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Beautifully Flawed (Shine Design Series Book 2)

Page 24

by Laura Pavlov

  “You asked me what bullshit means. I’m giving you the answer. But I prefer laymen’s terms, which is, you are full of shit, brother dear.”

  “Are you this annoying with everyone?” He sat forward and rested his elbows on his knees.

  “On my good days, yes.”

  “If you don’t believe the Miners quarterback seeing a shrink is news, you’re crazier than I thought. They’d be all over it, and I don’t want my shit out there.”

  “Who cares, Mav? I mean, everyone has something. Sure, they’d run with it, and everyone will forget about it in a day. It’s not scandalous. You’re human. You went through a lot when you were young. And look at you now. You overcame a learning disability, attended an amazing university, and you’re playing professional football for one of the best teams in the league. You have nothing to prove. And I don’t believe it’s the reason you won’t go see someone.”

  “Christ, now you know me better than I know myself. Let’s hear it.” He made a teepee with his hands and pressed them to his lips with irritation. He wasn’t in the mood for her Dr. Freud shit.

  “You don’t want to get to the root of it. You don’t want to remember what happened before Mom and Dad found you and brought you home. You’re running from something, and it’s going to chase you until you face it,” she said. Her gaze wet with emotion only pissed him off more. He didn’t want her pity.

  “Jesus. Why do you always have to go there? Let it fucking go. I have.”

  “Sure, you have. Then why are we having this conversation if it’s all fixed? You avoided sleepovers your entire life. It’s not a remedy, it’s a bandage, Mav. And now, you have this amazing woman you love, and your grand plan is for her to run to another room every time you have a nightmare? You don’t think your plan is flawed? She won’t be upset seeing you, the man she loves going through something, and being told to run down the hall when it happens? Would you hide from her if things were reversed?”

  He pushed to his feet. “This conversation is over.”

  “You don’t get to decide when it’s over,” she said, face flushed and angry.

  “Hey.” Peaches came bounding down the stairs.

  Gigi hugged Elle, and his stare locked with his sister. In warning. She’d gone too far. She gave him a half nod, which was code for, I got it. He and the twins had always been able to communicate without speaking. Unfortunately, Gigi insisted on using her words most of the time.

  “I’m glad I caught you, Elle. I stopped by to see if you wanted to meet for lunch today. And to give my brother a hard time, of course.” Gigi flashed him a wicked grin. Her charm wasn’t working. She needed to mind her own fucking business. But he’d always had a hard time staying mad at her for long.

  “Sure. I’d love to have lunch with you,” Elle said.

  “Great. Have you been to Café Suzette? I’ve been dying to try it.”

  “I haven’t, but I’ve heard it’s fabulous.”

  “Okay. Meet you there at noon? We can do a little retail therapy after if you have time,” Gigi said.

  “Ooh, yes. There’s a great furniture store up the street I want to check out.” Elle winked at him.

  “Something I should know?” His sister’s wheels were already turning.

  “Peaches and I are moving in together,” he said, shooting her a look to keep her opinions to herself. Of course, she was going to lecture him about seeing a fucking shrink before moving in with Elle. But this wasn’t up to her.

  “Yep. We’re shackin’ up.” Elle twirled around like a little kid. Damn, the girl had a way of lighting up a room.

  “Awesome news, guys. Congrats,” Gigi said, and slipped her gigantic sunglasses back on her face.

  Daisy barked at the back door, and Peaches ran off to let her out while he held the door open for his sister.

  “Moving in, huh?”

  “Abso-fucking-lutely. If you have a problem with it—keep it to yourself.” His tone came out harsher than intended.

  “I wasn’t going to say a word. I’m happy for you. And I’ll be sure to help Elle pick out some new furniture for the guest room. At least until my brother gets his head out of his ass,” she said and pulled the door shut hard.

  He leaned his back against the door and tried to shake it off. He wasn’t running from anything. He didn’t want to live in the past.

  Or think about it.

  All the fucking time.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Elle’s Tip of the Day

  Once a snake…Always a snake!

  “You look so handsome in a suit. Well, you look handsome in everything. And nothing,” Elle said, adjusting his tie.

