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Beautifully Flawed (Shine Design Series Book 2)

Page 14

by Laura Pavlov

  “I’m sorry if I took things too far. If I misread the signals in any way—”

  “—No.” She stopped him. Scooting closer, she whispered, “You definitely didn’t misread my feelings. How could you even think that?”

  He moved back and pulled her to lie beside him. Turning on his side, he faced her. “Hmmm, let’s see. You slapped me in the face, ran out the door, and left town to go meet up with your ex-boyfriend.”

  She laughed. Couldn’t help herself. It did sound ridiculous. “Well, you know I love a good exit.”

  His face sobered, and she didn’t miss the concern in his gaze. “What happened, Peaches? Why’d you run?”

  She didn’t know where to start. She buried her face in his neck—exactly where she wanted to stay.

  For as long as he’d let her.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Maverick’s Playbook

  If you want it bad enough—make it happen!

  He held her close, letting her bury herself in the crook of his neck, giving her a minute to pull herself together. She had shown up at the hospital in the middle of the night, like fucking Cinderella trying to get back home before her spell wore off. Her light purple gown hugged her perfect breasts, and then flowed down to the ground covering her sexy legs. Layers of silk surrounded her gorgeous body. He’d never been so happy to see someone in his life.

  Her hair, wild and unruly, she’d never looked more beautiful.

  Raw and vulnerable.

  “You done hiding yet?” He chuckled against her hair. Honey and coconut awakened his senses.

  She pulled away just enough to look up at him. “Hey.”

  “Hey.” He wanted answers. Wanted to know what happened with Edward. He didn’t fight insecurity often when it came to women, but damn if he didn’t feel it right now. Wanting her the way he did.

  She sucked in a long breath. “I’ve never done anything like that. I guess I just freaked out.”

  What the fuck? She wasn’t a virgin, was she?

  “You’ve had sex before, right?” he said.

  Her cheeks flushed pink again, clearly uncomfortable talking about sex. Hell, it was his favorite topic. He’d need to help her get past it, because he not only planned to talk about it with her, but he planned to have a shit ton of it with her too.

  Her head fell back with a laugh. “Yes, of course. That’s not what I mean.”

  “Explain.” He fought the urge to kiss her again. Her mouth so close. Her body invading his in every way.

  “Well, I’ve never done anything like that.” Her gaze darkened when it locked with his.

  “Peaches, you’re going to have to help me. I don’t know what you’re talking about? You’ve never made out before?” He didn’t laugh. He sensed her vulnerability and wanted her to talk to him.

  “Of course I have. I’ve never been, like that, with anyone though. You know, so out of control. I could barely stop myself. If I hadn’t, we may have ended up having sex in your entryway,” she said.

  He could barely stand it. She was fucking adorable. Innocent, yet she hid behind this confident mask.

  He stroked her pretty face, moved closer, occupying the space around her. “Why is that a problem? I want to have sex with you everywhere. In the entryway,” he paused to kiss her forehead, “on the boat,” he kissed her cheek, “in the bathtub,” he kissed the tip of her nose, “anywhere you’ll have me.”

  A nervous smile spread across her face. “I’ve never been so wild with someone the way I was with you last night.”

  “Do I turn you on, Peaches? It sure sounds like it,” he said.

  Her face flushed. So, fucking sweet.

  “Oh my gosh.” She buried her face in her hands, but he pulled them away. He needed to see her. “Well, I guess, maybe, you’re right. Because I’ve never felt like that before. It’s not like I’ve had many partners. Three in total. But sex has always been sort of planned, more structured, I guess. Never so…er…spontaneous.”

  Three men. Three lucky fuckers he now hated. He searched her gaze, wanted to understand how these men hadn’t ravished her. The girl was so sexy and full of fire.

  “Sex shouldn’t be planned or structured. It should be natural. I swear to Christ what happened between us last night was all natural. I used as much self-control as I could muster, or you would’ve been naked beneath me on the tile floor. That’s what you do to me.” He lifted her chin to meet his stare.

