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Unchained: The Discordant Earth Series Book Two

Page 16

by Melony Paradise

  “Any exploring will be done on our terms, Valel. You can’t just shove your way into my head. It’s not right, and the images you put in my head last time were very inappropriate.”

  “I didn’t put those images there, Alyssa. We shared those visions. Nothing like that has ever happened to me before, not with Karans or Szu’Kara, and especially not with humans.” He stepped up onto the curb, dead grass crunching under his boots as he moved closer. More tendrils prodded her mental wall, pulling a gasp from her open mouth.

  “Stop, please!” Alyssa backed up two steps, grabbing her head, straining to hold back his mental assault. “This isn’t right.”

  The more he pushed inside her head, the more it felt like those tendrils reached through her body, touching places no one except Sebastian should touch. “We have a connection, Alyssa. Don’t you feel it? We have something special between us, pulling us together.”

  “No!” She stumbled backward, trying to get away.

  Valel kept coming, his hand reaching out and his mind pressing against hers. Alyssa’s heel hit a deep crack in the pavement, and she fell on her tailbone with an “oof!”

  Still pressing forward with his mind and his hands, Valel reached for Alyssa. She scrambled back into someone’s yard, shaking her head wildly. “Don’t touch me. You can’t touch me.”

  “I’m only trying to help y—”

  “No, you’re not! You’re trying to get inside my head, and touching me will make it easier for you. Is that how it’s going to be if any of those other Karans touch me? Because they tried to get into my head too.”

  He straightened again, frowning down at her. “Yes, they did tell me they reached out to you, but it was only done out of instinct. They felt you as if you were one of us, but they don’t have the attraction that you and I have.”

  “Stop saying that,” Alyssa cried, shivering under the weight of his invasion, “and get the fuck out of my head. Now!”

  Valel blanched. His assault stopped, and Alyssa could breathe again. She pushed herself up off the grass and brushed herself off.

  Rubbing her temples, Alyssa felt her migraine returning. “We do not have a connection, Valel. Whatever is happening, I know it’s some sort of side-effect of having these new alien powers. The others were in my head like you were, and I’m betting if they touched me, we’d share visions too. So, please, just back off. I love Sebastian, and no one is going to get between us.”

  “You may share visions with the others, but I believe our shared vision was based on our mutual attraction. I would be happy to test this with you and the others to prove it to you.”

  “Not going to happen. I won’t be touching any Karans. Only Lyssa. You’re going to have to get over this crush you have on me, because we have a war to win. This…” Alyssa swung her finger between the both of them. “This isn’t going to happen.”

  Valel opened his mouth to say something more, but Alyssa spun on her heel and stomped away.

  Chapter 21

  Crickets sang outside while Alyssa lay in bed, staring into the dark. That confrontation with Valel had put her on edge, making it impossible for her to sleep, especially without Sebastian beside her. All she could do was replay each encounter she’d had with the Karan since she met him.

  The bedroom door clicked open, and Sebastian slipped inside with his boots in hand.

  “I’m not asleep.” She scooted up to lean against the creaky headboard.

  Pushing the door shut, Sebastian dropped his boots in the closet and stripped down to his boxers. “It’s late, darlin’. Why’re you still up?”

  “Can’t sleep. Too many thoughts rattling around in my head.”

  “We’ve had a long week with so many changes. Once you feel settled here, you’ll be able to sleep better. I’m so tired, I’m practically a zombie.” He climbed into bed, slipping under the covers, and pulling Alyssa down into his arms.

  “We need to talk, babe,” Alyssa whispered.

  Sebastian yawned. “Can we do it tomorrow? I can’t keep my eyes open.”

  Sigh. “Sure. Get some sleep. It can wait.”

  Soft snores tickled her ear. Alyssa pulled Sebastian’s arms tighter around her, staring at the thin linen curtains that glowed softly with moonlight. For the next hour, she practiced what she would say to him, imagining every possible reaction he could have to Valel’s claims. What do I tell him about the visions? He’ll understand, right? It’s not like I wanted to have mental sex with Valel. He did this to me. If he thinks we’re connected by mutual desire… There’s just no way… It’s not possible… Is it?