  He laughed and slipped his hands beneath the hem of her skirt. Goose bumps spread across her legs as his fingers climbed their way up. “I can be naked in thirty seconds.”

  Her head fell back on a gasp, and his lips moved to her throat, peppering soft, insistent kisses along her neck. Lord, this man did crazy things to her. She couldn’t get enough. “Maverick.”

  He pulled away, looking at her, and she already missed the contact. Their connection overwhelmed her at times. His dark gaze always studying and assessing her. She’d never felt so—seen. Exposed. This man loved her in spite of all her imperfection. Even in her wildest dreams, her silly fairy-tale fantasies, she’d never known a man could look at her this way. Like he saw into her soul and would do whatever he needed to protect her. To cherish her.

  “What’s the matter, baby?” His voice gruff. So manly and sexy. His mouth broke on a grin, and she melted all over again. She brushed back his gorgeous dark, wavy hair.

  “You can’t be late for your award,” she said, her voice strained and breathy. Man, he had her all hot and bothered again, she could barely form a coherent sentence.

  “You’re such a sexy little rule follower.” He wrapped two large arms around her and pulled her close. She reached up and nipped at his chin.

  “Rules make the world go round. You’re being honored tonight. I’m already upset I can’t be there to support you, but I’ll be damned if I make you late to your own award ceremony. We’re meeting back here after, right?”

  “Yes. And you promise to stay clear of Count Dickhead, right? I don’t want you alone with him.” He was all intense and serious now.

  His hand slipped inside the front of her blouse. The man had no shame. He ran his finger over her lace bra, and she gasped. She wanted to strip down, right there in the foyer. So overcome with need, she couldn’t think straight. “What are you doing to me?”

  “Less than I want to be doing to you.” He grazed her ear with his lips.

  “Damn you, Wallace. We have to go, and now you’ve got me all flustered.” She pushed up on her tiptoes and kissed him. Long and hard. So, he’d remember to hurry back to her.

  “I like you flustered,” he said, leading her by the hand through the door.

  They left in separate Ubers, and she couldn’t wait to get back home to him. A sick feeling settled in her stomach. She wished she could see Maverick receive his award and wished he was by her side tonight too. Dani and Peyton were both on their way to meet her, willing to play interference if Edward didn’t keep his distance. She hadn’t spoken to him since their awkward encounter. She would focus her attention on his father. He was the reason they were doing this tonight anyway.

  When she stepped out of the car, surprise flooded her. Camille stood in front of Efant Capital on a mini version of a red carpet with several photographers nearby, which was not the norm. The press didn’t rally around design reveals for a financial institution. It was hardly big news. The Efants were in the press at times, but not flanked by paparazzi ever. This must have been set up in advance. Maybe Edward’s father wanted it to be public?

  “Isn’t this spectacular?” Camille asked.

  “Ummm, it’s quite grand.”

  “What’s all this?” Dani came up behind her with Peyton in tow.

  Elle shrugged, as Edward stepped outside.
He insisted she and Camille step in for photographs with him, the Efant Capital emblem the large backdrop. She shook hands with clients as they entered, and Camille made her way toward the entrance. Before she could find Dani and Peyton, two arms wrapped around her waist and pulled her close as flashes blinded her vision. Edward’s head rested on her shoulder, and his grip held her tight.

  “What the hell do you think you’re doing? I told you not to touch me again. I’m not kidding. This is not okay,” she hissed as she pulled away, trying hard to keep a fake smile plastered on her face.

  He held both hands up in apology. “I’m sorry. I dipped in the Champs a bit early. Forgive me. I wanted a photo with my talented designer.”

  Her two best friends flanked each side of her, and they turned and walked away.

  “He’s sure not getting the message, huh?” Peyton asked, as they entered the lobby.

  “Understatement of the year,” Elle said.

  “Typical rich guy. Thinks his wealth entitles him to take what he wants, and disregard people when he’s done with them,” Dani said.

  Both she and Peyton chuckled. Dani had daddy issues, and Edward’s attitude only fed her resentment. But she seemed edgier than usual.

