presence touched every inch of her soul. Alyssa felt her lips part, letting out a soft sigh. The blankets fell from her arms, but she didn’t notice. The images fluttering through her mind pulled her in, slowing down until only she and Valel existed.

  His skin felt cool against her burning touch. Soft lips pressed into the nape of her neck as gentle hands slid down her sides, cupping her bare hips. Her nipples pebbled, crushed against his hard chest. She reached her hands up to his face, desperate to feel his pillowy lips against hers.


  The hallway rushed back into view. She blinked as if waking from a deep sleep, her eyes aching from the morning light flooding in through the front door. Valel stood in front of her, staring down at her with a piercing intensity. Someone jerked her out of his grasp, turning her away from him, her eyes glued to his face until she couldn’t see him anymore. The image of his strong angular face and burning aqua eyes still filled her vision.

  “Hey! Aly, wake up!”

  Alyssa shook her head, blinking rapidly. “Huh?” She focused on Jess, but Valel’s presence still occupied part of her mind, keeping her keenly aware of him still standing behind her.

  “It’s time to go.” Jess looked at Valel with a pointed stare. “Come on, Aly. You’re riding with me.”

  “O-okay.” Alyssa slowly crouched down to scoop up the blankets, watching Valel out of the corner of her eye.

  With a huff, Jess jerked her up and dragged her to the front door and the waiting vehicles. Hovering in the waiting room beside the door, Zirena smirked at Alyssa with a gleam in her eye. Alyssa stared, her mind too foggy to understand Zirena’s apparent glee. She turned to Jess, who glared as they passed, growling low in her throat.

  Chapter 18

  “What is going on, Jessalynn?” Maira asked as Jess shoved Alyssa into their SUV.

  “Stay with her until I get back, please.” She slammed the back-passenger door, leaving Alyssa dazed and bewildered.


  “Huh?” She blinked and scooted away from the door, trying to figure out what just happened. That was like the visions I had with Sen, but clearer and more intense. How do I explain that to anyone? How do I explain that to Sebastian?

  “Are you okay?”

  “I… I don’t know, Mrs. Sanders.” Alyssa pulled her knees up to her chest, laying her head on them and closing her eyes.

  Maira didn’t say anything more. She reached back to give Alyssa’s leg a quick squeeze before turning to watch out the front window.

  The images of her with Valel played in her mind on a repeating loop. Every second or third turn brought a flicker of Zirena’s smug face, grinning like a hyena, followed by Sebastian’s loving, crooked smile. What is happening to me? How could I feel those things with Valel? I love Sebastian! He’s my world. We’re going to have babies and live in the mountains away from all this. We’re going to have a peaceful life after we win this war. This is insane!

  The door opened beside Alyssa, startling a squeak out of her. Lorn flipped the seat forward, climbing into the third row. Jess pushed the seat back, scooting in beside Alyssa as Edward got into the driver’s seat.

  He started the SUV, putting it in reverse.

  “Wait!” Jess yanked Alyssa out of the vehicle and waved Lorn out. “Aly and I need to sit in the back. Sorry, babe.” She kissed Lorn as he climbed back out. He looked at Alyssa, then Jess, and smiled, bowing his head to them.

  “Get in.” Jess shoved Alyssa into the back. She stumbled, grappling the seat, and pulling herself across the bench with a heavy sigh. Jess raised her eyebrows and stared, daring Alyssa to protest, which she didn’t.

  Minutes passed as Edward pulled the SUV out of the parking lot, taking their place behind Jordan and Kora’s minivan. Sebastian’s SUV led the caravan, and Alyssa realized she felt grateful she didn’t have to ride with him in her current state.

  A quick peek out the side window showed eight other vehicles behind them, each one packed to the gills with people and the few supplies they’d been able to scavenge from the old hospital.

  “So, talk to me, Aly.” Jess spoke in a hushed voice. Alyssa knew Lorn would hear, but at least Jess’ parents wouldn’t. That would be too embarrassing. Sigh.

  “I don’t know how to explain it.” Alyssa lay her head back against the seat. “It was like what happened with Sen, but…”

  “But what?” Jess turned in her seat to face Alyssa.

  “It was more intense, like we were inside the vision… physically.” She clasped her hands over her eyes, elbows in the air.

  “You don’t mean…”

  “Yes.” Alyssa groaned, biting her lip. “It felt just as real as being with Sebastian, but I could sense his emotions, how much he wanted me. And he really wants me.”

  “Seriously?” Jess let out an angry huff. “I thought he was friends with Bas.”

  “I don’t know that they’re friends,” Alyssa said, lifting her head to look at Jess. “Probably more like colleagues. It doesn’t matter though; I don’t think he’s doing it on purpose. He couldn’t be. I mean, really, he barely knows me. What if this is some sort of side-effect of having Szu’Kara DNA? Ever since the test, I’ve been sensing all the non-humans, but it’s stronger with Valel.”

  “You sense all of them? Can you sense Lorn?”

  The alien in question turned around to face Alyssa. She looked into his warm brown eyes and felt his gentle presence breezing through her awareness, light and brotherly, so unlike Valel’s persistence.

  “Yeah, I can.” Alyssa slumped in her seat, the weight of those intense moments with Valel lifting as Lorn’s Ru’Sae receded like the morning fog. Sh
e gave him a lazy smile. “Thanks.”

  “You are welcome, Aly.” Lorn looked at her with an open, kind face. She thought once again how much she trusted him above all other aliens. The list of who she could truly trust was terribly short, but those she could were the best people and aliens she could ever wish to call family.

  “Why did you thank him?” Jess looked back and forth between them. “What did you do to her?”

  “I eased some of her burden.”

  “I feel lighter and less hazy.” Alyssa took in a deep, cleansing breath. “Like maybe I was still connected to Valel in some way, and Lorn severed the link.”

  “Yes, that sounds correct.”

  “How did you do that?” Jess stared at him with her hazel eyes wide, trying to understand.

  “I suppose it is part of being in the commander bloodline. I do not know the extent of my abilities, but now that you know, I feel I can explore them more. It is something I should probably pursue more aggressively, in case I must face the commander or the general, or anyone else trying to eliminate commander candidates.”

  “Oh, God, Lorn.” Jess groaned. “Do you really think someone might come after you?”

  “I do not know, my love, but we should be prepared. Commander Kayn has not had a reason to eliminate me, but the situation has become precarious. He now knows I have joined the rebellion. That may be enough for him to change his mind.”

  “How do you think the Karans will play into this? Do we know for sure that Kayn hasn’t had any offspring in the twenty years you’ve been here?” Alyssa leaned forward, her elbows on her knees.

  “I have spoken at length with Ela, Nait, and a few others. As far as anyone knows, the commander had been unsuccessful conceiving until he impregnated you. We cannot know for sure until we get inside the Nursery. I do not know what to expect of the Karans right now. I sense nothing but cooperation and loyalty from Valel. Your experiences with him are unlike anything I have ever heard of. Have you not felt a similar connection with Lyssa? Her Ru’Sae must be strong.”


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