  “And then you’d be out the door today? Done with me?” she said, lips pursed.

  “Why would you think I’d be done with you? Have I done anything to make you feel like I’d use you and walk away?” He studied her. Needed to understand where this was coming from.

  Her fingers stroked his face gently. He’d never liked women showing affection like this. But somehow, Elle Fiore touching him—he fucking loved it. Craved it.

  “No. But you’ve made it clear your number one is football, and you don’t have room for anything else. Or, anyone else.” Her teeth sank into her bottom lip. Pink and plump. Determined to bring him to his knees.

  He fought the urge to roll her beneath him and feel her soft curves press against him. But he needed to clean up the mess he’d made with his big fucking mouth. He’d meant what he said at the time, but somehow, everything had changed since.

  “Look, Peaches, football is a big part of my life. Has been for as long as I can remember. And my one attempt at a relationship with Madison was a disaster. But this, what we have—it’s different. It’s special. You know about my nightmares, which was the main reason I held back with you from the beginning. I don’t know what I’m capable of giving, especially with the season starting, but I want to try. I don’t want to be away from you.”

  Her watery gaze met his. “No other women, Wallace. If we try this, it’s just you and me. I don’t share.”

  He chuckled. She was as possessive as him. He loved it. Because he didn’t fucking share either. Not when he wanted something. And he wanted Elle Fiore more than he’d ever wanted anyone.

  “I haven’t been with another woman since Brittney, the day you arrived in Tahoe. No one. I don’t want anyone else. But this goes both ways. I don’t want you going with Count Asshat to events. I’m not sharing you with any other man. It also means telling your mom, you and Edward aren’t together.” His thumb traced her bottom lip as he spoke.

  “You don’t know her. She’s meaner than a wet panther when she’s mad.” She groaned.

  “She’ll get over it. Are you in?” he said.

  “I’m in.”

  “It’s not going to be easy when we get back to the city. The press will be all over it, so we need to keep things as private as possible. But let’s enjoy the last few weeks of peace up here together. I think it calls for lots of sex in the entryway.”

  “Pace yourself, Wallace. We’re taking this slow.”

  “I don’t do slow, Peaches.” He kissed her gently. Not like before. Softer. Slower.

  They were in a goddamn hospital room. And he’d agreed to give this a shot. He didn’t feel panic. He was—relieved. He’d wanted this woman for so goddamned long.

  “You also don’t do relationships, so…” she said, pressing herself against him as he kissed her again.

  “So full of yourself.” He smiled against her lips.

  “Do you think I need to leave? I’m afraid of Carol. She reminds me a little of Nurse Ratched,” she said, just above a whisper.

  “The resemblance is uncanny, but she’s harmless. All bark and no bite. You’re not going anywhere. But if you don’t stop rubbing up against me, we’re going to have a problem.”

  She pulled back to look at him with confusion. “What do you mean?”

  “I’ve told you I want you everywhere, Peaches. I’d prefer our first time not to be in a hospital bed with Nurse Ratched outside the door. But I’m not above it. Rub your hot little body against me one more time, and I’m not holding back.” He played with her silky hair.

bsp; “You’re so crude. I’m not having sex with you in a hospital bed.” She laughed and a pink hue covered her cheeks.

  “Maybe not today. But the next time I’m in the hospital, I won’t hold back. Not to mention, you’re wearing a fucking ball gown, so I have no access.” He tugged on the top of her strapless dress, attempting to sneak a peek.

  She slapped his hand away. “Go to sleep, Wallace. You’ve got to be achy from the accident. You need rest.”

  “You better rest up, too. You won’t be sleeping once I get you back to the house.” He tucked her head beneath his neck and wrapped his arms around her.

  “Promises, promises,” she said, her lips tickled his neck as she spoke.

  “You have no idea, Peaches.”


  “You’re such a control freak. It’s my car. Why do you have to drive?” Elle huffed when he pulled out of the hospital parking lot.

  “I like being the driver. Even if it means driving this girly car.”