  Standing in the audience with all her friends and family, Alyssa glanced around the enormous crowd that packed the little park. All the picnic tables had been moved to one side to act as makeshift stages. Sebastian and Ian stood on one while the Karans stood on the tables surrounding them, two or three per table.

  Rubbing the raised skin of the brand on her wrist, Alyssa considered modifying it like the Karans did their forehead tattoos. Every time she looked at her brand, she felt like a cow marked as Kayn’s property. She made a mental note to ask Ian or his wife if they had a Szu’Kara branding device.

  Lyssa cooed and wiggled in Jordan’s arms, reaching for her.

  “Do you mind?” Jordan tried not to drop Lyssa as she threw herself at Alyssa.

  “Not at all.” She smiled and reached for the squirming baby.

  “Watch her hands,” he said. “She’s grabby-grabby today. She’s so antsy, now that she has to wear more clothes.”

  “Come here, little one,” Alyssa cooed, tugging Lyssa’s sleeves back down and dodging the hands trying to grab her face.

  “I think she knows we aren’t letting her touch us as much, so she tries harder. Don’t you, angel?” Jordan gave Lyssa a quick kiss on the nose. “Almost put me under this morning when I was distracted and didn’t notice she’d gotten ahold of my ear.”

  With all the Karans in one place, Alyssa worried there might be a repeat of the day before. She’d considered skipping the event, but wanted to be supportive of Sebastian, even though Valel would be there too.

  “You okay?” Jess bumped shoulders with Alyssa. Lorn glanced at her with a knowing look, and she knew her best friend had told him everything.

  “Yeah. So far, they haven’t tried anything. Maybe Valel warned them not to, or maybe this kiddo is keeping them out.” She tweaked Lyssa’s button nose and grinned at the baby’s giggles.

  “Does Sebastian know yet?”

  Alyssa peered up at the man in question. He and Ian had their heads together, talking quietly.

  “No, I haven’t had a chance to talk to him. He’s been so busy since we got here, and he spent all day helping Ian get the Karans set up in one of the buildings on the other side of the command center. Apparently they aren’t comfortable living in separate houses. I feel bad for all the people Ian cleared out of all those houses for the Karans to live in.”

  “Damn.” Jess shook her head. “I felt bad for the people that used to live in our houses, but at least we actually moved in. Do you think people are upset about it? Lorn said everyone who saw them when they arrived seemed mostly curious.”

  “Yes, most of the humans were interested in the Karans,” Lorn said, “but some of the Szu’Kara are concerned about the strength of the Karans’ Ru’Sae. Their attack on you yesterday did not go unnoticed.”

  “Well, according to Valel,” Alyssa grumbled, making a squishy face at Lyssa, “they didn’t attack me. He says they were trying to connect with me out of instinct, and that it’s a natural thing they do with each other.”

  Jess gaped at Alyssa. Lorn rubbed his chin, his eyes drifting in thought.

  “When did you talk to Valel?” Jess scowled, searching Alyssa’s face. “I thought you were going to stay away from him.”

  “I was, but he showed up when I was out walking last night. He practically forced his way into my head.”

  “What?” Jordan yelpe
d, grabbing Alyssa’s arm. “Did he hurt you?”

  “No,” she said, shaking her head, “but please don’t say anything to Sebastian until I get a chance to talk to him.”

  “You better tell him ASAP, girly. Bas needs to know about this. You could be in danger. Lyssa too.”

  “I will. I promise—”

  “Thank you, everyone, for coming here today,” Ian said in a booming voice. “As you can see, we have many new faces in our midst. Many of you know of our leader, a few have met with him, but some of you have never seen him. I’d like to introduce Sebastian Roberts, the leader of the International Coalition for Genocide Prevention.”

  Ian bowed and waved his hand with a flourish, causing the audience to laugh at his antics. Sebastian smirked and shook his head before facing the waiting crowd.