  “Easy, tiger. He’s not worth the energy. What’s with you tonight? Are you okay?” Elle stopped to look at her friend before they entered the chaos. The place was packed.

  “She and Cam had a fight,” Peyton whispered.

  “Same fight. Different day.” Dani shrugged, and grabbed a glass of champagne from the passing waiter.

  “Oh boy. Someone wants to blow off some steam.” Peyton chuckled, before leaning in close to Elle’s ear. “Keep your eye on her. I need to call Jackson. Jojo wasn’t feeling well when I left the house.”

  “Go. I’ve got this.” Elle led Dani into the crowd, and they mingled. Camille introduced them to future clients, and Elle shook more hands than she could count. She kept a watchful eye on Dani, though they’d been pulled in different directions.

  “What a huge success,” Camille said. “You did an amazing job. This will garner you quite a bit of attention with the business world. You know how competitive they are.”

  Elle scanned the room once again, spotting Dani sitting at a table with a few other Shine employees. Peyton paced in the corner on her phone, something was going on with Jojo. The lobby bustled with people dressed to the nines, taking in every little detail.

  “Ah, the woman of the hour. I hoped we’d see you this evening,” Tomas, pronounced toe-ma, Efant’s accent was much stronger than Edward’s. He was a regal man and had been polite to her the few times they’d met. His wife, Sabine, stood beside him. In her heels, she was the same height as her husband, which was quite a bit taller than Elle. She’d met Sabine only once and found her to be very intimidating. An observer by nature, she watched closely and didn’t say much.

  “Mr. and Mrs. Efant, it’s so nice to see you both.” She didn’t expect to see Sabine, as she rarely visited the States with her husband. From what Edward told her, they lived separate lives most of the time.

  “Please. It’s Tomas and Sabine. You are dating our son, after all,” Tomas said.

  Elle sputtered her drink from her mouth, making a spectacle of herself. What the hell? He didn’t know they weren’t dating?

  Sabine’s gaze full of judgment as Elle juggled her clutch and cocktail while reaching for a napkin. Her purse hit the floor, and everything spilled out across the striking white marble. Edward hurried over and scooped up the items scattered around her feet. Her face heated, and she wished this night would end. Several sets of eyes turned toward her as she took everything from Edward and shoved it back in her purse. She dabbed at her hands and mouth with the napkin, while the haughty royals watched with disapproval.

  “Your phone is wet, but luckily it didn’t break from the fall. There must have been water on the floor,” Edward said. “Let me take it to the restroom and clean it.”

  Before she could respond, Peyton rested a hand on her back and leaned in. “I have to go. Jojo has a fever, and Jackson thinks we need to take her to the hospital.”

  “What? Oh my gosh. I can come with you,” Elle said.

  “No. This is your opening. She’s fine. He’s never been alone with her when she’s had a fever. Once we get some Tylenol in her, she’ll be okay. But she’s not taking it from him, so I need to go home and give it to her.” Peyton chuckled and rolled her eyes. The girl was made for motherhood. Elle looked forward to a time when she’d be hurrying home to her husband and baby.


  She wanted to check in with him, but Edward ran off with her damn phone.

  “Go. Text me as soon as you get the Tylenol in her and let me know how she is. I can meet you at the hospital if you have to take her.”

  “Okay, keep an eye on our girl. I think she and Cam had a bad fight this time. She’s drinking an awful lot,” Peyton said, keeping her voice down so only Elle could hear her.

  “I will. Don’t worry about a thing.”

  Tomas Efant was engulfed in a conversation with a man she didn’t recognize, and Sabine watched her intently, causing Elle’s palms to sweat. “Sorry for the interruption. My goddaughter has a fever.”

  Sabine nodded and sipped her champagne before speaking. “I’m glad we were able to switch our plans to be here tonight. I was surprised you changed the date on such short notice.”

  Luckily, she didn’t have any liquid in her mouth to spatter all over the ice queen. What in the Sam Hill was she talking about? And why did she look like she was sucking on a lemon all the time?

  “I didn’t change the date, Edward did,” she said, surprised by her own curt tone.