  They’d spent the night in his small hospital bed. His body screamed with anticipation as he drove toward the house. Hell, he’d been in a constant state of want for the past month. He needed her so much he was willing to give this relationship thing a try. Because he didn’t want anyone but Elle. So, call it what you want. He was all in.

  She snorted. “Girly car? You’re ridiculous.”

  They bantered back and forth on the short drive. She glanced out the window after he pulled in the driveway. Still wearing her fancy ball gown, her skin glowed, her makeup free from her tears, and she managed to look gorgeous with no effort at all.

  Nerves settled in his stomach when they stepped out of the car. He didn’t get jitters when it came to women. Nor did he get anxious about having sex. At least not before now. But somehow, with her admitting her lack of experience, he didn’t want to push her or scare her off. Hell, a make-out session in the hallway had her running back home. He’d need to go slow. It wouldn’t be easy. But nothing about her ever had been. And he wouldn’t change a thing about her.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” He wrapped his fingers around her wrist when she walked toward the guesthouse.

  “I’m going to shower.” Confusion filled her gaze.

  “The hell you are. You’re coming with me. No pun intended.”

  Her face flushed at his words. “You’re unusually bossy today, and don’t be so crude,” she said as he led her toward his house.

  His fingers intertwined with hers, an act he normally despised, but not with her. Not with this girl. Her hand fit perfectly in his. He pushed through the front door and dropped the keys on the console table in the entryway. Daisy was still at his parents’ house, and they’d bring her over later. No distractions. He had one thing on his mind, and she was standing right in front of him fidgeting with her fingernails.


  “Listen, Peaches. I’ve wanted you since the first day I met you. This last month—being together, it only made me want you more. All of you. I sure as hell don’t want to scare you off again, but I’m going out of my fucking mind. I’ve been fighting this for weeks. Seeing you every day and wanting you the way I do. So I’m going to try like hell to take this slow. But if you think you’re going next door to bathe—I’m here to tell you it’s not happening. You can shower here.” His breath came hard and fast as he looked down at her.

  Her face flushed and her gaze searched his. “You want me to shower here? Why?”

  He rested his forehead against hers in frustration. “I want you to shower with me.”

  A gasp loud enough to wake the dead escaped her. “No way. Have you lost your mind?”

  “Give me one reason.”

  She licked her lips before pulling her bottom lip beneath her teeth. “I’ve never showered with anyone.”

  How the fuck was it even possible? She’d had a five-year relationship. The dude never showered with her? Looking how she did? Hell, he’d never shower without her now that she was his. Wasn’t that the benefit of being in a relationship? All the fucking togetherness?

  “We’ll take it slow. But I need you trust me.” It was all he could say.

  “I do.” She looked up at him.

  “Come with me.” He led her to the master bathroom.

  He turned the water on in the tub and poured in bath salts his sister gave him. She wanted to bathe. Fine. She didn’t want to do it together. Fine. He handed her his white robe.

  “Here, put this on.”

  “You think taking a bath together is taking it slow? How is this different from showering together?” She clutched the robe as if it offered her protection. How was this confident, beautiful woman so insecure when it came to intimacy?

  “Because we aren’t bathing together. You are taking a bath, and I am going to sit right here and talk to you.”

  Her laughter a melodic rhythm. “You’re going to watch me bathe?”


  She shook her head and raised a hand to cover her mouth. “Why?”

  “Because I want to.”

  They stared at one another for a long moment before she spoke, “What’s the robe for?”

  “I assumed you wouldn’t get naked in front of me, not yet, at least. So you can go change into the robe and wear it until you step in the water. But I will see you naked either way. This is me meeting you halfway. I’m trying to make you more comfortable.”

  Her gaze softened, and she turned on her feet and walked into the closet. He knew she wanted this as badly as he did. Felt it when they’d kissed. The way she pressed her body against his, rubbing greedily. Needy. So complicated he didn’t know what she was thinking most of the time. He leaned over and turned off the water and sat beside the tub. She sauntered out of the closet in a robe that nearly swallowed her whole, her hair tied in a big, messy knot on top of her head, and her feet bare as she shuffled on the white marble floor. She never looked sexier. So vulnerable and sweet.