  “Thanks, Ian, and thank you all for joining us. I want to express my appreciation to you all for welcoming us into your settlement on such short notice. As happens in war, my team was attacked and run out of our headquarters. We lost good people. They were our friends, and can never be replaced. The attack occurred while I was in New York attending a summit with the Unity Committee. Fortunately, my team found temporary shelter, but I know we will be safer here, and I believe we will be stronger with our combined forces.

  “At the summit, it was determined that, although we are fighting for the same thing, it’s better to keep our organizations separate. The Unity Committee will continue to work toward a unified government to represent the best interests of the residents of Earth. They have cut all ties with Commander Kayn and his regime. The coalition, being separate from our government, will continue to fight this war on the ground, with the necessary force to drive out the slavers and murderers that want to claim our planet for their own and eliminate anyone who gets in their way.

  “We will be taking a more aggressive approach from now until we rid our planet of this genocidal dictatorship. I encourage everyone able and willing to join the coalition and help us save humanity. At the same time, we will also be saving a new race; a race born of our species and Szu’Kara. These—” Sebastian raised an arm and turned slowly, directing the audience’s attention at the figures standing behind him “—are Karans. Commander Kayn has kept the Karans hidden. If you’ve ever known of a woman impregnated by a Zook who suddenly disappeared, it’s because the commander took her away to hide these hybrid children.

  “Like many of our friends and family who have been stolen from us, the Karans have been kept in captivity. They’re raised in a special facility until they are old enough to be sent to work some place where humans aren’t allowed to see them. For twenty years, the Szu’Kara have been occupying our planet under false pretenses, experimenting on us, abusing us, drugging us, breeding with our women, and creating a whole new race of beings only to hide them in the dark.

  “I hope that you will welcome our new friends, and get to know them. Understand that they have been raised and taught differently than us. Just like with any unfamiliar culture, it will take time, patience, and understanding, but believe me when I tell you, the Karans want the same thing we want. They want to be free.

  “Over the next few weeks, more Karans will be arriving. They will be training with us, living among us, and fighting with us. They may look and act different, but they deserve to be treated with the same respect and equality we expect for ourselves. So, please, take the time to get to know them and befriend them. We’re all here for the same thing.

  “One last thing, and then we’ll set up for another one of Ian’s famous parties.”

  Raucous cheers rose from the crowd.

  “We will be providing wearable merchandise for coalition members in the upcoming weeks. Some of you may have already gotten some, thanks to Isa.” Sebastian held a hand out in Isa’s direction, where she stood at the edge of the crowd. Alyssa could just barely see the top of the Isa’s head. “These items will have the coalition symbol on them and should be worn whenever possible. We want to make our presence known to the world. People should know who they can turn to for safety. But keep in mind, you must be aware of those around you, because wearing our symbol will also make you a target.

  “Get with your team leaders to find out when the merchandise will be available, and make sure you are training. Protect yourself and everyone around you. If you’re a coalition member and haven’t been assigned a weapon yet, check in at central command as soon as possible. Thanks again for coming—now let’s party!”

  Alyssa and the gang whooped and hollered along with the audience. Ian and Sebastian jumped down, leaving the Karans looking around, unsure of what to do with themselves. Sebastian walked over to Alyssa, bent at the knees with his feet out wide, giving Lyssa a big, goofy smile while wrapping his arms around both girls.

  “There’s my li’l darlin’.” He pretended to chew on her sleeved arm until she belly-laughed, jerking his head back out of Lyssa’s grasping reach. “How’s my other darlin’ doing?”

  “Just tired. Don’t forget we need to talk tonight.”

  Sebastian smiled and kissed Alyssa. “You planning on breaking up with me?”

  “What?” she yelped. “No, absolutely not!”

  “Uh, I’ll take her back now.” Jordan eyed Alyssa with a little smirk and pulled Lyssa out from between her and Sebastian, dodging wiggling fingers. Kora giggled, fixing the child’s shirt where it had ridden up when Jordan lifted her from Alyssa’s arms. They waved and disappeared into the crowd.

  Alyssa grinned, watching Jordan weave around people, keeping Little Miss Grabby from capturing an unsuspecting victim.