  “Ah, I love finding my two favorite ladies together.” Edward strolled over and returned her cell phone to her. The weasel.

  “There seems to be a misunderstanding about who changed the date for this event on such short notice. Your mom thought it was me. I assured her it wasn’t. Isn’t your father leaving town tomorrow morning?” Elle wasn’t going to let this go. She glanced down at her phone. There were still no messages or missed calls from Maverick. His event must still be going.

  “We’re not going back to France tomorrow. We just got here,” Sabine said with annoyance. Her face twisted and bitter once again. Sheesh.

  “Of course, you’re not. This is a misunderstanding,” Edward said, and he didn’t meet Elle’s gaze.

  “Could I have a word with you, Edward?” She’d had enough. He’d lost his mind.

  “Heeeeyyy.” Dani moved beside her and almost knocked her over. Could this night get any worse? Her friend could barely stand on two legs, and Elle grabbed her arm to steady and shift her weight to support her. This was so out of character for her in-control bestie. The woman never acted on emotion. Ever.

  “Are you okay?” she whispered so only Dani could hear.

  “I think I’m going to be sick,” Dani said, loud enough for both Sabine and Edward to raise their eyebrows in unison.

  “Come with me.” Elle faked a calmness while supporting the majority of Dani’s weight. Thankfully, most people were making their way out. She kicked open the bathroom stall with her foot and pushed Dani in ahead of her. Her friend dropped to her knees and heaved for what seemed like eternity. Elle held her long hair back as she continued to dry heave.

  “Elle? Dani? Are you in here?” Camille called out.

  She locked gazes with Dani and put her finger to her lips, urging her to keep quiet.

  “Yeah, we’re in here. Poor Dani must have the same thing little Jojo has. She’s got a fever and the stomach bug. I’m going to get her home in a minute, just making sure she doesn’t get sick before we go.”

  “Oh my. Peyton said she needed to get home to the baby. Do you want my driver to take you both home?” Camille said, her red stilettos parked outside their stall. Dani’s panicked gaze never left Elle’s, but she stayed quiet. Camille Chadwick would not look kindly on her employees ov
erindulging at a work event.

  “No, you go ahead. We’re leaving soon, but Cam’s on his way to pick us up,” Elle said. A necessary lie to save her friend’s ass.

  “Okay. See you ladies on Monday. Enjoy your weekend. Great job on this project, and the event went off without a hitch. Well done.”

  Dani covered her mouth, clearly ready to empty her stomach once again. How much champagne could she have downed in two hours?

  “Okie dokie. See you Monday.” Elle kept her voice calm and flushed the toilet to mask the sound of Dani gagging.

  When they heard the door shut, Dani proceeded to vomit over and over and Elle finally dropped down on the floor and leaned against the door. She didn’t care about the lack of sanitation, she just needed to sit.

  “I think I’m done,” Dani said. Her makeup smeared under her pretty green eyes, and her pencil skirt was riding so high it was battling for real estate with her bra. Elle grabbed tissue, dabbed it on her tongue, and cleaned up her friend’s face.

  Gross? Sure.

  Necessary? Absolutely.

  “All right, let’s get you up. Let me fix your skirt.”

  Dani hiccupped and wiped a stray tear rolling down her cheek. Elle had never seen her cry. Not once in all the years they’d been friends.

  “I’m sorry. I don’t know what happened tonight. Cam and I had a big fight, and the champagne was so good. Oh my God, do you think Camille knows I’m blunk?”

  Dani laughed hysterically while Elle smoothed her skirt for her. There was vomit all over the front of her white silk blouse. Elle slipped off her jacket and put it on Dani, buttoning the front to hide what she could.

  “Um, no. She doesn’t know you’re blunk.” She was too tired to correct her.

  “Wait. Blunk? Bllllluuuunnnkk. Blunk you very much. No such blunk,” she said, and fell against the wall in a fit of giggles. What the hell was happening?

  “Come on, my little blunkard. You’re coming home with me.” Dani lived alone, and there was no way in hell she could let her go home by herself in this condition. She reached for her phone and was surprised she still hadn’t heard from Maverick. She sent him a quick text.


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