  She lifted her arms out to the sides. “Okay, boss. Now what?”

  He could barely pull his stare from hers. “Get in the water, Peaches.”

  She sucked in a sharp breath, wrapped her arms around her chest. “Turn around.”

  “No,” he said, one brow raised in challenge.


  “I agreed not to get in with you. I’m giving you as much space as I can muster. And it’s fucking killing me. Do you have any idea what it’s like to have blue balls for a month? No way in hell am I looking away. I’ve imagined you naked a million times. I’m not missing this.” He held his ground.

  “You know this makes you a bit stalkerish. Just sitting there all creepy, watching me step into the bathtub.”

  “I’m totally fine with it.” He leaned his back against the wall, taking her in.

  “Stop grinnin’ like a possum eatin’ a sweet tater,” she said, her Southern drawl exaggerated. She bit down on her plump bottom lip again, making it hard for him to see straight he wanted to kiss her so badly.

  He knew she wasn’t going to run this time. She wouldn’t have put on the robe if she weren’t all in.

  “You’re fucking beautiful, Peaches. You don’t need to be shy with me. If I had my way, you’d never wear any clothes.” He held her gaze, wanted her to see how much he meant what he said.

  “I’m not being shy. I’ve pranced around on stage in a bathing suit too many times to count. This just feels so—intimate. It’s not helping you staring at me all intense with your blue balls and your cocky grin.” She huffed before tugging at the white belt and squeezing her gorgeous eyes shut, before looking back up at him again. It was like unwrapping a present. She pushed the fabric off her shoulders, and it fell in a heap at her feet.

  Holy. Fucking. Shit.

  She was even better than he’d imagined. At least in the one point five seconds she’d allowed him to look before she hurried into the water and blanketed herself in the clear liquid. But he could see her. He’d always seen her. She was never more beaut
iful than right here in this moment. Her face clean of makeup, youthful with a few freckles scattered across her nose.

  “Did you really just reference my blue balls?” he said.

  She rolled her eyes and chuckled. “Stop looking at me like that, Wallace.”

  He couldn’t help himself. He dropped down to his knees beside the tub. Wanted to get closer. Take her in.

  “Looking at you how?”

  “Is this how you seduce all your ladies?” It was part tease, part serious.

  He knew her fear that he’d take off after they were together was real. He couldn’t blame her. His track record was less than impressive. But he wasn’t going anywhere. She’d be the one who’d break him. He’d never felt like this with anyone.

  “I can promise you, Peaches, I’ve never watched any other woman bathe. Never wanted to. Not before you.” It was the truth. Sure, he’d showered with plenty of women over the years. It was another place to have sex. Nothing more. Not like this.

  She searched his gaze, and leaned her head back against the tub, sinking down low in the water. “So I’m your first.”

  “Yep. And it’s fucking amazing.” He rested his elbows on the side of the tub and leaned his face closer to her.

  She laughed. “You know you’re crazy, right?”

  He examined the water, trying to make out the beauty beneath, but the details were blurred. He couldn’t wait to get her out of the tub and into his bed. And not for the usual reasons. Of course, he wanted her. But he also wanted to memorize every curve, every detail. Wanted to make her feel good. Make her feel everything.

  “You know you’re beautiful, right?”

  She rolled on her side like a mermaid the way she moved around in the water, as if she had all the space in the world. Her face close enough to feel her warm breath on his lips, her skin flawless and gorgeous. And those fucking eyes. Gold, amber, and topaz penetrated straight to his soul.

  “When do I get to see you?” Her voice teased, but her hands trembled when she rested them over his.

  “All you have to do is ask. I’m all yours, Peaches.”

  She hit the drain with her foot and wiped a few water droplets from her pretty face. He pushed to his feet and reached for a towel. She stood before him, lifted a shaky hand out for the towel.


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