  She let out a surprised yip when Sebastian tugged her to him, grinning crookedly and waggling his eyebrows, still bent down to her eye level. She gave him a fake frown, prompting him to plant a wet kiss on her lips, deepening it until he left her breathless.

  The people around them moved away, and Alyssa was suddenly aware of the Karans watching her with Sebastian. Some of them had gotten down off the tables, and the ones still on them stared down at her, piercing her with their colorful eyes.

  “Uh, we should probably help set up for the party.” Alyssa watched the Karans, waiting for that unwelcome feeling in her head.

  With a smile fading to a concerned frown, Sebastian turned his head, following Alyssa’s gaze. She stepped back as he stood to his full height, the groove between his brows deepening as he looked at the Karans.

  “What’s the deal with them?”

  Blinking away the eerie feeling, Alyssa turned away, pulling Sebastian with her. She ran her fingers over his forehead, smoothing away his frown, and grazing the thin scar that bisected his eyebrow. “Don’t worry about it right now. We’ll talk tonight, okay?”

  “Well, I can’t say I won’t worry, but I can wait.” He draped his arm over her shoulders, pulling her close, and tossing a glance back at the Karans.

  Alyssa steered Sebastian away, uncomfortably aware that the Karans continued to watch her even after the two of them blended into the throng of people waiting for the festivities to begin.

  Chapter 22

  The sounds of distant laughter and music drifted through the night as Alyssa and Sebastian walked down the quiet streets past the large, blocky building of central command to their cozy house beyond. Alyssa sighed wistfully, savoring the peacefulness of their new home. Sebastian’s fingers intertwined with hers, warming her hand in the cool night breeze.

  Afraid to ruin their happy little stroll, Alyssa bit back all the words that wanted to pour from her mouth. The silence between them was nice, but with everything on her mind, she felt the tension lying just beneath the surface. Furtive glances at Sebastian showed her a face lined with deep thought.

  Taking in a shaky breath through her nose and blowing it out pursed lips, Alyssa pressed her eyes closed a moment, gathering the courage to speak. She opened her mouth but no words came out, so she clamped her lips tight. With another deep breath, she tried again, and again, failing to push out any sound

  “It’s okay, darlin’.” Sebastian turned his head a little toward her without bringing his eyes up from the sidewalk in front of them. “Tell me what you need to say. I’m listening.”

  Ever the mature man. Alyssa didn’t feel worthy of his love and patience.

  “I, uh, just don’t know what the right words are.” She bit her lip, her palm sweating in his. “There’s been so much happening lately. You’re so busy with leader stuff, getting us moved here, and setting the Karans up in their own place. That was a great speech, by the way.”

  “Thanks.” The corner of his mouth turned up, not quite forming a smile. He didn’t like compliments much when it came to leading the coalition, Alyssa noticed. She assumed it had to do with his sense of duty, but never asked about it.

  “The Karans are really… different, don’t you think?”

  “I suppose. They were raised by Szu’Kara like Commander Kayn. That couldn’t have been a very pleasant upbringing.”

  “No, I guess not.” Alyssa let go of his hand, wrapping her arms around her waist, holding her roiling belly. “I’m glad my baby didn’t go to the Nursery, or grow up with Kayn as his father.”

  “Small blessings…” Pain edged his voice, almost imperceptible.

  “I can’t help but wonder if I would’ve had this mental connection with my baby like I do with Lyssa and the Karans.” She glanced at him out of the corner of her eyes, searching for a reaction and seeing Sebastian’s eye twitch.

  “No way to know now, darlin’. I’m sorry.” He looked up from the sidewalk, staring straight ahead with his thumbs hooked into his pants pockets.

  “It’s all right. And, you know, it’s all right if you don’t want to have kids with me, now that I have all this weird stuff going on with my body. The sex was amazing, but what if it gets out of control? What if this thing gets so strong that I can’t even touch you, or our children, without sending them to La La land? It’s not safe. You deserve better.” Alyssa clenched her teeth, instantly regretting those words, but happy to finally have them out.


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